PDF Part 3 - Virtual Library of the Public Library of Cincinnati

PDF Part 3 - Virtual Library of the Public Library of Cincinnati

PDF Part 3 - Virtual Library of the Public Library of Cincinnati


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Winget Donald N engr h 1940 Kinney Av<br />

—Emily N wld Bryon L h 1217 Cypress/<br />

Wingfleld Geo porter sec 4th and Vine<br />

—Irene steno 614 Mer Lib Bldg res Covington<br />

Winglewish Casimir J carp h 765 Epworth<br />

Av W P<br />

Wingo Bud elect'n rms 529 Broadway<br />

Wingron Michael lab bds 2251 Buck<br />


F. B. Stewart, Treasurer and General<br />

Manager; Miners and Shippers <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong><br />

Celebrated "Winifrede Coal," Oflice,<br />

First National Bank Bldg; Telephone<br />

Main 1604<br />

Winifrede Railroad Co Frank B Stewart<br />

treas and gen mgr 1504 1st Nat Bk Bldg<br />

Winifrede White Ash Goal Co E L Sternberger<br />

pres O B Gould v pres and mgr J<br />

• T Herbert secy Thos McEvUley treas<br />

1020 1st Nat Bk Bldg<br />

Wlnlnger Ignatz coachman h 2226 Boone<br />

Wink Andrew baker wks 535 E Pearl<br />

—Geo clk h 1523 Cutter<br />

—Michael porter h 502 W 7th<br />

—Mike lab rms 1520 Central Av<br />

Winkel Annie M wld Bernard h 1103 W Sth<br />

—August driver bds 1713 Elm<br />

—Chas h 1103 W Sth<br />

—Clara clk nee Sth and Lock h 1103 W Sth<br />

—EUzabeth wld John h 1216 Budd<br />

—Ella (wld Jos) dressmkr 657 Carr<br />

—Geo lea<strong>the</strong>rwkr h 1216 Budd<br />

—Geo B cashr 318 Elm h 1103 W Sth<br />

—Jos supt The John Hancock "Mutual Life<br />

Ins Co <strong>of</strong> Boston Mass 501 Odd Fellows'<br />

Temple res Norwood<br />

ICTSee also "Winkle"<br />

Winkelbach Fred blksmith h 2019HarrisonAv<br />

—Wm painter h 2019 Harrison Av<br />

—Wm jr driver h 2019 Harrison Av<br />

Winkelblech Carrie cook h 908 Freeman Av<br />

—Bdward lab bds 1225 Chapel<br />

Wlnkelhorst Engelbert res Little Sisters <strong>of</strong><br />

<strong>the</strong> Poor Riddle Rd<br />

Winkeljohn Clara wid Bernard h 754 Clinton<br />

—Frances tailoress h 1179 Sherman Av<br />

.—Lizzie housekpr 639 Steiner<br />

Winkelman Anna steno Glncinnati Planer Co<br />

h 771 Whittier<br />

—Mrs Clara B h 48 W McMicken Av<br />

—Edward shoemkr h 1600 State Av<br />

—Edward'J shoemkr h 3539 Warsaw Av<br />

—Elizabeth h 1854 Carll<br />

—EmUy tailoress h 1109 Broadway<br />

—Frank lab h 1918 Dana Av<br />

—Fred cabmkr h 827 Findlay<br />

—Fred motorman h 771 Whittier<br />

—Fred L asst secy The David Hummel<br />

Building Co 2629 Spring Grove Av res<br />

Norwood<br />

—^Geo foreman blksmith 209 Lawrence res<br />

Norwood<br />

—Ida h 1854 Carll<br />

—Jas ro<strong>of</strong>er rms 1104 Race<br />

—John H carpetlyr h 3160 Glendora Av<br />

—Katie tailoress h 1109 Broadway<br />


Wm. L. Spiegel, Proprietor; Blacksmiths,<br />

209 Lawrence<br />

—Luella steno 550 Main h 1782 Sycamore<br />

—Lydla B tel op W U Tel Co h 1854 Carll<br />

•-Norma clk nwe Court and Sycamore res<br />

Norwood<br />

—W A bkpr and eredltman 117 E Sth res<br />

Norwood<br />

—Wm police h 1331 Broadway<br />

—Wm J mach h 262 Watson<br />

Winkelmann Albert T steno John L Shuff<br />

325 Race h 460 Warner<br />

