Newv Senior Board Of The Tech Announced ... - The Tech - MIT

Newv Senior Board Of The Tech Announced ... - The Tech - MIT

Newv Senior Board Of The Tech Announced ... - The Tech - MIT


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... Pjo 'S<br />

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Nominees For<br />

'43 T.C.A Posts<br />

Are <strong>Announced</strong>'<br />

Elections <strong>Of</strong> <strong>Of</strong>ficers<br />

By <strong>Senior</strong> Cabinet<br />

Will Be January 6<br />

Nominations for the officers for<br />

the T.C.A. next year have been<br />

made by the nominations committee.<br />

<strong>The</strong>y are Frederick J. Blatz,<br />

Jr., '44, for president; Langdon S.<br />

Flowers, '44, for Vice-President;<br />

Robert M. Byrne, '44, and Robert E.<br />

Cooper-Smith, Jr., '44, for Secretary;<br />

Warren I. Signell, '44, for Treasurer;<br />

and Lewis H. Geyer, '43, for head of<br />

the Division of Boys' Work.<br />

<strong>The</strong>se nominees and others made<br />

from the floor at the time will be<br />

voted on by the T.C.A^. <strong>Senior</strong> Cabinet<br />

January 6 to choose the officers<br />

for the coming year. <strong>The</strong> election<br />

is earlier than usual this year due<br />

to the <strong>Senior</strong> class graduating in<br />

February but it remains the last<br />

Class A activity election. After<br />

these offices are filled, the new and<br />

old officers will appoint men to th<br />

other T.C.A. positions.<br />

In line with this the members of<br />

the T.C.A. Freshman Cabinet have<br />

been asked to indicate which department<br />

they would like to serve<br />

in next year. Members may indicate<br />

their preference on a list posted on<br />

the bulletin board in the T.C.A. of-<br />

fice.<br />

<strong>The</strong> freshman Cabinet recenltly r<br />

had charge of putting up the Christmas<br />

tree that is now in the lobby<br />

of Building 10. Next spring this<br />

group which gave the Well-<strong>Tech</strong><br />

Dance may sponsor another dance<br />

with Wellesley or one with Wheaton.<br />

I<br />

A.G.C.A. Dinner<br />

Will Be Tonight<br />

Talk And Movie On<br />

War Honsing Tlo Follow-<br />

Icorrect place. In fact, shortage of ing the Thanksgiving weekend<br />

|industrial silver caused the silver<br />

when the Cocoanut Grove, a large<br />

Inst. Comm.<br />

local night club, went up in smoke<br />

and cardinal tie to be changed to<br />

(Continued frown Page 1)<br />

causing 488 deaths, including three<br />

dirty-white and red this year. undergraduates, a librarian and<br />

nlounced for the first time in this<br />

issue and which were approved atr<br />

With this hanging over their three service men stationed at the<br />

the meeting -yesterday were the heads, the Class of '46 never re- Institute.<br />

WNAR<br />

appointment of the chairman of covered sufficiently to beat the <strong>The</strong> first of December rolled<br />

& 'd<br />

around and with it came a sudden<br />

the Elections Committee and the sophomores in the Field Day events.<br />

influx of rumors concerning the<br />

Budget Committee. <strong>The</strong> election -of Victorious for the second time the<br />

A,<br />

future of the undergraduate which<br />

the Managing <strong>Board</strong> of Vood Doo, i<br />

'45 men took the relay race, basket- caused a mass of speculation and<br />

the Chairman of the DormitoryL<br />

Committee, and the officers of theIIball<br />

game and swimming meet, tied general confusion. <strong>The</strong> rumors de-<br />

Class of 1944 were also approved. the football and lost the glove fight creased with the appointment of<br />

McNutt as War Manpower Commis-<br />

<strong>The</strong> S~enior Week Committee sub-<br />

i<br />

and tug-of-war for a final score of<br />

I TAIPS<br />

sion director and, the assurance of<br />

x I<br />

mitted its budget which was ap- 11-8, less of a margin than Oscar's ,the administration that notification<br />

proved without discussion. Several<br />

prediction of 16-3.<br />

of any changes would be given to<br />

other subjects such as the Junior<br />

Prom Committee's complete finan- <strong>The</strong> first informal Field Day ,the students as soon as they were<br />

