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<strong>CURRICULUM</strong> <strong>VITAE</strong><br />

<strong>DR</strong>. <strong>LEONARDO</strong> <strong>PANTONI</strong><br />

Medico, Specialista in Neurologia<br />

Dottore di Ricerca in Neuroscienze<br />

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Pantoni - Curriculum vitae

Dr. Leonardo Pantoni<br />

Luogo e data di nascita: Firenze, 15 Ottobre 1964<br />

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Pantoni - Curriculum vitae<br />

Recapito professionale: SOD Stroke Unit e Neurologia<br />

Azienda Ospedaliero Universitaria Careggi<br />

Università degli Studi di Firenze<br />

Studi e titoli conseguiti:<br />

Laurea in Medicina e Chirurgia il 23 Ottobre 1989 (voto: 110 e lode/ 110)<br />

Diploma di Specialista in Neurologia il 15 Luglio 1993 (voto: 70 e lode/ 70)<br />

Research Fellowship, Department of Pathology, Division of Neuropathology, Henry Ford<br />

Hospital, Detroit, Michigan (USA) (Agosto 1993 - Giugno 1995)<br />

Titolo di Dottore di Ricerca in Neuroscienze conseguito il 1 Febbraio 1999<br />

Idoneità a Professore Associato conseguita presso Università degli Studi di Sassari il 3 Dicembre<br />

2010<br />

Posizione attuale:<br />

Dirigente Medico di I livello<br />

S.O.D. Stroke Unit e Neurologia, Azienda Ospedaliero Universitaria Careggi<br />

Principali linee di ricerca (documentate da pubblicazioni):<br />

� Demenza vascolare: epidemiologia, correlazioni clinico-patologiche, neuroimaging, trial<br />

terapeutici.<br />

� Patologia della sostanza bianca cerebrale età-correlata: aspetti clinici, neuroradiologici e<br />

patologici e loro correlazioni.<br />

� Neuropatologia della demenza vascolare.<br />

� CADASIL (Cerebral Autosomal Dominant Arteriopathy with Subcortical Infarcts and<br />

Leukoencephalopathy)<br />

� Ischemia cerebrale sperimentale (focale e globale).<br />

� Prevenzione secondaria e primaria delle malattie cerebrovascolari.<br />

� Fattori di rischio per le malattie vascolari e il deterioramento cognitivo.<br />

� Malattie neurologiche legate all'invecchiamento.<br />

� Complicanze neurologiche degli interventi cardio-chirurgici.<br />

� Amnesia globale transitoria.<br />

� Complicanze neurologiche della fibrillazione atriale.<br />

� Aspetti infiammatori dell'ischemia cerebrale.


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Curatore ed editore (con Domenico Inzitari e Anders Wallin) del libro:<br />

The Matter of White Matter. Clinical and pathophysiological aspects of white matter disease<br />

related to cognitive decline and vascular dementia.<br />

Utrecht, The Netherlands: Academic Pharmaceutical Productions, 2000 (438 pagine).<br />

Referee per riviste scientifiche:<br />

Lancet; JAMA; Annals of Neurology; Stroke; Neurology; Brain; Hypertension; Lancet<br />

Neurology; Journal of Cerebral Blood Flow and Metabolism; Nature Reviews Neurology;<br />

Archives of General Psychiatry; Journal of Neurology; Neurobiology of Aging; Molecular<br />

Psychiatry; Human Mutation; Bioessays; Journal of Neurology Neurosurgery and<br />

Psychiatry; American Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry; Pharmacology and Therapeutics;<br />

Brain Research; Neuroimage; Neuropathology and Applied Neurobiology; Cerebrovascular<br />

Diseases; Journal of Neuroimaging; Journal of the Neurological Sciences;<br />

Neuroepidemiology; European Journal of Neurology; BMC Neurology; Expert Review of<br />

Neurotherapeutics; Pharmacology Biochemistry and Behavior; Experimental Neurology;<br />

Clinical Drug Investigation; Life Sciences; International Psychogeriatrics; European<br />

Neurology; Journal of the International Neuropsychological Society; Psychiatric Research:<br />

Neuroimaging; Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology; CNS Drugs; Neuroradiology;<br />

Tohoku Journal of Experimental Medicine; Acta Neurologica Scandinavica; Neuroscience<br />

Letters; Clinical Neurology and Neurosurgery; Journal of Drug Assessment; Aging Clinical<br />

and Experimental Research; Neurology India; Neurological Sciences (formerly, Italian<br />

Journal of Neurological Sciences).<br />

Cochrane collaboration (2009)

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Pantoni - Curriculum vitae<br />

Revisore di richieste di finanziamento per progetti di ricerca per Austrian Science Fund<br />

(1998), Alzheimer’s Association (2001, 2007, 2008), Wellcome Trust (UK) (2004), Research<br />

Grants Council of Hong Kong (2009), UK Alzheimer’s Society (2009)<br />

Attività organizzative e direttive di congressi scientifici:<br />

Membro del Program Committee del First International Congress on Vascular Dementia,<br />

Ginevra (Svizzera) (3-6 Ottobre 1999).<br />

Membro del Scientific Advisory Board del Third Congress on Vascular Factors in<br />

Alzheimer's Disease, Kyoto (Giappone) (7-10 Aprile 2002)<br />

Membro permanente del Comitato Scientifico della European Stroke Conference<br />

a partire dalla 14ª edizione (Maggio 2005)<br />

Membro del Scientific Advisory Committee del 12° Congresso Internazionale della<br />

International Psychogeriatric Association, Stoccolma, Svezia (20-24 Settembre 2005)<br />

Co-chairman del Second Congress of the International Society for Vascular Behavioural and<br />

Cognitive Disorders (Firenze, 8-12 Giugno 2005).<br />

Membro della Commissione Scientifica<br />

1°, 2°, 3° Hipponion Stroke National Price (Vibo Valentia, 2006, 2008, 2010)<br />

Membro del Comitato Scientifico del Third Congress of the International Society for Vascular<br />

Behavioural and Cognitive Disorders<br />

San Antonio, Texas, 11-14 July, 2007<br />

Membro del Comitato di Coordinamento Locale del<br />

XXXVIII Congresso della Società Italiana di Neurologia<br />

Firenze, 13-17 Ottobre 2007<br />

Co-chairman IPA Neuroimaging in Dementia Workshop<br />

Florence, 11 November 2008<br />

Membro del Comitato Scientifico del Fourth Congress of the International Society for<br />

Vascular Behavioural and Cognitive Disorders<br />

Singapore, 14-16 Gennaio 2009<br />

Membro del comitato scientifico della conferenza nazionale sull’ictus Stroke a partire dal<br />

2010<br />

Letture ad invito:<br />

49 a livello internazionale<br />

74 a livello nazionale

Advisory and Editorial boards:<br />

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Membro dell’expert panel sulla demenza vascolare della USA National Stroke Association<br />

Membro dell’advisory panel del workshop "Vascular Cognitive Impairment: Harmonization<br />

Criteria" organizzato dal National Institutes of Neurological Disorders and Stroke a<br />

Washington, DC, il 24-27 Aprile 2005, e co-promosso da Canadian Stroke Network.<br />

Membro dell’advisory board SPREAD (Stroke Prevention And Educational Awareness<br />

Diffusion) sulle linee guida italiane per la prevenzione ed il trattamento dell’ictus cerebrale<br />

(sezione sulle complicanze psico-cognitive dell’ictus cerebrale e sezione ictus cerebrale<br />

giovanile)<br />

Membro del panel per lo sviluppo delle linea guida sull’"Impiego delle tecniche di imaging<br />

nelle demenze" dell’Istituto Superiore di Sanità.<br />

Membro dell’Executive Committee dell’International Society for Vascular Behavioural and<br />

