Brain and socio-cultural environment - Luciano Mecacci

Brain and socio-cultural environment - Luciano Mecacci

Brain and socio-cultural environment - Luciano Mecacci


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J. Social Biol. Struct. 1981 4, 319-327

Brain and socio-cultural environment

Luciano Mecaccit

Istituto di Psicologi.a de/ Consiglio Nazionale de/le Ricerche, Roma, Italy

The human brain is currently studied as a natural object working in a world of

natural stimuli. Brain functional organization depending on the socio-cultural

environment is not sufficiently considered. Research perspectives are outlined in

order to verify the hypothesis of the social and cultural influences on brain


In early physiology textbooks, the study of the nervous system was called the 'physiology

of relational life' to indicate the fact that in studying the nervous system the relations

between the animal or human organism and the environment were to be investigated. The

present paper sets out to examine certain characteristics of the concept of environment as

it is used in neurophysiology as well as the critical aspects displayed by this concept when it

is extended to the study of the human brain.

Brain as a natural object

What was meant in classical neurophysiology by the term environment is comparatively

easy to establish. Suffice it to mention the reflex arc model which dominated neurophysiological

research up to the mid-twentieth century. In explaining reflex mechanisms, Descartes

in his Treatise of Man (1972) gave several illuminating examples, e.g. the well known figure

of the boy burning his foot in the fire and withdrawing it immediately. The reflex action is

a response to a stimulus from the environment, i.e. the fire in the above example (Fig. 1).

Several centuries later, in his fundamental work on neurophysiology, Sherrington (1906)

cited the processes that occur when we look at the sun as an effective example of the interaction

between organism and environment. Fire and sun are the natural equivalents of the

environment stimuli used in neurophysiology laboratories, i.e. heat, light, sound and touch

stimuli etc., which are nevertheless still stimuli belonging to the natural environment, that is

to say, which may be described by physics and quantified by mathematics.

The first criticism that could be made is, of course, the one levelled against the behaviorists

in their study of animal behavior, i.e. the artificiality of the environmental situation reproduced

in the laboratory. This criticism is known to be quite justified when it is claimed that

the elementary mechanisms studied in the laboratory may be used as the basis for an

explanation of molar behavior in the natural environment. This criticism is less justified

tRequests for reprints should be addressed to Luciano Mecacci, lstituto di Psicologia del CNR, Via dei

Monti Tiburtini 509, 00157 Roma, Italy.

0140-1750/81/040319 +. 09 $02.00/0 © 1981 Academic Press Inc. (London) Limited

320 L. Mecacci

Fig. 1. The boy burning and withdrawing his foot is the classical illustration from

Descartes' Treatise of Man of the idea of reflex. The stimulus (fire) affects the

receptors of the foot: the impulse is transmitted along the centripetal nerves to the

brain from which the response is ordered and transmitted along the centrifugal

nerves again to the foot. The figure is yet another example of the traditionally

naturalistic view of the brain. It is worth of noting that this famous figure was not

of Descartes himself and was inserted by the editor in the posthumous publication

of the book according to the text

when applied to a neurophysiology having a more limited scope, i.e. the study of the elemen

tary mechanisms of the nervous system as such.

A much more serious problem in our opinion is the one connected with the stimuli

used in neurophysiology to reproduce the environmental situation. Recent studies of the

neurophysiology of vision have shown that the stimuli used in the laboratory are often not

those most suitable for the nervous system. The stimuli chosen by the neurophysiologist are

those corresponding to the output, i.e. to the end result of the inner, nervous transformations

undergone by the true, suitable stimuli. For instance, although the triangle we perceive is the

final output of our brain's activity, the cells of the visual system have not actually 'seen' a

triangle as such, but only a set of physical and structural properties. Consequently, if it is

our aim to study the elementary mechanisms of the visual system according to a neurophysiological

method, the suitable stimulus is not the one that immediately springs to the

researcher's mind, nor those with which he has a daily familiarity; the suitable stimulus

consists of the underlying physical and structural properties. This critical observation is all

the more applicable in the case of neurophysiological research into such complex processes

as perception, memory, language etc., where an anthropomorphic or perhaps an unconsciously

phenomenological type of approach may be found: in studying the brain, the

researcher makes use of those stimuli that, in his experience, i.e. according to how things

appear to him as subject, the stimuli are activating brain activity.