,made.<br />

cial report, the election of the Dance in years featured Sammy<br />

1,<br />

Junior and <strong>Senior</strong> <strong>Board</strong>s of <strong>Tech</strong>.<br />

|Another blow was dealt the Instiy<br />

Donahue that evening. Although<br />

nique, and the class officers of thE<br />

|tute social program when the<br />

many couples were somewhat dis-<br />

Class of 1943 were also discussed<br />

|Walker Memorial Committee anee<br />

so that they could be brought ul<br />

appointed with the music, a pleas- -|nounced Morss Hall would no longer<br />

1.<br />

at the next meeting as old business ant time was had by many. This lbe available for any dances because I<br />

<strong>The</strong> next meeting of the Institut( was the first of a series of Institute ,lof the shortage of student help and * - t 1$ 8 A ·a<br />

Committee which is scheduled t(<br />

|the tremendous increase in busidances<br />

this fall that have proved to<br />

be held on January 14, will be i; e<br />

|ness, especially during the morning<br />

be sellouts far ahead of dance time.<br />

6~~~~~~~--<br />

two parts; the first one at whicl I-<br />

|hours.<br />

the present Institute Committee,e<br />

<strong>The</strong> Class of '44 decided this year<br />

lTypical of the lack of interest 1. __ __ -R<br />

under the leadership of S. Richar( to follow the precedent set by the elshown in undergraduate affairs was<br />

Childerhose, president of the clas, present <strong>Senior</strong> Class and turned the e|the results of the <strong>Senior</strong> Class nomi-<br />

of 1943, will tend to all old busines Junior Prom into a weekend with nations of permanent class officers<br />

I<br />

which comes to its attention. Th<br />

Les Brown playing for the Friday<br />

and for class marshals. An in- P0RTABIE TYPEWRITERS<br />

other half of the meeting will bd<br />

night formal party followed by Shep p|sufficient number of nominations<br />

for the new Institute GommitteE<br />

Iwere submitted, so the final choice<br />

with George A. Schutte, '44, a Fields at the Saturday night in-<br />

WE HAVE A LI<strong>MIT</strong>ED SUPPLY OF<br />

|of officers was left up to the <strong>Senior</strong><br />

chairman, will have as its only bus formal in Walker. <strong>The</strong> combination n|Week committee.<br />

ness the election of an Executiv e offer of the two big dances proved<br />

d|Volume LXII of <strong>The</strong> <strong>Tech</strong> seemed<br />

Committee of the new Institut e to be such a bargain that once edestined to close too early to alle- I NEW ROYAL COMPANIONS<br />

Committee.<br />

again a sellout resulted. After onlyYviate<br />

the uncertainty that hovered<br />

<strong>The</strong> men absent from yesterday<br />

s ten days of sales scalpers who had d|over the entire school with the enl-<br />

meeting were John F. Burke, '4<br />

Ross H. Compton, '46, John: hopefully garnered extra options in<br />

ltire problem for college continua-<br />

| tion hanging over the joys of long FOR SALE<br />

Gardner, Jr. '43, and S. James Spit the early days of sales realized up<br />

P|awaited Christmas vacation, when<br />

'43, while Langdon S. Flowers, '4 to 200% profit in many instancess5<br />

the official government notice was<br />


Ward J. Haas, 43, James A. Leonar So popular was the weekend affair,r<br />

[finally released for publication.<br />

'44, and Robert C. Meissner, a<br />

3that a revival of this type of affair l with this release <strong>The</strong> <strong>Tech</strong> closes<br />

were represented by proxies.<br />

- _ will definitely be in order wheneve~r<br />

its sixty-secon~d year of publication, TECHNOLOGY STORE<br />

a with the biggest story of the<br />

the Institute reverts back to<br />

F<br />

a|century which might well herald a<br />


normal schedule.<br />

lcomplete change in the entire Amer-<br />


-___ __<br />

:<br />

A major tragedy hit Boston durr-<br />

i can college system.<br />

_ __ L--<br />

I<br />

I<br />

YOUR<br />

MEALS<br />

In a Truly Congenial<br />

Atmosphere at the<br />


Just Arounrd -the Block at<br />

I<br />

I<br />

D, T XI E'" TE G<br />

Goldfish<br />

(C'o9nltimied from Page 1)<br />

300 MAIN ST. KENDALL SQ.<br />

IL I<br />

Meal Tickets Available<br />

, , _! i I i<br />

AT THE<br />



. - , .,<br />


_C . .1 1 ;<br />

I<br />

Clads Election<br />

(Continued fro-M Page 1),<br />

Friday, December 18, '192<br />

Meny Made New<br />

Dorm Chairman<br />

Rest <strong>Of</strong>' C,6iiamtitt-ee<br />

_Named In January<br />

t|<strong>The</strong> election -of Robet B. -Meny<br />

on<br />

I<br />

- ,_ --<br />

I<br />

-- --<br />

I<br />

short space of ten minutes, and not year and. represented the class<br />

be sick for five minutes aftei~mr~s-. -the Institze -.Coinmittee.<br />

<strong>The</strong> prospect of such an ekhlbition<br />

<strong>The</strong> voting -this year was ev<br />

was delightful.<br />

lighter than usual,4 wth only attdj<br />

<strong>The</strong> annual banquet of the <strong>Tech</strong>- <strong>The</strong> class adjourned to dore ret<br />

