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CO<strong>AS</strong>T DEFENCE SUFFERS SHUTOUT<br />

Saints Go Oown to Defeat at Moiliili Field in Exhibition AffairRegimentals<br />

Nose Out Coast Defense in Tight Game<br />

Simmons the Hero<br />

winning the honors in the<br />

AFTER aeries of the Pacific<br />

when the St. Louis team<br />

forfeited the game at Moiliili Field<br />

yesterday by failing to turn out a full<br />

team, the Braves donated a number of<br />

their own players to fill the gaps and<br />

then proceeded to trim the Saints by<br />

a score of 10 to 2. Billy Hughes,<br />

George Bushnell and August Mara<br />

were given a halo to help out the<br />

game.<br />

Braves Eat 'Em Up<br />

Following which the Braves scalped<br />

the opposing team in all departments,<br />

ounding Bushnell's offering to every<br />

corner of the lot and collecting In all<br />

14 hits. The Saints played : woeful<br />

ball and bad It not been for a lucky<br />

streak in the fifth when they scored<br />

their two runs on three hits, they<br />

would have been blanked.<br />

The Braves and St. Louis will play<br />

a three game series in the near future<br />

for the championship of the, Pacific<br />

League. The Saints breezed In on the<br />

first series, but in the play-of- f it looks<br />

like the Braves will conduct a massacre.<br />

Box score follows:<br />

BRAVES.<br />

AB RBHPO A<br />

Anabu, 3b 4' 0 1 0<br />

Ornellas, If. .4 0 0<br />

Rosa, lb. 4 0 1 0<br />

O'Sullivan, cf....... 4 1 1 0<br />

Reed, 2b .3 5 3 n .<br />

i<br />

Lee, c. ! . 3 1 1 3 0<br />

Gomes, ss. 2 0 2 .31 ftosarlo,.cf. ........ 3 13 0<br />

Ferry, p. .'. ....... 3 2 2 0 1 0<br />

Totals 31 10 14 13 5 0<br />

ST. LOUIS.<br />

, AB RBHPO A E<br />

Fun Luke, If. ...... 3 11 1 0 1<br />

Focpoe, rf. 3 0 1 o :o 0<br />

Hushes,-, lb 3 0 1 h 0<br />

Busbnel!, p. ....... 3. 0 0 0<br />

Mara, cf. .......... .2 0 --0 3 i<br />

Haneberg, 2b 2 0 0 2 o<br />

Sasaki, es. . . . ... ... 2 0 0 4<br />

Kckipi, c ........ 2 0 1 1 1<br />

King Tan, 3b. ...V. 1 21 3 2.<br />

Tota)s ....;..AVl3 7 15 11 3<br />

Score by innings: '<br />

Braves 0<br />

. ..7 .V. 041 0 3-- 10<br />

Base hits 14 2 1 614<br />

St Louis 0 0 0 0 22<br />

Base hits ........... 12 0 137<br />

Summary jf tho game:<br />

Home runs. Ferry 2, O Sullivan 1;<br />

three-ba- se hit, Fun Luke; stole<br />

bases. Reed, . Lee, Gomes 2, Hughes,<br />




The game between the midget teams<br />

of McKinley and Punahou resulted in<br />

. a 7--0 score in favor of Punahou Buffs.<br />

The game was played Saturday morning<br />

on Funahou's lower field. It was<br />

. a good exhibition of lost chances by<br />

-- fumbling on the part of a winning<br />

team, and the score should have been<br />

much larger.<br />

The lone "score came at the end of<br />

."the last period, when Punahou was<br />

given the ball on an incompleted for-<br />

ward pass that went over the ;<br />

goal<br />

line. It should have gone to the Mc--<br />

. Klnley Thirds on their twenty yard<br />