In addition to the naturalness or artificiality of stimuli, another important aspect of the

Brain and socio-cultural environment 321

concept of environment in neurophysiology is the problem of environmental influences on

neurones and brain activity. Up to a few decades ago it was believed that the environment

and the nervous system interacted and that a stimulus activated the nervous system and that

the latter responded to the stimulus, without the mechanisms involved in the response being

modified by the stimulus. Only the response was believed to vary as a function of the

stimulus and not the mediation mechanisms. About ten years ago this conception began to

be challenged. Here we are concerned not only with research on changes in brain chemistry

produced by the environment in which the animals live (Horn, Rose & Bateson, 1973;

Bennett, Diamond, Krech & Rosenzweig, 1964), but above all with visual deprivation

studies. The first sensational experiments were reported in 1970 and the one by Blakemore

and Cooper had the significant title of 'Development of brain depends on the visual environment'

(Blakemore & Cooper, 1970; Hirsch & Spinelli, 1970). Basing their work on previous

literature concerning the selectivity of visual cortex neurones to orientation, the authors

raised kittens from birth in a cylinder, the walls of which were lined with black and white

bars. They found that the adult cats had only neurones that were particularly responsive

to the vertical bars, if the animals had only been exposed to vertical bars, and only neurones

that were particularly responsive to the horizontal bars in the case of exposure only to the

latter. These experiments were repeated many times and also came in for harsh criticism

(Blakemore, 1978; Maffei & Mecacci, 1979, chapter VII). However, two important facts

were established: the brain mechanisms and organization genetically acquired by the animal

at birth may be extensively modified by environmental stimuli and thus not produce normal

responses; secondly, this effect is possible only in certain critical post-natal periods. By

means of this type of experiments, modem neurophysiology investigates the relations

between brain and environment in a plastic fashion, as a set of interactions that may have

a direct effect on the brain processes governing the interactions themselves. Although these

studies have so far only been carried out using animals, it is believed that the results could

be extended to a description of the properties of the human brain.

The main workers in the field of contemporary neurophysiology, following a tradition

handed down from master to disciple, have investigated the elementary processes of the

nervous system, reflex activity, synapses and receptors, as well as the wider significance

of their research for an understanding of the human brain (Sherrington, 1940; Adrian,

1947; Eccles, 1970; Granit, 1977). The human brain is believed to have basically the same

functional characteristics as the animal brain, which neuroscientists have investigated directly,

as well as certain peculiar properties, to which Sherrington and Eccles have given a purely

spiritualistic connotation: where the brain described by neurophysiology is found to

be wanting, they tum to the soul, an entity that can only be defined in fanciful, nonneurophysiological

terms. The soul or some other spiritualistic explanation is made use of

wherever the problem is raised of the relations between brain and consciousness, between

the brain and man's higher intellectual activities. Taking as one's starting point a physicalistic

and naturalistic conception of the environment with which man's brain supposedly interacts,

i.e. the environment studied by classical neurophysiology, leads directly to the dualistic

solution of Sherrington or Eccles: on the one hand, the brain with its laws described by

neurophysiology, surrounded by a world of light, sound and tactile stimuli; on the other,

'something' on which the value, the consciousness and the cultural products of an individual

living in human society are dependent.

History of the brain

This situation changes as the human brain is considered in the context of a different conception

of man and of the relationship between man and nature. The nature with. which

322 L. Mecacci

man interacts is not just a collection of abstract physical phenomena but a nature transformed

by man during the history of production and the history of science and culture. In

the context of our discussion of environmental stimuli, the pure physical stimuli belong to

an abstract nature produced by the mind of the neuroscientist. They do not correspond to

the environment on which the development of human history is based. This does not mean

that these abstract stimuli do not activate nervous and brain processes. All would probably

agree that by varying light wavelengths or sound frequencies it is possible to explain the

fundamental processes the human brain shares with other animal species but not its specific

characteristics. The problem is that these stimuli are not the stimuli which activate the

nervous and brain processes at a level of complexity of the responses displayed by the

highly developed brain of the human species.

