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Pathologists Lancet Kenya ICT INNOVATIONS

Pathologists Lancet Kenya MobileApp and Pathportal

The Application assists doctors with the delivery and

viewing of laboratory results from their mobile devices.

The application is easy to download on to your iPhone/

iPad or Android smartphone and it is intuitive with a

clear lay out.

The application has the following features including: -

• Patient-centric electronic results

• Easy enrolment and registration

• Secure PIN entry to unlock application

• Automatic updating of patient data

• Result caching for offline availability

• Sorting of patient lists alphabetically and


• Easy search facility

• Cumulative patient view

• Cumulative test view

• Graphical result data

Path Portal allows doctors to:-

• View patient reports online

• Search, print out or save to disk

• Acquire paperless reporting solution at no

additional cost.

• Access a styled e-mail type interface so that users

can very quickly overcome the learning curve of

figuring out how to navigate to their reports.

All this while providing access to your latest results

within as little as two clicks.

To register for or request for more information on our IT

products, kindly email us at is@lancet.co.ke

Pathologists Lancet Kenya Care Card

Through the Pathologists Lancet Kenya Care Card,

Patients will have:

Enhanced service experience by reducing the time that

would have been spent filling forms at every visit.

Historical data charts generated from their test results

for chronic diseases such as diabetic profiles, thyroid

profiles, HIV monitoring etc.

Integrated demographics and credit information. It will

also facilitate links to electronic validation of insurance

membership, exclusions, and credit limits.

The chronic disease care program that allows regular

clients/customers to benefit from discount packages and

credit facilities


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