line, bnt the referee was not aware of<br />

the rule on that point, and in a couple<br />

of. plays the game was clinched for<br />

the Buffs. , However, they wer; good<br />

sportsmen enough to see the injustice<br />

of the touchdown being allowed and<br />

agreed tor play the game over again.<br />

Those who showed up most conspicuously,,<br />

for . Punahou were Ezra<br />

Crane at quarter, Chris Willis, halfback,<br />

and . young Ackerman, an end.<br />

The latter lost a chance to win . the<br />

game earlier, than the score was made<br />

by dropping a forward pass on the goal<br />

line. McKinley did not depend upon<br />

so much open work vs in the past,<br />

but she showed better end-runnin-<br />

1 v.<br />

&<br />

HO<br />

g<br />

137<br />

GJV Li<br />

US VOLCAtfl<br />

C10USE<br />

I<br />

Sasaki, Kektpi; double play. Gomes to!<br />

Reed to Rosa; bases on balls, on<br />

Ferry i. struck out, by Perry 3. by<br />

Jan3-sen- Bushnell 1; umpires, Walker and ;<br />

time of game, 58 minutes.<br />

Atta Boy<br />

In the second .game staged at Moiliili<br />

Field Sunday afternoon the fans<br />

were given their money's worth and<br />

then some. B. Simmons cf the 2nd<br />

Inrantry Regimentals held the Coast<br />

Defense down to two scattered hits<br />

and no runs, while his own team succeeded<br />

in touching Tilley for seven<br />

blngles ana counter.<br />

The Defenders got one hit in th<br />

seventh frame when womack drove<br />

a into<br />

two-bagg- er<br />

left center garden.<br />

They got their only other tap in the<br />

ninth when "Bill" Davis drove a<br />

bounder through the third sacker.<br />

Tho 2nd Infantry Regimental made<br />

their score in the seventh session. B.<br />

Simmons singled and worked around<br />

to second, coming home on Dawson's<br />

two bagger.<br />

The box score follows:<br />


AB RBHPO A E<br />

Kerry. 2b. 4 0 0 2 1<br />

Burns, If. .......... 4 0 0 0 0<br />

Hotlerback, cf. ..... 4 0 0 . 0<br />

ROSSy 08 4<br />

Briscoe, lb. ....... 4<br />

B. Simmoqs,' p..... . 4<br />

0<br />

0<br />

1<br />

1<br />

2<br />

m<br />

.<br />

u<br />

4<br />

1<br />

o Dawson, c. . . . .. . .'. 4<br />

Estelle, rf, .<br />

Simmons, 3b. 3<br />

0<br />

0<br />

0<br />

1<br />

X<br />

0<br />

0<br />

8<br />

4<br />

0<br />

0<br />

2<br />

0<br />

2<br />

Totals .........:.34 l 7 27 10 2<br />

CO<strong>AS</strong>T DEFENSE.<br />

AB RBHPO A E<br />

StillwelU 2b. T.T.v.' 4 0V0 3 2 0<br />

Bailey, lb. . .. 4 0 0 12 0 0<br />

Benham, c. 3 0 0. 7 0 1<br />

McClaln, If.........<br />

4 0 0 2 0 0<br />

Tilley. p. 3 0 0 0 5 0<br />

Davis, ss. ......... 3 0 1 2 3 0<br />

Stewart, rf. 3 0 0 0 0 o<br />

Roach, cfA . . ... . 3 - 0.0 0 0.1<br />

Womack, v 3b. 3 0 113 0<br />

Totals ..........30<br />

0 2 27 13 2<br />

Score-by- . innings:<br />

2nd Infantry .. 0 0 0 0 0 0 10 01<br />

Baso.hits. ... 0 2 0 1 1 0 2 0 17<br />

Coast Defense . 0-- 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00<br />