Cognitive Disorders (2009-2013)<br />

Membro dell’editorial board di Acta Neurologica Scandinavica (dal 2006)<br />

Membro dell’editorial board dell’International Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease (dal 2009)<br />

Chairman del Publication Committee della International Psychogeriatric Association<br />

Editor della sezione Vascular Cognitive Impairment della rivista Stroke (dal Luglio 2010)<br />

Membro dell’editorial board di Cerebrovascular Diseases (dal 2011)<br />


Società Italiana di Neurologia<br />

Gruppo di Studio Malattie Cerebrovascolari (Società Italiana di Neurologia) quindi<br />

denominata Associazione Italiana Ictus-Italian Stroke Association - ISA<br />

European Task Force on Age-Related White Matter Changes<br />

Comitato Scientifico dell’Italian Stroke Forum Network e dal 2011 membro del Comitato<br />

Direttivo (revisore dei conti).<br />

Membro fondatore della International Society for Vascular Behavioural and Cognitive<br />

Disorders (VAS-COG).<br />

Membro del Board of Directors della International Psychogeriatric Association (IPA) (2003-<br />

2007, rieletto per il quadriennio 2007-2011)

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Membro dell’Executive Committee della International Society for Vascular Behavioural and<br />

Cognitive Disorders (VAS-COG) (eletto 2009-2013).<br />

Affiliazioni a società scientifiche (segue)<br />

Membro del Consiglio Direttivo della Società Italiana di Neurogeriatria<br />

(2009-2011)<br />

Fellow European Stroke Organization (dal 2010)


Articoli pubblicati su riviste internazionali:<br />

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Pantoni - Curriculum vitae<br />

1. Pantoni L, Inzitari D, Colao MG, De Mayo E, Marini P, Mazzotta F. Cytomegalovirus<br />

encephalitis in a non-immunocompromised patient: CSF diagnosis by in situ hybridization<br />

cells. Acta Neurologica Scandinavica 1991;84:56-58.<br />

2. Pantoni L, Inzitari D, Pracucci G, Lolli F, Giordano GP, Bracco L, Amaducci L.<br />

Cerebrospinal fluid proteins in patients with leucoaraiosis: possible abnormalities in<br />

blood-brain barrier function. Journal of the Neurological Sciences 1993;115:125-131.<br />

3. Pantoni L, Inzitari D. Hachinski's Ischemic Score and the diagnosis of vascular<br />

dementia: a review. The Italian Journal of Neurological Sciences 1993;14:539-546.<br />

4. Pantoni L, Garcia JH. The significance of cerebral white matter abnormalities 100 years<br />

after Binswanger's report: a review. Stroke 1995;26:1293-1301.<br />

5. Garcia JH, Pantoni L. Stroke in childhood. Seminars in Pediatric Neurology<br />

1995;2:180-191.<br />

6. Pantoni L, Garcia JH, Brown GG. Vascular pathology in three cases of progressive<br />

cognitive deterioration. Journal of the Neurological Sciences 1996;135:131-139.<br />

7. Pantoni L, Garcia JH. Binswanger's disease: what's in a name? Cerebrovascular<br />

Diseases 1996;6:259-262.<br />

8. Pantoni L, Garcia JH, Gutierrez JA. Cerebral white matter is highly vulnerable to<br />

ischemia. Stroke 1996;27:1641-1647.<br />

9. Pantoni L, Moretti M, Inzitari D. The first Italian report of "Binswanger's disease". The<br />

Italian Journal of Neurological Sciences 1996;17:367-370.<br />

10. Pantoni L, Carosi M, Amigoni S, Mascalchi M, Inzitari D. A preliminary open trial with<br />

nimodipine in patients with cognitive impairment and leukoaraiosis. Clinical<br />

Neuropharmacology 1996;19:497-506.<br />

11. Inzitari D, Cadelo M, Marranci ML, Pracucci G, Pantoni L. Vascular deaths in elderly<br />

neurological patients with leukoaraiosis. Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery, and<br />

Psychiatry 1997;62:177-181.<br />

12. Pantoni L, Poggesi L, Repice A, Inzitari D. Disappearance of motor tics after Wernicke's<br />

encephalopathy in a patient with Tourette's syndrome. Neurology 1997;48:381-383.

Articoli pubblicati su riviste internazionali (segue):<br />

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Pantoni - Curriculum vitae<br />

13. Pantoni L, Garcia JH. Pathogenesis of leukoaraiosis: a review. Stroke 1997;28:652-659.<br />

14. Inzitari D, Pantoni L, Lamassa M, Pallanti S, Pracucci G, Marini P. Emotional arousal<br />

and phobia in transient global amnesia. Archives of Neurology 1997;54:866-873.<br />

15. Pantoni L, Garcia JH. Cognitive impairment and cellular/vascular changes in cerebral<br />

white matter. Annals of New York Academy of Sciences 1997;826:92-102.<br />

16. Scheltens P, Erkinjuntti T, Leys D, Wahlund L-O, Inzitari D, del Ser T, Pasquier F,<br />

Barkhof F, Mäntylä R, Bowler J, Wallin A, Ghika J, Fazekas F, Pantoni L. White matter<br />

changes on CT and MRI: an overview of visual rating scales. European Neurology<br />

1998;39:80-89.<br />

17. Pantoni L, Sarti C, Inzitari D. Cytokines and cell adhesion molecules in cerebral<br />

ischemia: experimental bases and therapeutic perspectives. Arteriosclerosis, Thrombosis<br />

and Vascular Biology 1998;18:503-513.<br />

18. Inzitari D, Pantoni L. Subcortical vascular dementia: therapeutical aspects. Archives of<br />

Gerontology and Geriatrics 1998;suppl 6:263-268.<br />

19. Pantoni L. Experimental approaches to white matter disease. Dementia and Geriatric<br />

Cognitive Disorders 1998;9(suppl.1):20-24.<br />

20. Erkinjuntti T, Pantoni L, Scheltens P. Cooperation and networking on white matter<br />

disorders: the European Task Force on Age-Related White Matter Changes. Dementia<br />

and Geriatric Cognitive Disorders 1998;9(suppl.1):44-45.<br />

21. Inzitari D, Pantoni L. Cognitive impairment and cerebrovascular diseases. European<br />

Journal of Neurology 1998;5(suppl 5):S9-S13.<br />

22. Leys D, Englund E, del Ser T, Inzitari D, Fazekas F, Bornstein N, Erkinjuntti T, Bowler J,<br />

Pantoni L, Parnetti L, de Reuck J, Ferro J, Bogousslavsky J, on behalf of the European<br />

Task Force on Age-Related White Matter Changes. White matter changes in stroke<br />

patients. Relationship with stroke subtypes and outcome. European Neurology<br />

1999;42:67-75.<br />

23. Melani A, Pantoni L, Corsi C, Bianchi L, Monopoli A, Bertorelli R, Pepeu G, Pedata F.<br />

Striatal outflow of adenosine, excitatory amino acids, �-aminobutyric acid, and taurine in<br />

awake freely moving rats following middle cerebral artery occlusion. Correlations with<br />

neurological deficit and histopathological damage. Stroke 1999;30:2448-2455.<br />

24. Pantoni L, Leys D, Fazekas F, Longstreth WT Jr., Inzitari D, Wallin A, Filippi M,<br />

Scheltens P, Erkinjuntti T, Hachinski V. The role of white matter lesions in cognitive<br />

impairment of vascular origin. Alzheimer Disease and Associated Disorders<br />


Articoli pubblicati su riviste internazionali (segue):<br />

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Pantoni - Curriculum vitae<br />

