Gossip Gazette Magazine - 01 June 2022

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<strong>01</strong> <strong>June</strong> <strong>2022</strong>

Content<br />

<strong>Gossip</strong> <strong>Gazette</strong> <strong>Magazine</strong><br />

Editorial<br />

Social Media<br />

Facebook - @<strong>Gossip</strong><strong>Gazette</strong>Mini<strong>Magazine</strong><br />

Twitter - @<strong>Gossip</strong><strong>Gazette</strong>MM<br />

Instagram - @gossipgazettem<br />

LinkedIn - @linkedin.com/in/<br />

gossipgazettemagazine<br />

Head Of Sales<br />

Belyda Du Toit<br />

gossipgazettemagazine@gmail.com<br />

082-096-4416<br />

Stephanie Du Toit<br />

gossipgazette@hotmail.com<br />

066-<strong>01</strong>6-6174<br />

Design And Layout<br />

Stephanie Du Toit<br />

gossipgazette@hotmail.com<br />

066-<strong>01</strong>6-6174<br />

Office Manager<br />

Belyda Du Toit<br />

gossipgazettemagazine@gmail.com<br />

082-096-4416<br />

Cellphone Numbers<br />

082-096-4416<br />

066-<strong>01</strong>6-6174<br />

Email Addresses<br />

gossipgazettemagazine@gmail.com<br />

gossipgazette@hotmail.com<br />

Pg. 3 - Health Quote<br />

Pg. 4 - Future Executives Academy ( Staan jy altyd reg met jou antwoord?)<br />

Pg. 5 - Business Advert - Chlea Bella<br />

Pg. 6 - Business Advert - HiTech Nails<br />

Pg. 7 - Pg. 8 - Arnold Gesels ( Modder aan die wiele )<br />

Pg. 9 - Business Advert - Bakwena / Night Spa & Mini Safari<br />

Pg. 10 - Business Advert - Coffee Cabin<br />

Pg. 11 - Business Advert - Hillfox Action Sports Arcade<br />

Pg. 12 - Business Advert - Ogilvie Gems<br />

Pg 13. - Business Advert - The Dance Palace<br />

Pg. 14 - Pg. 15 - Health & Wellness Awareness Calendar <strong>2022</strong> - <strong>June</strong><br />

Pg. 16 - “God say you are…” Quote<br />

Pg. 17 - Business Advert - Business Advert - Browtique - Brows and things<br />

Pg. 18 - Pg. 19 - Descriptions of all Health & Wellness Awareness days in<br />

<strong>June</strong> <strong>2022</strong><br />

Pg. 20 - Pico De Gallo Recipe<br />

Pg. 21 - 9 Edible Ground cover plants for backyards and gardens<br />

Pg. 22 - 10 Fragrant herbs for your container garden<br />

Pg. 23 - Garden Quote<br />

Pg. 24 - Quick guide to identifying 1973 - 96 Ford Pickups<br />

Pg. 25 - How to jump a car<br />

Pg. 26 - Ideal day Checklist<br />

Pg. 27 - How to remove permanent marker from anything<br />

Pg. 28 - Self Care Night routine<br />

Pg. 29 - Pg. 31 - How to make a Flower Tower<br />

Pg. 32 - Image<br />

Pg. 33 - Business Advert - Zwartkops Raceway<br />

Pg. 34 - Business Advert - Eternally Yours<br />

Pg. 35 - Pg. 38 - Garden World<br />

Pg. 39 - <strong>Gossip</strong> <strong>Gazette</strong> <strong>Magazine</strong><br />

Pg. 40 - Miss <strong>Magazine</strong> & Marketing


Normaalweg sou ‘n mens kon sê dat wanneer jy in ‘n nuwe gesprek ingaan is jy redelik voorberei om die vraag te onvang. “Hoe<br />

gaan dit met jou? Relatief ‘n algemene vraag met jou aankoms by ‘n nuwe gesprek en een wat wederkerig gestel word. Ons wil<br />

egter stilstaan op jou antwoord voordat jy jou vraag vra, want dié sal ook bepaal word deur jou antwoord op die vraag wat aan jou<br />

