The Franklin NEWS-RECORD

The Franklin NEWS-RECORD

The Franklin NEWS-RECORD


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THURSDAY, JULY 1, 1971<br />


Spring Sports Letter<br />

Second<br />

¯ " N OW!!!<br />

Winners Are Named<br />

WE PAY<br />

Tholg<br />

HILLSBOIIOUGII -- Tbc 1971Woolverton,<br />

and Paul Villano.<br />

"t "Spring sports letter winners<br />

recently announced by IIASEIIAI,I,<br />

Itillsborough High School Athletic<br />

Director included: Art Barbiche, Rick<br />

Felix Farcnga, Scott<br />

TItACK ANt) FIELD Wayne Hogrcbe, Ed Nechvatal<br />

Jack Bloom, Tom Chorniewy,<br />

Ted Pcrchak, Charles Petroek<br />

Bob Eastoo, John Kcllcdge, Stan ltizzolo. Wayne Rosenlicht<br />

Dennis Hart, Dennis Kavanaugh,<br />

Dave Slavin. and manager<br />

Lewis King, Ernic Kowalski. Lee<br />

Widdowson.<br />

’Kupper, Jim Marlin. Tom Neary,<br />

Doug Nevins, Bill Parker, Eric ¯ rol, ATIII,ETIC WINNEI{S<br />

Repanshek, Jim Sheridan. Paul<br />

Shields, Paul Siogley, Ken Top athletic winners included<br />

Stachowski. Howard Szczech, Tom Chorniewy who lettered in<br />

Dave Uporsky, Randy Webb. Jim football, basketball and track and<br />

Woychik, Scott Fisher, and Jim Slteridan who lettered in<br />

managers Pete Wilczek. Tom football, wrestling and track.<br />

Whalen Is Appointed<br />

Production Manager<br />

K.J. Whalen has been appointed I’roduction M:tnager of the Pipe<br />

I’roductioo Manager of the Johns- Divisioo for the first two months of<br />

,Manville I’ipc Division. Mr. 1971.<br />

Whalcn has also been appointed a Active in civic affairs. Mr.<br />

Vice President of Johns-Manville Whalcn is a member of the Board<br />

I’roducts Corpor;ition. of Governors of the Itaritan Valley<br />

A native of Burlinglon. Vt., Mr. Country Club and a member of<br />

Whalcn was awarded a B.S. Sigma Nu Collegiate Fraternity¯<br />

degree in Civil Engineering from Mr. Wh:den is married to the<br />

the University of Vermont¯ former Avis Edwards of<br />

Mr. Whalen has been withWaukcgan,<br />

Ill. <strong>The</strong> couple have<br />

.J.hns-Manville for over 35 years. nine children and make their<br />

starting in the Quality Control home at 581 Watchung Road,<br />

I)cp:lrtmcnt at the Nashua. NewBoural<br />

Brook.<br />

Ihnnpshire. I’hmt. lie has since<br />

held wlrious positions within the<br />

Pipe Production Department.<br />

including Methods SectionsKessler<br />

Is<br />

Supervisor and Production<br />

Engineer. Prior to this present<br />

position, he served as ActingSpeaker<br />

At<br />

Dinner<br />

Dr. Ilcary Kessler. authority on<br />

rehabilitation of the physically<br />

handicapped, was guest speaker<br />

on Juno 23, at the third annual<br />

clinncr meeting of Raritan Valley<br />

Workshop in Somerset. <strong>The</strong><br />

meeting was held at the Ramada<br />

Ion. East Brunswick.<br />

<strong>The</strong> Workshop. a non-profit<br />

organization operated by the<br />

Custer Seal Society for Crippled<br />

Children and Adults of New<br />

Jersey. offers vocational<br />

rehabilitation to the handicapped<br />

of Somerset nod Middlesex<br />

Icountics through evaluation,<br />

trainhlg and placement io local<br />

industryor sheltered employment.<br />

l)r. Kessler spoke on the’<br />

rcsponsibility of the community.<br />

a whole, toward its disabled<br />

members, pointing out the importance<br />

of rehabilitation.<br />

training and returning handicapped<br />

persons to their rightful<br />

place in community life.<br />

: Public Notices Founder of the Kessler Institute<br />

in West Orange, his 50-year quest<br />

’ SEAI.En IqnnJl)sAI. (o reinstate the handicapped to<br />

¯ Se lee I ds wil hi. received bY the L~mrd uf society has taken Kessler to five<br />