25. Inzitari D, Erkinjuntti T, Wallin A, del Ser T, Pantoni L. Is subcortical vascular dementia<br />

a clinical entity for clinical drug trials? Alzheimer Disease and Associated Disorders<br />

1999;13(suppl.3):S66-S68.<br />

26. Rossi R, Inzitari D, Pantoni L, del Ser T, Erkinjuntti T, Wallin A, Bianchi C, Badenas<br />

JM, Beneke M. Nimodipine in subcortical vascular dementia trial. Alzheimer Disease<br />

and Associated Disorders 1999;13(suppl.3):S159-S165.<br />

27. Erkinjuntti T, Bowler JV, DeCarli CS, Fazekas F, Inzitari D, O'Brien JT, Pantoni L,<br />

Rockwood K, Scheltens P, Wahlund L-O, Desmond DW. Imaging of static brain lesions<br />

in vascular dementia: implications for clinical trials. Alzheimer Disease and Associated<br />

Disorders 1999;13(suppl.3):S81-S90.<br />

28. Pantoni L, Bianchi C, Beneke M, Inzitari D, Wallin A, Erkinjuntti T. The Scandinavian<br />

Multi-Infarct Dementia Trial: a double-blind, placebo-controlled trial on nimodipine in<br />

multi-infarct dementia. Journal of the Neurological Sciences 2000;175:116-123.<br />

29. Pantoni L, Rossi R, Inzitari D, Bianchi C, Beneke M, Erkinjuntti T, Wallin A. Efficacy<br />

and safety of nimodipine in subcortical vascular dementia: a subgroup analysis of the<br />

Scandinavian Multi-Infarct Dementia Trial. Journal of the Neurological Sciences<br />

2000;175:124-134.<br />

30. Inzitari D, Erkinjuntti T, Wallin A, del Ser T, Romanelli M, Pantoni L. Subcortical<br />

vascular dementia as a specific target for clinical trials. Annals of the New York Academy<br />

of Sciences 2000;903:510-521.<br />

31. Erkinjuntti T, Inzitari D, Pantoni L, Wallin A, Scheltens P, Rockwood K, Desmond DW.<br />

Limitations of clinical criteria for the diagnosis of vascular dementia in clinical trials: is<br />

subcortical vascular dementia a solution? Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences<br />

2000;903:262-272.<br />

32. Erkinjuntti T, Inzitari D, Pantoni L, Wallin A, Scheltens P, Rockwood K, Roman GC,<br />

Chui H, Desmond DW. Research criteria for subcortical vascular dementia in clinical<br />

trials. Journal of Neural Transmission Supplement 2000;59:23-30.<br />

33. Inzitari D, Carlucci G, Pantoni L. White matter changes: the clinical consequences in the<br />

aging population. Journal of Neural Transmission Supplement 2000;59:1-8.<br />

34. Pantoni L, Lamassa M, Inzitari D. Transient global amnesia: a review emphasizing<br />

pathogenic aspects. Acta Neurologica Scandinavica 2000;102:275-283.<br />

35. Pantoni L, Sarti C, Pracucci G, Di Carlo A, Vanni P, Inzitari D, for the Italian<br />

Longitudinal Study on Aging. Lipoprotein(a) serum levels and vascular diseases in an<br />

older Caucasian population cohort. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society<br />


Articoli pubblicati su riviste internazionali (segue):<br />

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Pantoni - Curriculum vitae<br />

36. Wahlund LO, Barkhof F, Fazekas F, Bronge L, Augustin M, Sjögren M, Wallin A, Ader<br />

H, Leys D, Pantoni L, Pasquier F, Erkinjuntti T, Scheltens P. A new rating scale for agerelated<br />

white matter changes applicable to MRI and CT. Stroke 2001;32:1318-1322.<br />

37. Sarti S, Pantoni L, Pracucci G, Di Carlo A, Vanni P, Inzitari D, for the Italian<br />

Longitudinal Study on Aging. Lipoprotein(a) and cognitive performances in an elderly<br />

white population: cross-sectional and follow-up data. Stroke 2001;32:1678-1683.<br />

38. Di Carlo A, Perna AM, Pantoni L, Basile AM, Bonacchi M, Pracucci G, Trefoloni G,<br />

Bracco L, Sangiovanni V, Piccini C, Palmarini MF, Carbonetto F, Biondi E, Sani G,<br />

Inzitari D. Clinically relevant cognitive impairment after cardiac surgery: a 6-month<br />

follow-up study. Journal of the Neurological Sciences 2001;188:85-93.<br />

39. Pantoni L, Basile AM, Romanelli M, Piccini C, Sarti C, Nencini P, Inzitari D. Abulia<br />

and cognitive impairment in two patients with capsular genu infarct. Acta Neurologica<br />

Scandinavia 2001;104:185-190.<br />

40. Fazekas F, Barkhof F, Wahlund LO, Pantoni L, Erkinjuntti T, Scheltens P, Schmidt R.<br />

CT and MRI rating of white matter lesions. Cerebrovascalur Diseases 2002;13 (Suppl.<br />

2):31-36.<br />

41. Pantoni L. Pathophysiology of age-related cerebral white matter changes.<br />

Cerebrovascular Diseases 2002;13 (Suppl. 2):7-10.<br />

42. Sarti C, Pantoni L, Bartolini L, Inzitari D. Persistent impairment of gait performances<br />

and working memory after bilateral common carotid artery occlusion in the adult Wistar<br />

rat. Behavioural Brain Research 2002;136:13-20.<br />

43. Mascalchi M, Moretti M, Della Nave R, Lolli F, Tessa C, Carlucci G, Bartolini L,<br />

Pracucci G, Pantoni L, Filippi M, Inzitari D. Longitudinal evaluation of leukoaraiosis<br />

with whole brain ADC histograms. Neurology 2002;59:939-940.<br />

44. Román GC, Erkinjuntti T, Wallin A, Pantoni L, Chui HC. Subcortical ischaemic vascular<br />

dementia. Lancet Neurology 2002;1:426-436.<br />

45. Pantoni L, Simoni M, Pracucci G, Schmidt R, Barkhof F, Inzitari D. Visual rating scales<br />

for age-related white matter changes (leukoaraiosis): can the heterogeneity be reduced?<br />

Stroke 2002;33:2827-2833.<br />

46. Pantoni L, Palumbo V, Sarti C. Pathological lesions in vascular dementia. Annals of the<br />

New York Academy of Sciences 2002;977:279-291.

