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THURS<br />

THE OCIAN <strong>CITY</strong> SENTINEL-LEDG1R<br />

Health Class<br />

Tours Hospital<br />

All Bophoewre gtria win late<br />

Health wen recently given another<br />

Stott<br />

added respaosibUuy, which wu to<br />

write a term paper on some topic <strong>of</strong><br />


health.<br />

;<br />

6 W CINDY WHDN<br />

Tta Health teacher. Mm ReleMy,<br />

told them they could supplement their<br />


term paper in different ways, such<br />

as a Held trip, a play, or charts.<br />


<strong>On</strong>e amUtkn* sophomore, JoAnnc<br />

Stay, decided that a field trip to<br />

Shore Memorial Hospital would bat<br />

tk,r •<br />

help her illustrate her tram paper<br />

which wan "Respiratory Diseases."<br />

To be able to cany out her idea,<br />

she Bret had to receive permission<br />

from the Maid <strong>of</strong> Education and<br />

hen from the main <strong>of</strong>fice. The set<br />

date was March 25 and 35 sophomore<br />

girls from the red and while gym<br />

rams planned, to go*<br />

Upon arriving, the jM» split into<br />

tno Kiwips and nxtii guided through<br />

flic hospital by Mrs, John Edward!<br />

and one <strong>of</strong> the head nurara. They<br />

««na showTi the arnerBemy wart and<br />

What is thu ... basketball or football???<br />

he 5ped,-il cqulpinent used thcn> the<br />

the kmknhip at the<br />

eefcatric!! ward, babies that »\ro<br />

t Ma. FMfths. The<br />

tt barn, and ite operatini; room.<br />

The girts took the opportunily to<br />

Mr. Subotich <strong>On</strong> Visit ask questions and to kura more<br />

about JoArm's topic and the hospital<br />

han they would by observing conns<br />

w plays.<br />

To Air Force Academy<br />

Bria« •«•*>.<br />

Mr. Mkharf M. Subouch, principal to the hospital which could be taken<br />

<strong>of</strong> OCHS. attends a general orienta- completely underground in the evunt<br />

<strong>of</strong> a nuclear a!ta<<br />

§• 30 other prominent New jersey The Academy ittelf Js situated on<br />

high school educator and guidance U.OJ0 acri-s at the foot ot the Rocky<br />

counselors at the V. $, AST Force Mountains in view <strong>of</strong> Kiss's Peak.<br />

Academy at Colorado Springs. Cbl> Anothor interesting thine about Mr<br />

Merry-Go-Round ado. on Thursday, Friday and Sat SubBUeh's trip is that while it took<br />

Urday, Mud! 25 through «. mvm hours to By to Peterson Field,<br />

, No<br />

All ol those attending were gtreo Colorado, from Newark airport it<br />

As* JOB<br />

complete packets <strong>of</strong> programs. This took only fire hours to come back<br />

. . U "P" tor INst- program included briefings on enby,<br />

the same route because <strong>of</strong> the<br />

is not quite are. Mrs. trance requirements, the cadet eoun. prevailing winds.<br />

seUng program, the academic cur- Mr- Subotich said that from the<br />

riculum, intercoUegiale athletics- and cadets he saw and talked to, he got<br />

Bkm. geography text! , , , Qeven- milaary and leadship training at the the impression that the Air Force<br />

«td scrambled egg* in Academy, along wifh a complete tour Academy has some <strong>of</strong> the fines bays<br />

. . . Suzie. not Susan, right. <strong>of</strong> facilities. Among the facilities in the country.<br />

. . . Judy, where is Denmark' which were sees were classes, the Mr. Subotich found the trip tetef.<br />

Orol . . June . . . twinkling library, gym, stadium, admlnistrsi csting and thrilling and would like<br />

. . tmnty one is the number! tive buildings, dormitories, training , to go back. Me would reeonunaid a<br />

. Barti, can't you get i«ir factor and athletic fields.<br />

j vWt to the Air Force Academy as<br />

. . . "Silbouettea on theOf<br />

the various architectural strue- i worthwhile to anyone who might hav<br />

B<br />

cue wearing a yeltow apron turea, Mr. Subotich found the Ompel the opportunity to do so and said that<br />

they were baking a to be most inspiring. Panels <strong>of</strong> cut the Academy welcomes visilors.<br />

