Cursos - Universitat de Girona

Cursos - Universitat de Girona

Cursos - Universitat de Girona


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Curs 2011-2012Títol:Effective presenting in EnglishCodi:1112FU107Càrrec: Mary Jane PrattPlaces: 16Hores: 20Calendari: Dimecres <strong>de</strong>l 25 <strong>de</strong> gener al 28 <strong>de</strong> marçHorari: De 16 a 18hLloc:Aula 20 (FCEE)Contingut: Through hands-on practice, participants will learn to structure and shape apresentation with special emphasis on the introduction, conclusion andsupport visuals.Q&A management strategies will also be covered.Objectius: The objectives are to equip participants with tools and skills to prepare an<strong>de</strong>ffectively present aca<strong>de</strong>mic research papers.Organització: Institut <strong>de</strong> Ciències <strong>de</strong> l'Educació Josep Pallach.Títol:Effective Aca<strong>de</strong>mic Writing in EnglishCodi:1112FU108Càrrec: Tony TysoePlaces: 16Hores: 20Calendari: Dimarts, <strong>de</strong>l 17 d'abril al 26 <strong>de</strong> junyHorari: De 10 a 12hLloc:Aula 18 (FCEE)Contingut: Through hands-on practice, participants will sharpen their editing andproofreading skills and practise strategies to create clearer and more concisetexts.Objectius: The objectives are to increase awareness of what constitutes good aca<strong>de</strong>micwriting in English and to help participants to build on writing skills theyalready have.Organització: Institut <strong>de</strong> Ciències <strong>de</strong> l'Educació Josep Pallach.I n s t i t u t d e C i è n c i e s d e l ’ E d u c a c i ó J o s e p P a l l a c hUn i v e r s i t a t d e G i r o n a

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