Arisha Babarisha LAST (1)

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He does not eat anything except eggs from high-flying, three headed

swans.He believes that this is the food of great flyers. Sad, he only

thinks about flying. How does he find a way to fly like a bird. From

the making of many flying machines, he became a masterful engineer.

He made machines for low flying, high flying, backwards flying, wide

flying, and looping flying. His idea of flying transformed into a fixed

ideaHebcamsad, closed off, he stopped calling his friends,stopped eating,

and evethenhe could not think of any good machines.

Arisha met King Trytofly II from a culinary exhibition for special

foods which give you special qualities; powers, knowledge, forgotten

memories, the solving of any problems, etc. From then on, they became

good friends. Every month, Arisha made the King his favorite

omelette made from three-headed swans.

Arisha babarisha LAST.indd 24

3/3/2020 6:39:45 PM

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