Garching - Astronomische Gesellschaft eV

Garching - Astronomische Gesellschaft eV

Garching - Astronomische Gesellschaft eV


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276 <strong>Garching</strong>:Max-Planck-Institut für extraterrestrische Physik<br />

Haerendel, G.: Auroral arcs as sites of magnetic stress release. J. Geophys. Res. 112, A9,<br />

Seq. No.: A09214 (2007).<br />

Haerendel, G.: Comment: an apparent controversy in auroral physics, Eos Trans. AGU,<br />

88(11), 134 (2007).<br />

Halkola, A., S. Seitz and M. Pannella: The sizes of galaxy halos in galaxy cluster Abell<br />

1689. Ap. J. 656, 2 Part 1, 739-745 (2007).<br />

Hashimoto, Y., H. Böhringer, J.P. Henry, G. Hasinger and G. Szokoly: Robust quantitative<br />

measures of cluster X-ray morphology, and comparisons between cluster characteristics.<br />

Astron. Astrophys. 467, 485-499 (2007).<br />

Hashimoto, Y., J.P. Henry and H. Böhringer: Influence of cluster environments on X-ray<br />

cluster morphology. Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc. 380, 835-838 (2007).<br />

Hashimoto, Y., J.P. Henry, H. Böhringer and G. Hasinger: Comparison between X-ray<br />

morphology and optical characteristics of clusters of galaxies. Astron. Astrophys. 468,<br />

25-31 (2007).<br />

Hasinger, G., N. Cappelluti, H. Brunner, M. Brusa, A. Comastri, M. Elvis, A. Finoguenov,<br />

F. Fiore, A. Franceschini, R. Gilli, R.E. Griffiths, I. Lehmann, V. Mainieri, G. Matt, I.<br />

Matute, T. Miyaji, S. Molendi, S. Paltani, D.B. Sanders, N. Scoville, L. Tresse, C.M.<br />

Urry, P. Vettolani and G. Zamorani: The XMM-Newton Wide-Field Survey in the<br />

COSMOS Field. I. Survey Description. Ap. J. Supp. Ser. 172, 29-37 (2007).<br />

Hatzidimitriou, D., P. Reig, A. Manousakis, W. Pietsch, V. Burwitz and I. Papamastorakis:<br />

M31N 2005-09c: a fast Fe II nova in the disk of M 31. Astron. Astrophys. 464, 1075-<br />

1079 (2007).<br />

Heber, B., W. Dröge, B. Klecker und G. Mann: Die Sonne als Teilchenbeschleuniger, Physik<br />

Journal, 6 (3), 43-49 (2007).<br />

Heng, K., M. van Adelsberg, R. McCray and J.C. Raymond: The transition zone in Balmerdominated<br />

shocks. Ap. J. 668, 1 Part 1, 275-284 (2007).<br />

Hernanz, M. and G. Sala: XMM-Newton Observations of Nova Sagittarii 1998. Ap. J. 664,<br />

467-473 (2007).<br />

Hopp, U., R.E. Schulte-Ladbeck and J. Kerp: Searching for stars in compact high-velocity<br />

clouds - II. Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc. 374, 1164-1168 (2007).<br />

Huang, H.H. and W. Becker: XMM-Newton observations of PSR B1957+20. Astron. Astrophys.<br />

463, L5-L8 (2007).<br />

Hui, C.Y. and W. Becker: Radio and X-ray nebulae associated with PSR J1509-5850.<br />

Astron. Astrophys. 470, 965-968 (2007).<br />

Hui, C.Y. and W. Becker: X-ray emission properties of the old pulsar PSR B2224+65.<br />

Astron. Astrophys. 467, 1209-1214 (2007).<br />

Hui, C.Y. and W. Becker: XMM-Newton Observations of PSR B1957+20, Astron. Astrophys.<br />

463, L5, (2007).<br />

Immler, S., P.J. Brown, P. Milne, L. Dessart, P.A. Mazzali, W. Landsman, N. Gehrels, R.<br />

Petre, D.N. Burrows, J.A. Nousek, R.A. Chevalier, C.L. Williams, M. Koss, C.J. Stockdale,<br />

M.T. Kelley, K.W. Weiler, S.T. Holland, E. Pian, P.W.A. Roming, D. Pooley,<br />

K. Nomoto, J. Greiner, S. Campana and A.M. Soderberg: X-Ray, UV, and Optical<br />

Observations of Supernova 2006bp with Swift: Detection of Early X-Ray Emission.<br />

Ap. J. 664, 435-442 (2007).<br />

Ivlev, A.V., S.K. Zhdanov and G.E. Morfill: Free Thermal Convection in Complex Plasma<br />

with Background-Gas Friction. Phys. Rev. Lett. 99, 135004 (2007).<br />

Ivlev, A.V., V. Steinberg, R. Kompaneets, H. Höfner, I. Sidorenko and G.E. Morfill: Non-<br />

Newtonian Viscosity of Complex-Plasma Fluids. Phys. Rev. Lett. 98, 145003 (2007).

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