[%~due;i tim (if <strong>Franklin</strong> ToWllsbip,. Somerset<br />

CmllllV. No’,’ ersey n Ihe office of the continents. He is the author of<br />

~’¢re at:,’ . he Board uf Eduealion. Ads<br />

ra ion Building. 791 namiBon Street. .umerous books on rehabilitation<br />

Sonerse .New JerseY mTImrsday. July 15. and the recipient or many awards<br />

197 wior h) 2:l.) .)’clock P.M.. at which time<br />

I le proPOsals w )e opened and read fur for his continuous service to<br />

i "CENT F E ) ~PPRAISALOF IIUILDINGS. ]lUlnaltity.<br />


MENT FOU PInE INSUaANCE VALUES Since tim Workshop opened its<br />

.ANI) COMI)UTERIZEI) INVENTOItY." doars three years ago, it has<br />

Speeifieatiuns may be uhlained from (be I trained and’graduated’ more than<br />

Seerc<br />

¯ ""’’<br />

arx<br />

":<br />

f e k rd<br />

"fl<br />

of Educa<br />

H ilun<br />

tun<br />

"rt’et<br />

Ads<br />

ra .n Uuddms., J am t St ,. I 118 emotionally d sturbed.<br />

¯ ,%merset. New .ler.~..v f~973, aids must be I ntcntally retarded or physically<br />

e voted o he Secretary on or before July ] h..,.I ~.,~naA ~n~n a ~r nl naae<br />

15. 1971 pri.r I. 2:C* u’el ek ’[~ ned be] """~’~"P¥~ P~v’~ ~" "" "6~"<br />

p a nb’ morktgi’ "PROPOSAL Fen CER¯ I ’ram t e surround ng area Ferre-<br />

T[FlED APPIiAISA[, ~’ BU LD NGS ¯ .<br />

o ¯<br />

’E tM’~NK’NT FIXTUnES AND EQUIP- I nnte of those people are currently<br />

MI’:NT Fn { b’lnE INSUnANCE VALUF, S omn at, oH hv oPnl industry in<br />

%N) C ~ )UTE { ZED INVENTOaY." -...v.-.,-.- -v .... By Colleen Zimite<br />

[<br />

!<br />

IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIlllllllllllllgllllllglglllllllll<br />

,Billboards, Bye Bye<br />

Isn’t it time for Ncw Jcrscy to I|avc second thoughtsabout<br />

its appearance and its health?<br />

Doctors and woman’s page editors have always known<br />

tbcsc two go hand in hand and legislators in some states<br />

bavc recently expressed awareness. Isn’t it timc for New ...INTEREST ON<br />

Jersey’s legislators to release tbestate from the mnothering<br />

habit of commerce, to consider a design that would SPECIAL PASS<br />

expose the parts ofNcw Jcrsey that are still beautiful, that<br />

arc not already mutilated by ugly industry - to expose<br />

tbcm and to protect them from further disfiguration?<br />

<strong>The</strong> State of Maine did. After looking in tim mirror and Use our<br />

