Battery terminal with integrated fuse

Battery terminal with integrated fuse

Battery terminal with integrated fuse


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<strong>Battery</strong> <strong>terminal</strong> <strong>with</strong> <strong>integrated</strong> <strong>fuse</strong>1. EIFELWERK development background:a. Existing solutions often don´t correspond to the customers’requirementsb. The trend for new developments in the vehicle industry is a moreand more compact design.c. The battery line must be protected, becausebattery and central electric are often positioned far apartEIFELWERK15.10.2004 Author: A. HauchPage 2

<strong>Battery</strong> <strong>terminal</strong> <strong>with</strong> <strong>integrated</strong> <strong>fuse</strong>2. Competitor designAdvantages:- Simple design- Quick <strong>fuse</strong> change possibleDisadvantages:- The <strong>fuse</strong> protection is too big and unfavourablyEIFELWERKpositioned.15.10.2004 Author: A. HauchPage 4

<strong>Battery</strong> <strong>terminal</strong> <strong>with</strong> <strong>integrated</strong> <strong>fuse</strong>3. Design EIFELWERKFront viewSide viewEIFELWERKTop view15.10.2004 Author: A. HauchPage 5

<strong>Battery</strong> <strong>terminal</strong> <strong>with</strong> <strong>integrated</strong> <strong>fuse</strong>3.1 Cap lower part ( Fuse protection single kit )EIFELWERK15.10.2004Author: A. HauchPage 6

<strong>Battery</strong> <strong>terminal</strong> <strong>with</strong> <strong>integrated</strong> <strong>fuse</strong>3.2 Fuse protection single kit completeEIFELWERK15.10.2004Author: A. HauchPage 7

<strong>Battery</strong> <strong>terminal</strong> <strong>with</strong> <strong>integrated</strong> <strong>fuse</strong>3.3 Cap lower part ( Fuse protection double kit )EIFELWERK15.10.2004Author: A. HauchPage 8

<strong>Battery</strong> <strong>terminal</strong> <strong>with</strong> <strong>integrated</strong> <strong>fuse</strong>3.4 Fuse protection double kit completeEIFELWERK15.10.2004Author: A. HauchPage 9

<strong>Battery</strong> <strong>terminal</strong> <strong>with</strong> <strong>integrated</strong> <strong>fuse</strong>3. Design EIFELWERKAdvantages:- Most compact design- Flat style- Two <strong>fuse</strong> protections possible (MegaVAL 100A up to 175A;MidiVAL 30A up to100A)- Useable for all kinds of DIN batteries- 90° rotate assemblingEIFELWERK- Different connections (cross section,angle) byvariably insertable cable shoes possible15.10.2004Author: A. HauchPage 10

<strong>Battery</strong> <strong>terminal</strong> <strong>with</strong> <strong>integrated</strong> <strong>fuse</strong>4. Assembly situations compared EIFELWERKEIFELWERKDetail15.10.2004Author: A. HauchPage 11

<strong>Battery</strong> <strong>terminal</strong> <strong>with</strong> <strong>integrated</strong> <strong>fuse</strong>4. Assembly situations compared CompetitorEIFELWERKDetail15.10.2004Author: A. HauchPage 12

<strong>Battery</strong> <strong>terminal</strong> <strong>with</strong> <strong>integrated</strong> <strong>fuse</strong>5. Customer advantagesThe EIFELWERK System solution for the protection of the batterylines offers many advantages for the customers:- Useable for the latest demands in vehicle industry(compact design)- Variable styles possible/ module design(number of <strong>fuse</strong>s; different angles of outgoing lines byvariably applicable cable shoes)- Substitute for the costly and complicated <strong>fuse</strong> protection in theEIFELWERKbattery line15.10.2004Author: A. HauchPage 13

<strong>Battery</strong> <strong>terminal</strong> <strong>with</strong> <strong>integrated</strong> <strong>fuse</strong>6. UpshotWith the „ <strong>Battery</strong> <strong>terminal</strong> <strong>with</strong> <strong>integrated</strong> <strong>fuse</strong> “, the company EIFELWERKoffers a new system solution corresponding to the latest demands in the vehicleindustry. Because of its compact design, it can optionally be used in passengercars and vehicles. Its module design allows for a flexible extension on demand.With the design of this system solution, EIFELWERK reacts to demands andwishes of our customers from all over the world.EIFELWERKEIFELWERK..........Always one step ahead!15.10.2004Author: A. Hauch© EIFELWERKSubject to change <strong>with</strong>out noticePage 14

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