Untitled - gallery delta

Untitled - gallery delta

Untitled - gallery delta


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into the pit of becoming 'folksy'. His<br />

handling of the photographic material<br />

produces a painterly effect, increasing the<br />

visual tension of the total image.<br />

Willie Bester's subjects also deal with<br />

daily life in the townships as well as<br />

important events that concern him.<br />

However the differences in his approach<br />

and that of Dominic Tshabangu could<br />

hardly be greater and it is of course those<br />

kinds of differences that form one of the<br />

attractions of the exhibition. Tshabangu "s<br />

pictures radiate an uncomplicated and very<br />

readable empathy and warmth, while<br />

Bester's assemblages of found objects are<br />

aggressive and need close reading. He<br />

mirrors and reflects on society as he knows<br />

it, without passing judgement. For the<br />

European visitor, an air of the<br />

concentration camps and Auschwitz hangs<br />

around his sculpture entitled Tlie<br />

Laboratory . made for the exhibition and<br />

which relates to the chemical warfare<br />

during the apartheid years in South Africa.<br />

His works have a sinister kind of beauty.<br />

Bongi Dhlomo-Mautloa avails herself of a<br />

varied array of visual techniques in her<br />

installation entitled

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