r '44,-as-chairman of the Dorm itorg<br />

nology. chapter of the Association' I<br />

200 members of thle class castl<br />

ceptive quarters for the event of<br />

'Committee was announced last<br />

.of General Contractors of America I|<br />

any gastronomic upheavals. <strong>The</strong> ballots. It was held iLn the Mh nnight, and 'appf&&ed byr the Insti,<br />

is to be held this evening at 6:30 freshman started 'in, -ottoms - up, Lobby of Building 10 until f ] tute Committee at its regular meet.<br />

P.M. in -the Silver, Room of Walker one, two; three, four ., ;; : and, so. o'clock Wednesday at which- tt ing, also held last night.<br />

Memorial.<br />

forth up to nine... and .. ten<br />

<strong>The</strong> chairman of the Dormitory<br />

the votes were. counted.<br />

<strong>The</strong> A.G.C.A. is the professional ... all this in nine minutes! . And<br />

Committee usually becomes a meM<br />

society for Course XVII, Building yet he remained inactive, though In line- with the policy of tber of the Institute Committee, but<br />

Construction and Engineering, and blood rapidly withdrew from his elections conruittee no announ M eny was elected to represent the<br />

only students in that course arle to gills. He sat calm for five minutes. ment was made as to the num r Class of 1944 on the Institute Coln.<br />

attend the meeting. After t-he ban- <strong>The</strong>n, having won the bet, he very of votes which e-ach candid mittee in the elections held last<br />

quet, the Sophomores in Course hastily, needless to add, dashed to received.<br />

|Tuesday. <strong>The</strong>refore, the treasurer<br />

XVII are to be given the pins the inner sanctum.<br />

As President of the high of the Dormitory Committee will<br />

which are a symbol of membership<br />

undergraduate class, Schutte N l probably be that body's represents.<br />

in the society. <strong>The</strong> price of the<br />

take over the position of presid |tive to the solons.<br />

dinner is $1.00.<br />

of the Undergraduate Associat <strong>The</strong> election of the rest of the<br />

At 7:30 P.M., Mr. W. W. Rausch, Infirmary List and will preside at the regu r XDormitory Committee will take<br />

of the Holt-Fairchild Company, will<br />

I<br />

meetings of the Institute Comn ;place early in January. It consists<br />

Students confined to the How:<br />

de iver a talk in conjunction with a'<br />

tee when the new committee ta osof a member from each hall of the<br />

moving picture. Th~e picture covers berg Infirmary last night were:<br />

over at the next meeting. undergraduate dormitories.<br />

the process of defense housing, Donald D. Axon, '44.<br />

using prefabrication methods, fromlI<br />

I Walter P. Brown, '45.<br />

manufacturing of the units<br />

Charles F. Chubb, Jr., 143.<br />

throu-h construction and finishing.<br />

Mr. Rausch is to describe the Peter P. Hill, '45.<br />

* *<br />

methods of construction used in his Jerome E. Hoffman, '46.<br />

company's present undertaking, the John R. Jones, '46.<br />

Newport War Housing Project, in<br />

Paoli E. Massaglia, '46.<br />

which a large number of 14 family<br />

Cenan M. Sahir, Graduate.<br />

homes are being built at a cost of i<br />

only $3,100. <strong>The</strong> film will be shown I |Richard H. Bresler, '45, is in the<br />

beginning at 7:30 P.M. in the Fac- Haynes Memorial Hospital, and<br />

Professor Charles H. Mabie, of theI<br />

ulty Lounge, and all persons inter-<br />

Graphics Department, is in theII<br />

ested in seeing it are invited to attend.<br />

Faulkner Hosp'tal.<br />

1 :CTORY<br />

l<br />

Vol. LXII Passes In Review<br />

(Continued from Page 2)<br />



Flowers for all occasions<br />

Corsages $1.50 Up<br />

Houghton' Gorney<br />

Flower Shop<br />

UN IT E D<br />

STATE S<br />





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