finding so much of her loveliness hidden, dressed in commercial<br />

advertising, sl|c decided to uncover licr natural<br />

beauty. Kccently workmen bcgan ripping down the ugly<br />

billboards.<br />

h.l Junc Dclawarc’s Govcrnor Russc] W. Pctcrson signed<br />

landmark legislation forbidding heavy industry front Delaware’s<br />

coast, barring refineries, steel mills, paper mills,<br />

petrochemical complexes and off-shore bulk transfer Delive y<br />

terminals. He rcmaincd undauntcd by thc bon~bardmcnt<br />

of giant industries, tile Chambcr of Conunerce, and even<br />

by the U.S. Government, i.e, the Dept. of Commcrcc and Serv/ce<br />

Maritime Affairs and the Treasurer for International<br />

Affairs, who did not want to block plans to build a<br />

300-acre ishmd bulk transfcr.<br />

Gee. Pctcrson told the federal govcrmncnt to try<br />

dccpcr water some 30 milcs out to sea. He woukl not be<br />

compromised. He said, "Jobs are very important to our<br />

Happy Birthday, <strong>Franklin</strong> State people. But so is the over-all qualityofour environn.lent."<br />

Maine and Dclawarc have set the precedent. Shouldo’t<br />

wc follow? New Jersey has passed legislation controlling<br />

Craig Margolies and Belinda Sanders, both of Somerset, were among the local residents sharing in the joy<br />

of the eighth birthday celebration of the <strong>Franklin</strong> State Bank on Saturday. Craig took his time its billboard advertising since 1930, but nothing has been<br />

consuming a "happy 8" cookie while Belinda kept a firm grip on her balloon, courtesy of McDonald’s. effectivc.<br />

<strong>The</strong> restaurant chain supplied refreshments and Pan American Airlines brought a steel band down from Present laws protect our new parkways and intra-statc<br />

New York City for the occasion. (Photos by Delores Still.)<br />

freeways but thcrc arc no proposed rulings on "land-<br />

o<br />

o<br />

o<br />

scrvicc roads."<br />

Highway 22, all thc ]fighways to thc sborc or to Ncw<br />

York or to Pennsylvania that arc sales-pitch plastered arc<br />

Prep Graduates<br />

presumably "land-service roads."<br />

Why are land service roads open to rape by every PR<br />

man who can pay off the advertising company?<br />

Doesn’t the comn.lutcr count? Just because a man has<br />

Ready For College to travel a certain road twice daily does not make him<br />

immune to tbc possible beauty beside it,nor less vulner-<br />

SOMERSET -- <strong>The</strong> need to buildRobert<br />

Zassler; <strong>The</strong> Dorr Prize in seniors, and Gary Ensana, able to the present constant pummelling of advertising,<br />

a life style based on an ap- Science, Mark McDonnell; DramaLaurence<br />

Field. Jane<br />

both national and local.<br />

weciation of the crusading spirit. Award. Maurie Perl and EileenJune<br />

Pearson. Warren Silverman How much more rest ful it would be during traffic snarls<br />

a responsiveness to indignation Opalut; Art Award, Owen Jodee Sparkman, and<br />

and a sense of injustice was Plotkin: Class of 1961 Prize in<br />

to gaze up at the Watchung Mountains than to be faced<br />

Zlotkin, juniors.<br />

emphasized at the 205th annualBilogical<br />

Science. Irene Chang: Dr. Heinlein also announced the with one buy-pitch after another.<br />

commencement of the Rutgers<strong>The</strong><br />

Humanities Prize, Judithfollowing<br />

student activities<br />

Preparatory School on June 16. Kalb: <strong>The</strong> French Prize, Nancyawards:<br />

Argo Award (student For the fellow wbo likes to read while thc traffic/:reeps<br />

Dr. David M. Reinlein, Rutgers Glaser and David Rubin; <strong>The</strong> newspaper), Judith Kalb there are plenty of bumper stickers to keep him occupied,<br />

Preparatory School headmaster, German Prize, Irene Chang; <strong>The</strong>Argomag<br />

