Arisha Babarisha

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Johnny Di Calzoni

Johnny Di Calzoni

Johnny Di Calzoni

Johnny Di Calzoni

NoMore Fixed Idea: Cream

Kremena ART

~ 2 eggs from birds who do not want to fly

~ 1 jar of jelly from a new problem

~ 200 grams CalmWater

~ 300 grams milk from a NeverWorkingSunflower

~ 1 comfortable chair



Preparation/ Special Instructions:

The last three products are for when you are eating the cream. The cream must be eaten slowly, for when you are sitting in

the chair comfortably, one must apply sunscreen to not burn, because when one burns, a new recipe is needed for an AntiBurn.

NoMore Fixed Idea: Cream

~ 2 eggs from birds who do not want to fly

~ 1 jar of jelly from a new problem

~ 200 grams CalmWater

~ 300 grams milk from a NeverWorkingSunflower

~ 1 comfortable chair



Preparation/ Special Instructions:

The last three products are for when you are eating the cream. The cream must be eaten slowly, for when you are sitting in

the chair comfortably, one must apply sunscreen to not burn, because when one burns, a new recipe is needed for an AntiBurn.

Now to return to the developing issue; which family best matches the town, and which family has the best designers. Even

though this heated competition is always on the Chanelfish’s minds, when it comes to a new client, they work together without

complaint. So their lives go on peacefully and with constant discovery of new ideas, trends, and patterns.

Couture¹ : High fashion


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A little bit about the

Narrator: myself

I am Albert-fly-on-the-wall. The only

fly that Arisha allows to be near

her food. I am immacuately

clean- washing my hands

every hour and changing my

clothes every 4 hours.This may seem extreme

- but you have no idea how many germs

and parasites plague our world at any

given place. I chose to write about Arisha

because her surroundings smell pleasant

no matter what.I simply observe, enjoy,

and stay clean.

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Johnny Di Calzoni

risha Babarisha has owned the Ricetta Bridge house for over 200

years. It was a gift from a pizza crafter, one was the best of his kind.

Every day for his entire life,Johnny Di Calzoni crafted 150 pizzas.

He had orders from across the globe. Everyone wanted to try the

famous Calzoni pizza. Johnny was a perfectionist

with the desire to make every lice a masterpiece,

taste and looks wise. So, in order to uphold

his legacy, he made sure to taste every single

piece of pizza, leaving a chunk missing.

His loyal fans considered this to be a form

of signature move, perhaps like an

autograph, since no other chefs

did this.For all of his followers,

this was a blessing. But for the

world renowned Johnny himself,

this caused him to gradually become

overweight. He sought out Arisha Babarisha’s

advice. Arisha listened to his problem

very carefully, making sure to

consider every little detail and

possible solution. Finally, she came

to a conclusion.


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“I am not going to cook you anything,” said Arisha in a low and

wise voice. “You must continue cooking. You still need to continue tasting

and perfecting every dish that comes out of your kitchen, because

this is you! This is your signature move that makes your food YOUR

food. So, my solution to you is to begin cooking food that is perhaps

healthier, and not so high in calories.” Johnny stares at Arisha blankly.

“Okay… Like what food?”

“Sushi!” As the once famous Italy-born chef moved onto the next

step in his life-long journey, he knew what he had to do. He had to move

to a remote location in Japan that specialized in the creation of sushi,

and he would spend several more decades mastering the art which is

Sushinese cuisine.

And so before he fled to his new life in a new place, he left his precious

Ricetta Bridge House to the woman who helped him figure out his

new destiny- Arisha Babarisha. He told her that he did not want her to

sell the house, but instead to take up the responsibilities that came with

it. Shining the silver lamps on the front two walls to retain their magnificent

shine, cleaning the horns of the giants on the sides of the house,

and of course, watering the plants. What Johnny Di Calzoni did not

know was that Arisha had actually always loved his house. She would

always stop in her tracks while walking down to the marketplace and


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Ricetta Bridge House

he Ricetta Bridge House was built on the Spaghetti river

originating from the Silver Pot Mountain. After this, the river passes

through twenty-three villages, travels under the house, and merges

into the Purple Ocean.

