SPRING 2008 Community College Magazine - Northampton ...

SPRING 2008 Community College Magazine - Northampton ...

SPRING 2008 Community College Magazine - Northampton ...


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Why I Run<br />

Rachel Cardelle<br />

grants specialist<br />

Running gave me back the dawn.<br />

When I was 10, I spent my first summer at Camp Tanamakoon in Algonquin Park,<br />

Canada. During that time, every morning when we awoke all the campers would recite<br />

the Salutation of the Dawn:<br />

Listen to the Salutation of the Dawn!<br />

Look to this Day!<br />

For it is Life, the very Life of Life.<br />

In its brief course lie all the Verities and Realities of your Existence;<br />

The Bliss of Growth,<br />

The Glory of Action,<br />

The Splendor of Beauty;<br />

For Yesterday is but a Dream, And Tomorrow is only a Vision;<br />

But Today well lived makes every Yesterday a Dream of Happiness,<br />

and every Tomorrow a Vision of Hope.<br />

Look well therefore to this Day!<br />

Such is the Salutation of the Dawn.<br />

I know not if these words formed my love of the early morning with all the promise<br />

and possibilities I find in those hours, or if they only express what has always been a part<br />

of me. I know only that it is to the dawn that I can look for serenity and my own version of<br />

inner peace. I rediscovered the dawn at the age of almost 40, when I took up running.<br />

At first, I ran only because I could not bear to be the fat-bottomed, middle-aged<br />

woman I had become. It was hard to force myself out of bed each morning just to lace up<br />

my sneakers. Then, slowly, my body gained energy, and I began to get up a little earlier<br />

each day, just to grab a few more minutes and miles on the road.<br />

Today, my dawn runs provide my sanity. There are surely a million biological,<br />

scientific reasons that my dawn runs help me to stay on an even keel. Still, it seems<br />

incredible to me that this simple ritual supplies me with the ability to appreciate my life.<br />

I know that it is the endorphins talking when my mind turns to thoughts best suited to<br />

corny greeting cards. But those endorphins help me to remember that this day matters<br />

more than any other, if only because it is the last time I will spend this date in time as<br />

a 44-year-old woman with this husband, with these daughters, with so many friends<br />

spread across the globe as they are, and working for this amazing place and in whose<br />

mission I so strongly believe.<br />

When I am running, no matter the weather, nor the season of the year, no matter<br />

how colorful or quiet the sun may rise, the dawn always breaks for me with a reminder<br />

of how joyful life truly is.<br />

Running has become my Salutation to the Dawn. u<br />

<strong>SPRING</strong> <strong>2008</strong> ● NCC<br />


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