Stimulus abstractness is not, however, the most difficult aspect to clarify in brain research.

There is another, more ticklish problem. The nature man has changed is not only the nature

of the surrounding environment, but also the very nature of man himself, his body and

above all his brain.

A comparatively little known theoretical approach which may prove useful in tackling

this problem was proposed by the Soviet psychologist Lev S. Vygotsky (1978) in the early

thirties and elaborated systematically by Aleksandr R. Luria, who was also responsible for

the most valid and best known extension of this theory to experimental and clinical research

(Luria, 1973; Mecacci, 1979). Vygotsky introduced an expression which represented a

complete novelty in the traditional theories of the brain-namely 'history of brain functions'.

The term was used to indicate that the human brain has a history of its own, not only in the

sense that it represents the product of a biological evolution, but also in the sense that the

human brain develops as a function of human and social history. In our interpretation, this

theory asserts that the human brain is genetically equipped with a complex of structures as

a functional organization, the maturation of which may take place at different times after

birth. However, brain functional organization does not depend only on genetically preset

maturation. It also depends on the interaction between the individual and his social and

cultural environment and, as the latter is determined historically, it ultimately depends on

history itself.

To use Luria's terminology, human psychological processes consist of an integrated system

of simpler processes, each of which is a function of a specific brain structure. These integrated

systems are called 'functional systems' (Luria, 1973). They develop during ontogenesis under

the influence of social and cultural variables. For instance, color perception in human

beings consists of a system of neural functions which is more complex than in the other

animal species. Indeed, in human beings, color perception not only involves the structures

(and their functions) connected with the wavelength decoding as in other animals (i.e.

retina, lateral geniculate body and other brain structures), but also a functional connection

with the language brain centres. The connection between specifically visual coding and

verbal coding, which are mediated by different brain centres, is achieved during ontogenesis

along with the child's language acquisition. Thereafter color perception consists of a functional

system integrating visual and verbal functions. However, this brain organization is not

the same in the brain of all the human beings as it is affected by socio-cultural variables, as

shown by cross-cultural studies on color naming (Bornstein, 1973). Fabrega (1977) has

pointed to other research areas where a cultural differentiation may be perceived in the

universally physiological processes of the human species (e.g. pain perception). Crosscultural

psychological research can therefore also prove useful as an indirect demonstration

of the effects of social and cultural influences on brain organization. Special mention must

be made in this connection of the approach by Cole and co-workers (Cole & Scribner,


Brain and socio-cultural environment 323

1974), which takes account of Vygotsky's and Luria's theory of the higher psychological

functions as brain functional systems and culturally determined processes.

The question arises of whether there is any chance of verifying these hypothetical social

and cultural influences on brain functional organization by studying directly the brain

functions. Two hitherto comparatively unexploited lines of approach appear to be particularly

interesting. The first of these consists of the investigation of the functional differences

in the brain of individuals belonging to different cultures, and the second is

concerned with the brain of individual human beings. The study of the brain of individuals

of different cultures may be understood in two, albeit complementary, ways. One approach

would be to study the brain of individuals having lived in different periods of human history.

The investigation of the brain of hominids has reached a high methodological level. However,

the scope of neuropaleoanthropological research has so far been the ascertaining of

constant features rather than variations in the structural and functional organization of the

human brain (Holloway, 1974; Washburn, 1978). The possibility of studying the development

of the functional organization of the human brain in more recent historical ages would

be enhanced by the availability of indirect evidence provided by archeology and historical

documents. No systematic research has been carried out on this subject. One interesting

example of indirect reconstruction is the ascertainment of the dominance of the right hand.

Art documents have made it possible to establish that for at least fifteen thousand years the

right hand has been dominant in various human activities (hunting, working, writing etc.)

(Coren & Porac, 1977). The second type of approach is concerned with the brain functional

organization in living populations of different cultures. This type of investigation

could make an important contribution to the verification of the socio-cultural hypothesis.