When Arisha entered the Ricetta Bridge House,

decided it was time for some remodeling according to her taste. A

little bit Nordic, some Ukranian patterns, spices hanging from every

corner of the house, many rafts filled with collections of dinnerware,

and a magical trunk. Then we have a broom and clock.

Anyways, more about Arisha. She is a chef, like the rest of her

family, but she is the only one who can prepare any meal for any

problem. Her and her family are the only ones in the world (that we

know of) who’s dishes solve difficultes, troubles, worries, or just hunger.

Alongside this, she can cook whenever her heart desires, without

needing anything other than her bag and pan. Now you are probably

thinking- she needs heat, a stove, and oven. Her pan is handcrafted

from volcanic metal with instant-heating properties that activate when

touched by food.

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The All-recipe-knowing


risha’s clock is not like the others. The cookoo bird is not

your typical bird- it is actually a fat chef. He does not tell the time,

but rather recites old cooking knowledge each hour. He knows and

remembers all recipes cooked from 10 generations before in Arisha’s

family. The only thing that can eventually tell you what time it is is the

number mentioned in these fairly random pieces of information.

For example, when the clock strikes 1pm, he says, “The juice

from one lemon is enough to make your fish tastier, but not enough

for a liter of lemonade.”

Next, at 2pm, he mentions, “Two tablespoons of Nespresso coffee

are enough to make a delicious latte.”

At 3pm, “Three lemons are enough for a cup of lemonade, but

too much to put on fish.” Sometimes, he can be quite annoying, but if

you really listen to what he is saying, he says very interesting things.

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The bag with the pan and


In a leather bag, Arisha stores what products she renders to

be completely essential for her to prepare a dish at any given moment.

Salt, olive oil, and vinegar. The “salt” is SkySalt- salt that originates

from clouds. If the clouds are white, the salt is white. If they

are rainclouds, the salt results as slightly blue. Arisha calls the salt

KingSalt, which makes all food taste better. The olive oil is made

from two types of olives: those grown from a very sunny place, while

the others are from a dark and shadowy area. These two combined

mix to create the perfect balance of taste, texture, and healthiness. It

assists in prevention of extreme emotions such as over-friendliness

or depression. Her olive oil can be used as sunscreen that makes you

tan, not burn. She calls it QueenOlivia. Next, there is the vinegar.

Unlike most types, which simply hold the same flavor, such as apple

cider vinegar, red wine vinegar, etc., this vinegar adapts to each and

every dish. Arisha calls him BalsamicKnight. Knights can get ready

for any battle and adopt any position within the war- or in the BalsamicKnight’s

case, any dish, at any time, and any place.

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King Trytofly II

e is King Trytofly II. His kingdom is a floating island of a petite

castle, a cherry tree merged with both the castle and island, and small

courtyard with checkered tiles. A couple of checkered tiles are broken. He

does not change them because he believes they are a good checkpoint for

his machines to land. He is alone in his own kingdom because he does

not want to be the people’s king, but the king of flying. He is the second

generation of flying innovators, hence the name Trytofly II.

The first King Trytofly became famous

for hismachine created from wax

and feathers.

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He does not eat anything except eggs from high-flying, three headed

swans.He believes that this is the food of great flyers. Sad, he only

thinks about flying. How does he find a way to fly like a bird. From

the making of many flying machines, he became a masterful engineer.

He made machines for low flying, high flying, backwards flying, wide

flying, and looping flying. His idea of flying transformed into a fixed

ideaHebcamsad, closed off, he stopped calling his friends,stopped eating,

and evethenhe could not think of any good machines.

Arisha met King Trytofly II from a culinary exhibition for special

foods which give you special qualities; powers, knowledge, forgotten

memories, the solving of any problems, etc. From then on, they became

good friends. Every month, Arisha made the King his favorite

omelette made from three-headed swans.

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Arisha was climbing the stairs that connected

her house with the floating castle. Usually, it takes her two hours and

twenty-two minutes. However, this time she was in a hurry due to her

desperate need of help from King Trytofly II. Arisha needed a new

spice which only grew on the bottom of the ocean. But she needed to

stay underwater for a longer time so she could carefully pick out the

perfect plant. This plant needed to have the “Perfect Posture”. With

this, it needed to be young, it’s leaves positioned towards the sun, and

it could not slouch against anything. Arisha had arrived at the courtyard

during the night.