Articoli pubblicati su riviste internazionali (segue):<br />

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Pantoni - Curriculum vitae<br />

47. Melani A, Pantoni L, Bordoni F, Gianfriddo M, Bianchi L, Vannucchi MG, Bertorelli R,<br />

Monopoli A, Pedata F. The selective A2A receptor antagonist SCH 58261 reduces striatal<br />

transmitter outflow, turning behavior and ischemic brain damage induced by permanent<br />

focal ischemia in the rat. Brain Research 2003;959:243-250.<br />

48. O’Brien JT, Erkinjuntti T, Reisberg B, Roman R, Sawada T, Pantoni L, Bowler JV,<br />

Ballard C, DeCarli C, Gorelick PB, Rockwood K, Burns A, Gauthier S, DeKosky ST.<br />

Vascular cognitive impairment. Lancet Neurology 2003;2:89-98.<br />

49. Pantoni L. Not-so-silent infarcts. Lancet Neurology 2003;2:335.<br />

50. Wallin A, Milos V, Sjögren M, Pantoni L, Erkinjuntti T. Classification and subtypes of<br />

vascular dementia. International Psychogeriatrics 2003;15(suppl.1):27-37.<br />

51. Pantoni L, Simoni M. Pathophysiology of cerebral small vessels in vascular cognitive<br />

impairment. International Psychogeriatrics 2003;15(suppl.1):59-65.<br />

52. Schmidt R, Scheltens P, Erkinjuntti T, Pantoni L, Markus HS, Wallin A, Barkhof F,<br />

Fazekas F, for the European Task Force on Age-Related White Matter Changes. White<br />

matter lesion progression. A surrogate endpoint for trials in cerebral small vessel disease.<br />

Neurology 2004;63:139-144.<br />

53. Inzitari D, Lamassa M, Pantoni L, Basile AM. Therapy of vascular dementias. Archives<br />

of Gerontology and Geriatriacs 2004;38(Suppl):229-234.<br />

54. Pantoni L, Sarti C, Pescini F, Bianchi S, Bartolini L, Nencini P, Basile AM, Lamassa M,<br />

Kalaria RN, Dotti MT, Federico A, Inzitari D. Thrombophilic risk factors and unusual<br />

clinical features in three Italian CADASIL patients. European Journal of Neurology<br />

2004;11:782-787.<br />

55. Pantoni L. Treatment of vascular dementia: evidence from trials with non-cholinergic<br />

drugs. Journal of the Neurological Sciences 2004;226:67-70.<br />

56. Pantoni L, Basile AM, Pracucci G, Asplund K, Bogousslavsky J, Chabriat H, Erkinjuntti<br />

T, Fazekas F, Ferro JM, Hennerici M, O'Brien J, Scheltens P, Visser MC, Wahlund L-O,<br />

Waldemar G, Wallin A, Inzitari D, on behalf of the LADIS Study Group. Impact of agerelated<br />

cerebral white matter changes on the transition to disability. The LADIS<br />

(Leukoaraiosis And DISability in the elderly) Study: rationale, design and methodology.<br />

Neuroepidemiology 2005;24:51-62.<br />

57. Pantoni L, Bertini E, Lamassa M, Pracucci G, Inzitari D. Clinical features, risk factors, and<br />

prognosis in transient global amnesia: a follow-up study. European Journal of Neurology<br />


Articoli pubblicati su riviste internazionali (segue):<br />

12<br />

Pantoni - Curriculum vitae<br />

58. Dotti MT, Federico A, Mazzei R, Bianchi S, Scali O, Conforti FL, Sprovieri T, Guidetti<br />

D, Aguglia U, Consoli D, Pantoni L, Sarti C, Inzitari D, Quattrone A. The spectrum of<br />

NOTCH3 mutations in 28 Italian CADASIL families. Journal of Neurology,<br />

Neurosurgery and Psychiatry 2005;76:736-738.<br />

59. Pantoni L, Del Ser T, Soglian AG, Amigoni S, Spadari G, Binelli D, Inzitari D. Efficacy<br />

and safety of nimodipine in subcortical vascular dementia: a randomized placebocontrolled<br />

trial. Stroke 2005;36:619-624.<br />

60. van der Flier WM, van Straaten ECW, Barkhof F, Ferro JM, Pantoni L, Basile AM,<br />

Inzitari D, Erkinjuntti T, Wahlund LO, Rostrup E, Schmidt R, Fazekas F, Scheltens P, on<br />

behalf of the LADIS study group. Medial temporal lobe atrophy and white matter<br />

hyperintensities are associated with mild cognitive deficits in non-disabled elderly: the<br />

LADIS study. Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery and Psychiatry 2005;76:1497-1500.<br />

61. Firback MJ, O’Brien JT, Pakrasi S, Pantoni L, Simoni M, Erkinjuntti T, Wallin A,<br />

Wahlund L-O, van Strateen I, Inzitari D, on behalf of the LADIS group. White matter<br />

hyperinyensities and depression. Preliminary results from the LADIS study. International<br />

Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry 2005;20:674-679.<br />

62. van der Flier WM, van Straaten ECW, Barkhof F, Verdello A, Madureira S, Pantoni L,<br />

Inzitari D, Erkinjuntti T, Crisby M, Waldemar G, Schmidt R, Fazekas F, Scheltens P, on<br />

behalf of the LADIS study group. Small vessel disease and general cognitive function in<br />

non-disabled elderly: the LADIS study. Stroke 2005;36:2116-2120.<br />

63. Pescini F, Sarti C, Pantoni L, Mangiafico S, Bianchi S, Dotti MT, Federico A, Inzitari<br />

D.Cerebellar arteriovenous malformation and vertebral artery aneurysm in a CADASIL<br />

patient. Acta Neurologica Scandinavica 2006;113:62-63.<br />

64. Basile AM, Pantoni L, Pracucci G, Asplund K, Chabriat H, Erkinjuntti T, Fazekas F,<br />

Ferro JM, Hennerici M, O'Brien J, Scheltens P, Visser MC, Wahlund L-O, Waldemar G,<br />

Wallin A, Inzitari D, on behalf of the LADIS Study Group. Age, hypertension, and<br />

lacunar stroke are the major determinants of the severity of age-related white matter<br />

changes. The LADIS (Leukoaraiosis And DISability in the elderly) Study.<br />

Cerebrovascular Diseases 2006;21:315-322.<br />

65. van Straaten ECW, Fazekas F, Rostrup E, Scheltens P, Schmidt R, Pantoni L, Inzitari D,<br />

Waldemar G, Erkinjuntti T, Mantyla R, Wahlund L-O, Barkhof F, on behalf of the LADIS<br />

study group. Impact of white matter hyperintensities scoring method on correlations with<br />

clinical data: the LADIS study. Stroke 2006;37:836-840..<br />

66. Pantoni L, Sarti C, Alafuzoff I, Jellinger K, Munoz DG, Ogata J, Palumbo V.<br />

Postmortem examination of vascular lesions in cognitive impairment. A survey among<br />

neuropathological services. Stroke 2006;37:1005-1009.

Articoli pubblicati su riviste internazionali (segue):<br />

13<br />

Pantoni - Curriculum vitae<br />

67. Pantoni L. New evidence in the field of white matter changes [Article in Japanese]. No<br />

To Shinkei 2006;58:298-302.<br />

68. Prati P, Casaroli M, Bignamini A, Scotti S, Canciani L, Ruscio M, Balestrieri M,<br />

Bornstein N, Zanetti O, Tosetto A, Castellani S, Pantoni L, Touboul PJ, Inzitari D.<br />

Cognitive Impairment and Carotid Atherosclerosis in a General Italian Midlife and Old<br />

Population. Neuroepidemiology 2006;27:33-38.<br />

69. Pantoni L, Poggesi A, Basile AM, Pracucci G, Barkhof F, Chabriat H, Erkinjuntti T,<br />

Ferro JM, Hennerici M, O'Brien JT, Schmidt R, Visser MC, Wahlund L-O, Waldemar G,<br />

Wallin A, Inzitari D on behalf of the LADIS Study Group. Leukoaraiosis predicts hidden<br />

global functioning impairment in nondisabled elderly. The LADIS (Leukoaraiosis and<br />

Disability in the Elderly) Study. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society<br />

2006;54:1095-1101.<br />

70. Guo X, Pantoni L, Simoni M, Gustafson D, Bengtsson C, Palmertz B, Skoog I. Midlife<br />

respiratory function related to white matter lesions and lacunar infarcts in late life: The<br />

Prospective Population Study of Women in Gothenburg, Sweden. Stroke 2006;37:1658-<br />

