Arisha Babarisha LAST (1)

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harlie O’ Fisher was a fish like any other citizens that lived in

his town. His seven cousins, fifteen brothers, and six sisters had identical

patterns: blue with black fins. The other family had black and

yellow stripes. This was the problem. From generations on, there was

an ongoing rivalry between the two families of Chanelfish, arguing

which one of two patterns best matched their colorful town. The first

populations of fish which had discovered the Sunny Hill and began

building the town had scattered blue and yellow dots all over their

scales as a pattern.

Let’s move back in the story to a different part in time to see how the

Chanelfish have played an important role in the worldwide trendsetting.

They took care of making sure that history’s most prominent

figures always looked glamorous, luxurious, for the more plump to

appear thin, (Catherine), the miniscule to be tall, (Napoleon) and

unpleasant to be a little bit more pleasant to the eye (Elizabeth).

Louis XIV of France, Catherine the Great of Russia, Elizabeth I of

England and Cleopatra of Egypt all sought assistance with the combinations

of fabric and color from the Chanelfish. Except, Cleopatra

only had her clothes sewn. She was perfect in every way. These types

of aquatic species had a unique and keen taste for design, and could

even speak, though rarely chose to do so. The rest of the ocean’s

inhabitants even considered them to be the Purple Ocean’s very own

aesthetic designers. With their high ranking in the design world,

they controlled the deep sea’s trends of couture¹.

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3/3/2020 6:39:58 PM

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