She looked around and noticed that the castle was lit up, but quiet.

A dark shadow on the floor scurried across the courtyard. Arisha

realizes that the only thing this could be is King Trytofly II soaring

far above her head, because no birds fly this high.

“Get down, Trytofly! I need a machine,”

Arisha yelled and waved at the king.

As Trytofly II landed, Arisha noticed

he looked tired. She asked, “Why are

you still flying? It is late.” He replied,

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“I cannot sleep, I don’t feel hunger, I don’t have any ideas for new

machines or how to better my old ones, and I can’t do anything else

but to fly around my castle.” Arisha looked puzzled, believing that

this would never happen. She had warned the king several times that

his idea of flying had spiraled into an obsession. The eggs from the

three-headed swans no longer helped.

Arisha says,

“I believe I have to cook you something stronger than the

swan egg omelette.”


NoMore Fixed Idea

~ 2 eggs from birds who do not want to fly

~ 1 jar of jelly from a new problem

~ 200 grams CalmWater

~ 300 grams milk from a


~ 1 comfortable chair



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Preparation/ Special Instructions:

The last three products are for when you are eating the cream. The

cream must be eaten slowly, for when you are sitting in the chair comfortably,

one must apply sunscreen to not burn, because when one

burns, a new recipe is needed for an AntiBurn.

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As usual, Arisha had cooked an extremely delicious and healthy problem

solving dish. The machine for underwater breathing was done

very quickly after King Trytofly had eaten the NoMore Fixed Idea

cream. He was thrilled by the result. For the first time, the king had

encountered this underwater breathing problem. But he had seen that

it had a lot in common with flying. So the machine was light, capable

of moving at high speeds, and comfortable to carry. Trytofly was

proud of his new creation. He already had new ideas for new machines

made for breathing and swimming underwater.

He was ready for his new fixed idea¹.

Fixed idea¹: a persistent or obsessing idea, often delusional, that

can, in extreme form, be a symptom of psychosis.

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harlie O’ Fisher was a fish like any other citizens that lived in

his town. His seven cousins, fifteen brothers, and six sisters had identical

patterns: blue with black fins. The other family had black and

yellow stripes. This was the problem. From generations on, there was

an ongoing rivalry between the two families of Chanelfish, arguing

which one of two patterns best matched their colorful town. The first

populations of fish which had discovered the Sunny Hill and began

building the town had scattered blue and yellow dots all over their

scales as a pattern.

Let’s move back in the story to a different part in time to see how the

Chanelfish have played an important role in the worldwide trendsetting.

They took care of making sure that history’s most prominent

figures always looked glamorous, luxurious, for the more plump to

appear thin, (Catherine), the miniscule to be tall, (Napoleon) and

unpleasant to be a little bit more pleasant to the eye (Elizabeth).

Louis XIV of France, Catherine the Great of Russia, Elizabeth I of

England and Cleopatra of Egypt all sought assistance with the combinations

of fabric and color from the Chanelfish. Except, Cleopatra

only had her clothes sewn. She was perfect in every way. These types

of aquatic species had a unique and keen taste for design, and could

even speak, though rarely chose to do so. The rest of the ocean’s

inhabitants even considered them to be the Purple Ocean’s very own

aesthetic designers. With their high ranking in the design world,

they controlled the deep sea’s trends of couture¹.

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Now to return to the developing issue; which family best matches

the town, and which family has the best designers. Even though

this heated competition is always on the Chanelfish’s minds, when

it comes to a new client, they work together without complaint.

So their lives go on peacefully and with constant discovery of new

ideas, trends, and patterns.

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Couture¹ : High fashion

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Arisha and Charlie O’ Fisher

risha strolled down the stairs of her Ricetta Bridge House

and with Trytofly II’s new underwater invention, submerged into the

Purple Ocean in search for her “Perfect Posture” plant and a special

Chanelfish designer to assist her with her new hat. Her advanced piece

of technology was designed to allow comfortable breathing and lightweight

transport. For the first time she had the chance to look around

underwater without any rush, as the new device let her calmly breathe

and move. There was not a clear direction for her to head in, so she relied

on her gut feeling. (The chefs from her rank have a strongly developed

gut feeling). Arisha’s gut informed her to swim straight down.

