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l’incantesimo del Mago del Gelo, imparandoun poco alla volta - cascata dopo cascata - ariconoscere il ghiaccio buono da quello troppo’freddo’ e fragile, a capire quando l’attrezzotiene e quando invece scappa via, capendoanche quando rinunciare ad una salita, quandole condizioni non sono ideali e il rischio ètroppo alto.”La bava dello spettro”, “Piuma di cielo”, “Laluna nel pozzo”, “Il sogno di Mario” e ancorala Cascata di Vho, il Pidincione, la Cascata diStarleggia, la Cascata del Zernone: sono alcunidei nomi delle tante cascate sparse dovunquein <strong>Valchiavenna</strong> e che costituiscono un veroparadiso per il ghiacciatore.La scalata delle cascate di ghiaccio è unosplendido modo di apprezzare il piacere delleattività all’aria ”fredda”. È sempre un’avventuraper chi fa dell’esplorazione. È un gioco serio condelle precise e severe regole.Una “ via d’acqua” per l’inverno…Vi aspettiamo !The valley never ceases to amaze, throwing upnew and natural ‘adventure playgrounds’ andgames for every season of the year. Just giveyour imagination a little ‘tweak’ and let your fantasiesloose, while your eyes feast on an enchantedworld, where rock and water combine as a singleunit, becoming ‘players’ in scenes of a rare andwild beauty. New dimensions these – that we, themountaineers and rock-climbers of old, are discoveringin the winter ‘water-ways’ of <strong>Valchiavenna</strong>.Just like on those beautiful summer days, enjoyingthe thrills of canyoning, making your way down thetorrents of Val Bodengo, Pilotera, Mengasca andCasenda – so it is in the crisp, cold hours of winterdaylight that we climb right back up the frozenwaterfalls! When the rain buckets down in summeror autumn in the mountains, the valley sides aresuddenly streaked with coursing water, gushingdown all over the place. Dashing against rocks,fi lling the little hollows ensconced in woodlands,and above in the high pastures the water seems torace against itself, demonstrating all its impulsivepower – launching itself down towards the valleybottom – where, just as quickly, it’s swallowed up– lost within the existing river. And so to winterwhen the cold has everything within its icy grip,we pay another visit – and miracle of miracles!-Freeze! One stunning ice sculpture after anotherbeckons, taking the eye immediately on the valleysides but seemingly receiving not even a secondglance from the sun; there are things to marvel atup there, and for us ice-climbers – places to go!Sheets, organ pipes, candles, stalactites, couloirs,names to conjure with suggesting the shapes andforms within this magical frozen waterfall. You’dthink it was impossible to scale this ever-so-fragilesculpture (…or seemingly fragile anyway) speciallywith all the gear: crampons, ice-axes and nails– without something breaking or giving way. Andyet you do, you climb using suitable equipmentand a specifi c technique called ‘piolet-traction’.You climb these falls of ‘petrifi ed’ water, from thespell-binding Mago del Gelo (‘Ice Wizard’) learninga little more each time, waterfall after waterfall – torecognise ‘good ice’ as opposed to that too ‘cold’and therefore fragile, to understand when yourequipment will hold, and when and where it mightbreak away, appreciating too when to decline aninvitation, if conditions are not ideal and the riskstoo high. ‘The ghostly thread’, ‘Feather in the sky’,‘The moon in the well’, ‘Mario’s dream’, and thewaterfall at Vho, il Pidincione, the waterfall at Starleggia,and at Zernone: just some of the names ofwaterfalls spread all over <strong>Valchiavenna</strong> representinga veritable paradise for ice-climbers. Climbingfrozen waterfalls is a terrifi c way to appreciate thejoys of being out and active in the cold winter air.It’s an adventure every time – for everyone. Butit’s also a serious activity with well-defi ned andstrict rules.It’s a ‘water-way’ for Winter. It’s a wonder!Looking forward to seeing you!DOVE ACQUISTAREWHERE TO SHOPMASTAIORTOFRUTTICOLIQui si può acquistarela rinomata castagnadi Santa Croce a Piuro.Il negozio èa conduzione familiare.Si trova a Chiavenna,a Pratogiano,e ha saputo sfruttarela ventilazione naturaledei crotti perla conservazionee la vendita di fruttae verdura.Ci sono molti prodottiche si possonoacquistare per séo per gli amici.Here is possible to buy the“marroni di Santa Croce”Found in Chiavenna,at the Pratogiano,the fruit-shop exploitsthe natural ventilationof the crottifor the conservationof its fresh produce.Viale Pratogiano n. 22Chiavenna - (So)Tel. 0343.33189ENOTECA“FIASCHETTERIALA SPECOLA”La fiaschetteriapropone un’ampia sceltadi vini selezionati,Doc, Docg, distillatispumanti e confezionipersonalizzatecon prodotti tipici.Troverete ancheun valido serviziodi consulenzaper il giusto abbinamentodei vini nei vostri menùdelle grandi occasioni.Degustazioni gratuitetutti i sabati pomeriggio.Spedizioniin tutta Italia.The cellar offers a wideselection of wines,Doc, Docg, spumanti,and spirits tooin the form of grappa,but also incorporatesexcellent examplesof typical local wines.You’ll also find some qualityadvice if you’re lookingfor a wine for that specialoccasion.There’s a free wine-tastingevery Saturday afternoon.Via Garibaldi n. 13Chiavenna (So)Tel. O343.32696www.fiaschetterialaspecola.itinfo@fiaschetterialaspecola.it37

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