Base hits .... r0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 02<br />

Summary of the game:<br />

Tw o-ba- hits, Womack, Dawson ;<br />

bases on balls,.; off B. Simmons 1;<br />

struck out,- - by.R. Simmons 9, by Tilley<br />

7; passed ball, Benham; umpires,<br />

Walker and Janssen; time of game. 1<br />

hour and 10 minutes.<br />




The ; first patriotic tennis tournament<br />

ever held In the Hawaiian islands<br />

opened Saturday afternoon under<br />

the auspices of the Hawaiian Tennis<br />

.association on the courts of the<br />

Hawaii Fol6 & Rfcing dub at Kapio-lan-l<br />

'<br />

parX. ; . .<br />

Results 4<br />

'.<br />

In the --first match of the afternoon<br />

Atherton Richards beat Kenneth B.<br />

Barnesr 3, 6---9, 6 4. , ,<br />

Captain.. Burlingame won from Ohye<br />

by default, the latter being ; engaged<br />

at' the Nuuanu coarts in the Nuuann<br />

Y. M-- C A tournament. ;<br />

Knowlenberg beat Hurd, 86, 62.<br />

Warren beat Choy, 6 2, 61.<br />

Atherton, Richards beat Captain Bur<br />

llngame, 62, 61.- -'<br />

Knowlenberg 1 beat 'Warren, 62,<br />

61:<br />

In the only !Satch played yesterdaj<br />

afternoon W. H. Hoogs, Jr defeated<br />

Edward C..MerrilL 60,' 60. Merrill<br />

put up a good game, but was no match<br />

for Hoogs, who is known as a dashing<br />

and hard-drivin- g tennis player and one<br />

of the beat In ,the islands. f<br />

7o 'matches will be played today but<br />

tomorrow afternoon Cyril (Hoogs will<br />

meet George B. Henderson..., .<br />

- i<br />

.<br />

x j ' ,<br />

: and defensive work than, in last Sat-u- r<br />

day's game of the midget league<br />

season.'<br />


' 8eal 8tr-Snti- m --<br />

OomtvoadraeaJ<br />

WAILUKU, - begin - Monday, xthe drawings having<br />

been made today. From the number<br />

of entries that hare been made, evidently<br />

considerable interest is being<br />

taken, among the ladles in. the tourna-<br />

Maui. Oct. . 2S. The ment, this being the. first<br />

ladlea singles tennis tournament will<br />

of-It- s kind<br />

1 held on the island for several years.<br />

HOG<br />

(Directly Overlooking the Volcano<br />

; of Kilaiiea) v --y:<br />


Steanier Mauna Kea sails every<br />

- Wednesday and Saturday<br />

D LTD<br />


OCTOBER 29lf)17. - - -- - -<br />

0 Edited iy MIKE JA$; "11<br />



CHICAGO. Oct. 20. Benny<br />

Kauff. home run hitter, has gone<br />

and done It. According to Joseph<br />

Santley, leading man in "Oh,<br />

Boy," Benny has accepted an offer<br />

to appear in vaudeville in a<br />

sketch written by Santley. Benny<br />

is to gt $250') a week, Santley<br />

says.<br />



(Special<br />

Star-BoUet- ta Conwpondencr)<br />

SCiiOFlELD BARRACKS, Oct. 28<br />

By a score of 4 to 2 the 25th Wreckers<br />

came back this afternoon at the post<br />

athletic ball park and defeated the lst-32n- d<br />

Infantry team, equalizing the<br />

series to date. One of the largest<br />

crowds that ever attended a ball game<br />

was on hand to see the play. With<br />

the defeat of Lester's men yesterday<br />

each team now has a victory and the<br />

final and deciding game of the series<br />

will be played next Sunday at Moiliili<br />

field.<br />

The winners drew first blood in the<br />

second frame. Johnson cracked the<br />

pill for a three bagger. Mbore flicd<br />

out and Johnson scored<br />

bungled Goliah's easy grounder.<br />

Took the Lead.<br />

In the fourth frame the<br />

n<br />

Stratton<br />

lst-32n- d<br />

team came back and notched two runs<br />

after one man was out. Dunlap singled<br />

and Halcombe hit to left scoring<br />

the runner from the keystone sack<br />

and taking third on the return of the<br />

ball. Halcombe scored when Coyle<br />

reached first on Smith's error aihort.<br />

The losers held the lead until the<br />

final Inning wljen the Wreckers turned.<br />