1662.<br />

71. Pantoni L. White matter ischemia: time to begin integrating experimental and clinical<br />

data. European Neurology 2006;56:71-73.<br />

72. Madureira S, Verdelho A, Ferro J, Basile AM, Chabriat H, Erkinjuntti T, Fazekas F,<br />

Hennerici M, O’Brien J, Pantoni L, Salvadori E, Scheltens P, Visser MC, Wahlund L-O,<br />

Waldemar G, Wallin A, Inzitari D on behalf of the LADIS Study. Development of a<br />

neuropsychological battery for a multinational study: the LADIS (Leukoaraiosis And<br />

DISability): experience and baseline data. Neuroepidemiology 2006;27:101-116.<br />

73. Krishnan MS, O’Brien JT, Firbank MJ, Pantoni L, Carlucci G, Erkinjuntti T, Wallin A,<br />

Wahlund L-O, Scheltens P, van Straaten ECW, Inzitari D,on behalf of the LADIS group.<br />

Relationship between periventricular and deep white matter lesions and depressive<br />

symptoms in older people. The LADIS Study. International Journal of Geriatric<br />

Psychiatry 2006;21:983-989.<br />

74. O’Brien JT, Firbank MJ, Krishnan MS, van Straaten ECW, van de Flier W, Petrovic K,<br />

Pantoni L, Simoni M, Erkinjuntti T, Wallin A, Wahlund L-O, Inzitari D on behalf of the<br />

LADIS group.White matter hyperintensities rather than lacunar infacts are associated with<br />

depressive symptoms in older people. The LADIS study. American Journal of Geriatric<br />

Psychiatry 2006;14:834-841.<br />

75. Gouw AA, van der Flier WM, van Straaten ECW, Barkhof F, Ferro JM, Baezner H.<br />

Pantoni L, Inzitari D, Erkinjuntti T, Wahlund L-O, Waldemar G, Schmidt R, Fazekas F,<br />

Scheltens P on behalf of the LADIS study group. Simple versus complex assessment of<br />

white matter hyperintensities in relation to gait and cognition in non-disabled elderly,<br />

experience within the LADIS study. Journal of Neurology 2006; 253:1189-1196.

Articoli pubblicati su riviste internazionali (segue):<br />

14<br />

Pantoni - Curriculum vitae<br />

76. Ryberg C, Rostrup E, Stegmann MB, Barkhof F, Scheltens P, van Straaten ECW,<br />

Fazekas F, Schmidt R, Ferro JM, Baezner H, Erkinjuntti T, Jokinen H, Wahlund L-O,<br />

O’Brien J, Basile AM, Pantoni L, Inzitari D, Waldemar G, on behalf of the LADIS<br />

study group. Clinical significance of corpus callosum atrophy in a mixed elderly<br />

population. Neurobiology of Aging 2007;28:955-963..<br />

77. Jokinen H, Ryberg C, Kalska H, Ylikoski R, Rostrup E, Stegmann MB, Waldemar G,<br />

Madureira S, Ferro JM, van Straaten EC, Scheltens P, Barkhof F, Fazekas F, Schmidt R,<br />

Carlucci G, Pantoni L, Inzitari D, Erkinjuntti T. Corpus callosum atrophy is associated<br />

with mental slowing and executive deficits in subjects with age-related white matter<br />

hyperintensities. The LADIS study. Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery and Psychiatry<br />

2007;78:491-496.<br />

78. Inzitari D, Simoni M, Pracucci G, Poggesi A, Basile AM, Chabriat H, Erkinjuntti T,<br />

Fazekas F, Ferro JM, Hennerici M, Langhorne P, O'Brien J, Barkhof F, Visser MC,<br />

Wahlund LO, Waldemar G, Wallin A, Pantoni L; LADIS Study Group. Risk of rapid<br />

global functional decline in elderly patients with severe cerebral age-related white matter<br />

changes: the LADIS study. Archives of Internal Medicine 2007;167:81-88.<br />

79. Korf ES, van Straaten EC, de Leeuw FE, van der Flier WM, Barkhof F, Pantoni L,<br />

Basile AM, Inzitari D, Erkinjuntti T, Wahlund LO, Rostrup E, Schmidt R, Fazekas F,<br />

Scheltens P; LADIS Study Group. Diabetes mellitus, hypertension and medial temporal<br />

lobe atrophy: the LADIS study. Diabetic Medicine 2007;24:166-171.<br />

80. Ylikoski R, Jokinen H, Andersen P, Salonen O, Madureira S, Ferro J, Barkhof F, van der<br />

Flier W, Schmidt R, Fazekas F, Scheltens P, Waldemar G, Salvadori E, Pantoni L,<br />

Inzitari D, Erkinjuntti T. Comparison of the Alzheimer's Disease Assessment Scale<br />

Cognitive Subscale and the Vascular Dementia Assessment Scale in Differentiating<br />

Elderly Individuals with Different Degrees of White Matter Changes. The LADIS Study.<br />

Dementia and Geriatric Cognitive Disorders 2007;24:73-81.<br />

81. Pantoni L, Poggesi A, Inzitari D. The relation between white matter lesions and<br />

cognition. Current Opinion in Neurology 2007;20:390-397.<br />

82. Pescini F, Bianchi S, Dotti MT, Federico A, Inzitari D, Pantoni L. First report of a<br />

Romanian CADASIL patient following immigration to Italy. European Journal of<br />

Neurology, 2007;14:e7-8.<br />

83. Teodorczuk A, O'brien JT, Firbank MJ, Pantoni L, Poggesi A, Erkinjuntti T, Wallin A,<br />

Wahlund LO, Gouw A, Waldemar G, Schmidt R, Ferro JM, Chabriat H, Bazner H,<br />

Inzitari D; the LADIS Group. White matter changes and late-life depressive symptoms:<br />

longitudinal study. British Journal of Psychiatry 2007;191:212-217.

Articoli pubblicati su riviste internazionali (segue):<br />

15<br />

Pantoni - Curriculum vitae<br />

84. Verdelho A, Madureira S, Ferro JM, Basile AM, Chabriat HC, Erkinjuntti T, Fazekas F,<br />

Hennerici MM, O'brien J, Pantoni L, Salvadori E, Scheltens P, Visser MC, Wahlund<br />

LO, Gunhild Waldemar G, Wallin A, Inzitari D. Differential impact of cerebral white<br />

matter changes, diabetes, hypertension and stroke on cognitive performance among non<br />

disabled elderly. The LADIS study. Journal of Neurology Neurosurgery and Psychiatry<br />

2007;78:1325-1330.<br />

85. Frisoni GB, Galluzzi S, Pantoni L, Filippi M. The effect on cognition of white matter<br />

lesions in the elderly: small but detectable. Nature Clinical Practice Neurology<br />

2007;3:620-627.<br />

86. Sjöstrand K, Rostrup E, Ryberg C, Larsen R, Studholme C, Baezner H, Ferro J, Fazekas<br />

F, Pantoni L, Inzitari D, Waldemar G; LADIS Study Group. Sparse decomposition and<br />

modeling of anatomical shape variation. IEEE Transaction Medical Imaging<br />

2007;26:1625-1635.<br />

87. Gouw AA, van der Flier WM, van Straaten EC, Pantoni L, Bastos-Leite AJ, Inzitari D,<br />

Erkinjuntti T, Wahlund LO, Ryberg C, Schmidt R, Fazekas F, Scheltens P, Barkhof F.<br />

Reliability and sensitivity of visual scales versus volumetry for evaluating white matter<br />

hyperintensity progression. Cerebrovascular Diseases 2008;25:247-253.<br />

88. Pescini F, Bianchi S, Salvadori E, Poggesi A, Dotti MT, Federico A, Inzitari D, Pantoni<br />

L. A pathogenic mutation on exon 21 of the NOTCH3 gene causing CADASIL in an<br />

octogenarian paucisymptomatic patient. Journal of the Neurological Sciences<br />

