Proyecto Aula (1)

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We were given a problem so that we could apply

it applied in everyday life and it would be

positive if we applied it. positive if we applied


We were able to arrive at the aforementioned

solution based on our based on our learning unit

of difference calculus linked with algebra. The

solution was to create a 3d model and show how


how the final prototype would look like based

on the amount of amount that we wanted to

store; in my case it was two liters. was two


I believe that this whole process helps

industries to be more industries to be more

precise in the manufacture of their manufacture

of their products and thus be able to be more to

be more efficient in the use of the material.

We apply concepts of maximums and


minimums: calculation for minimums: calculations

to determine the minimum material

to determine the minimum material that we must

occupy to create a box.

We apply algebra and the correct resolution of



equations correctly.

Mathematical and algebraic reasoning.


I used what the teacher had taught us in the


class, about Optimization.

taught us in class, about Optimization,

in order to be able to do my Proyect A.

In conclusion, we take more rationing than the differential calculation can help us

differential since we realized that the less the the lesser the material to be used the better

the better; likewise it will be cheaper at the time of production. at the time of its


We realized that the calculation is something that can be used in we could use on a daily

basis as is algebra along with our algebra together with our applied knowledge. applied


In the subjects of the career we started with

the creation of a logo in corporate drawing,

using Photoshop, illustrator and corel. We edit

using color and shape psychology.

Then in technical drawing we created our

physical logo, we used different substrates, we

also used our squares and compasses. We try to

use geometric problems to draw them.


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