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2949. Crozier,WJ (1928): The measurement of Galvanotropic excitation. American Journal of Physiology11/3, 283-288.[AUTRES; ORIENTATION]2950. Crozier,WJ (1928): Geotropic orientation in Arthropods. Journal of general physiology 11/6, 803-821.[ARTHROPODS; INSECTS; ORIENTATION; PHYSIOLOGY]2951. Crozier,WJ (1928): On the place of photic adaptation. Journal of general physiology 11/3, 289-295.[AGRIOLIMAX; AUTRES; MOLLUSQUES; ORIENTATION]2952. Crumb,SE (1926): The Neartic budworms of the Lepidopterous genus Heliothis. Proc.U.S.nationalmuseum 68, 1-8.[HELIOTHIS; LEPIDOPTERA; NEARTIC; RHOPALOCERA]2600. Csiki,E (1946): Die K„ferfauna des Karpaten-Beckens:allgemeiner Teil und Caraboidea. 1st ed. Vol.1. Ungarischen Museums, Budapest. 796 pages.[ALLGEMEINHEIT; CARABOIDEA; COLEOPTERA]2602. Culot,J (1979): Memento:types,r‚<strong>part</strong>itions,diagnoses de quelques Chrysocarabus. Memento 1979 1,1-20.[CARABOIDEA; COLEOPTERA]2601. Culot,J (1985): Memento des faunes Carabologiques du monde. Syst‚matique du Dr.Breuning.Edition1958 1, 1-126.[CARABOIDEA; MONDIAUX]2953. Cuni y Martorell,M (1881): Excursion entomologica:la Cerdana Espanola(Cataluna). Anales de laSociet.Esp.Hist.Nat. 10, 1-23.[COLEOPTERA; COLEOPTEROS; HETEROCERA; LEPIDOPTERA; LEPIDOPTEROS;RHOPALOCERA]2605. Cuni y Martorell,Miquel (1874): Catalogo Lepidopteros Espanola+Carabidae+Hemiptera+Coleoptera.1st ed. Vol. 1. Gorchs, Barcelona. 333 pages.[COLEOPTERA; ESPAGNE; HEMIPTERA; LEPIDOPTERA]2604. Cuni y Martorell,Miquel (1878): Excursion a la Montana de Monserrat. 1st ed. Vol. 1. Obradors,Barcelona. 19 pages.[FAMILLES; INSECTES]2603. Cuni y Martorell,Miquel (1891): De Gaba a Begas,excursio entomologica. 1st ed. Vol. 1. Henrich,Barcelona. 1-35 pages.[FAMILLES; INSECTES]2954. Cupples,HL (1941): Relation between wetting power of a spray and its initial trtention by a fruitsurface. Agricultural Engineering Research 63, 681-686.[INSECTICIDES; SPRAY]2606. Curo,A (1889): Catalogo dei Lepidoptteri d'Italia. 1st ed. Vol. 1. Cenniniana, Firenze. 168 pages.[HETEROCERA; LEPIDOPTERA; RHOPALOCERA]2955. Currie,BP (1917): Gomphus parvidens,a new species of dragon-fly from Maryland. Proc.U.S.nationalmuseum June, 223-226.[LIBELLULES; NEARTIC; NEARTIQUE; ODONATA]2607. Curtis,W (1782): A short history of the Brown-Tail Moth. Facsimile 1969 ed. Vol. 1. Fletcher,DS,London. 31 pages.[ENGLAND; HETEROCERA]

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