Polyatomic ion compound names

Polyatomic ion compound names

Polyatomic ion compound names

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1. aluminum hypochlorite 42. cobalt (IV) chlorite2. aluminum chlorite 43. cobalt (II) chlorate3. aluminum chlorate 44. cobalt (III) chlorate4. aluminum perchlorate 45. cobalt (IV) chlorate5. aluminum hydrogen carbonate 46. cobalt (II) perchlorate6. aluminum nitrite 47. cobalt (III) perchlorate7. aluminum nitrate 48. cobalt (IV) perchlorate8. aluminum carbonate 49. cobalt (IV) carbonate9. aluminum hydrogen phosphate 50. cobalt (II) hydrogen carbonate10. aluminum sulfite 51. cobalt (III) hydrogen carbonate11. aluminum sulfate 52. cobalt (IV) hydrogen carbonate12. aluminum phosphate 53. cobalt (IV) hydrogen phosphate13. barium hypochlorite 54. cobalt (II) nitrite14. barium chlorite 55. cobalt (III) nitrite15. barium chlorate 56. cobalt (IV) nitrite16. barium perchlorate 57. cobalt (II) nitrate17. barium hydrogen carbonate 58. cobalt (III) nitrate18. barium nitrite 59. cobalt (IV) nitrate19. barium nitrate 60. cobalt (IV) sulfite20. barium phosphate 61. cobalt (IV) sulfate21. barium carbonate 62. cobalt (III) carbonate22. barium hydrogen phosphate 63. cobalt (III) hydrogen phosphate23. barium sulfite 64. cobalt (III) sulfite24. barium sulfate 65. cobalt (III) sulfate25. calcium hypochlorite 66. cobalt (II) phosphate26. calcium chlorite 67. cobalt (IV) phosphate27. calcium chlorate 68. cobalt (II) carbonate28. calcium perchlorate 69. cobalt (II) hydrogen phosphate29. calcium hydrogen carbonate 70. cobalt (III) phosphate30. calcium nitrite 71. cobalt (II) sulfite31. calcium nitrate 72. cobalt (II) sulfate32. calcium phosphate 73. chromium (II) hypochlorite33. calcium carbonate 74. chromium (III) hypochlorite34. calcium hydrogen phosphate 75. chromium (IV) hypochlorite35. calcium sulfite 76. chromium (V) hypochlorite36. calcium sulfate 77. chromium (VI) hypochlorite37. cobalt (II) hypochlorite 78. chromium (II) chlorite38. cobalt (III) hypochlorite 79. chromium (III) chlorite39. cobalt (IV) hypochlorite 80. chromium (IV) chlorite40. cobalt (II) chlorite 81. chromium (V) chlorite41. cobalt (III) chlorite 82. chromium (VI) chlorite