2008;267:170-173.<br />

89. Baezner H, Blahak C, Poggesi A, Pantoni L, Inzitari D, Chabriat H, Erkinjuntti T,<br />

Fazekas F, Ferro JM, Langhorne P, O'Brien J, Scheltens P, Visser MC, Wahlund L-O,<br />

Waldemar G, Wallin A, Hennerici MG, on behalf of the LADIS Study Group.<br />

Association of gait and balance disorders with age-related white matter changes -the<br />

LADIS study. Neurology 2008;70:935-942.<br />

90. Pantoni L. Leukoaraiosis: from an ancient term to an actual marker of poor<br />

prognosis (invited editorial). Stroke 2008;39:1401-1403.<br />

91. Guo X, Skoog I, Idrizbegovic E, Pantoni L, Simoni M, Rosenhall U. Hearing loss and<br />

cortical atrophy in a population-based study on non-demented women. Age Ageing<br />

2008;37:333-336.<br />

92. Dyrby TB, Rostrup E, Baaré WF, van Straaten EC, Barkhof F, Vrenken H, Ropele S,<br />

Schmidt R, Erkinjuntti T, Wahlund LO, Pantoni L, Inzitari D, Paulson OB, Hansen LK,<br />

Waldemar G; on behalf of the LADIS study group. Segmentation of age-related white<br />

matter changes in a clinical multi-center study. Neuroimage 2008;41:335-345.

Articoli pubblicati su riviste internazionali (segue):<br />

16<br />

Pantoni - Curriculum vitae<br />

93. Gouw AA, van der Flier WM, Fazekas F, van Straaten EC, Pantoni L, Poggesi A,<br />

Inzitari D, Erkinjuntti T, Wahlund LO, Waldemar G, Schmidt R, Scheltens P, Barkhof F;<br />

on behalf of the LADIS Study Group. Progression of white matter hyperintensities and<br />

incidence of new lacunes over a 3-year period. The Leukoaraiosis and Disability Study.<br />

Stroke 2008;39:1414-1420.<br />

94. Miranda B, Madureira S, Verdelho A, Ferro JM, Pantoni L, Salvadori E, Chabriat H,<br />

Erkinjuntti T, Fazekas F, Hennerici M, O'Brien J, Scheltens P, Visser MC, Wahlund LO,<br />

Waldemar G, Wallin A, Inzitari D. Self-perceived memory impairment and cognitive<br />

performance in an elderly independent population with age-related white matter changes.<br />

Journal of Neurology Neurosurgery and Psychiatry 2008;79:869-873.<br />

95. Poggesi A, Pracucci G, Chabriat H, Erkinjuntti T, Fazekas F, Verdelho A, Hennerici M,<br />

Langhorne P, O'Brien J, Scheltens P, Visser MC, Crisby M, Waldemar G, Wallin A,<br />

Inzitari D, Pantoni L, on behalf of the LADIS Study Group. Urinary complaints in Non-<br />

Disabled Elders With Age-Related White Matter Changes: the LADIS Study. Journal of<br />

the American Geriatrics Society 2008;56:1638-1643.<br />

96. Galluzzi S, Lanni C, Pantoni L, Filippi M, Frisoni GB. White matter lesions in the<br />

elderly: pathophysiological hypothesis on the effect on brain plasticity and reserve.<br />

Journal of the Neurological Sciences 2008;273:3-9.<br />

97. Valenti R, Poggesi A, Pescini F, Inzitari D, Pantoni L. Psychiatric disturbances in<br />

CADASIL: a brief review. Acta Neurologica Scandinavica 2008;118:291-295.<br />

98. Simoni M, Pantoni L, Pracucci G, Palmertz B, Guo X, Gustafson D, Skoog I.<br />

Prevalence of CT-detected cerebral abnormalities in an elderly Swedish population<br />

sample. Acta Neurologica Scandinavica 2008;118:260-267.<br />

99. Ryberg C, Rostrup E, Sjöstrand K, Paulson OB, Barkhof F, Scheltens P, van Straaten<br />

ECW, Fazekas F, Schmidt R, Erkinjuntti T, Wahlund L-O, Basile AM, Pantoni L,<br />

Inzitari D, Waldemar G, on behalf of the LADIS study group. White matter changes<br />

contribute to corpus callosum atrophy in the elderly: The LADIS study. AJNR American<br />

Journal of Neuroradiology 2008; 29:1498-1504.<br />

100. Gouw AA, van der Flier WM, Pantoni L, Inzitari D, Erkinjuntti T, Wahlund LO,<br />

Waldemar G, Schmidt R, Fazekas F, Scheltens P, Barkhof F, on behalf of the LADIS<br />

study group. On the etiology of incident brain lacunes: longitudinal observations<br />

from the LADIS study. Stroke 2008;39:3083-3085.<br />

101. Stromillo ML, Dotti MT, Battaglini M, Mortilla M, Bianchi S, Plewnia K, Pantoni L,<br />

Inzitari D, Federico A, De Stefano N. Structural and Metabolic Brain Abnormalities in<br />

Preclinical CADASIL. Journal of Neurology Neurosurgery and Psychiatry 2009;80:41-<br />


Articoli pubblicati su riviste internazionali (segue):<br />

17<br />

Pantoni - Curriculum vitae<br />

102. Jokinen H, Kalska H, Ylikoski R, Madureira S, Verdelho A, Gouw A, Scheltens P,<br />

Barkhof F, Visser MC, Fazekas F, Schmidt R, O'Brien J, Hennerici M, Baezner H,<br />

Waldemar G, Wallin A, Chabriat H, Pantoni L, Inzitari D, Erkinjuntti T. MRI-Defined<br />

Subcortical Ischemic Vascular Disease: Baseline Clinical and Neuropsychological<br />

Findings. The LADIS Study. Cerebrovascular Diseases 2009;27:336-344.<br />

103. Ropele S, Seewann A, Gouw AA, van der Flier WM, Schmidt R, Pantoni L, Inzitari D,<br />

Erkinjuntti T, Scheltens P, Wahlund LO, Waldemar G, Chabriat H, Ferro J, Hennerici M,<br />

O'Brien J, Wallin A, Langhorne P, Visser MC, Barkhof F, Fazekas F; LADIS study<br />

group. Quantitation of brain tissue changes associated with white matter hyperintensities<br />

by diffusion-weighted and magnetization transfer imaging: the LADIS (Leukoaraiosis<br />

and Disability in the Elderly) study. Journal of Magnetic Resonance Imaging<br />

2009;29:268-274.<br />

104. Zipoli V, Hakiki B, Portaccio E, Lolli F, Siracusa G, Giannini M, Pantoni L, Pescini F,<br />

Sorbi S, Amato M. The contribution of cerebrospinal fluid oligoclonal bands to the early<br />

diagnosis of multiple sclerosis. Multiple Sclerosis 2009;15:472-478.<br />

105. Nannucci S, Pescini F¸ Poggesi A, Ciolli L, Patrosso MC, Marocchi A, Inzitari D, Penco<br />

S, Pantoni L. Familial cerebral cavernous malformation: report of a further Italian<br />

family. Neurological Sciences 2009;30:143-147.<br />

106. Jokinen H, Kalska H, Ylikoski R, Madureira S, Verdelho A, van der Flier WM, Scheltens<br />

P, Barkhof F, Visser MC, Fazekas F, Schmidt R, O'Brien J, Waldemar G, Wallin A,<br />