O. Johnson singled and Moore<br />

went out on a grounder. . Goliah sin<br />

gled sending Johnson to third. William<br />

Johnson cracked a homer, notching<br />

three runs by the act. Box score<br />

follows:<br />


AB R BH SB PO A E<br />

Hawkins, lb 4 0 l o 5 0 0<br />

Smith, ss. 3 0 0 0 4 2 1<br />

Rogan, 2b 3 0 0 0 1 2 0<br />

O. Johnson, cf.-c.- .. 4 2 2 0 2 0 0<br />

Moore, 3b 4 0 1 0 1 2 1<br />

Goliah, rf."" 4 110 10 0<br />

W. Johnson, c.cf.. 4 1 1 0 8 1 U<br />

Crafton, If 4 0 0 0V 5 0 0<br />

Jasper, p 4 0 0 0 0 1 0<br />

Totals 34 4 6 0 27 8 2<br />


AB R BH SB PO A E<br />

Buckland, rf 4 0 0 0 3 0 0<br />

Stratton, lb 4 0 0 0 ( 0 0<br />

Maddis, c 4 0 0 0 3 0 0<br />

Dunlap, cf. 4 1 1 0 2 0 0<br />

Holcombe, 3b. ...4 1 2 1 0 0 0<br />

Coyle. 2b 3 0 0 1 2 4 0<br />

Judd, If. 4 0 0 0 3 0 0<br />

Chief, ss 3 0 0 0 0 3 0<br />

Ralls '<br />

I 0 0 0 0 0 0<br />

Brinra, p 2 00 0 0 3 1<br />

Totals 33 2 3 2 27 10- - 1<br />

Batted for Chief in the ninth.<br />

Hits and runs by innings:<br />

25th Infantry ...0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 34<br />

Base hits 0 11 10000 36<br />

lst32nd Infantry. 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 02<br />

. Base hits 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 13<br />

Summary Home run. William John<br />

son; three-bas- e hits, O. Johnson andv<br />

Holcombe; sacrifice hit, Smith; bases<br />

on balls, off Jasper 2; off Brinza 1;<br />

struck out, by Jasper 6; by Brinza 2;<br />

passed ball, Maddis ; umpires, Montgomery<br />

and Patterson; time of game,<br />

1 hour and 30 minutes.<br />


J. I. B.Grelg Leads Field in<br />

Qualifying Round for the<br />

Wall & Dougherty Cup<br />

Fifty golfers competed in the<br />

'qualifying round for the Wall &<br />

Dougherty cup play yesterday afternoon<br />

on the Moanalua course<br />

of the Honolulu Golf Club and<br />

out of this number only 16 qualified.<br />

As usual J. I. B. Greig led<br />

die. field. His score was 85. The<br />

final round will probably be completed<br />

next Sunday. The scores<br />

of the 16 golfers who qualified yesterday<br />

are as follows:<br />

J. I. B. Greig, 85; W. M.<br />

Cana-da- y.<br />

90; F. Halstead, 93; R. C.<br />

Blackshear, 95; V Forrest,' 95;<br />

W. Thoen, 97; J. Carmichael. 98;<br />

E. Munro, 98; P. McLean. 98; J.<br />

Roxburgh, 101; J. Sinclair, 103;<br />

W. Cullen, 103; E. R. Dreier, 105;<br />

- N. Tanaka, lOiy; W. Chalmers,<br />

105; W. Bell, 110<br />

BRAVES BEAT EMM<strong>AS</strong>.<br />

In a game of indoor baseboll, played<br />

at Kamamalu Park, on Sunday<br />

afternoon, the Emma Knights were<br />

d.feated by the Kamamala Braves by<br />

a score of 6 to 4.<br />

The Kamamalu Braves outplayed<br />

the Emma Knignts, securing 10 hits.<br />

The Braves were chalked up with 2<br />

errors, while the latter team were<br />

charged with 12miscues.<br />

. Short score follows:<br />

Emma Knights. 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 04<br />

Kamamalu .... 14010000 6<br />

Batteries Plada and August; Kea-kahun- a<br />

ond Oliveria.<br />


(SpteUl SUr-BnHe-ia CorrareenAaact)<br />

WAILUKU, Maui, Oct. 26. A short<br />

race meet will be held here at the<br />

Kahului track . either Thanksgiving<br />

Day ; or the Sunday previous or following<br />

that day. A meeting will be<br />

held ' Friday to make final arrangement,;<br />

; ' , ..:Uyr A:.<br />

II I 1 II li<br />

i ivmrn inur innr -<br />

iiiiiG Jay d jaud<br />


Lct:a Bunk says:<br />

If a worn an<br />

Changes hep<br />

Mind he always<br />

Makes some<br />

Facetious remark<br />

About a Woman's<br />

Mind<br />

Being like a<br />

Cash register<br />

Always full of change<br />

And if she never<br />

Changes her mind<br />

Why he calls her<br />

Stubborn<br />

So, what's the use? i<br />

4.<br />

The Punahou colors are buff and<br />

