Plants of the Credit River Watershed - Credit Valley Conservation

Plants of the Credit River Watershed - Credit Valley Conservation

Plants of the Credit River Watershed - Credit Valley Conservation


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Common Name Scientific Name<br />

Subspecies/<br />

Variety<br />

G-Rank<br />

S-Rank<br />

<strong>Plants</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> <strong>Credit</strong> <strong>River</strong> <strong>Watershed</strong><br />


goat-leaf honeysuckle Lonicera caprifolium G? SE1 Yes Yes Yes<br />

ornamental honeysuckle Lonicera chrysantha NR SE1 Yes Yes Yes<br />

Morrow's honeysuckle Lonicera morrowii G? SE3 Yes Yes Yes<br />

swamp fly honeysuckle Lonicera oblongifolia G4 S5 rare rare No Yes Yes<br />

Tartarian honeysuckle Lonicera tatarica G? SE5 Yes Yes Yes<br />

mountain fly honeysuckle Lonicera villosa G5 S5 rare rare No Yes Yes<br />

hybrid honeysuckle Lonicera x bella HYB SE2 Yes Yes Yes = Lonicera morrowii x Lonicera tatarica<br />

European fly honeysuckle Lonicera xylosteum G? SE2 Yes Yes Yes<br />

partridge-berry Mitchella repens G5 S5 No Yes Yes<br />

mock-orange Philadelphus coronarius G? SE1 Yes Yes Yes<br />

ninebark Physocarpus opulifolius G5 S5 rare rare No Yes Yes<br />

shrubby cinquefoil Potentilla fruticosa ssp. floribunda G5 S5 rare rare No Yes Yes<br />

choke cherry Prunus virginiana ssp. virginiana G5 S5 No Yes Yes<br />

alder-leaved buckthorn Rhamnus alnifolia G5 S5 rare No Yes Yes<br />

common buckthorn Rhamnus cathartica G? SE5 Yes Yes Yes<br />

glossy buckthorn Rhamnus frangula G? SE5 Yes Yes Yes Synonym: Frangula alnus<br />

smooth sumac Rhus glabra G5 S5 rare rare No Yes Yes<br />

poison-ivy Rhus radicans ssp. rydbergii G5T? S5 No Yes Yes Synonym: Toxicodendron rydbergii<br />

staghorn sumac Rhus typhina G5 S5 No Yes Yes<br />

wild black currant Ribes americanum G5 S5 No Yes Yes<br />

prickly gooseberry Ribes cynosbati G5 S5 No Yes Yes<br />

skunk currant Ribes glandulosum G5 S5 rare rare No Yes Yes<br />

smooth gooseberry Ribes hirtellum G5 S5 rare rare No Yes Yes Historic record - 1891<br />

nor<strong>the</strong>rn black currant Ribes hudsonianum G5 S5 rare rare No Yes Yes<br />

black garden currant Ribes nigrum G? SE2 Yes Yes Yes<br />

golden currant Ribes odoratum G4G5 SE4 Yes Yes Yes Synonym: Ribes aureum<br />

red garden currant Ribes rubrum G4G5 SE5 Yes Yes Yes Synonym: Ribes sativum<br />

swamp red currant Ribes triste G5 S5 No Yes Yes<br />

European currant Ribes uva-crispa G? SE1 Yes Yes No Synonym: Ribes grossularia<br />

smooth rose Rosa blanda G5 S5 No Yes Yes<br />

dog rose Rosa canina G? SE2 Yes Yes Yes<br />

multiflora rose Rosa multiflora G? SE4 Yes Yes Yes<br />

swamp rose Rosa palustris G5 S5 rare rare No Yes Yes<br />

sweetbrier rose Rosa rubiginosa NR SE4 Yes Yes Yes Synonym: Rosa eglanteria<br />

mountain blackberry Rubus allegheniensis G5 S5 No Yes Yes<br />

wild red raspberry Rubus idaeus ssp. melanolasius G5T5 S5 No Yes Yes Synonym: Rubus strigosus<br />

black raspberry Rubus occidentalis G5 S5 No Yes Yes<br />

purple-flowering raspberry Rubus odoratus G5 S5 No Yes Yes<br />

Bebb's willow Salix bebbiana G5 S5 No Yes Yes<br />

hoary willow Salix candida G5 S5 rare rare No Yes Yes<br />

goat willow Salix caprea G? SE1 Yes Yes Yes<br />

gray willow Salix cinerea G5 SE2 Yes Yes Yes Synonym: Salix humilis <strong>of</strong> PCF<br />

pussy willow Salix discolor G5 S5 No Yes Yes<br />

heart-leaved willow Salix eriocephala G5 S5 No Yes Yes Synonym: Salix rigida<br />

sandbar willow Salix exigua G5 S5 rare No Yes Yes Synonym: Salix interior<br />

<strong>Credit</strong> <strong>Valley</strong> <strong>Conservation</strong> Page 27<br />

Prov Status<br />

GTA Status<br />

CVC/Peel Status<br />

Non-Native<br />

Status<br />

Peel Region<br />

CVC<br />


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