Keynote Conference - Interevent

Keynote Conference - Interevent

Keynote Conference - Interevent


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Symp#9 Immune Cell Biology<br />

Chair Wilson Savino<br />

Wilson Savino<br />

Instituto Oswaldo Cruz, FIOCRUZ, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil<br />

Introductory notes and talk<br />

Immunological and Clinical Outcomes of a New DC-Based Vaccine<br />

Flavio Salazar-Onfray and Mercedes López<br />

1 Millennium Nucleus on Immunology and Immunotherapy, Faculty of Medicine, University of Chile.<br />

We developed an original method for production of therapeutic dendritic-like cells named Tumor Antigen Presenting<br />

Cells (TAPCells ® ) using an allogeneic melanoma-derived cell lysate (TRIMEL) as activation factor and antigen provider.<br />

TAPCells-based immunotherapy induced T cell-mediated immune responses and improved long-term survival of stage<br />

IV patients in studies involving more than 100 individuals (López et al. 2009, J Clin Oncol; Aguilera et al. 2011, Clin<br />

Cancer Res). Importantly, 61% of tested patients (58 out of 94) showed a Delayed Type Hypersensitivity (DTH) reaction<br />

against TRIMEL indicating the development of anti-tumor immunological memory that correlates with prolonged<br />

patient survival. The in vitro analysis of TRIMEL showed that it contains damage associated molecular patterns such as<br />

HMBG-1 protein, induced by heat shock, capable to improve, through TLR4, the DC maturation and antigen crosspresentation.<br />

In fact, a TLR4 polymorphism correlates with patient clinical outcome. DTH response against TRIMEL was<br />

associated with prolonged survival of the stage IV responder melanoma patients (DTH +; 35 months) compared to the<br />

non-responders (DTH -; 11 months). Furthermore, we observed that DC-vaccination resulted in a three-fold augment<br />

of Th1 cell population releasing IFN-γ and a two-fold increase of Th17 lymphocyte population capable to produce IL-17<br />

in the PBL of DTH+ patients respect to DTH- ones. Antibodies against melanoma antigens can be detected in the sera<br />

from several vaccinated patients, althougth no correlation with clinical responses could be established. Taken<br />

together, our results indicate that TAPCells immunization resulted in two different pattern of response associated to<br />

the immunological and clinical outcome. Our study may contribute to the better understanding of clinical<br />

immunological responses produced by DC-vaccines and to the development of improved DC-based vaccines.<br />

Supported by Fondecyt 1090238 and 1090243.<br />

Eph/ephrin-mediated Interactions Govern Functional Maturation of Developing Thymocytes in the Thymic Epitelial<br />

3D Network<br />

Agustín G Zapata 1 , Juan J Muñoz 2 , David Alfaro 1 , Javier Gª Ceca 1 , Teresa Cejalvo 2 , Esther Trobajas 1 , Sara Montero 1<br />

(1) Department of Cell Biology, Faculty of Biology, (2) Centre for Cytometry and Fluorescence Microscopy,<br />

Complutense University, 28040 Madrid, Spain<br />

The thymus is a primary lymphoid organ in which a 3D epithelial network supports the functional maturation of<br />

lymphoid progenitors into T lymphocytes. The process is highly dependent on the migration of developing thymocytes<br />

to the adequate thymic niche in which thymic epithelial cell (TEC)-thymocyte interactions are critical. In the current<br />

presentation we report the role played in these processes by Eph and ephrins, a large family of receptors and ligands,<br />

respectively involved in the organogenenesis and homeostasis of numerous tisssues, regulating cellular<br />

attachment/detachment. They are extensively expressed in the thymus, partially govern colonization of lymphoid<br />

progenitors and their migration throughout thymic parenchyma and their lack deeply affects not only T-cell maturation<br />

but also correct organization of thymic epithelial network, reflecting the relevance of these molecules in the<br />

thymocyte-TEC interactions that largely modulate the biology of thymus<br />


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