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COPY LINK FOR DOWNLOAD ----------------------------------- https://areanagrandeori5758.blogspot.com/?grade=1953295754 Book Synopsis : bbEscape the mediocrity that ensnares so many in business and become a better, more effective leader.bbHave you ever wondered what it would take to be a better leader, or achieve your wildest dreams, or make a bigger difference in the world? The answer lies in the choices you make: about everything from how you spend your time to the way you view the world. Smart Leadership is the latest essential business title from internationally bestselling author of Win the Heart and Chess Not Checkers Mark Miller. In this book, he shares the bfour bresearch-based &#8220smart choices&#8221 the best leaders make to scale their influence and results.&nbsp By teaching you how to bConfront Realityb, bGrow Capacity, Fuel Curiosityb, and bCreate Changeb, Miller will help you:&nbsp b&#8226b &nbspBring fresh eyes and fresh thinking to your leadership approach.&nbsp b&#8226b &nbspIncrease your confidence in your ability to make a difference.&nbsp b&#8226b &nbspLead at levels you never thought possible.&nbsp b&#8226b &nbspAccelerate your learning curve so that all these benefits come faster and more naturally.&nbspWith this guide, your leadership&#8212and your life&#8212will be transformed forever. Book Detail : Title: Smart Leadership: Four Simple Choices to Scale


Book Synopsis :
bbEscape the mediocrity that ensnares so many in business and become a better, more effective leader.bbHave you ever wondered what it would take to be a better leader, or achieve your wildest dreams, or make a bigger difference in the world? The answer lies in the choices you make: about everything from how you spend your time to the way you view the world. Smart Leadership is the latest essential business title from internationally bestselling author of Win the Heart and Chess Not Checkers Mark Miller. In this book, he shares the bfour bresearch-based &#8220smart choices&#8221 the best leaders make to scale their influence and results.&nbsp By teaching you how to bConfront Realityb, bGrow Capacity, Fuel Curiosityb, and bCreate Changeb, Miller will help you:&nbsp b&#8226b &nbspBring fresh eyes and fresh thinking to your leadership approach.&nbsp b&#8226b &nbspIncrease your confidence in your ability to make a difference.&nbsp b&#8226b &nbspLead at levels you never thought possible.&nbsp b&#8226b &nbspAccelerate your learning curve so that all these benefits come faster and more naturally.&nbspWith this guide, your leadership&#8212and your life&#8212will be transformed forever.

Book Detail :
Title: Smart Leadership: Four Simple Choices to Scale


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Smart Leadership: Four Simple Choices to

Scale Your Impact




Smart Leadership: Four Simple Choices to Scale Your Impact

bbEscape the mediocrity that ensnares so many in business and become a better, more effective

leader.bbHave you ever wondered what it would take to be a better leader, or achieve your wildest

dreams, or make a bigger difference in the world? The answer lies in the choices you make: about

everything from how you spend your time to the way you view the world. Smart Leadership is the latest

essential business title from internationally bestselling author of Win the Heart and Chess Not Checkers

Mark Miller. In this book, he shares the bfour bresearch-based &#8220smrt choices&#8221the best

leaders make to scale their influence and results.&nbspBy teaching you how to bConfront Realityb,

bGrow Capacity, Fuel Curiosityb, and bCreate Changeb, Miller will help you:&nbspb&#8226b&nbspBrig

fresh eyes and fresh thinking to your leadership approach.&nbspb&#8226b&nbspIncease your

confidence in your ability to make a difference.&nbspb&#8226b&nbspLea at levels you never thought

possible.&nbspb&#8226b&nbspAcclerate your learning curve so that all these benefits come faster and

more naturally.&nbspWit this guide, your leadership&#8212an your life&#8212wil be transformed forever.

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