*! . . . Larain's jeataus; her cat tint the light within in various<br />

: a girl Jriend . . But Mrs. T.. Everything inside the Chapel<br />

prom is even weeks away, don't orris out the Air Force motif. An-<br />

i think the Dowers wiU nave wilted otar wiique building, which be saw<br />

then? . . . Huny. boys!, put her<br />

rimn«_ |t may he your only<br />

awe . . .Why do tiny always kill Townspeople Invited<br />

people aToacn. Mr. BomerT<br />

_ Tim ... To Spanish Fiesta<br />

test, what eke fe newf gpmi»it Club <strong>of</strong> <strong>Ocean</strong> Qtf<br />

ehool is going to hilvc a "fiesta.<br />

Ws affair will be held in the <strong>Ocean</strong><br />

Oty Youth Cnter from U ockxk to<br />

nsw coMttryt country Of aJgebrmf rfdoek on April 10. This affair,<br />

•Visit<br />

wUeh is a new and worthwhile form<br />

THEBRASaUNG. <strong>of</strong> entertainment, will be free <strong>of</strong> cost<br />

to those who attend.<br />

The fiesta will give a represarifo.<br />

an <strong>of</strong> life in Spanish speaking eaalr<br />

tff W SERVICE<br />

tries, FUms <strong>of</strong> ths dUferetit n-<br />

Mm vm be shown and refreshments<br />

native to these countries, will H<br />

FOR HOMEOWNERS!!! served, dab members wfll dance<br />

and sag in costumes represaitsln e<br />

<strong>of</strong> the Soaniah speaking eour,a1e*.<br />

Eiy^quick, easy selection<br />

There wUl also be uispLiys <strong>of</strong> oils<br />

if dKtifative waB paneling fmm our The chairaien <strong>of</strong> the different coin,<br />