83. chromium (II) chlorate 124. chromium (V) sulfate84. chromium (III) chlorate 125. chromium (II) phosphate85. chromium (IV) chlorate 126. chromium (IV) phosphate86. chromium (V) chlorate 127. chromium (V) phosphate87. chromium (VI) chlorate 128. chromium (II) carbonate88. chromium (II) perchlorate 129. chromium (II) hydrogen phosphate89. chromium (III) perchlorate 130. chromium (III) phosphate90. chromium (IV) perchlorate 131. chromium (II) sulfite91. chromium (V) perchlorate 132. chromium (II) sulfate92. chromium (VI) perchlorate 133. copper (II) hypochlorite93. chromium (IV) carbonate 134. copper (III) hypochlorite94. chromium (VI) carbonate 135. copper (II) chlorite95. chromium (II) hydrogen carbonate 136. copper (III) chlorite96. chromium (III) hydrogen carbonate 137. copper (II) chlorate97. chromium (IV) hydrogen carbonate 138. copper (III) chlorate98. chromium (V) hydrogen carbonate 139. copper (II) perchlorate99. chromium (VI) hydrogen carbonate 140. copper (III) perchlorate100. chromium (IV) hydrogen phosphate 141. copper (II) hydrogen carbonate101. chromium (VI) hydrogen phosphate 142. copper (III) hydrogen carbonate102. chromium (II) nitrite 143. copper (II) nitrite103. chromium (III) nitrite 144. copper (III) nitrite104. chromium (IV) nitrite 145. copper (II) nitrate105. chromium (V) nitrite 146. copper (III) nitrate106. chromium (VI) nitrite 147. copper (III) carbonate107. chromium (II) nitrate 148. copper (III) hydrogen phosphate108. chromium (III) nitrate 149. copper (III) sulfite109. chromium (IV) nitrate 150. copper (III) sulfate110. chromium (V) nitrate 151. copper (I) carbonate111. chromium (VI) nitrate 152. copper (I) hydrogen phosphate112. chromium (VI) phosphate 153. copper (I) sulfite113. chromium (IV) sulfite 154. copper (I) sulfate114. chromium (VI) sulfite 155. copper (II) phosphate115. chromium (IV) sulfate 156. copper (I) phosphate116. chromium (VI) sulfate 157. copper (I) hypochlorite117. chromium (III) carbonate 158. copper (I) chlorite118. chromium (V) carbonate 159. copper (I) chlorate119. chromium (III) hydrogen phosphate 160. copper (I) perchlorate120. chromium (V) hydrogen phosphate 161. copper (II) carbonate121. chromium (III) sulfite 162. copper (I) hydrogen carbonate122. chromium (V) sulfite 163. copper (II) hydrogen phosphate123. chromium (III) sulfate 164. copper (I) nitrite

165. copper (I) nitrate 206. iron (V) nitrate166. copper (III) phosphate 207. iron (VI) nitrate167. copper (II) sulfite 208. iron (VI) phosphate168. copper (II) sulfate 209. iron (IV) sulfite169. iron (II) hypochlorite 210. iron (VI) sulfite170. iron (III) hypochlorite 211. iron (IV) sulfate171. iron (IV) hypochlorite 212. iron (VI) sulfate172. iron (V) hypochlorite 213. iron (III) carbonate173. iron (VI) hypochlorite 214. iron (V) carbonate174. iron (II) chlorite 215. iron (III) hydrogen phosphate175. iron (III) chlorite 216. iron (V) hydrogen phosphate176. iron (IV) chlorite 217. iron (III) sulfite177. iron (V) chlorite 218. iron (V) sulfite178. iron (VI) chlorite 219. iron (III) sulfate179. iron (II) chlorate 220. iron (V) sulfate180. iron (III) chlorate 221. iron (II) phosphate181. iron (IV) chlorate 222. iron (IV) phosphate182. iron (V) chlorate 223. iron (V) phosphate183. iron (VI) chlorate 224. iron (II) carbonate184. iron (II) perchlorate 225. iron (II) hydrogen phosphate185. iron (III) perchlorate 226. iron (III) phosphate186. iron (IV) perchlorate 227. iron (II) sulfite187. iron (V) perchlorate 228. iron (II) sulfate188. iron (VI) perchlorate 229. lithium carbonate189. iron (IV) carbonate 230. lithium hydrogen phosphate190. iron (VI) carbonate 231. lithium sulfite191. iron (II) hydrogen carbonate 232. lithium sulfate192. iron (III) hydrogen carbonate 233. lithium phosphate193. iron (IV) hydrogen carbonate 234. lithium hypochlorite194. iron (V) hydrogen carbonate 235. lithium chlorite195. iron (VI) hydrogen carbonate 236. lithium chlorate196. iron (IV) hydrogen phosphate 237. lithium perchlorate197. iron (VI) hydrogen phosphate 238. lithium hydrogen carbonate198. iron (II) nitrite 239. lithium nitrite199. iron (III) nitrite 240. lithium nitrate200. iron (IV) nitrite 241. manganese (II) hypochlorite201. iron (V) nitrite 242. manganese (III) hypochlorite202. iron (VI) nitrite 243. manganese (IV) hypochlorite203. iron (II) nitrate 244. manganese (V) hypochlorite204. iron (III) nitrate 245. manganese (VI) hypochlorite205. iron (IV) nitrate 246. manganese (VII) hypochlorite