Chabriat H, Pantoni L, Inzitari D, Erkinjuntti T; LADIS group. Longitudinal cognitive<br />

decline in subcortical ischemic vascular disease--the LADIS Study. Cerebrovascular<br />

Diseases 2009;27:384-391.<br />

107. Pantoni L, Poggesi A, Inzitari D. Cognitive decline and dementia related to<br />

cerebrovascular diseases: some evidence and concepts. Cerebrovascular Diseases<br />

2009;27(Suppl. 1):191-196.<br />

108. Benisty S, Gouw AA, Porcher R, Madureira S, Hernandez K, Poggesi A, van der Flier<br />

WM, Van Straaten EC, Verdelho A, Ferro J, Pantoni L, Inzitari D, Barkhof F, Fazekas<br />

F, Chabriat H. Location of lacunar infarcts correlates with cognition in a sample of non<br />

disabled subjects with age-related white matter changes: the LADIS study. Journal of<br />

Neurology Neurosurgery and Psychiatry 2009;80:478-483.<br />

109. Blahak C, Baezner H, Pantoni L, Poggesi A, Chabriat H, Erkinjuntti T, Fazekas F, Ferro<br />

JM, Langhorne P, O'Brien J, Visser MC, Wahlund LO, Waldemar G, Wallin A, Inzitari<br />

D, Hennerici MG. Deep frontal and periventricular age-related white matter changes but<br />

not basal ganglia and infratentorial hyperintensities are associated with falls - crosssectional<br />

results from the LADIS study. Journal of Neurology Neurosurgery and<br />

Psychiatry 2009;80:608-613.

Articoli pubblicati su riviste internazionali (segue):<br />

18<br />

Pantoni - Curriculum vitae<br />

110. Inzitari D, Pracucci G, Poggesi A, Carlucci G, Barkhof F, Chabriat H, Erkinjuntti T,<br />

Fazekas F, Ferro JM, Hennerici M, Langhorne P, O'Brien J, Scheltens P, Visser MC,<br />

Wahlund LO, Waldemar G, Wallin A, Pantoni L for the LADIS Study Group. Changes<br />

in white matter as determinant of global functional decline in older independent<br />

outpatients: three year follow-up of LADIS (leukoaraiosis and disability) study cohort.<br />

BMJ 2009 Jul 6;339:b2477. doi: 10.1136/bmj.b2477<br />

111. Guo X, Pantoni L, Simoni M, Bengtsson C, Björkelund C, Lissner L, Gustafson D,<br />

Skoog I. Blood Pressure Components and Changes in Relation to White Matter Lesions:<br />

A 32-year Prospective Population Study of Women. Hypertension 2009;54.57-62.<br />

112. Saia V, Pantoni L. Progressive stroke in pontine infarction. Acta Neurologica<br />

Scandinavica 2009;120:213-215.<br />

113. Pantoni L. Should memory clinic physicians be independent in assessing neuroimaging<br />

of patients with cognitive impairment? Aging Clinical and Experimental Research<br />

2009;21:264-265.<br />

114. Pantoni L, Pescini F, Nannucci S, Sarti C, Bianchi S, Dotti MT, Federico A, Inzitari D.<br />

Comparison of clinical, familial, and MRI features of CADASIL and NOTCH3 negative<br />

patients. Neurology 2010;74:57-63.<br />

115. Pescini F, Cesari F, Giusti B, Sarti C, Zicari E, Bianchi S, Dotti MT, Federico A,<br />

Balestrino M, Enrico A, Gandolfo C, Gori AM, Abbate R, Pantoni L, Inzitari D. Bone<br />

Marrow-Derived Progenitor Cells in Cerebral Autosomal Dominant Arteriopathy With<br />

Subcortical Infarcts and Leukoencephalopathy. Stroke 2010;41:218-223.<br />

116. Teodorczuk A, Firbank MJ, Pantoni L, Poggesi A, Erkinjuntti T, Wallin A, Wahlund<br />

LO, Scheltens P, Waldemar G, Schrotter G, Ferro JM, Chabriat H, Bazner H, Visser M,<br />

Inzitari D, O'Brien JT. Relationship between baseline white-matter changes and<br />

development of late-life depressive symptoms: 3-year results from the LADIS study.<br />

Psychological Medicine 2010;40:603-610.<br />

117. Madureira S, Verdelho A, Moleiro C, Ferro JM, Erkinjuntti T, Jokinen H, Pantoni L,<br />

Fazekas F, Van der Flier W, Visser M, Waldemar G, Wallin A, Hennerici M, Inzitari D.<br />

Neuropsychological Predictors of Dementia in a Three-Year Follow-Up Period: Data<br />

from the LADIS Study. Dementia and Geriatric Cognitive Disorders 2010;29:325-334.<br />

[IF 3,142]<br />

118. Bianchi S, Rufa A, Ragno M, D'Eramo C, Pescini F, Pantoni L, Cappelli A, Perretti A,<br />

Zicari E, Zolo P, Inzitari D, Dotti MT, Federico A. High frequency of exon 10 mutations<br />

in the NOTCH3 gene in Italian CADASIL families: phenotypic peculiarities. Journal of<br />

Neurology 2010;257:1039-1042. [IF 2,536]

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19<br />

Pantoni - Curriculum vitae<br />

119. Schmidt R, Ropele S, Ferro J, Madureira S, Verdelho A, Petrovic K, Gouw A, van der<br />

Flier WM, Enzinger C, Pantoni L, Inzitari D, Erkinjuntti T, Scheltens P, Wahlund LO,<br />

Waldemar G, Rostrup E, Wallin A, Barkhof F, Fazekas F; on behalf of the LADIS study<br />

group. Diffusion-Weighted Imaging and Cognition in the Leukoariosis and Disability in<br />

the Elderly Study. Stroke 2010;41:e402-408. [IF 6,499]<br />

120. Jonsson M, Zetterberg H, van Straaten E, Lind K, Syversen S, Edman Å, Blennow K,<br />

Rosengren L, Pantoni L, Inzitari D, Wallin A. Cerebrospinal fluid biomarkers of white<br />

matter lesions – cross-sectional results from the LADIS study. European Journal of<br />

Neurology 2010;17:377-382. [IF 2,732]<br />

121. Verdelho A, Madureira S, Moleiro C, Ferro JM, Santos CO, Erkinjuntti T, Pantoni L,<br />

Fazekas F, Visser M, Waldemar G, Wallin A, Hennerici M, Inzitari D. White matter<br />

changes and diabetes predict cognitive decline in the elderly: the LADIS study.<br />

Neurology 2010;75:160-167. [IF 7,043]<br />

122. Pantoni L. Cerebral small vessel diseases: a reappraisal of nosology, pathogenesis,<br />

neuroimaging, clinical correlates, and therapeutic issues [invited review]. Lancet<br />

Neurology 2010; 9:689-701. [IF 14,270]<br />

123. Olesen PJ, Gustafson <strong>DR</strong>, Simoni M, Pantoni L, Ostling S, Guo X, Skoog I. Temporal<br />

lobe atrophy and white matter lesions are related to major depression over 5 years in the<br />

elderly. Neuropsychopharmacology 2010; 35:2638-2645.<br />

124. Pantoni L, Gorelick P. Advances in vascular cognitive impairment 2010. Stroke<br />

2011;42:291-293.<br />

125. Valenti R, Pescini F, Antonini S, Castellini G, Poggesi A, Bianchi S, Inzitari D, Pallanti<br />

S, Pantoni L. Major depression and bipolar disorders in CADASIL: a study using the<br />

DSM-IV semi-structured interview. Acta Neurologica Scandinavica, in press.<br />

126. Valenti R, Bianchi S, Pescini F, D’Eramo C, Inzitari D, Dotti MT, Pantoni L. First<br />

report of a pathogenic mutation on exon 24 of the NOTCH3 gene in a CADASIL family.<br />

Journal of Neurology, in press.<br />

127. Jokinen H, Gouw AA, Madureira S, Ylikoski R, van Straaten ECW, van der Flier WM,<br />

Barkhof F, Scheltens P, Fazekas F, Schmidt R, Verdelho A, Ferro JM, Pantoni L,<br />

Inzitari D, Erkinjuntti T. Incident lacunes influence cognitive decline: the LADIS study.<br />

Neurology, in press.