—Chas A toolmkr h 1116 York<br />

—Clara saleslady 1120 Vine h 319 Boal<br />

—Bdward W flreman h 3026 W 6th<br />

—Eliza tchr Riverside School res Cleves O<br />

—Elizabeth seamstress h 319 Boal<br />

—Elmer H carr trimmer h 1782 Sycamore<br />

—Fred gardener h Lahmann Rd s <strong>of</strong> Dreman<br />

Av<br />

—Ida wld Louis h 1782 Sycamore T^„„„„^<br />

—Ida U tchr 28th Dist School h 460 Warner<br />

—Mary wld John h 1304 Main<br />

—Michael teamster h 21o8 McLean Av<br />

^^="10 THE PANAMA CANAL<br />





S. E. Cor. Fourth and Walnut Streets.<br />

WINKELMANN—Continued.<br />

—Otto F draftsman h 460 Warner<br />

—Otto J mgr 222 E 6th h 460 Warner<br />

—Wm ro<strong>of</strong>er h 1618 John<br />

—Wm saloon 3026 W 6th<br />

—Wm E shoemkr h 535 Slack<br />

—Wm H bkpr 2017 Reading Rd res Norwood<br />

C^See also "Wankelman"<br />

Winker Edward B shoemkr h 1669 Blue<br />

Rock<br />

—Josephine wld Bernard h 1669 Blue Rock<br />

Wlnkfleld Jas driver h 689 E 6th<br />

—Wm lab h 689 E 6th<br />

Winkle Alpha C h 1368 Hopple<br />

—G Ed printer 20 Emery Arcade h 413<br />

Broadway<br />

—Mrs Louise h flat 8, 1302 Central Av<br />

Winkler Ada steno 321 E Pearl h 136 Mulberry<br />

—Adolph clothing renovator 337 Sycamore h<br />

flat 7, 2729 Woodburn Av<br />

—Albert locksmith h 3412 Spring Grove Av<br />

—Alex oysterman h flat 2, 126 Findlay<br />

—Alfred mach h 3412 Spring Grove Av<br />

—Angeline forelady h 3411 Colerain Av<br />

—Mrs Anna M h 2377 Victor<br />

—August watchman h 2704 Arbor Av<br />

—Carrie (wid Chas) ins solicitor 1220 1st<br />

Nat Bk Bldg h 213 Calhoun<br />

—Catharine wid Gottlieb h 1721 Westwood<br />

Av<br />

—Chas A carp h 1721 Westwood Av<br />

—Chas A stonemason h 1855 Knox<br />

—Clifford student h flat 8, 3342 Burnet Av<br />

—Mrs Cora B h 2709 Scioto<br />

—E & L (EUenora & Lena) dressmkrs 213<br />

Calhoun „„„ ^ , . ,<br />

—Edward houseman 2303 Grandvlew Av<br />

W H<br />

Eli (Isaac W & Bros) 804 1st Nat Bk<br />

Bldg h 522 Forest Av<br />

—EUenora (E & L W) h 213 Calhoun<br />

Emma D steno The Lunkenheimer Co h<br />

2625 Jefferson Av<br />

—Estelle D h 1616 Fairfax Av<br />

—Etta C dressmkr 1721 Westwood Av<br />

—Eugene safemkr h 3411 Colerain Av<br />

—Fred ironwkr h 826 E Pearl<br />

—P'red stair buUder h 809 Tork<br />

—Fred W clk 305 Lyric Theater Bldg res<br />

—Fr^d'^w"'salesman 47 Vine h 1875 Hewitt<br />

Av<br />

Garfield v pres and asst mgr The Deyere<br />

Electric Co 234 W 4th h 2719 Zeltner<br />

—Geo J tchr Highlands PubUc School h 1616<br />

—Harrison glasswkr h 136 Mulberry<br />

Helen h 1026 Lenox Pl •, ,,<br />

Henry coremkr bds 2580 Liddell<br />

—Henry finisher h rear 1615 Sycamore<br />

—Henry A clk sec Madison Rd and N&W<br />

RR h 2704 Arbor Av<br />

—Henry J bartdr h 2625 Jefferson Av<br />

—Howard molder bds 3 e s Denver Av n <strong>of</strong><br />

Wilder Av<br />

WcsternmetboatstBooKConcern<br />

Has Fully Equipped Department <strong>of</strong><br />

Engraving i Electrotyping.<br />

All Orders will receive Prompt Attention,<br />

and satisfaction guaranteed.<br />

JENNINGS & GRAHAM, Agents,<br />

JtlNINiiNvao^^ and 222 W. Fourth Street.

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