task the nature linguistics

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Task 2 - The nature of linguistics and language

Teacher : Mangely Londoño

Student : Yazmin Pamo Camacho

Código: 1013649471

Grupo: 518017

Universidad Nacional Abierta y a Distancia UNAD

Escuela de Ciencias de la Educación

Licenciado En Lenguas Extrajeras Con Énfasis En Ingles

Curse: Introduction to Linguistics



1.4 Phrases

1. Attribute

What does the quote tell you about their perspective on the study and analysis of


The linguist Ferdinand de Saussure was mainly involved in historical, comparative natural


Thanks to this author we can analyze that language has been involved in the history of

language, either by the simple fact of discovering the relationships that exist in languages, or

by the variation that exists between each language. He also introduced us to grammatical

forms, pronunciation, rules for word forms, for example: handling of nouns and verbs in

sentences, vocabulary, as it helps to learn the language that is being studied. .

I also led him to define linguistics as an introduction to linguistics as a study of language, that

is, language is a set of signs that are members of a system defined by their relationships with

each other. For example: We know what something means by knowing also what it does not

mean, that is to say in Spanish it is like saying the lake is near my house, but in English I

would not know how to say it.

The linguist Noam Chomsky reacted against certain theories about language and the

acceptance of other perspectives at the same time, that is to say the field of linguistics had only

undergone some changes to what we see today. The linguist Noam Chomsky was trained in

structuralist theory and structuralist analysis, he was not good enough to account for the

handling of syntax, especially the ability of syntax to generate an infinite number. This linguist

focused on the structuralism of speech, and used real data for his study analysis in large

quantities, he was able to collect several languages to analyze how the language worked, in

people and what was their behavior when listening to a language other than their own they

spoke. Speech patterns were seen as an example of behavioral behavior from the study of

human practices, such as language, the object of study is what can be openly observed and


Chomsky's linguistics is seen as a revolution against behavior seen from language. For

example, the real use of language or interpretations, that is, it is the mental base of processes

that we carry out in our production of language, for example, how to know how to speak

taking into account the structures of grammatical forms, how to know how to use vocabulary ,

as we should think before we speak.

Linguist Michael Halliday became interested in the study of language because of its

own learning experiences, was driven by the need to solve particular problems in language

teaching, and explain the characteristics of the language to students, such as the relationship

between grammar and vocabulary.


He also proposed to develop descriptions of language and its operation,

forming the foundations of systemic functional linguistics, Halliday was commissioned to

create methods and materials to aid school literacy. Halliday further explains that his early

works were influenced by (J. R. Firth), a linguist who drew attention to the relationship

between meaning and context.

On the other hand, the description of the language in this view must take into account the

context for which the language is used. Halliday paid attention to Saussure's project to focus

on both the syntagmatics and the paradigmatic dimensions of language, and this led Halliday

to propose a systemic framework of functional choices in his linguistic theory.

2. ‘Linguistics’ in Bauer, Laurie; “The Linguistic Student’s Handbook

answer the following question: why is Linguistics definitely considered a science?

Linguistics is considered a science because science could be understood as a synonym of

discipline or area of knowledge. In this way, philosophy, political science, historiography or

theory of literature read science, since they all constitute a series of methods, studies,

reflections and analyzes that have the purpose of reaching solid ideas, we could add the

proximity of the true.

There are good reasons to call linguistic science. For example, biological sciences, since

linguistics is concerned with observing and classifying naturally occurring phenomena. The

phenomena to be classified are:

sounds of speech, words, languages, and ways of using language to interact in society and the

behavior of human beings in their environment.

Since language manifests itself in human behavior, in linguistics one moves from observing

particular types of linguistic behavior through theories about how linguistic behavior, linguists

construct hypotheses about the structure of language and then testing those hypotheses using



Double Articulation

In the field of Linguistics, the term double articulation was introduced by (André Martinet)

and refers to the way in which language is organized, thus distinguishing between two levels:

The first level is made up of the modem or linguistic signs.

The second level is to which the individual sounds that lack meaning and that form the

components of the first level belong.

Thus, we have the sequence ser of the first level and the elements (/ s / / e /, / r /) of the second

level, which, combined in a different way, give rise to a different sign.

On the other hand, there are minimal units with meaning called morphemes, which will be

possible later division into other even smaller units, the phonemes.

The double articulation of language makes it possible that, with a small number of units,

infinite messages are built, even those never emitted or heard before.

In addition to phonemes, accent and intonation also have the ability to differentiate meanings,

as for example occurs in (/ bebe / and / baby). Or also in the words (go, fence) that are used in

different ways.

Human language is different from other semiotic systems, explain at least three

characteristics, that according to Linguistics, are unique to human language.

Semiology or semiotics is the science derived from philosophy that deals with communication

systems within human societies, studying the general properties of sign systems, as a basis for

understanding all human activity. Here, a sign is understood as a present object or event that is

instead of another absent object or event, by virtue of a certain code.

These dimensions give rise to homonymous disciplines that govern the relationships between

sign and designated thing: semantics; relationships between signs: the syntax; and between

signs and their conditions of use: pragmatics. From the dimensions, the phenomena, objects

and systems of meaning, languages and discourses in different languages are analyzed as

processes associated with production and interpretation.

The first sketch is the Semiology of Communication, a current framed in saussurofunctionalism

that proposed to study the conventionalized non-verbal sign systems, whose

function was to communicate. In other words, communication systems different from the

natural language.

Among these regularities are his analysis of three types of evidence:





Semiology is the science that studies sign systems: codes, languages, signs, among others.

This definition covers all sign systems: deaf sign languages, traffic signs, codes, Morse

alphabet, etc.

We live in a world of signs, therefore Semiology is essential to establish the difference

between terms that are used interchangeably as a sign, index, icon, symbol, signal. When a

person wants to communicate, he uses some form to be able to express himself, taking as a

reference the form of expression understandable by others such as: making gestures, writing,

speaking, drawing, etc., therefore the sign, gesture, expression, that he wants to transmit it is

called a referent, while the interpretation of the recipient of the message is called




Bloor, Thomas and Bloor, Meriel (2004) The Functional Analysis of English. Second

Edition. London: Arnold. Chafe, Wallace (1994) Discourse, Consciousness, and Time:

The Flow and Displacement of Conscious Experience in Speaking and Writing.

Chicago, IL: University of Chicago Press. Chomsky, Noam A. (1965) Aspects of the

Theory of Syntax. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.

Lass, Roger (1976). English Phonology and Phonological Theory. Cambridge:

Cambridge University Press. Turing, Alan M. (1950). Computing machinery and

intelligence. Mind 59: 433–60.


Ostalé, Julio. ¿ Semiótica o Semiología? Algo más que una cuestión terminológica (en

inglés). Consultado el 14 de marzo de 2020.

Eco, Umberto. (2015). Tratado de semiótica general.

Debolsillo. ISBN 9786073129398. OCLC 953626199. Consultado el 12 de octubre de



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