blue but since that game Saturday<br />

most of the players are wearing black<br />

and. blue.<br />

The Buffs and Blues fgured they'd<br />

breeze in, but it looks like they blew<br />

(Samuel, the snow pronto).<br />

No l.oleproof razor's made of tin<br />

Our safety sponge can't cut your chin.<br />

Is your rent sharp and chronic?<br />

Just oil the gears with our hair tonic;<br />

No tire trouble with our suet<br />

So simple that a child can chew it.<br />

Lifted from the advertising parge.<br />

4 4<br />

It's going to be a punk Hallowe'en<br />

Wednesday night as few ghosts walk<br />

Inthe middle of the weeks. Most of<br />

the gang get paid Saturday night.<br />

'<br />

Punahou was confident. College of<br />

Hawaii was confident. Shucks, somebody<br />

had to be disappointed. We<br />

weren't, cause we didn't bet.<br />

While they didn't take the series,<br />

you gotta admit that the Giants took<br />

a much better photograph than the<br />

Chisox.<br />

HiER LEADS<br />



Wikander. of the Financiers took<br />

the lead in the individual bowling<br />

averages of the Commercial League<br />

last week, J. W. Caranio,. the leader<br />

of the previous weeK dropping to third<br />

place. Gendell of the Pineapple Factors<br />

was second. In team standing<br />

the Auto 'Factors continued to show<br />

the way with the Federals next in line.<br />

Figures follows:<br />

Name<br />

Team Grus. Avge.<br />

Wikander ..FIN 9 184.53<br />

Gendell FF 5 184.00<br />

'Canario. J. W AF 9 1S3.8S<br />

Andrews AF 3 182.33<br />

Canario, H. S PF 3 182.33<br />

Pletcher FED 6 173.S0<br />

Ching AF 3 173.33<br />

Williams' PR 9 173.22<br />

Henley FED 10 K2.10<br />

Cooper FIN 9 171.33<br />

Ho AF 9 167.77<br />

Tinker AF 6 167.5f<br />

Brault FED fi 163.50<br />

Meyer FIN 9 165.33<br />

Arevedo PF 3 161.00<br />

Lee PF 3 161.00<br />

Stephens FIN 1 161.00<br />

Young PF 12 1RQ.66<br />

McGuire ; SF 6 160.50<br />

Gomes SF 3 160.33<br />

Otterbach .'. FED S 160.16<br />

Raseman PR 9 139.22<br />

Guthrath PF 6 158.66<br />

Soares ..FIN 4 155.27<br />

Naatz AF 9 154.00<br />

Scott PR 6 154.00<br />

Mills ...FED 8 153.87<br />

Sing PR S 153.75<br />

Chong PF 9 153.44<br />

Jolliff FED 2 152.50<br />

Hammonds AF 3 151.66<br />

Wcolway ....SF 6 151.00<br />

Gear SF 3 149.33<br />

McTaggart, G FIN 3 . 147.66<br />

Maby PR 4 147:50<br />

Keeff SF 6 142.83<br />

Ham PR 6 141.37<br />

Bernal PF 4 140.54)<br />

Ching ....PF 3 139.00<br />

McTaggart, E AF 3 131.66<br />

Atherton SF 6 131.33<br />

Yim PF 3 129.00<br />

Day FED 3 128.66<br />

Wuehrman FIN 4 128.00<br />

Hoon Kai ...PF 3 111.66<br />

Scott. W PF 2 102.00<br />

Team Standing<br />

Teams Gms. W. L. Pet.<br />

Auto Factors 12 11 1 .916<br />

Federals 12 11 1 .916<br />

Financiers 12 6 6 .500<br />

Printers 12 5 7 .416<br />

Pine Factors 16 2 14 .125<br />

Sugar Factors 8 1 7 .125<br />


(Spacitl SUr-Bulleti- n Correspoiidenct.)<br />

WAILUKU, Oct. 26. Tennis enthusiasts<br />

have had considerable ex-<br />

citement this week. The mixed<br />

doubles had two matches. McKenzie-Meineck- e<br />

had to play the third set ti<br />

determine their victory over Deinert<br />

Wodehouse. The second match between<br />

Baldwin-McAlliste- r and Rietow<br />

Vetlesen was played on Wednesday<br />

and witnessed by a big crowd, who<br />

were able to be present because of<br />

the half holiday. The first set was<br />

won by Baldwin-McAlliste- r by 11 to i<br />

in a hard fight, the second by 6 to 4.<br />

. la-t- he Wailuku Mill court tournament<br />

Hoogs won over Hansen and<br />

Weight defeated Short in two sets ou:<br />

of three. Bridgeford won over<br />

Schoenberg by default.<br />


Navy, coached by Dobie, defeated<br />

Haverford of Pennsylvania, S3 to 0.<br />

Army beat V"wTa of Pennsyl-rania- .<br />

21 to<br />

I<br />



