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Icon of Mistic Music With Its Peaceful Voice ;


Today, the ney s known as the

Turk sh nstrument and has

become a symbol of Suf mus c.

Instead of play ng, wh ch s used

for general mus cal nstruments,

the term blow ng s used for ney.

Blow ng here has a f gurat ve mean ng. It takes ts source

from the fact that n Islam, Allah blew the soul wh le

creat ng man. Another factor that enables one to be

affected by th s metaphor s; It s the sound of "Hû" when

blow ng the ney, just l ke "Tü" sounds when play ng the

flute and "Fü" sounds for the s de flute. Hu means "He" n

Suf sm.

Here s a l nk f you wonder

about the fasc nat ng vo ce of




P A G E 4

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