No systematic investigations have been carried out in this area either. A distinction must be

made between research comparing populations at roughly the same level of civilization (i.e.

an area which could be defined as cross-cultural neuropsychology) and research on populations

at a primitive level (neuroanthropology). One highly promising line of investigation

in the area of cross-cultural neuropsychology is the comparison of the degree of hemisphere

specialization in different populations. One large body of data concerns right-hand preference

as an index of brain lateralization (Dawson, 1977) or the differences in lateralization

effects in visual and verbal tasks found by comparing, for instance, Jewish and English

people (Orbach, 1967), Spanish-English bilinguals and monolinguals (Walters & Zatorre,

1978), English and Japanese people (Hatta, 1979).

Recent studies on the 'Japanese brain' (Tsunoda) deserve special mention. Research on

the brain organization of speech (Tsunoda, 1973, 1976) have evidenced a different functional

specialization of the two brain hemispheres in the Japanese with respect to Western

populations. This seems to be due to a special language acquisition process in the Japanese,

to a special interaction between verbal coding and external verbal and non-verbal information

and to the verbal mediation of the culturally learned 'meanings' given to the external

stimuli. For instance, a human voice, an animal's noise, (e.g. the barking of a dog, birds

singing) or the sound of Japanese instrumental music are processed by the left hemisphere

in the Japanese brain, while in Western populations it is the right hemisphere which is

dominant in the processing of this information. According to Sanches (1979), these stimuli

are processed in the left hemisphere because they are full of a communicative value

unknown to Westerners. This communicative value, these meanings, are obviously learned

in the iapanese socio-cultural environment in which the young Japanese is reared. Closely

related to Tsunoda's and Sanches' data on the relations between brain and speech in the

Japanese is the literature on brain organization underlying writing and reading. There are

two writing systems in Japanese-a logographic system (kanji) and a phonetic system (kana)

324 L. Mecacci



Fig. 2. Kana and kanji writing systems are used in the same text. To process the

two systems Japanese brain has a special function organization

(Fig. 2). Research on Japanese aphasics indicates that these two systems are mediated by

different brain structures (Sasanuma, 1975), while experiments on normal subjects have

shown that the right hemisphere is dominant in recognizing kanji characters and the left

hemisphere in recognizing kana characters (Hirata & Osaka, 1967; Sasanuma, Itoh, Mori &

Kobayashi, 1977; Hatta, 1977). These results are confirmed by the performance in reading

in the two systems of Japanese patients after partial commissurotomy. The Japanese can

read written material presented in the left visual field and projected into the right hemisphere

when this material is in kanji characters. In the case of kana material (phonetic type),

deficiencies are observed which are similar to those found in Western 'bisected brain' patients

(Gazzaniga, 1970) for whom verbal material, in order to be read, must be presented in the

right visual field and projected into the left hemisphere (Sugishita, Iwata, Toyokura, Yoshioka

& Yamada, 1978). This interaction between brain hemispheres in the Japanese in reading

and writing is once again a historical phenomenon due to the superimposition of the Chinese

script (from which kanji derived) on the Japanese spoken language in about the fifth century.

Ever since then, the brain functional organization in the Japanese which is involved in writing

and reading processes has had a different development than in Western populations. The

processing of Chinese language and writing in the Chinese does not appear to require the

brain organization typical of the Japanese (Tzeng, Hung, Cotton & Wang, 1979; Naeser

& Chan, 1980), while the decoding of the two writing systems in Korean appears to

require differentiated processing and probably also differentiated brain processes (Park

& Arbuckle, 1977).

The question of whether it was possible to set up a neuroanthropological study was raised

by Paredes & Hepburn (1976) who used the principle of the functional asymmetry of the

two cerebral hemispheres to explain the cross-cultural characteristics of cognitive processes.

Variations between populations are thought to depend on a different lateralization of the

Brain and socio-cultural environment 325

cognitive processes in the two hemispheres, on the predominance of one of the hemispheres

in overall brain organization, which would be dependent on the specific types of interaction

with the environment according to the means of production, social relations and culture of

the populations involved. To our knowledge there has been no systematic investigation of

hemisphere specialization in primitive populations. In addition to experiments on normal

subjects, it would also be necessary to investigate disorders of the cognitive processes produced

by brain lesions in individuals belonging to such populations. The discussion aroused

by the article of Paredes & Hepburn (1976) has revealed the need for a rigorous study of

hemisphere asymmetry in Western and Eastern populations, both primitive and not, before

making overgeneralizing extrapolations of the type: the Westerner's analytical ant'l logical

mind is indicative of left hemisphere dominance, while the synthetic and mystical Eastern

mind is due to right hemisphere dominance.