Award (literary<br />

told the graduates "they would be Latin Prize. Eileen Opatut: <strong>The</strong><br />

from the tourist flags to American flagswitb andwitbout<br />

magazine), Eileen Opatut; Ye<br />

Itelping to shape our nation’s Spanish Prize, Joyee Fisehman; Dial Award (yearbook), Suzannethe<br />

slogans "Love h.or Leave It," from tbe"Help Your<br />

purpose as they entered the<strong>The</strong><br />

Raymond Hayes McGovernKaufman<br />

and Kenneth Kuchin. Local Police" to the "If You Don’t Like Police, Next<br />

collegiate arena where they wouldPrize<br />

for the best scholar winning<strong>The</strong><br />

Liberty Loan Prize for the<br />

be determining their relationship his athletic letter. David Rubin<br />

Time You Need Help Call a Hippie."<br />

outstanding underclassman was<br />

to society and choosing a career." <strong>The</strong> Headmaster’s Prize. Karinawarded<br />

to Larry Field, a junior¯ (Incidentally, if you do need help on the highway and<br />

As evidence of the school’s ef- Chenoweth; and the 1942 School <strong>The</strong> invocation and Benediction<br />

fort to build a tradition of im- Prize for the senior who bestwere<br />

made by Canon Frank<br />

thero are no policemon around, don’t be surprised if a<br />

portance for the arts. an artexemplifies<br />

the ideals of the Carthy, Christ Church in New "hippie" voluntoers his help. Bands of long-haired,<br />

exhibit was arranged by Mrs. school, Judith Kalb. Brunswick.<br />

Emily Sturkie, head of Prep’s art Six members of the graduating<br />

"hippie" attired youths have fornmd belp-tbe-stallcd-<br />

<strong>The</strong> graduates were presented<br />

department, in the field house. class were elected to the Rutgers for their diplomas by Dr. Frank V.<br />

motorist-and-don’t-wait-for-thanks<br />

clubs and tbcy do just o<br />

l)r. Heinlein presented the<br />

chapter of the Cure Laude Society Sperduto, assistant headmaster. that.)<br />

in their junior year. <strong>The</strong>y are:<br />

following awards to outstanding Irene Chang. Nancy Harris,<br />

Members of the graduating Wo halve come a long way from the first Burma-Shave<br />

: graduates: <strong>The</strong> <strong>The</strong>odore Strong<br />

class are:<br />

. J .-<br />

’n,e Bo,rd reserw~ d~e right to reject any [ ~roducUve. responsible pos]tlons. ,Memorial Prize for highest<br />

Judith Kalb, Suzanne Kaufman, Cure Laude graduates: Irene signs that broke up the monotony of mile after mile of<br />

Mark McDonnell, and Eileen<br />

r s<br />

scholarship in the senior class<br />

Chang, George Stetten, Somerset; corn fields. Now wc need to break the monotonous<br />

Mrs. Flurenee F. nandolph.SecretarY ’ ’ ~ ’g d ~nh od npnnle nrcsentlv<br />

Opatut.<br />

Ihlard u[ Education of the I ..... t .......... r--r r Irene Chang and Mark Mc-<br />

Louisa Chasen, Mctuchen; Judith<br />

TownshipafFrankBo U training will either be placed in<br />

Initiated into Cure Laude<br />

danger of signs.<br />

Somersel.<br />

7fil<br />

New<br />

Ilamillon<br />

Jersey<br />

St<br />

o8873<br />

reel<br />

Doonelh <strong>The</strong> Joyce Kilmcr Prize<br />

Church. Plainfield; Nancy Glaser,<br />

suitable jobs at the completion of<br />

membership at the com-<br />

for excellence in English. Louisa<br />

Mark McDonnell, David Rubin, We need to protect our remaining scenic countryside<br />

FNIf: 7-1ql IT<br />

their training period, or retained<br />

mencement were: Louisa Chasen,<br />

Fee: $6.4B<br />

Chosen; Alexander Johnston<br />

New Brunswick; Nancy Harris,<br />

a( tile facility on a sheltered<br />

Judith Church. Nancy Glaser,<br />

from industrial exploitation. Have you taken a ride along<br />

History Prize, Nancy Harris and<br />

Rahway; Judith Kalb, Far-<br />

SI’:AI.ED I:utn’OSAL employment basis receiving<br />

David Rubin, George Stetten, mingdale; Snzanne Kaufman, the Delaware lately? Or along any New Jersey river,<br />