MILWAUKEE, Oct. 2-- Jotn-n- y<br />

Ertle, St. Paul claimant of the<br />

bantam-weigh- t championship ti-<br />

tle, todny was matched lor a<br />

trn-roun- d<br />

bout with<br />

CeorRie Thompson of ( hiceso at<br />

Racine on October 29. the weisht<br />

at 3 p. ra. on the diy of the bout<br />

to be 117 pounds.<br />



The first Hawaiian women's swimming<br />

meet held at the Y. M. C. A. tank-o- n<br />

Saturday night, proved to be a<br />

huge success. . Twelve events were<br />

stased and some fast time made. The<br />

diving exhibition was particularly excellent,<br />

so reports say. The result of<br />

the meet were as follows:<br />

The Results<br />

Fifty yard dash, novice France<br />

Farriagtcn (Pnnahoui, first, time 34<br />

; Marion Dowsett ( unattached .<br />

second; Blanche Fernandas (Puna<br />

hon), third.<br />

Twenty yard dash, jrirls under ten<br />

vears Cecily Cunha (Punahou), first,<br />

time 16 Helen<br />

2-- 5;<br />

Vernon (Punahou),'<br />

second.<br />

Fifty yard da&h. open Gerd lliorth<br />

(Punahou), and Edith Kenn (Palama).<br />

tied, time 33 4-- Thelma<br />

Kenn (Pa-<br />

lama). next. On swim off Edith Kenn<br />

beat Gerd Hiorth by six inches; time,<br />

1-- 0. 0<br />

Vlfiv vard dash. Dublic schools<br />

Julia Kehia (Folvukaina) first, time. 41<br />

1-- Mabel Black (McKinley), and An<br />

nie Paoa (Kaahumanu), tied for second<br />

place; Edna Ludington (McKinley).<br />

third.<br />

Fifty yard breast stroke Madeline<br />

Chapin (Outrigger), first, time 49 flat;<br />

Rose Robero (Palama), second; Agnes<br />

Auld (Palama), third.<br />

Two hundred-twent- y yard,<br />

open<br />

Kathleen Law (unattached), first,<br />

time 3:38 3-- Mrs. G. H. Paul (Y. W.<br />

C. A.), second.<br />

Plunge for distance, open Madeline<br />

Chapin (Outrigger), first. 48 feet 4 7-- S<br />

inches; Thelma Sackwitz (Palama),<br />

second; Edna Ludington (McKinley),<br />

third."<br />

-- Thelma<br />

Fifty yard dash, girls under fifteen<br />

Kenn (Palama), first, time<br />

34 3-- Edith Kenn (Palama), second;<br />

Elsie Auld (Palama), third.<br />

Hundred yard novice Elizabeth<br />

Hurter (Punahou). first,-tim- e 1:46 1--<br />

Clara Raymond (Punahou), second.<br />

Diving exhibition Agnes Auld (Palama).<br />

first; Maile Vicars (Punahou),<br />

second; Madeline Chapin (Outrigger),<br />

ttird .<br />

Fifty yard - backstroke, open Gerd-Hicrt- h<br />

(Punahou). first, time 46<br />

Madeline Chapin (Outrigger), second;<br />

Rebecca Haaheo (Palama), third.<br />

Club rclav race Palama, first, Punahou,<br />

second; Y. W. C. A., third.<br />



Harry Melim's Town team just<br />

doubled the score on the Honolulu<br />

Military Academy eleven in the game<br />

played Saturday as a curtain raiser to<br />

the<br />

Punahou-Hawaf- i battle. The final<br />

score was 11 to 7 for the Townies.<br />

'Wait-a-minute,- " George Hawkin3<br />

yelled as a four back formation start<br />

ed by the Townies and Seane graDoea<br />

the ball and took it to the line.<br />

Though downed he broke through on<br />

the next play for the touch. The<br />

Tnwnrra scored before the end of the<br />

t first half and again in the second<br />

half.<br />

; Portland<br />



A basketball- - doubleheader was<br />

staged at the St. Louis College "gym"<br />

last Saturday. Frank Almeida's men<br />

defeated the Scrubs, 14 to IS.while<br />

the Oceanics won from the All-Star-<br />

12 to 7.<br />

In the Junior series the Red Sox defeated<br />

the Second-to-None- s by a<br />

score of 5 to 0, and the Diamonds succeeded<br />

in trimming the Weaklings,<br />

4 to 2.<br />

CO<strong>AS</strong>T LEAGUE<br />

Won Lost Pet.<br />

San Francisco ..119 93 .561<br />

Los Angeles . ..116 94 .552<br />

Salt Lake ..101 96 .520<br />

Oakland ..103 108 .488<br />

..... .. 97 104 .4S2<br />

Vernon .. 81 12S .33G<br />