The other main line of research is based on the study of the brain of single individuals.

Also in this case several methodological approaches are possible. Firstly, with reference to

the above-mentioned studies on hemisphere specialization, there have been several recent

experiments which have evidenced individual differentiation in the effects of lateralization

and manual preference. The degree of hemisphere specialization correlates with various

indexes of cognitive style (Pizzarniglio, 1974) and of personality (Charman, 1979), while

professional activity, for instance in artists (Mebert & Michel, 1980), has been found to

affect manual preference. Individual variations in brain activity have been subjected to

systematic research by Soviet workers ranging from the Pavlovian conception of types of

nervous system to current studies correlating psychophysiological differences with cognitive

performance and personality proftles (Mecacci, 1976; Powell, 1979). A further approach is

concerned with the effects of brain damage on psychological processes. The latter approach

is preferred by Luria who has devoted several works to the detailed description of clinical

cases (e.g. the classical case of aphasia analysed in Luria, 1972). The clinical approach, in

its peculiarities, differs from the experimental approach based on a comparison between

different individual cases. What is significant in the clinical approach is the subject's previous

history, his culture and his personality which has been damaged by the brain lesion. In the

. experimental approach it is attempted to find a correlation between psychological disorders

and damage to specific brain structures which is valid above and beyond any peculiar individual

manifestations (Luria & Majovski, 1977). The history of brain functions is thus more

than the mere development of the human brain through human history. The development of

the brain functions interacts with the environmental variables and the functional organization

is dependent upon this interaction. A man's brain thus consists of a functional organization

that has developed in a specific social and cultural environment and any damage to this brain

will have an effect which varies from one individual to another. Also, in verifying this

hypothesis, the studies carried out on the brain organization of subjects who learnt a second

language early in life are extremely significant. The 'bilingual brain' is found to have a functional

organization which differs from the 'monolingual brain' and this organization varies

according to the languages involved (Albert & Obler, 1978). Also subjects having suffered

from deprivation in their emotional and social relationship in early life and who have not

acquired language in the normal way are thought to have a different brain functional organization

according to experimental evidence, as is indicated by the interesting case of Nadia,

an autistic little girl with extraordinary drawing ability (Selfe, 1977), and Genie, a little girl

whose lilte acquisition of language is thought to have been mediated by the right hemisphere

(Curtiss, 1977). Individual variations in brain functions (and thus in behavior) may be

considered as due to anatomic differences. Research on the anatomy and cytoarchitectonics

of the brain of 'normal' and 'eminent' persons has revealed a wide range of individual

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variability {Sarkisov, 1966; Meyer, 1977). Apart from the methodological problems involved

in research of this kind, it must be considered that the results are often interpreted as the

proof of the 'inborn' nature of individual psychological differences, the latter being apparently

based on differences in brain structure. Until such time as more systematic data become

available on brain structure from birth to adulthood, when it will be possile to verify

whether this structure remains constant in time from one individual to another, or whether

it changes, the opposite interpretation, according to which the individual variations found

post mortem in both normal and eminent adult brains are due to specific interactions

between their brain and the environment, will continue to be valid.


The human brain is not just a vessel or an instrument at the service of values or of a culture

imposed from outside. It is the brain itself which, in its interaction with the social and

cultural environment and in its individual variety manifested over the human history, produced

and yet produces values and cultures. However, in both current neurophysiology and

neuropsychology, the aim of research is to detect resemblances rather than differences in

brain functions. In view of this approach, an abstract environment has been created for the

purpose of studying the responses of a brain that shares many features with that of other

animal species, but has little in common with the human brain. Neurophysiological and

neuropsychological research is not to be rejected in the study of the human brain and the

latter is to be entrusted to psychologists, sociologists, and philosophers. It is a matter of

changing the direction of the lines of research when we want to appreciate the significance

of man's biosocial dimension at the level of his most important structure-his brain.


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