mittees are Barbara Jane AEen.<br />

Special WELDWOOD' Display food; Pat Rahn. publicity; Katty<br />

Krananata-, dancing; »kry CarnOtm*<br />

?angsflgt Hfld BiHli HUbglf, p*&jests.<br />

All -Spanish dub members m dtl.<br />

gently working and are hopur; lcr<br />

a big success. This Fiesta wiU N<br />

tun and interesting for both chilrli en<br />

and adults.<br />

Soys Begin Spring<br />

Intramural Schedule<br />

Since the weather has become<br />

warmer and Spring has arrived, tie<br />

boy* in grades T to 12 now wm a<br />

firm! chance to better their league<br />

•r^<br />

Seteef Ǥw beauty for your home...<br />

Provide better living for your family<br />

with WELDWOCD wall paneling<br />




J. P. COLLINS<br />

SOUTH SEAVIUf, NEW JfltSfy<br />

DfAl 263-4341<br />

Maiw-Sirviag the Area for 75 Years . IMS<br />

t i? t Did You If now?<br />

i jpoo mm hsm • &v<br />

M muring to-yard relay, the high Jump,<br />

broad jimp and tbe e^^^pound tfiot^<br />

put.<br />

Plumbing I Heating<br />

After an <strong>of</strong> these games have been<br />

completed. Coach Carey and Coach Dial 399-3085<br />

Hsweu wUl total the paints scored by<br />

cad lean and come up with a winher<br />

in the junior League (7** 2152 Asbury Avenue<br />

gradesi. and the tenor League (10-<br />

1142 grades). Besides a team award,<br />

there will also be many individual<br />

awards for Ugh scoring in the different<br />

game* during the year. MILTON P. DAIUY<br />

OIL • OAS<br />

RAYMcCffiESH<br />

KIMMR Cabin«M<br />


and Appliance<br />


7MWMTAVB. MAI.lM.im<br />

Fireplaces, Chimneys DIAL MMiM ar M-1M<br />

oiid Flagstone<br />

CALL 399-2581<br />

Chris Jacoby<br />


BRICK<br />

iin<br />

1 lm 16 ban ptento. If you<br />

ew, looking ttr adnon in MMI art<br />

mom e»f five *ata «W COB<br />

thm Ha fun! Doyour^e El«ctri<<br />

TMl OtlAN <strong>CITY</strong> SCNTINIULKWIR<br />

gaze out olKMnUBt Well, to4e are<br />

W ntDdow pan« » «B» out A »<br />

mm m you nmy elane© out <strong>of</strong> any<br />

s Visit Temple Elementary School Newt<br />

at the 90 «1ndow nams, Room 219<br />

PLAIT<br />

tflso Men 90 window pans, <strong>On</strong>ly<br />

To nmtmm<br />

one pioU«n-Uie shad may be IA Speech Festival<br />

puUed,<br />

III<br />

NQW<br />

Who (laid Echool Isn't interetUng?<br />

lma bsW PBW» that an. was grow-<br />

INSUR<br />

ing. Wmm ebrsou bnMtW as .<br />

A man la as good as he has to be.<br />

tor<br />

potato Mai MMlssW hw a<br />

Ii«»si fOtMy «nfl *»SW YRaflsB SI asjSssS lfsMfly<br />

The eBimtRrium In room SO now AGENCY<br />

CIOBM |xf IfMf pubpc mn<br />

book* on tbBllbnuy «*ble at • day. TbsM b»k* wlD b*<br />

ill AMUftY AVINUI<br />

atWrjr eHHNn Mve been able to home fa tmt and can be used for<br />

CM.I 399-1751<br />

as4 an enttiw bobk to the group. ra pracoce. Ite children also<br />

PAINTIN© and<br />

dioioA tt> also raad'a Mwminite fMdtan who have read a book to enjoy making aentencs, m evaf<br />

naw* ea«t MMM fcy «• cssm^est dl- the s*WP mdurJe L»i Patterson, Monday, steer seven wArda urn pot<br />


PKOAfi<br />

rsesor «< tsmela tAJMnliy. Ruth Ann Vandmpbol, Rot Burman. on the board. <strong>On</strong> Friday the «ntei><br />

— IT —<br />

1W a|sb nsd an omorfawMy to Brent Hop*, Bobby BfcCrelght, Lyme ce* ira cotttatad and read ami m*-<br />

< fa**** » U»« mtewftost. radio Mngnaa, Kttnbrth OMTIOE, LMU cu»*d by tbe eUw,<br />

RAY<br />

mwMWM^PIinii aiif ndp> toivs itcnw Bosbyabeil, Armrtte LombanM, Am B w our turn to decorate tbe baB<br />

prvpavad «y a Itempie IMvtraity JgUsoa. Julia LaRow, James Aab, buUeun board last week, so a dis-<br />

• All Itoril IMwad<br />

• FM KIIIMMM<br />

criraana n4h» stattuki. He Ruth Garrison, and Nancy Richards. play entitled "first Grade Garden-<br />


oojnaaalsd *»• Be* Huber.<br />

When a eMld can ml a book weU. en" was arranged. A •tory was<br />

CtMTOMIlt!<br />

PoKcy fiMdsij «M dhWnattc mad- they get a strip ol papar to put inaxnjnaed<br />

using the children-* Ideas<br />


DIAL 399-4599<br />

• Swan was select fasl •«"«• o<strong>On</strong>cd the sMOtnts a thMr folder wHh the bank's name on and the parts <strong>of</strong> a flower were iUu*-<br />

FAS* DfcUVERV<br />

dor ftotarian lor<br />

rad it>iitiMMIIiM»iiiMii<br />

In mathemsiles, the ta is working<br />

with toe volume <strong>of</strong> different fig- ROBERT A. CULL<br />

in the mecnanics <strong>of</strong> poetry are being Registered Builder<br />

studied in Language.<br />

Matey and Wa elaas studying tht<br />


eaanrion <strong>of</strong> tbe United States to the<br />

weM la me late raneteentti century. 933<br />

They are beginning the unit OB<br />

hea* in science.<br />


RnisTHn BUILDERS<br />

Res^ 3313 West km<br />

"W* tf»«CillLlZl IN MODMlNnMlsl HSMU"<br />

•f LIN0M NOMRIt<br />

tats a week. AU<br />

papers will atay up aa long as the- Tte record world received a shock<br />

gadrs don't go dtrWn.<br />

recentlr with tbe news <strong>of</strong> Nat King<br />


In art, they have been talking CW- I *<br />

bow to viait a museum and to His new «bant (rafaased just prior<br />


recognke the famous painting*. In Mass dntlA k) MJ-V-E and consists<br />


the paat, they have studied many at a. eoUaotka at Mngs that all have<br />

«aB^'<br />

artists su ss Hembrsndt and Vansomething<br />

to my dbout the theme <strong>of</strong><br />

Gogh.<br />

the IP. . . Jfmdutod and conducted<br />

> UNMMr, Ffwgaton., LMtf> CMMnt A MaMar<br />

The pupUi hive also been itudyln0 by 'Ralph Carmichael, the »ong»<br />

fraction* in remainders in Arithme- tram LO-V.E (which Nat oritic.<br />

They are now In 4ne "seven gbiBUy recorded in six languages).<br />

ttmes taWa. and wUl aoon be InMm<br />

anjb Ihenr's love to Three<br />

tWi STREET and SIMPfOM AVtMJl<br />


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