Almost immediately, she laid her eyes onto many colorful specs on

the bottom of the ocean, unsure of what they could be. As she traveled

closer, it began to appear that they were roofs of abundant houses perhaps

the town she was searching for. Arisha then observed that one of

the patterns of the houses impeccably matched her hat, signifying that

she was in the right place.

After a couple of minutes, Arisha had already been in the town, and

around her swam the world renowned Chanelfish. Out of the many

fish, there was one in particular which chose to swim directly towards

Arisha, as if it’s main motive was to talk to her. As previously mentioned,

the Chanelfish can speak, though only to those who are on a

higher level than the average, such as royalty. Arisha, perplexed, blindy

stares into the fish’s eyes, wondering why it chose her.

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“Bring me with you. I know who you are,” The Chanelfish explains.

“I am a skilled designer and I want to make exceptional

cuisine, worth a special journey. I want to explore your choices in

the kitchen and create brand new meals that everyone can enjoy. I

would even be a way for you to travel.” And this is how Arisha and

Charlie O’ Fisher’s culinary adventure began.

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The Bird Which

Did Not Want to Fly

risha needed eggs from the Bird Which Did Not Want to

Fly for Kingtrytofly II’s previously requested omelette, that would resolve

his fixed idea of flying. Arisha had never seen this bird, but had

heard of her through the other birds that landed on her own house.

Often times, chit-chat was heard coming from the roof, with birds

sharing their own tasteful opinions. The sedulous sparrows complained

of her being lazy. The stunning swans believed that she was

far too obsessed with her own looks, and could not risk flying or else

she would ruin her perfectly put together hairstyle. However, Arisha

did not take these insults seriously. She understood why the swans

would not admire one of their own if she was far prettier than themselves.

The only information that Ms. Babarisha needed from those

gossiping machines was where this special bird lived. And so Arisha

listened closely as she sat in her kitchen one day, and discovered that

she knew exactly where the bird lived and how to get there. She began

packing her luggage filled with spices and pans, and left.

Eventually, her short trek had come to an end, and she arrived at the

three trees described in the previous hearsay. They were all towering

taller than skyscrapers, much larger than she anticipated. Logically,

Arisha assumed that there would be an easy way to the top, considering that

the bird did not want to fly.

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It only took a few moments for Ms. Babarisha to pinpoint where the

sky-high ladder was, so she began climbing. Once she reached the

peak, her eyes landed on the most beautiful nest she had ever seen, and

a bird even more magnificent. Though what puzzled Arisha the most

was the fact that this bird held her eggs on her head, rather than under

her bottom.

“Hi Arisha! I have been expecting you,” exclaimed the peculiar bird. “I

believe I know why you are here.” Arisha’s already boggled expression

twisted into an even more confused gaze, as she attempted to rationally

process this situation. “A little bird told me that you needed two of

my eggs for a recipe that cures a certain flying fixed idea. From what I

have gained, the issue here seems dire. He needs to stop flying so that

he could have a family and kids, like I do. He must be a very lonely and

sad person,” Arisha nods. “So, of course I will give you two eggs!” In a

moment of surprise and delight, Arisha hollers,

“Thank you, thank you! But, I have a question for you. What is the

reason behind you not wanting to fly? Do you happen to be sick?”

“I cannot fly because I don’t want to leave my babies alone,” the bird

replied in a heartfelt manner. “There are so many dangers out in the

world, that I get anxious of what might happen,” The cautious bird’s

pupils enlarged, and she was

visibly flushed by

waves of fear and uneasiness.

The backs of her feathers stood up high,

and she curled

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her wings up behind her. “The wind could blow the babies out

of the nest, a snake could snatch them, a-a-a hawk could steal

them, there is just so many things that could harm my lovelies…

In fact, I know you were probably wondering why I carry my

darlings on my head. It’s because I fear I might step on them!”

“I completely understand,” Arisha acknowledged, “but what

about when they begin to fly? With your overwhelming instincts

to protect them now, sooner than later, they will be able to fly

away, leaving you at a disadvantage. You have forgotten how to

fly, but your soon-to-be-flyers would not have!” The bird’s already

panicked demeanor only fell deeper into a state of frenzy,

and her eyes started to well up with tears.