Yesterdas Scores<br />

At Salt Lake Vernon 7, Salt Lake<br />

6.<br />

At Los Angeles Los Angeles 13.<br />

Portland 3; Los Angeles 5, Portland<br />

1.<br />

At Oakland San Francisco 5, Oakland<br />

1; , San Francisco 3. Oakland 1.<br />


The" Filipino baseball team of the<br />

Pacific Leogue defeated Co. D. 2nd<br />

Infantry of Fort Shafter by a score<br />

of 5 to 2 Sunday morning at Athletic<br />

Park. The lineup of the winners was<br />

Cruz, rf.; Marclal, 3b.; Batong. 2b.;<br />

Planas, ss.; Punay, p.; Garcia, If.;<br />

Tamarra, cf.; Beny, lb.; King, c.<br />


Two matches In the Xuuanu Y. M.<br />

C. A. tennis meet were staged. Results<br />

follows M. L'no and T. Kawasaki<br />

beat August Guerrero and Joseph<br />

Yat, 62. 61.<br />

E. S. Ohye and M. Fukamachi beat<br />

II. P. Chun and Goo Kwan, 64, 62.<br />

4-- 5;<br />

!<br />

i<br />



Davis Proves Big Hero of Game Between Punahou and Col<br />

legians Pammcl and Brash Also Shine Brilliantly tor<br />

Hawaii Other Game Was See-sa- w Affair<br />

.!..Mr, a stn.ishin;: cnni the)<br />

P College ot Hawaii bLvokeil the<br />

Punahou eleven Saturday aitcr-r.oo-n<br />

at Alexander Field by j score ot<br />

21 to 0. Hill Davis. Famine! and Piash j<br />

Were the hie stars for 'he winner.<br />

while Peterson and Tcgue playeJ the<br />

best same for I he losers.<br />

It was a pood battle from start to<br />

finish and the score would have been<br />

much smaller had the Punahou men<br />

been able to withstand the fierce assaults<br />

led by David in the third period.<br />

For the early part of the game<br />

the academy ladi were able to stem<br />

thr tiAn nftr a fashion, brut tho re<br />

peated attacks prmcd too much lor,<br />

them when the second half came j<br />

around.<br />

Th. Score<br />

The first Hawaii touchdown tame<br />

shortly after the kick off in. the second<br />

ha!f. Pammel flashed through<br />

for the initial counter after a short<br />

mix in Punahou's danger territory.<br />

Davis kicked the goal.<br />

Bromley made a 25 yard dash for<br />

the next one and again Davis kicked<br />

the goal. f<br />

The third Hawaii touchdown came<br />

right after the other two. Davis ran<br />

wild through the Punahou line tor<br />

three plays before he made the touch<br />

and then finished the scoring by kicking<br />

tho third goal.<br />

The Teams<br />

Hawaii Mariuchi. I.e.. Albrecht l.t,<br />

Wung l.g., Chalmers c, Haysclden<br />

r.g., Bromley Jwanaga r.e.,<br />

Ballcn-tyn- e<br />

Q., Davis l.h., Pammcl rh..<br />

Brash f.<br />

Punahou Fassoth I.e.. Lydgate l.t.,<br />

Zane l.g.. Pratt c, Robinson r.g.. Alexander<br />

r.t., Baldwin r.e., Makikoa q.,<br />

Pogue l.h., Kauhane r.h., Peterson f.<br />

Kam-H- I Game t<br />

The score, 14-- 0, at the end or the<br />

Kam-McKInle- y game on Saturday<br />

afternoon, was a distinct surprise to<br />

the crowd that journeyed over to<br />

d.<br />

Kamehameha. Field. It has been<br />

after the w a11ot)ins that Whit- -<br />

comb's boys received at the hands of<br />

the college team, that their defeat oy<br />

Kamehameha would be much worso<br />

than the couple cf touchdowns which<br />

- - Kara obtained."'<br />

,<br />

The . game started unfortunately for<br />

tho Makikl squad, with Thompson laid<br />

out at the first tackle after the kick-trt- f.<br />

He was replaced by Ah Chow<br />

Chun, who ran the team satisfactor<br />

ily, though not as aggressively as the<br />

captain would have done. .In the first<br />

quarter no score resulted, and a lone<br />

touchdown as the result of fumbling<br />

by, McKinley came. to the . cadets in<br />




In a farewell game Saturday night<br />

at the Armory the Alerla basketball<br />

tpam wfnt down to defeat at the<br />

hands of the Red3 by a score of 27<br />

to' 21 points before a .crowd of 350<br />

people. There were almost as many<br />

