Priest_by_Sierra_Simone 3

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ruined my chances at a happy life, because let’s face it, what man is going to

marry a stripper—no matter where she came from or who she is?

And that was when Sterling came to the club.

Sterling Haverford III. Yes, I know it’s a ridiculous name, but where we

came from, it was par for the course (especially if your estate had its own

golf course.)

I was doodling Mrs. Sterling Haverford in my flimsily locked diaries ever

since I could remember. He was my first kiss, my first cigarette, my first

orgasm. Of course, I know now that I wasn’t his first anything, and that even

while he was dating me, he was fucking other girls. But at the time, I was

convinced we were getting married. That he loved me.

I was convinced of it right up until my parents got the invitation to his

wedding. To Penelope Fucking Middleton.

We’d been off and on, for sure, but I thought it was the distance and how

dedicated I was to school and charity, and fuck, I’m crying now, I’m so sorry.

I’m not even sad about it, I’m just pissed still, that I’d given so much time to

this asshole, and then when I was feeling so low about everything, he had the

nerve to show up at the club.

I assumed he was in town for a business meeting and that maybe a

potential client had brought him to the club for a little extra wooing—not an

uncommon scenario where I worked, especially when it came to the private

rooms in the back. And of all the girls that could have been working that

particular room that night, it was me.

It was fucking me.

I had on six-inch heels and a bright blue wig and he still knew me the

moment I entered, just as I’d known from one glimpse of his profile that it

was him.

“Jesus Christ,” he said, his words carrying like a poisonous melody over

the throbbing music. “Is it really you?”

I stood in the door, having no idea what the fuck to do. I knew I could go

find Mark, explain to him that I knew the client and couldn’t dance for him—

Mark would understand. But even three years after he’d dumped me via

wedding invitation to another girl, I still couldn’t force myself to walk away.

Or stop listening when he started talking.

He said he couldn’t believe it—everyone had thought I’d absconded off to

Europe or someplace exotic and all the while, I had been here. He gestured

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