“B-b-but, I never thought of it like t-that,” She bawled through a

waterfall of tears. “What am I supposed to do now?! My sweeties

will be flying any moment now! Help me, Arisha… I can put my

trust in you that you will cook up a magical antidote to fix my


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To Remember How to Fly

~1 cup childhood memories

~350 grams bread flour from windmill

~3 flies caught in between teeth

~2 teaspoons olive oil (from red and green

floating olives)

~1 teaspoon SkySalt


Mix all the ingredients in a bowl thoroughly while mounted

on a tall tree. Bake at 350 degrees for the flight time of New

Jersey to Philadelphia.

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Filip Rose

ilip Rose had 156,843 TakeaBreak flowers. He knew the

exact number because every day, he extracted two balls of string

from each and every flower. Filip’s flowers required their string to be

removed once a day to prevent overgrowth and to provide comfort.

When one of the flowers overgrew, their string covered them entirely.

When the string completely engulfed them, the weight became too

overbearing to the thin stems that hold the TakeaBreak flowers up. As

a result of this, they snapped, sending the entire flower plummeting

to the ground. The lustrous, tough, elastic fibers produced from the

flowers held a magnificent shimmer that shone brightly in the sunlight.

One day, Filip used this to his advantage. He discovered that he

could create cloth from spinning and weaving the threads until they

all connect and eventually form a single piece of fabric. As has already

been mentioned in this book, every year, Arisha Babarisha visited her

friend Filip Rose to request a new layer for her wonky hat. From these

annual encounters, Arisha has spread the word about Filip Rose’s

wonderful goods, and many designers decided to reach out. One of

these designers was Charlie O’ Fisher and his family. Alongside the

Fisher family, Kingtrytofly II has also worked with Filip Rose to provide

him with much needed reliable cloth for his flying machine.

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At the time, Filip was bent over, fixing one of the machines of flower

number 5,972. Each individual machine was automatically operated

and pulled out the string to create balls of yarn. After the ball was

constructed, the cloth came out of the other end. In this particular

machine that was assigned to flower number 5,972, a certain step was

blocked by an overflow of string. This happened to be the day that Arisha

Babarisha had to collect her annual layer of cloth for her hat. She

was roaming through the vast fields of flowers, thinking to herself,

“Wow… These flowers are so beautiful! Their petals have a wonderful

yellow to them. Ah, those pink and white crystals have such a stunning

dazzle!” She took a couple steps forward, and felt a wave of familiarity

and warmth mosey around her nose. She was instantly captivated by

the scent and began to wonder what it reminded her of. It seemed to

linger continuously until the very moment she pinned it down. “Aha!

Croissants! My mother’s secret croissant recipe!

On those cozy Saturday mornings, with my

whole family, all huddled together at the

dinner table as we indulge in our favorite meal;

croissants with warm milk. I can smell the crisp

snow’s faint scent leaking through the partially open

window and the fireplace’s comforting, deep woody

aroma.” Arisha seemed to have fallen into a state of

euphoria and her favorite memory was projected directly

into her head the moment the TakeaBreak flowers did their

job. “Oh,” Arisha murmured to herself, pleasantly surprised.

“So that’s why they’re called the TakeaBreak flowers…”

She snapped herself out of this wonderful, strange transe

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To love your job

~200 grams from something new to learn

~7 petals from other flowers

~3 uncomfortable questions from a friend

~1 slice of wholewheat bread

~2 multivitamins

~8 hours of deep sleep

~ a Friday beer with people like you


Spread the jam on your morning toast, do not forget to take

your vitamins, get enough sleep, and frequently talk with

your friends about topics that are out of your comfort zone.

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Dr. Mashroo

r. Mashroo- expert in biology and microbiology, 67

years of experience In November of 3019, the Global Foundation of

Biology recognized Dr. Mashroo as one of the 50 Visionaries of the

Year. In June of 2012, he received an honorary, accredited Doctorate

of Science degree (D.Sc.) from the National College for Chemistry

for his academic achievements and for expanding the field of science.

Simply put, the world-renowned Dr. Mashroo knows everything

about mushrooms and other fungi of that sort. That is how the world

sees him, and how he sees himself.