ladies as men present to witness the<br />

battle for a dance followed.<br />

.' Ther entertainment was a farewell<br />

party tb the Alerts .who may leave<br />

for "somewhere" shortly. The proceeds,<br />

after expenses have bean paid<br />

will bo turned- - over to the lied Cross.<br />

It was a good game with the Beds<br />

doing: the aggressive work. Albertson's<br />

dribbling, and some hard shot<br />

featured the match. Tho Reds drew<br />

first blood on a foul basket, but before<br />

the first half was weil. started<br />

the Alerts, were leading. The Red<br />

came back: running their score up to<br />

21 and the best the Alerts could do<br />

was bring tbeir's to 15 before tho<br />

whistle. The Reds ran away with the<br />

rest of the game.<br />

Summary<br />

The summary was as follows:<br />

Reds McCarthy, right forward;<br />

Wylie, left forward; Albright, center;<br />

Pammel and Johnson, right guard;<br />

McCrellis, left guard.<br />

Alerts Clark, right forward; Ma-lonleft<br />

forward; Thorum, center;<br />

Albertson, right guard; Clay and Hansen,<br />

left guard. .<br />

Field goals McCarthy, four; Wylie,<br />

three; Albrecht, three; McCrillla,<br />

two; Clark, three; Thorum, three;<br />

Clay, one; Malone, one.<br />

Foul goal3 Wylie, three; Clark,<br />

three; Thorum. three.<br />

Mosber and Jackson, referee; Jackson<br />

and Mosher. umpire; Kampert,<br />

timekeeper; Hamilton, scorer.<br />

Ten-minut- e periods, minute rest for<br />

periods, seven for halves.<br />



The Auto Factors and the Printers<br />

start rolling on the Y. M. C. A. alleys<br />

for the week when they meet at 7:30<br />

tonight. Wednesday night the Federals<br />

and the Auto Factors roll and<br />

Thursday night the Pineapple Factors<br />

and the Sugar Factors come together.<br />

This is the next to the last week of<br />

the first series. On Monday, November<br />

12. the second series will begin.<br />

The schedule for this series will . be<br />

made out shortly by the bowling committee<br />

of which O. P. Soares is chair-ma- n.<br />

j<br />


tiic second ppiiod. Jones had hU j<br />

punts lkckcr for the first time thit<br />

. . .1.1. . Ida ITara Imvl r<br />

seeming t solve the detente of-t&-<br />

lisht high school line.<br />

Many njurin<br />

The aggressive" end. ToKioRa, maaa ;<br />

liursclf a naaic in the lirst half by<br />

his bird tackling. Horainger got<br />

through the Kam defense a;wclL<br />

showing himself an able successor to<br />

Ching at center. . .<br />

In the second half Thompson went<br />

ba-k- he had hardly gotten the<br />

team behind him when'Tsuklyama's<br />

Itrd knee f.iild Hirn antye haH b<br />

carried off the field. put Sato<br />

at hull, an I the :o83 uVViUAi oaK-- ,<br />

encd the ilefenso of: the McKinley<br />

gnddcrs considerably. But the Kara<br />

n en were no more fortunate In I he<br />

liiartcr than they had been ik the<br />

first, the period<br />

7-- score still<br />

ending wlfttU9<br />

:v<br />

Ths Teams<br />

Suzuki. Thonipsou. Ilemlniffer, Tiu<br />

kiyama and Jones were tti?rt ; toctuwl<br />

stars, although the whole team plajed<br />

a fighting game from start to finish.<br />

Dawson's lino plunging ancf Hussey's<br />

end running were the features of the<br />

Kam offense, while on the defense<br />

I ton u smashed through the McKink<br />

i;ne at win.<br />

Kanehanieha Hus?ey .I.e., if. Clark<br />

l.t, Hohu l.g., N. Clark c, Kanotiu.<br />

r.g., Kauhane r.t. Fuller r.e.. facDt<br />

q., Coleman th.. l.iwsoii V'<br />

-<br />

a<br />

." - --<br />

McKinley Sato U., Olivcrl<br />

Chang l.g., Henunger c, Gchnug<br />

Suzuki, r.e., Thompson g., Xua I.h.,<br />

Tsukiyama r.h., Jones f. : H f .<br />

IJf Just like<br />

fyour morning j)<br />

35<br />

Toasting<br />

makes thing<br />


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