gestel is.<br />

Hier volg ‘n lys van antwoorde wat ons dan elkeen sal ontleed om uit te kom by die regte antwoord, indien daar ‘n perfekte<br />

antwoord bestaan:<br />

“Ag, onder omstandighede gaan dit goed.” Eerstens is die “ag” ‘n duidelike aanwysing dat jy nie werklik gelukkig is om te antwoord<br />

nie. Tweedens dui dit dat jy apaties staan teenoor die person asook die vraag, want die werklike antwoord wil jy nie gee nie, met<br />

ander woorde jy steek iets weg, wat dalk baie persoonlik is en nie graag wil deel nie, alhoewel dit voorop in jou gedagtegang is. Dit<br />

is iets waarmee jy worstel en nie sommer net wil deel nie. Elkeen van ons ken ons eie omstandighede die heel beste en daarom is<br />

die vraag soms steurend en eintlik ongevraagd op daardie spesifieke tydstip. Vandaar die reaksie wat apaties is en selfs geïrriteerd<br />

kan wees. Hier kan daar ‘n onderliggende vrees bestaan wat, indien ontbloot word, jou in ‘n slegte lig kan stel. Meer hieroor in ‘n<br />

volgende hoofstuk.<br />

Die volgende gedeelte van die sinsnede; “onder omstandighede gaan dit goed”, verraai eintlik dat daar omstandighede is wat wel<br />

nie lekker is nie, maar jy is nie bereid om op hierdie stadium daarop kommentaar te lewer nie, wat ‘n volgende vraag kan ontketen.<br />

Die vraag kan gevra word, byvoorbeeld: “Vertel my meer van die omstandighede?” En juis wat jy wil voorkom, kom dan na vore en<br />

dit is om te antwoord (reageer). Dit is asof jy jouself probeer beskerm deur die aandag van jouself af weg te lei, maar is nie seker<br />

waarheen die afleiding moet gaan nie.<br />

Die onsekerheid van jou antwoord, glo ek, sal ook deur jou lyftaal beklemtoon word, asook jou stemtoon. Dit beklemtoon jou<br />

apatiese houding teenoor jou omstandighede aan die eenkant, maar kan ook jou diep bekommernis daarteenoor bewys. Soos<br />

voorheen verwys dat daar dieperliggende goed is waaroor jy jou nie tans wil uitlaat nie en daarom dit probeer vermy.<br />

Ons kan sê dat daar skemer tog ‘n mate van positiwiteit ook deur in hierdie antwoord, veral as die omstandighede ook positief is<br />

waarna verwys word. Dit sal ook afhang van jou lyftaal asook jou stemtoon waarmee jy antwoord.<br />

Verder volgende keer.



Hoekom in aanhalingstekens? Maklik! Dis ‘n algemeen bekende gesegde van ‘n goeie vriendin van ons. Ek “steel” by<br />

wyse van spreke die gesegde om my storie en punt te maak.<br />

Toe ek sommer nog baie klein was, was daar in die Ellisras (nou Lephalale) omgewing naby aan ons plaas verskeie<br />

“Yskor” plase. Hulle was destyds in beheer van steenkool eksplorasie. Vandag is daar in daardie omgewing ‘n groot myn<br />

– “Onverwagt”.<br />

In daardie tyd waaroor ek vertel was verskeie van die plase aan boere verhuur wat met verskeie goed geboer het.<br />

Ek onthou op die een plaas was die lande by geleentheid vol Kasterolie geplant. Nou, as jy bietjie ouer is, het jy geen<br />

positewe gedagte oor kasterolie nie. Die olie het in sulke blou botteltjies gekom, was sleg en begin van die vakansie moes<br />

jy sluk want jou “bloed moes skoon kom”. Later, genadiglik het Engelse sout die Kasterolie vervang ter wille van<br />

dieselfde saak.<br />

Ons het baiekeer langs van die Kasterolie lande verbygery as ons bietjie wou “aangaan” by die boere.<br />

Daar was egter iets vreemds interessant op die pad langs die kasterolielande. Daar was sulke kolle potklei. Het gelyk<br />

soos klein pannetjies. As dit vol water was is die motor so gly-gly daardeur, maar jy moes versigtig wees.<br />