Libri scritti:<br />

Pantoni L. Ipertensione e deterioramento cognitivo vascolare<br />

Editrice G&G srl, Roma, 2006 (75 pagine).<br />

20<br />

Pantoni - Curriculum vitae

Capitoli di libri:<br />

21<br />

Pantoni - Curriculum vitae<br />

1. Inzitari D, Marinoni M, Ginanneschi A, Mascalchi M, Pracucci G, Ancona AL, Piccininni<br />

MS, Di Carlo AS, Pantoni L. Pathophysiology of leucoaraiosis. In: Culebras A, Matías<br />

Guiu J, Román G (Eds). New Concepts in Vascular Dementia. Barcelona, Prous Science<br />

Publishers, 1993:103-113.<br />

2. Pantoni L, Garcia JH. Cerebral ischemia and cognitive impairment in the elderly. In :<br />

Bruno A, Chollet F, Vellas BJ, Albarede JL (Eds). Facts and Research in Gerontology<br />

1996. Stroke in the Elderly. Paris: Serdi Publisher 1996:171-182.<br />

3. Garcia JH, Ho K-L, Pantoni L. Pathology. In: Barnett HJM, Mohr JP, Stein BM, Yatsu<br />

FM (Eds). Stroke. Pathophysiology, Diagnosis, and Management (third edition). New<br />

York: Churchill Livingstone, 1998:139-157.<br />

4. Inzitari D, Pantoni L. Do stroke patients with white matter changes have an increased<br />

risk for dementia? In: Leys D, Pasquier F, Scheltens P (Eds). Stroke and Alzheimer's<br />

Disease. The Hague, The Netherlands: Holland Academic Graphics, 1998:141-155.<br />

5. Garcia JH, Pantoni L. Cellular inflammation in experimental ischemic stroke. In: Miller<br />

PL (Ed). Stroke therapy: basic, preclinical, and clinical directions. New York: John<br />

Wiley & Sons, Inc., 1999:271-297.<br />

6. Sarti C, Pantoni L. CADASIL and other hereditary forms of vascular<br />

leukoencephalopathy. In: Pantoni L, Inzitari D, Wallin A (Eds). The matter of white<br />

matter. Clinical and pathophysiological aspects of white matter disease related to<br />

cognitive decline and vascular dementia. Utrecht, The Netherlands: Academic<br />

Pharmaceutical Productions, 2000:335-345.<br />

7. Pantoni L. Cerebral white matter ischemia and anoxia: data from experimental models.<br />

In: Pantoni L, Inzitari D, Wallin A (Eds). The matter of white matter. Clinical and<br />

pathophysiological aspects of white matter disease related to cognitive decline and<br />

vascular dementia. Utrecht, The Netherlands: Academic Pharmaceutical Productions,<br />

2000:377-388.<br />

8. Erkinjuntti T, Pantoni L. Subcortical vascular dementia. In: Gauthier S, Cummings JL<br />

(Eds). Alzheimer’s Disease and Related Disorders Annuals. London, UK: Martin Dunitz<br />

Ltd, 2000:101-133.<br />

9. Inzitari D, Romanelli M, Pantoni L. Leukoaraiosis and cognitive impairment. In: O’Brien<br />

J, Ames D, Burns A (Eds). Dementia, Second edition. London: Edward Arnold<br />

Publishers, 2000:635-653.<br />

10. Pantoni L, Simoni M. The role of white matter lesions in cognitive impairment of<br />

vascular origin. In: Vellas B, Fitten LJ, Winblad B, Feldman H, Grundman M, Giacobini<br />

E (eds). Research and Practice in Alzheimer’s Disease, volume 5. Paris: Serdi Edition,<br />


Capitoli di libri (segue):<br />

22<br />

Pantoni - Curriculum vitae<br />

11. Pantoni L, Garcia JH. Ischemic injury to the cerebral white matter: neuropathology of<br />

human and experimental lesions. In: Choi D, Dacey RG, Hsu CY, Powers WJ (eds).<br />

Cerebrovascular Disease: Momentum at the End of the Second Millennium (American<br />

Heart Association Monograph Series). Armonk, New York: Futura Publishing Company,<br />

Inc., 2001:115-129.<br />

12. Pantoni L, Lammie A. Cerebral small vessel disease: pathological and pathophysiological<br />

aspects in relation to vascular cognitive impairment. In: Erkinjuntti T, Gauthier S<br />

(eds).Vascular cognitive impairment. London: Martin Dunitz Ltd., 2002:115-133.<br />

13. Wallin A, Milos V, Sjögren M, Pantoni L, Erkinjuntti T. Classification and subtypes of<br />

vascular dementia. In: Erkinjuntti T, Gauthier S (eds). Vascular cognitive impairment.<br />

London: Martin Dunitz Ltd., 2002:27-42.<br />

14. Pantoni L. Subtypes of vascular dementia and their pathogenesis: a critical overview. In:<br />

Bowler J, Hachinski V (eds). Vascular cognitive impairment: preventable dementia.<br />

Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2003:217-229.<br />

15. Inzitari D, Lamassa M, Pantoni L. Treatment of vascular dementias. In: Bowler J,<br />

Hachinski V (eds). Vascular cognitive impairment: preventable dementia. Oxford: Oxford<br />

University Press, 2003:277-292.<br />

16. Sarti C, Pantoni L. Experimental models of vascular dementia: a focus on white matter<br />

disease and incomplete infarction. In: Bowler J, Hachinski V (eds). Vascular cognitive<br />

impairment: preventable dementia. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2003:76-92.<br />

17. Pantoni L. The role of white-matter lesions in dementia. In: Gauthier S, Scheltens P,<br />

Cummings JL (eds). Alzheimer’s Disease and related disorders annual 2004. London,<br />

UK: Martin Dunitz Ltd, 2004:47-59.<br />

18. Pantoni L, Inzitari D. Leukoaraiosis and cognitive impairment. In: Burns A, O’Brien J,<br />

Ames D (Eds). Dementia, Third edition. London: Edward Arnold Publishers, 2005:546-<br />

564.<br />

19. Ogata J, Yamanishi H, Pantoni L. Neuropathology of ischemic brain injury. In: Fisher M<br />

(editor). Handbook of Clinical Neurology, volume 92 (3 rd series) Stroke, Part I.<br />

Edinburgh, Elsevier, 2009;92:93-116.<br />

20. Pantoni L, Pescini F, Poggesi A. Physiopathology of large-vessel vascular dementia. In:<br />

Wahlund L-O, Erkinjuntti T, Gauthier S (Eds). Vascular cognitive impairment in clinical<br />

practice. Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2009:95-117.<br />

21. Poggesi A, Pantoni L. Investigations in Primary Care. Frontiers in Neurology and<br />

Neuroscience 2009;24:66-78.

Capitoli di libri in italiano:<br />

23<br />

Pantoni - Curriculum vitae<br />

1. Inzitari D, Pantoni L. Demenze vascolari: risonanza magnetica morfologica. In: Tedeschi<br />

G, Cirillo S, Caltagirone C. Le neuroimmagini delle demenze. Roma, