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Photos D.R.<br />

depuis ses débuts en 1993. Il y a des<br />

progrès certains dans la compréhension<br />

de l’arthrose, du vieillissement<br />

de la peau, de la physiologie des centenaires.<br />

Un nouveau projet européen<br />

est en cours de financement et,<br />

grâce à un de ces acronymes dont<br />

les Anglais ont le secret, il s’appelle<br />

INFLAMAGE. Avouons que, pour celui<br />

qui a introduit en 1995 le concept d’un<br />

vieillissement de la peau accéléré<br />

par l’inflammation (moi, en l’occurrence…),<br />

c’est une petite satisfaction<br />

« narcissistique » !<br />

« La cosmétique est devenue un<br />

phénomène social », est-ce nouveau ?<br />

La cosmétique est sociale depuis que les<br />

hommes et les femmes vivent ensemble.<br />

Loin d’être une activité frivole et<br />

futile, elle représente un besoin intime<br />

de l’être humain. Il est tout aussi noble<br />

pour une femme de se mettre du rouge<br />

à lèvres pour séduire que de prendre<br />

soin d’elle, en savourant le plaisir de<br />

l’application topique de produits qui lui<br />

feront du bien, tout en la faisant rêver.<br />

Et il est aussi noble pour les producteurs<br />

de cosmétiques de considérer les<br />

besoins sociaux de la femme. Nous le<br />

faisons chez Clinique en proposant des<br />

crèmes pour l’exposition solaire, pour<br />

la vie en ville, contre les grands froids,<br />

pour protéger la peau et en maintenir<br />

toutes les fonctions, de façon à nous<br />

permettre d’être bien dans notre peau,<br />

pour longtemps.<br />

Quelles voies ont été ouvertes par<br />

la biologie du vieillissement de demain?<br />

Est-ce que votre dernier-né, Youth<br />

Surge, fait partie d’une nouvelle<br />

génération de produits ?<br />

En 1988, une de mes étudiantes<br />

observa, et publia, que l’ultraviolet<br />

provoque l’arrêt de la glycolyse (le<br />

métabolisme du sucre et la production<br />

d’énergie) tout comme les radiations<br />

ionisantes (rayons X, rayons gamma,<br />

etc.). Cela car, après irradiation, le<br />

NAD (coenzyme d’oxydoréduction) est<br />

dégradé pour réparer l’ADN endommagé.<br />

Vingt ans plus tard, les cosmétiques<br />

découvrent les sirtuines, des<br />

enzymes qui sont surtout impliquées<br />

dans le métabolisme de l’énergie. Elles<br />

utilisent le NAD comme accepteur de<br />

groupes acétyles. Nous sommes donc<br />

à un stade de la cosmétique où l’on<br />

s’intéresse beaucoup au métabolisme,<br />

à la production d’énergie, à sa modifi<br />

cation. L’épiderme est accessible, et<br />

nous pouvons donc traiter la surface de<br />

la peau de façon raisonnable et raisonnée.<br />

Youth Surge appartient bel et bien<br />

à cette génération de produits cosmétiques<br />

qui vont s’occuper d’une réalité<br />

accessible.<br />

After teaching macromolecular<br />

biochemistry at the Université<br />

de Paris VI (Jussieu), Paolo<br />

Giacomoni worked in the United<br />

States and Germany before<br />

coming to <strong>France</strong>, working fi rst at the<br />

Centre International de Recherches<br />

Dermatologiques in Sophia-Antipolis,<br />

then in L’Oréal’s advanced research<br />

laboratories. For the past 10 years, he<br />

has worked at the Laboratoires Clinique<br />

on Long Island, New York. He is married<br />

(to one of his former Jussieu students)<br />

and has four children “ready to fl y the<br />

coop”: one of his daughters studies<br />

artistic makeup in Paris, the other music<br />

and acoustic engineering; and he has<br />

two boys, one “good in math” and one<br />

who is literary. The family lives in “a<br />

typical American suburban house, with<br />

a yard you have to mow every week and<br />

oak trees whose leaves you have to rake<br />

every fall. And also squirrels, moles and<br />

raccoons, which are not adorable – far<br />

from it. Sometimes, I understand the<br />

Donald Duck cartoons,” he says. This<br />

poetic, pragmatic scientist knows how to<br />

share the passion he has for his work, with<br />

immensely charming Italian gestures and<br />

accent. But you shouldn’t place too much<br />

trust there: with an Italian journalist<br />

friend, he writes Gothic novels.<br />

BBMag: Why make reference to<br />

mythology and philosophy in your<br />

scientifi c works?<br />

Paolo Giacomoni. Science is not just<br />

a collection of information. You have<br />

to know how to choose the most<br />

relevant from it and use it to understand a<br />

larger framework. Without epistemology,<br />

there is no science. Rabelais said “science<br />

without conscience is but the ruin of the<br />

soul,” and this is also true for the use<br />

of science. I limit myself to considering<br />

information of interest, trying to<br />

understand just where its value lies and<br />

at what moment information ceases to be<br />

signifi cant: we don’t need the astronomy<br />

of Copernicus to take our bearings in<br />

the Mediterreranean Sea, nor the theory<br />

of relativity to measure the speed of a<br />

child on his bicycle, nor genetic cloning<br />

to treat dry skin. What’s wonderful about<br />

mythology is that it expresses existential<br />

questions (thus also scientifi c questions)<br />

in terms understandable to all: it is up to<br />

us to push the limits of its meaning and<br />

to fi nd the validity of the myth, even there<br />

where science has started to build new<br />

paradigms.<br />

What philosophical myths and trends do<br />

you feel an affi nity for and that help you<br />

formalize your concepts?<br />

I was extremely happy to discover, while<br />

reading interviews with Karl Popper, that<br />

a philosopher of this breadth expressed<br />

in understandable terms exactly my<br />

feelings vis-à-vis science and society.<br />

“‘Those who speak incomprehensibly,’<br />

he pretty much says, ‘either haven’t<br />

understood what they are talking about,<br />

or are hiding something.’” The myths<br />

that inspire me are the myths of those<br />

opposed to an established situation:<br />

Prometheus, Perseus, Bellerophon, who<br />

all did something outrageous, but the<br />

myth is there to remind us that there is the<br />

reality of the gods, which is untouchable,<br />

and that of men, which can be modifi ed.<br />

And then there are the myths of practical<br />

intelligence: Ulysses pretended to be a<br />

beggar so he could fi gure out what was<br />

going on in Ithaca, before he revealed<br />

that he was the legitimate king. One of<br />

my sons, at age four, opened his eyes<br />

wide and totally understood when I told<br />

him this story. I did not, and still today, I<br />

give it all away before comprehending a<br />

situation.<br />

How is culture necessary to<br />

understanding living things, biology, in<br />

your work?<br />

In general, culture – that is, the<br />

incorporation of the characteristics of<br />

the society we live in – is important to<br />

understanding science in general and<br />

even more for understanding biology.<br />

Anyone who thinks biology is there only to<br />

supply techniques has already robotized<br />

human beings. Laws and morals are two<br />

different things. You have to know what<br />

you are doing, even if it’s authorized by<br />

law.<br />

Why don’t cosmetics use these<br />

cultural bridges more easily, to reach<br />

consumers?<br />

There are strange mechanisms in<br />

the human soul. Before, to sell tires,<br />

insecticides, beer or refrigerators, you<br />

had to have the image of a woman half<br />

dressed. Everybody did it… because<br />

everybody did it. In cosmetics it’s the<br />

same thing. But there are cosmetics<br />

brands that have already started to ask<br />

themselves philosophical questions, or<br />

at least societal questions. Cosmetics<br />

treatments speed up the healing of<br />

people who have undergone plastic<br />

reconstructive surgery and give a boost to<br />

old people in retirement homes: I’ve been<br />

saying this for years and I hope that a lot<br />

of my colleagues will do so in the future.<br />

In a recent interview at EMBO Reports<br />

(the cultural magazine of the European<br />

Molecular Biology Organization), I<br />

explain that in the future, cosmetics will<br />

be inspired more from observations<br />

of children’s games or the behavior or<br />

retired people than by applying the latest<br />


Paolo Giacomoni Clinique R & D Executive Director<br />




“<br />

Myths remind us<br />

that there are two realities:<br />

those of the gods<br />

and those of men.<br />

”<br />

technique brewing in the retort of the<br />

latest spinoffs from biotech university<br />

startups.<br />

What is up with the dream team you<br />

belong to that’s working on the biology<br />

of aging?<br />

The European network of the biology<br />

of aging has taken huge steps since its<br />

beginnings in 1993. There is defi nite<br />

progress in the understanding of arthritis,<br />

skin aging, and the physiology of 100 yearolds.<br />

A new European project is currently<br />

being fi nanced and thanks to one of these<br />

acronyms that the English have the secret<br />

to, it is INFLAMAGE. Let’s admit that for<br />

the person who introduced the concept of<br />

skin aging accelerated by infl ammation<br />

in 1995 (me, as it so happens), this bit of<br />

satisfaction is quite narcissistic!<br />

“Cosmetics have become a social<br />

phenomenon.” Is this new?<br />

Cosmetics have been social since men<br />

and women have lived together. Far<br />

from being a frivolous, futile activity, it<br />

represents an intimate need of the human<br />

being. It is just as noble for a woman to<br />

put on lipstick to attract as to take care<br />

of herself, savoring the pleasure of<br />

topically applying the products that<br />

are good for her, while causing her<br />

to dream. And it is just as noble for<br />

cosmetics producers to consider the<br />

social needs of women. We do this<br />

at Clinique by offering sun-tanning<br />

creams, creams for life in the city,<br />

against cold climates, to protect the<br />

skin and maintain all of its functions,<br />

to enable us to feel good about ourselves<br />

for a long time.<br />

What avenues have been opened by the<br />

biology of aging of the future? Is your<br />

latest product, Youth Surge, part of a<br />

new generation of products?<br />

In 1988, one of my students observed, and<br />

published, that ultraviolet rays brought<br />

about the stopping of glycolysis (the<br />

metabolism of sugar and the production<br />

of energy) just like ionizing radiations<br />

(X-rays, gamma rays, etc.). This is<br />

because, after irradiation, NAD (the<br />

coenzyme of oxydo-reduction) is broken<br />

down to repair damaged DNA. Twenty<br />

years later, the cosmetics industry<br />

discovered sirtuines, enzymes that<br />

above all are involved in the metabolism<br />

of energy. They use NAD as an acceptor<br />

of acetyl groups. So we are at a stage of<br />

cosmetics where we are very interested<br />

in metabolism, in the production of<br />

energy, in its modifi cation. The epidermis<br />

is accessible, and so we can treat the skin<br />

surface reasonably and with reasoning.<br />

Youth Surge really does belong to this<br />

generation of cosmetic products that are<br />

going to busy themselves with accessible<br />

reality.<br />

03-2009 BEYOND BEAUTY MAG<br />


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