Volmaan op die Kasterolieland kon onheilspellend wees, veral as jy alleen op ‘n fiets in die aand daarlangs ry.<br />

Op ‘n aand, terwyl almal by die huis rustig die maan bewonder is daar skielik ‘n geweldige geroep en geskreeu. Die<br />

werker wat by die buurplaas “gekuier” het kom aangehardloop. Die boer moet kom help. Daar in die maanlig het ‘n<br />

spook, kan niks anders wees, agter op sy fiets gespring. Hy kon nie meer ‘n tree ry nie, toe hardloop hy maar na die<br />

huistoe.<br />

Die verbaasde boer laai hom in die bakkie en ry die pad terug. Daar in een van die kolle modder of potklei staan die fiets<br />

regop. So met die maan en die kuier saam het hy in die modder ingery, vasgeval, gedink dis ‘n spook en gaan hulp soek.<br />

Nou, dis om behoorlik modder aan jou wiele te kry.<br />

Ek was tot so ‘n jaar terug vir ses jaar dominee in die Vrystaat en daar in Steynsrus omgewing kan die turf maar erg wees.<br />

Die harde grond verander met ‘n bui reën in ‘n pap, taai modder. Dan kan jy met die trekker in die land in maar nie uit.<br />

Die modder is erg aan die wiele.

Na so ‘n rit op ‘n plaaspad kom ek tuis. Die werker was my Land Rover en ek laat weet op facebook die eienaars van die<br />

omgewings waar ek gery het kan maar hulle grond kom haal. Modder aan my wiele het my nogal stadiger laat beweeg.<br />

Dit hang egter af hoe jy na die modder kyk. Dit kan jou irriteer, vertraag en laat vassit of jy kan die oomblik in die<br />

modder speel met jou voertuig, dit ‘n uitdaging of pret maak.<br />

In ons lewe op aarde kan ons sommer baie modder aan die wiele kry. Die modder is oral.<br />

So ‘n paar voorbeelde:<br />

Jy storm inderhaas by die deur uit, op pad werk toe – so terwyl iemand met jou kosblik agterna kom, spring in die motor,<br />

klap die deur toe, draai die sleutel en niks gebeur nie. Dan het jy behoorlik modder aan die wiele.<br />

Jy beplan ‘n wonderlike bruilof vir jouself of saam met die kinders. Plek is bespreek, deposito betaal, kos en trouklere en<br />

al die honderde gaste gereël na die spoggerige onthaal en die president sê: “Dis total Lockdown! Geen sulke partytjies<br />

nie”. Dis duur modder aan die wiele.<br />

Die mense beplan vir eredienste, groot geleenthede of begrafnisse en Covid reëls maak dat net bietjie van die goed kan<br />

waar word met maskers, saniteerder en YouTube. Dis modder aan die wiele.<br />

Hoeveel van ons senior mense woon in Tuistes vir bejaardes en droom van ‘n kuier by die kinders of die kinders wat kom<br />

kuier en die reëls keer en dit bring frustrasie. Jy kan jou eie modder hier byvoeg.<br />

Wonderlik dat ons met dit alles na die Here kan hardloop en sonder om te verstaan nuwe planne kan maak wat pas by die<br />

oomblik.<br />

Ek dink altyd hoe die modder aan die wiele ‘n positiewe uitkoms kan hê. Ons sien dit egter eers na die tyd. Ons moet<br />

mekaar net herinner aan positiewe uitkoms. Die pap wiel of battery het my dalk ‘n ongeluk gespaar en so ook dalk my<br />

lewe.<br />

Die verhaal van een van die feesrolle in die Bybel – die verhaal van Rut en Naomi is vir my altyd boeiend. Jy kan dit<br />

gerus gaan lees. Naomi en haar man en twee seuns gaan na Moab om ‘n reddingsbestaan daar te voer as dit droog is in<br />

Betlehem. Die “huis van brood” is sonder brood.<br />

Daar is Moab sterf Naomi se man en twee seuns wat albei met Moabitiese vroue, Orpa en Rut getroud was. Twee keer<br />

modder aan die wiele. Naomi wil terug na Betlehem aan die begin van die garsoes. Orpa bly agter en Rut gaan saam met<br />

