M o n t i s - MartinLogan

M o n t i s - MartinLogan

M o n t i s - MartinLogan


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AC Power ConnectionBecause your <strong>MartinLogan</strong> Montis speakers use an internal powersupply to energize their electrostatic cells and PoweredForcewoofer, they must be connected to an AC power source. For thisreason they are provided with the proper IEC standard powercords. These cords should be firmly inserted into the AC powerreceptacles on the rear connection panel of the speakers, thento any convenient AC wall outlet. The Montis’s integrate a signalsensing power supply which will switch off after five minutes of nomusic signal, and requires less than two seconds to recharge thepanels when a music signal is present.Your Montis speakers are wired for the power service suppliedin the country of original consumer sale. The AC power ratingapplicable to a particular unit is specified both on the packingcarton and on the serial number plate attached to the speaker.If you remove your Montis speakers from the country of originalsale, be certain that the AC power supplied in any subsequentlocation is suitable before connecting and operating the speakers.Substantially impaired performance or severe damage mayoccur to an Montis speaker if operation is attempted from anincorrect AC power source.Be consistent when connecting the speaker cables to the signalinput terminals. Take care to assign the same color cable leadto the (+) terminal on both the left and right channel speakers.If bass is nonexistent and you cannot discern a tight, coherentimage, you may need to reverse the (+) and (–) leads on onespeaker to bring the system into proper polarity.Break-InWARNING! Turn your amplifier off beforemaking or breaking any signal connections!When you first begin to play your Montis speakers, they willsound a bit bass shy. This is due to the high quality, long-lifecomponents used in our woofer. Our custom made, butyl surroundwoofer requires approximately 72 hours of break-in at 90dB (moderate listening levels) before any critical listening. Thebreak-in requirements of the crossover components (and, to alesser degree, the stator) are equivalent.WARNING! The power cord should not be installed,removed, or left detached from the speaker whilethe other end is connected to an AC power source.Signal ConnectionUse the best speaker cables you can. The length and type ofspeaker cable used in your system will have an audible effect.Under no circumstance should a wire of gauge higher (thinner)than #16 be used. In general, the longer the length used, thegreater the necessity of a lower gauge, and the lower the gauge,the better the sound, with diminishing returns setting in around#8 to #12.EnglishA variety of cables are available whose manufacturers claimbetter performance than standard heavy gauge wire. We haveverified this in many cases, and the improvements available areoften more noticeable than the differences between wires of differentgauge. The effects of cables may be masked if equipmentis not of the highest quality.Connections are done at the signal input section on the rearelectronics panel of the Montis. Use spade connectors for optimumcontact and ease of installation. Hand tighten the bindingposts, but do not overtighten—do not use a tool to tighten thebinding posts.Connections 23

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