Mónica Bettencourt-Dias

Mónica Bettencourt-Dias

Mónica Bettencourt-Dias


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Representative<br />

Sessions Chaired<br />

at International<br />

Meetings<br />

Selected Honors,<br />

Boards,<br />

Committees, and<br />

other<br />

Professional<br />

Services<br />

Outreach<br />

Activities<br />

•8/2006-University of Bayreuth, Germany, “Dissecting the function of SAK<br />

kinase in templated and de novo centriole assembly”<br />

•8/2006-Department of Genetics, Cell Biology, and Development,<br />

University of Minnesota, USA, 1-8-06SAKing the centrosome; SAK kinase<br />

and the centrosome cycle,<br />

•4/2005-BSCB &BSDB joint Spring meeting, Warwick, UK, “Genome wide<br />

survey of protein kinases required for cell cycle progression”<br />

•9/2004-Sixth International Workshop on Chromosome Segregation and<br />

Aneuploidy, Cortona, Italy “Genome wide survey of protein kinases required<br />

for cell cycle progression”<br />

•7/2004-Science Summer School, Cambridge University, “Decoding the<br />

genome: innovative strategies to studying the cell cycle”<br />

•6/2004-Public Communication of Science and Technology (PCST)<br />

network meeting, Barcelona, “Training scientists to communicate to lay<br />

audiences: successes and limitations of a science communication workshop”<br />

•3/2004-RNA and Microarrays - Broaden Your Horizons, Imperial College,<br />

London “A functional genomic screen to identify protein kinases involved in the<br />

regulation of mitosis”<br />

•3/2001-Wellcome/CRC Institute, Cambridge, UK “An example of adult cell<br />

plasticity: cell cycle re-entry in the adult newt cardiomyocyte”<br />

•European Drosophila Research Conference (Lisbon, 2011)<br />

•Gordon Conference on Motile and Contractile Systems (US, 2011)<br />

•ASCB - Cilia and Centrosome minisymposia – (San Diego, 2009)<br />

•EMBO workshop - Polo like kinases: from the fly to the clinic 20 years<br />

onwards, (Portugal, 2009)<br />

•ELSO – meeting - Nice (2008)<br />

•From Jan 2010 I am part of the editorial board of the journal of the American<br />

Society for Cell Biology (MBC)<br />

•2008-2009 Part of the committee that selects PhD students at IGC<br />

•2002-I review manuscripts and grants for a variety of journals (Nature, Science,<br />

Developmental Cell, Current Biology, Journal Cell Biology, Journal Cell<br />

Science, Molecular Biology of the Cell, EMBO, Cell Motility & Cytoskeleton, and<br />

Trends in Cell Biology) and funding bodies such as the Welcome Trust (UK),<br />

CRUK (UK), Swiss National Foundation, Austrian Academy of Sciences.<br />

As a scientist I think it is also my role to promote science and scientific<br />

knowledge amongst different audiences, such as the lay public, media and<br />

decision-makers. I am engaged in promoting the training of scientists in<br />

communication skills and in identifying effective ways of doing that. I coorganised<br />

and evaluated several workshops on those topics in Europe and<br />

Mozambique. Since 2001 I have applied successfully for funding of the<br />

activities referred above. Those activities were awarded grants from the<br />

Portuguese Government; the Gulbenkian Foundation; the Gatsby<br />

Foundation (UK); the European Union and the British Council (PT). My<br />

laboratory also receives regularly students from high-schools & I have gone<br />

to high schools (16-17 yr olds) to explain our research and what is “to be a<br />

scientist”. I have explained the work of my laboratory to a variety of<br />

Portuguese media. Our work has featured several times in the Portuguese<br />

radio, TV, newspapers and magazines. Our website<br />

(http://sites.igc.gulbenkian.pt/ccr/) is aimed at International scientists and at<br />

the Portuguese lay public. People from our laboratory regularly go to<br />

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