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President Trump by 12,670 votes by at least 4,268 unlawful

requests and by as many as 10,101 unlawful requests. Id.


This widespread pattern, as reflected within the population

of unreturned ballots analyzed by Dr. Briggs, reveals the unavoidable

reality that, in addition to the calculations herein, third parties voted

an untold number of unlawfully acquired absentee or mail-in ballots,

which would not be in the database of unreturned ballots analyzed

here. See O.G.C.A. 21-2-522. These unlawfully voted ballots

prohibited properly registered persons from voting and reveal

a pattern of widespread fraud down ballot as well.


Further, as calculated by Matt Braynard, there exists

clear evidence of 20,311 absentee or early voters in Georgia that

voted while registered as having moved out of state. (See Id.,

attachment to report). Specifically, these persons were showing on the

National Change of Address Database (NCOA) as having moved, or as

having filed subsequent voter registration in another state also as

evidence that they moved and even potentially voted in another state.

The 20,311 votes by persons documented as having moved exceeds the

margin by which Donald Trump lost the election by 7,641 votes.


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