247. manganese (II) chlorite 288. manganese (IV) sulfite248. manganese (III) chlorite 289. manganese (VI) sulfite249. manganese (IV) chlorite 290. manganese (IV) sulfate250. manganese (V) chlorite 291. manganese (VI) sulfate251. manganese (VI) chlorite 292. manganese (III) carbonate252. manganese (VII) chlorite 293. manganese (V) carbonate253. manganese (II) chlorate 294. manganese (VII) carbonate254. manganese (III) chlorate 295. manganese (III) hydrogen phosphate255. manganese (IV) chlorate 296. manganese (V) hydrogen phosphate256. manganese (V) chlorate 297. manganese (VII) hydrogen phosphate257. manganese (VI) chlorate 298. manganese (III) sulfite258. manganese (VII) chlorate 299. manganese (V) sulfite259. manganese (II) perchlorate 300. manganese (VII) sulfite260. manganese (III) perchlorate 301. manganese (III) sulfate261. manganese (IV) perchlorate 302. manganese (V) sulfate262. manganese (V) perchlorate 303. manganese (VII) sulfate263. manganese (VI) perchlorate 304. manganese (II) phosphate264. manganese (VII) perchlorate 305. manganese (IV) phosphate265. manganese (IV) carbonate 306. manganese (V) phosphate266. manganese (VI) carbonate 307. manganese (VII) phosphate267. manganese (II) hydrogen carbonate 308. manganese (II) carbonate268. manganese (III) hydrogen carbonate 309. manganese (II) hydrogen phosphate269. manganese (IV) hydrogen carbonate 310. manganese (III) phosphate270. manganese (V) hydrogen carbonate 311. manganese (II) sulfite271. manganese (VI) hydrogen carbonate 312. manganese (II) sulfate272. manganese (VII) hydrogen carbonate 313. sodium carbonate273. manganese (IV) hydrogen phosphate 314. sodium hydrogen phosphate274. manganese (VI) hydrogen phosphate 315. sodium sulfite275. manganese (II) nitrite 316. sodium sulfate276. manganese (III) nitrite 317. sodium phosphate277. manganese (IV) nitrite 318. sodium hypochlorite278. manganese (V) nitrite 319. sodium chlorite279. manganese (VI) nitrite 320. sodium chlorate280. manganese (VII) nitrite 321. sodium perchlorate281. manganese (II) nitrate 322. sodium hydrogen carbonate282. manganese (III) nitrate 323. sodium nitrite283. manganese (IV) nitrate 324. sodium nitrate284. manganese (V) nitrate 325. titanium (II) hypochlorite285. manganese (VI) nitrate 326. titanium (III) hypochlorite286. manganese (VII) nitrate 327. titanium (IV) hypochlorite287. manganese (VI) phosphate 328. titanium (II) chlorite

329. titanium (III) chlorite 370. zinc (II) hydrogen phosphate330. titanium (IV) chlorite 371. zinc (II) sulfite331. titanium (II) chlorate 372. zinc (II) sulfate332. titanium (III) chlorate333. titanium (IV) chlorate334. titanium (II) perchlorate335. titanium (III) perchlorate336. titanium (IV) perchlorate337. titanium (IV) carbonate338. titanium (II) hydrogen carbonate339. titanium (III) hydrogen carbonate340. titanium (IV) hydrogen carbonate341. titanium (IV) hydrogen phosphate342. titanium (II) nitrite343. titanium (III) nitrite344. titanium (IV) nitrite345. titanium (II) nitrate346. titanium (III) nitrate347. titanium (IV) nitrate348. titanium (IV) sulfite349. titanium (IV) sulfate350. titanium (III) carbonate351. titanium (III) hydrogen phosphate352. titanium (III) sulfite353. titanium (III) sulfate354. titanium (II) phosphate355. titanium (IV) phosphate356. titanium (II) carbonate357. titanium (II) hydrogen phosphate358. titanium (III) phosphate359. titanium (II) sulfite360. titanium (II) sulfate361. zinc (II) hypochlorite362. zinc (II) chlorite363. zinc (II) chlorate364. zinc (II) perchlorate365. zinc (II) hydrogen carbonate366. zinc (II) nitrite367. zinc (II) nitrate368. zinc (II) phosphate369. zinc (II) carbonate

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