Naomi terug na Betlehem. As die mense opgewonde roep: Naomi is terug, sê sy hulle moet haar maar Mara noem. Dis<br />

bitter, die Here het teen haar gedraai – sy het modder aan die wiele.<br />

Sy gaan leef egter in positiwiteit en planmatigheid en stuur Rut om by Boas se lande te gaan are optel. So kom Boas en<br />

Rut bymekaar uit en wieg Naomi op die ou einde klein Obed wat die oupa van koning Dawid sou wees op haar skoot.<br />

In die geslagsregister van Jesus in Matteus 1 staan die naam van die Moabitiese Rut. Moabiete was eintlik uitgestoot en<br />

het so maar modder aan die wiele gehad maar God haal hulle in sy langtermyn planne uit die modder.<br />

Ek weet nie hoeveel modder jy aan die wiele het nie. Ons het almal, ook in ons land. Kom ons hanteer dit soos dit kom<br />

en weet daar is nie ‘n spook op die fiets nie. Ons sal weer vorentoe gaan.<br />

Groetnis<br />

Arnold (Dr. Arnold Smith is ‘n geregistreerde Christelike Pastorale Berader en Terapeut in Privaat praktyk met die Naam<br />

Self Vision. Selnommer: 0722215671)

<strong>June</strong> Health & Wellness<br />

Awareness<br />

• Cataract Awareness Month<br />

• Alzheimer's & Brain Awareness Month<br />

• Men's Health Month<br />

• National Migraine and Headache Awareness Month<br />

• National Safety Month<br />

• Hernia Awareness Month<br />

• World Sickle Cell Day (<strong>June</strong> 19)

Cataract Awareness Month – <strong>June</strong> <strong>2022</strong><br />

Cataract Awareness Month is celebrated in <strong>June</strong>. The awareness campaign promotes information about the eye condition that is the<br />

leading cause of blindness in the U.S. While this is a scary fact, fret not because cataracts are treatable with a simple surgery<br />

procedure, which has a 95% success rate. This common eye condition mostly affects people over 40, but newborns can also suffer<br />

from cataracts either due to complications during pregnancy or the mother contracting diseases like German measles and chickenpox.<br />

The causes for cataracts in people above the age of 40 can range from diabetes, long-term eye diseases, and eye injury/inflammation,<br />

to factors like intense heat, hereditary influences, smoking, intake of certain oral steroids, and so forth.<br />

Alzheimer’s and Brain Awareness Month<br />

<strong>June</strong> is Alzheimer’s and Brain Awareness month, a time for people of all ages to get involved in the fight against the disease.<br />

Whether you are 5 or 95, there’s a way to pledge your support for the nearly 47 million people who have been diagnosed.<br />

Changing your Facebook page to purple, ordering a coloring book for the children to increase Alzheimer’s awareness or simply<br />

wearing purple, are just a few of the ways for the family to get involved.<br />

On <strong>June</strong> 21, the longest day of the year and the summer solstice, thousands of people will get together to celebrate Alzheimer’s and<br />

Brain Awareness Month by honoring a person they love with the disease. “The Longest Day” is a sunrise to sunset event signifying<br />

the challenging journey for those with Alzheimer’s and their caregivers, family members and friends. Consider hosting a fundraising<br />

event or joining an existing event on the day.<br />

Men's Health Month<br />

Throughout <strong>June</strong>, Men’s Health Month aims to encourage boys and men to take charge of their overall health by implementing<br />

healthy living decisions. This year, as the country has been impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic, it is crucial that men get regular<br />

checkups and be aware of the risks for their age, ethnicity, and lifestyle. According to the Centers for Disease Control and<br />

Prevention, 14.9% of men aged 18 and over are in fair or poor health. During Men’s Health Month, we urge men to take steps to<br />

enrich their health and wellness through proper screenings and care.<br />

On Friday, <strong>June</strong> 18, the HHS Office of Minority Health will join the Men’s Health Network to observe Wear Blue Day as part of the<br />

year-round Wear BLUE awareness campaign to raise awareness for education about men’s health. The OMH’s Six Plays for Men’s<br />

Health remind men and boys that they can improve their health by seeking medical advice and taking other important steps, such as<br />

making healthy food choices, staying active, quitting smoking, getting regular checkups, taking care of their mental health and being<br />


Migraine & Headache Awareness Month<br />

What is MHAM?<br />

<strong>June</strong> is National Migraine & Headache Awareness Month (#MHAM). This year’s theme is Advocate for Access.<br />

The headache, migraine and cluster communities work together for our diseases to be recognized. A disease awareness month plays a<br />

vital role to raise public knowledge, address stigma and build a stronger community of patient advocates.<br />

National Safety Month<br />

National Safety Month is celebrated to encourage awareness of the importance of safety and to promote the safety culture. It is<br />

organized by the National Safety Council and celebrated every year in <strong>June</strong>. The main purpose of National Safety Month is to<br />

educate the people and organizations as a whole to influence the behaviors that will ultimately lead to preventable injuries or death.<br />

National Hernia Awareness Month<br />

National Hernia Awareness Month is observed each <strong>June</strong> to raise public awareness about hernias and effective treatment. Most<br />

people don’t understand what a hernia is or what causes one.<br />

The purpose of National Hernia Awareness Month is to raise the public knowledge of the warning signs and latest treatment options<br />

available regarding hernias. It is estimated that more than 5 million persons have some type of hernia, but only 750,000 people per<br />

year actually seek medical attention. Concerns about and pain associated with hernias can prevent people from engaging in activities<br />

that they normally love to do, and ignoring symptoms can sometimes lead to life-threatening complications. Although the treatment<br />

for a hernia usually requires surgery, newer advanced minimally invasive techniques allow for a shorter recovery time and decreased<br />

recurrence rates.<br />

World Sickle Cell Day<br />

The 19th <strong>June</strong> is World Sickle Cell Day – a day of raising awareness!<br />

World Sickle Cell Day is a United Nation’s recognized day to raise awareness of sickle cell at a national and international level. On<br />

22nd December 2008, the United Nations General Assembly adopted a resolution that recognizes sickle cell disease as a public<br />

health problem and “one of the world’s foremost genetic diseases.” The resolution calls for members to raise awareness of sickle cell<br />

on <strong>June</strong> 19th of each year at national and international level.

Pico De Gallo<br />

Quick and easy pico de gallo that is a<br />

great appetizer or addition to dinner.<br />

Huge hit in my house!<br />

Ingredients<br />

• 6 tomatoes<br />

• 3 jalapenos (warning: hot)<br />

• 1 medium white onion<br />

• 1/2 a medium red onion<br />

• 1 cup cilantro (I’m a fiend- so a little<br />

less if you aren’t)<br />

• 5 cloves garlic<br />

• 3 limes juice (hell, I even threw in<br />

some of the pulp)<br />

• 1 tbsp cumin<br />

• 1 tsp sea salt (More can always be<br />

added but not taken away!)<br />

• 1 tsp chili powder<br />

Directions<br />

1 cup (2-3 ears) of grilled/pan fried corn. If pan frying it, try putting in 3 tbsps of pineapple juice and 2 tbsp EVOO. Since<br />

you are using pans now, I would probably add the garlic, salt, 1/2 the cilantro, cumin and chili powder now.<br />

Sweeten it up with some diced fruit of your choice- pineapple, mango, peach etc.<br />

You can also add lemon or black pepper if you like .

How to make a flower tower<br />

Decorate with a homemade flower tower that costs almost nothing to make. The tower is perfect for decorating the front<br />

door or patio.<br />

What you need:<br />

• 10 cans<br />

• Stone<br />

• Glue<br />

• Soil and flowers<br />

• Something pointed to make a hole in the cans<br />

Here's how you do it:<br />

• Wash the cans thoroughly and remove any jammed paper.<br />

• Let the cans dry completely before you start gluing the stones on. Feel free to glue the stones one by one so that they<br />

are better attached.<br />

• To get a dense and fine result, the stones should be glued as closely as possible.