Sealed bids will he r eeeh’ed hy the Board ofcompensation<br />

based on produc-<br />

Elizabeth;Eilcen Opatut, including the Raritan?<br />

Educe luo of <strong>Franklin</strong> Tuwnsbip. Somerset tivity.<br />

Freehold.<br />

County. New Jersey. in Ihe uIlice uf the<br />

Diplomas and certificates: New It will take a long time to restore tbem to their pristine<br />

t<br />

..%erelary<br />

minislrntinn<br />

uf<br />

Building.<br />

Ihe Board<br />

761<br />

uf<br />

Hamilton<br />

Education.<br />

Street.<br />

Ad¯ <strong>The</strong> Workshop is supported in<br />

Brunswick, Carol Brady, Robert<br />

Somerset. New Jersey. on Tlmmday. July 15. i)art through job-shop activities<br />

",~?:+’ ++l=-,~," ,’~,:l+, !,>:< :’t :.’-<br />

condition of even 50 years ago, but it can be done. What<br />

1971 priur 1o 2:CO o’clock P.M.. at which lime<br />

P, ichter, Richard Szeles, Roland<br />


Ihe proposals ’.’,’ill be opened nnd read for: for local industry. Services in-<br />

Traodafir, lrvin Wolfson must bc done now is to stop furtber putrofication. We can our bank will save you countclude<br />

collating, hand packaging<br />

Highland Park, Kenneth Kuehin<br />


do it by asking for the proper legislation. We must ask our less trips on bill-paying days<br />

and assembly, sorting and<br />

East Brunswick,<br />

Speeiflealiuns nluy [H~ obtained [tom the<br />

Secretary of file Board of EdueaBon. Ad¯s;llvaging,<br />

clerical services.<br />

Michael Einhorn, Elisa Gertel.<br />

legislators to look again and think again.<br />

during the unsettled winter<br />

ministration Building. 761 BOmiBOn Street. mailing, fabricating, heat sealing,<br />