Mashroo was sitting on the tallest mushroom, after his butterfly carried

him from the adjacent island- island number three. His third

daily checkup for the abundant fungi had finished, which included

a vast majority of tests, treatments, and observing of color vibrancy,

smell, and size. For example, he carefully tracked and recorded the

pH of each individual species, H20 levels within the top layer of flesh,

and most importantly, the amount of spores at every given moment,

etc. On this island, there lived six hundred thirty-five mushrooms,

four thousand and fifty-six grasses and weeds, seven different types of

moss, with every type covering thirty square feet. However, Mashroo

was feeling quite fatigued and blue. He did not not why, as his temperature

was normal, he was not dehydrated,

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and blood pressure was normal, and even lower than usual. Every

piece of physical and chemical data regarding his body were flawless.

There were no more tests left to run, so Mashroo made the stark

decision to simply return home and continue reading his new book

about the splendid fungi that inhabited the Amazon Rainforest. so

very fresh.

In this moment, what he heard and saw next quickly distrcted him

from his new book. First, a loud splash of water. Then, what he observed

to be a larger-than-usual aquatic vertebrate with a diameter

of 27 inches, height of 42 inches, and weight of 50 pounds next to

a strange mammal with strikingly colorful clothes- age unknown,

appeared in his pond.

“Heeeey! What are you doing in my pond?! And-and how did you

find my third island of mushrooms?!” he yelled, flabbergasted. As

Mashroo stared blankly at the fish next to the vividly colored human,

his worst fear came true. Arisha reached out to touch the red bubble-like

plant hanging loosely in front of her face. The blood drained

rapidly from Mashroo’s face, and he became paler than a marshmellow

fresh out of the packaging. He felt his blood pressure dropping,

and his body temperature also decreasing by an unhealthy 6.47 degrees.

water as an ingredient for a brand new dish I want to prepare

for my friend who began seeing everything as grey,”

Mashroo stood in desbelief of what came out of her mouth, eager to

correct her. “This isabsolutely impossible.

I would have known of these apparant

benefits that sit in the chemical properties

which make colors appear more vibrant.”

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“No-o!” he yelped, in a desperate attempt to stop the curious Arisha

Babarisha. “You can’t touch that!” Arisha immediately pulled her hand

away from the mysterious organism and turned to look at him in surprise.

“I have not done research for the effects of a human being touching

that red bubble,” he continued.

“Oh no, I am so very sorry! Everything here is just so pretty and bright,

and smells so fresh. This is truly the most beautiful place I have ever

visited. Fisher led me here, and said everyone in his city knew about

it. His brother, grandpa, their grandparents, have been coming here

for decades because the pond excentuated the patterns on their bodies,”

Arisha replied. “I would like to take some of thisFisher jumped

into the conversation, and murmured, “But...it does work,” he looked

around. “Everybody knows that. As a matter of fact,” he quickly signaled

at a mushroom that caught his eye. “I know that one! Her name

is Madeline. She’s my friend’s girlfriend. He actually has a framed

picture of her above his bed. They are in love,” Fisher said with a glare

of confidence. Mashroo’s expression once again smudged into near

disgust, combined with fury.

Mycology: the branch of biology relating to the study of fungi, including genetic

and biochemical properties, taxonomy, and use to other life as a source for

traditional medicine, and food, as well as their dangers, such as toxicity

or infection.

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“NO! This is too, impossible! Mushrooms cannot show emotion,

let alone any thoughts! A-and,” he shook his head and flared his

arms, “They-they absolutely do NOT have names!” Both Fisher

and Arisha glared at the raging doctor and only listened to his

ranting with patience and a smidge of confusion. “I would have

KNOWN if this was true,” he continued, seeming to relax a little

bit more as he went on talking. “Every single day I test these specimens,

and nowhere have I found indications of love in that mushroom

#45... Except, well, I do believe I recorded a slight increase

of color vibrancy. Maybe it’s temperature also increased with one

degree. But I have not heard of any... ‘love’.” he gestured two imaginary

quotes with his hands while wearing a deep look of contemplation

and looking at the floor. Fisher, complelely unphased and

off in his own realm, blurted, “Oh and also, you don’t even have

blue mushrooms here. They’re great! And they smell like candied

violets, too.” At this point, Mashroo lost his temper completely.