• When all the stones are glued on and the glue has dried properly, make holes in the bottom of the cans.<br />

• To avoid rust, you can possibly varnish the cans inside.<br />

• Plant the flowers or plant that you want to have in the flower tower. Spruce has been used here.<br />

• Be sure to stack the cans on top of each other. Here, six cans are stacked in the bid, three in the middle and one at the<br />

top.<br />

• The cans are not glued together as they are quite heavy in themselves.<br />

• The flower tower can for example be set at the front door or out on the terrace.

• In order for the flower tower to stay neat, it should not be placed in a place with too much sun. The flowers must also<br />

be watered regularly.<br />

You can also choose to place candles in the flower tower to create warmth and coziness<br />

in the garden or living room. Placing the flower tower at the front door will also help<br />

to welcome your guests during the cold winter months.


Winter has officially arrived, but your garden is not hibernating, there is<br />

still a lot of activity in the winter garden. The sun has shifted, and our<br />

nights come earlier and our mornings later. Because of the suns’ angle you<br />

have new shady areas in your garden. It is a good idea from now on to take<br />

note how the sun moves and the shade it creates in the different seasons,<br />

and this to be noted for future planting.<br />

There is still plenty to do in your garden. Most plants are resting but if you have<br />

winter annuals and many indigenous plants, they are growing happily in the chilly<br />

winter sun. You need to however scale down on watering your gardens, water<br />

only in the mornings so that the foliage is dry by the evenings and keep the soil<br />

warm with a layer of mulch. The evaporation of moisture in the soil is happening<br />

less, so watering your garden once a week should be ample. Keep in mind that<br />

some plants might need more water, like those in your vegetable garden, also bulbs<br />

and annuals.

This is the perfect time to clean your gardening equipment. Have your lawn mower and chainsaw serviced and blades<br />

sharpened if need be. Clean and oil your secateurs, loppers, saws and other gardening equipment with blades.<br />

Now is a good time to do that DIY wall you wanted to build or that steppingstone walkway that you wanted to lay down<br />

in your garden. It is also a good time to take a seat in your garden and to brainstorm ideas of how you plan to re-design a<br />

bed or where and what type of water feature will look best.<br />

To attract birds to your garden, feed them and give them water. You<br />

will be surprised to see how many different birds there are in your<br />

area. This can be very entertaining, so buy yourself a bird book and<br />

start birding by marking down what birds visit your garden.<br />

You can also plant certain indigenous plants such as Tree<br />

Fuchsias (Halleria), Aloes and Wild Dagga (Leonotis) that<br />

will attract birds to your garden. There are a variety of bird<br />

feeders, some are designed to attract or feed smaller birds.<br />

Some birdfeeders have a spike on which you can place<br />

fruit.<br />

Get yourself a nectar feeder. It will attract birds in search of nectar like<br />

your hummingbirds. Remember to keep the nectar bottles full otherwise<br />

you would have bees entering the bottle and die.

Transplanting of shrubs and trees that may be in the wrong place or have outgrown their growing area can be done at this<br />

time of year. Ensure that your holes are properly prepared with compost, bone meal and a good organic 2.3.2<br />

fertilizer. Water these plants well to stimulate early and strong root growth.<br />

If you must move roses in your garden, <strong>June</strong> is the months to do it in. Roses do not like competition and some plants<br />

roots may be competing with the rose’s roots. Before you uproot the rose make sure you prepare the new spot carefully.<br />

Dig a deep hole and mix in compost and bone meal and water well. When the area is no longer wet but damp it is ready<br />

for planting, you might have to wait until the next day. Cut the rose bush well back by half. Push the spade into the soil,<br />

about 200mm or so from all around the stem and lift the rose bush out of the ground. Immediately re-plant the rose in the<br />

new spot and water regularly.<br />

Enjoy your garden!<br />


GARDEN 6<br />

Name: Love me Tender<br />

Designed & Landscaped by: Stephen Mundell, Wisted Phiri & Chimwemwe Lukhele of Garden World<br />

Contact: <strong>01</strong>1 957 2046 / louis@gardenworld.co.za<br />

Inspiration:<br />

As the saying goes, “love makes the world go around” ……well, it also makes the garden grow. The softness of the planting<br />

in this small space and the co-ordination of colour and texture brings a touch of magic to this romantic setting. Planted<br />

with love….<br />

High Gold Award



FOR ONLY R100.00<br />


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