Edison, Richard Lampen;<br />

months. Mall ch~cksl It’s safe<br />

Somerset. New Jersey 08813. Bids musl be<br />

delivered In the Secretary un or before Julydrill<br />

press operation, insepction<br />

North Brunswick. Joseph<br />

and you’ll save hours of valu-<br />

15. 1971 prior In 2:00 o’eluek P.51., and be<br />

plainly marked: "PnUPOSAL FOe and many other hand operations.<br />

.DiGiaeomo, David Marks, RenaAANJ<br />

Head<br />

able timel<br />


]’lie L%ard reserves the right to reject any Local organizations who take<br />

Scgal, Loris Siano; Piseataway,<br />

ur all bids.<br />

advantage of the services offered<br />

Justin Blum, Carmen <strong>The</strong> first general meeting of the<br />

Mrs. Florence F. nandolph. Secret ary<br />

James Worthington; Carteret<br />

Board at Education aflbeinclude<br />

Johnson & Johnson, Ortho<br />

Authorities Association of New<br />

Township of <strong>Franklin</strong><br />

761 Hamilton St ceelPharmaeeutioal,<br />

Chieopee<br />

:-~ iiillMichael<br />

Chenkin. Jersey was held recently at the<br />

Somerset. New Jersey fl~a’/3 Manufacturing. American Metal<br />

Perth Amboy, Mare Braunstein Green Valley Restaurant in Green<br />

FNU: 7.b71 IT<br />

Fee: $S.40<br />

Market. Arleo Trophy, Motallo<br />

Martha Gast: Bound Brook Brook,<br />

Gasket. Ford Motor Company and<br />

Maurie Perl; Plainfield, Joyee<strong>The</strong><br />

A.A.N.J. is a newly4ormed<br />

NOT CI"- IS nEnEBY GIVEN thai on LB.M.<br />

Fisehman, David Simmons<br />

Michael Young; Freehold, David<br />

group consisting of sewerage and<br />

tNDAV JUI.Y’I21h, 1971 at eight 18:001<br />

o’Clock in<br />

the Bore tall. Former Attorney General<br />

Hyman, Laurie Shteir~<br />

water authorities throughout the<br />

state¯ Alfred A. Porro Jr., a<br />

the Boro of Manville Arthur J. Sills, member of the<br />

Colonia. Stereo Barkaszi ndhurst attorney, started the<br />

Easier Seal Society Board. con-<br />

Kathleen Cyktor, Jeffrey Zirpolo;<br />

removal of It<br />

known as the<br />

ducted the meeting. A prominent<br />

Holmdel, Nine Bell; Mill(own,<br />

early this year along with<br />

aembers of several<br />

. (he west Sou h Main Strce bolwcen<br />

Vnn Nes e Place and Central Street in the New Jersey Attorney for many<br />

Diane Benczik; Somerville, Glenn<br />

~rough of 5 anville. New Jersey¯ Mr. Sills was disabled by<br />

Brewer, Jane Henderson, Gall<br />

Following opening remarks,<br />

<strong>The</strong>follow as terms and eondtBons sha be<br />

complied with:<br />

early age.<br />

Wilson; Metuchen, Karin<br />

discussion of goals, and a talk<br />

Chenoweth.<br />

from Anthony Rieigliano of the<br />

A <strong>The</strong> bidder shall deposit a certified cheek<br />

Jamesburg, Sharon Gibbs Department of Environmental<br />

in Ihe amount of ten tlPq~’~l per cent uf I le bid<br />

price.<br />


Joseph Pessutti; Old Bridge,<br />

Protection, the membership<br />

Edward Hoffman; Farmingdale,<br />

elected a slate of officers:<br />

Jeffrey Horowitz; Linden, Marsha Chairman, Frank Triscarl, JERRYLEWIS<br />

Carl W..Suk, son of Mr. and Mrs.<br />

Manvillen certificate of Valter Suk of Belle Mead, has Bellomo’s Marks 25thKasper,<br />

Leslie Okun, Owen<br />

<strong>Franklin</strong> Township Sewerage<br />

Insurance. ’ and workmen’s com- been promoted to the rank of<br />

Pie(kin, Stereo Sehaehter.<br />

Authority; Vice-Chairman CINEMA IS<br />

pensnI an<br />

<strong>The</strong>BornugholManviller~erv~therisht sergeant in the Air Force at<br />

Bellomo’s Package Store, located at 519 West Complain Road, Rahway, Wayne Dembling,<br />

Herbert Wright, Berkek<br />

lu re ~ any a d nil bids and further reserves l R’inrh~=lnt= Air Worthy= Rn~a Mi,h Manville, recently celebrated its twenty-fifth anniversary. <strong>The</strong> firstWilliam<br />

Knox; Neshanic Station,<br />

Township Sewerage<br />

he~sh oa~umlhcdaeo ra:evnsbds "," .......... ": ",’’.--:"~’ ""Y.’,"<br />

Patricla Lawrence; Sayrevllle,<br />

Secretary, Andrew Simonsen,<br />

[tom time tO time.<br />

] A 1965 graauate ot aomervule package store in Manville, Bellomo’s opened at its present location<br />

¯ aonoUGIl F an OF<br />

IsA<br />


Pellaekl<br />

¯<br />

Raymond Miklos; Colts Neck,<br />

Bayshore Regional Sewerage<br />

r ~/gh Oerkl bachelor’s High School, degree he ft:om received Delaware his¯<br />

in 1946. Shown above, in front of the store, is owner Sal J. Bellomo, Marlena Orgo; Kendall Park,<br />

Authority; Treasurer, Charles HILLSBORO CLUB<br />

DATED: June 29, wn<br />

i Vall - "<br />

Jr. Assisting him in the operation of the store are Albert Ulicny and Robert Zassler; Somerset, John<br />

Candito, Carlstadt Sewera<br />

MN: 7-1.71 IT I ey uouoge.<br />

Authority.<br />

PLAZA<br />

Gerald Zydallas.<br />

Schamel. .<br />

Feet S6.48 I

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