“Stop with this nonsense! You don’t even know a single gram of

fungology, or mycology, or biology, or-or anything! How can you

say such things, with such confidence?! There are no blue mushrooms

that smell of violets, or color-increasing ponds, or whatever

this thing called LOVE is!” Fisher, once again without a care in the

world, kept on explaining.

“Well uh, ok. If you still want to see the blue mushrooms and

you’re scared of leaving your precious islands alone, my brothers

and I will be here to take care of them.” Mashroo stood in a boiling

pot of his own emotions. Arisha, then, did what she does best.

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You probably feel quite bewildered, I imagine,” Arisha

said calmly. “And it’s because you now realize

you don’t know everything.” The doctor was unable

to respond, as he still had difficulty accepting this.

“Nobody knows everything, even people as smart as

you. I have a fabulous soup made just for savants like

you. I know what can help.

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Sweet Potato Soup:

how to tell if a girl likes me

1l water from rose petal bath

2 sweet potatos grown in Isla Mujeres, Mexico

2 tbsp olive oil (for massage and cooking)

1 tsp Pink Diamond salt

Celery bought from gossiping girls around the corner who own the vegetable stand on

your street

3 carrots from the previous vegetable stand

Ever-crying onion

Black pepper

Very red beets (for very red lips)

English Porcelain bowl

Depending on your level of nerdiness:

Barely any nerdiness: 1/2 tsp chili pepper powder

Max level nerdiness: 3 tsp chili pepper powder

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When you go to retrieve the ingredients from the vegetable stand,

you will understand a lot of new things from all of the gossip. Chop

potatos, carrots, beets, onion, and celery. All ingredients are placed

in a pot. Boil on low heat for 35 minutes. It is served in the English

Porcelain bowl over a white tablecloth. The soup is eaten alone

(without bread for obvious reasons).

While eating, you must watch makeup guru videos on any social

media platform.

Eat this soup 3 times a week, preforming the same ritual every time

for 1 month.

Defenitely, after finishing these directions, you will understand the

female mind much better than you did before.

(Also, if she likes you, she will tell you).

(Pink Diamond- most expensive diamond)(Isla Mujeres- island of


(Chili pepper- powerful aphrodisiac)

(Sweet potato- good source of fiber and contributes to weight loss)

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Mama’s Cake Recipe:

People that fear not

blowingall of thei

birthday candleSon

the first try

All products for a standard cake with your

favorite flavier

(i.e chocolate, vanilla)

~training 2 months before Birthday

~number candles (varies with age)

~1 teaspoon sweetener that makes

you question the validity of your issue

~3 liters of water and moisturizer

~1 cup of tea or coffee


Make a standard cake of your flavor. Train for two months leading up to the special day. Buy

number candles according to how old you will be. Number candles are better because the

chance of you blowing them out all at once is better rather than having 456 candles on your

cake. Put the sweetener in your tea/coffee and drink it a little before blowing the candles out.

(The sweetener should be used every day, drink three liters of water every day, and moisturize


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Uncle’s Curry


People Who Fear


for green, yellow, red,

or Massaman curry

~1 luxurious suitcase

~2 big problems you wish to run away from

~3 different international types of money

~1 phone with which you can dial the world for free


Make a Massaman, green, yellow, or red curry and eat it before the next step. Buy a luxurious

suitcase. (The feeling when you buy something lavish makes you feel special, and good

fortune happens to you by default). The two big problems that you wish to run away from are

necessary to give you a good push to get you up and traveling. The phone and money do not

need any more explaining.

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The Cousins’ Stew Recipe:

People that Are Running from


~All products for standard stew with your preferred

meat (i.e beef, pork)

~1 bucket of freezing cold water

~3 very sour lemons

~1 passport


Make a standard stew. After the stew is eaten, say out loud which problem you wish to

run away from, immediately place your head in the bucket of freezing, ice cold water.

While you are still in a state of shock from the icy water, squeeze the juice from your

three very sour lemons into your mouth all at once. Following this, you should be

extremely angry at yourself, and ask yourself why you did this. Besides from being already

frustrated at yourself, you remember the person which caused this problem that

you are running away from. Burn your passport and donate all of your money. If you

have done everything correctly, you should be left with nothing else but to solve your


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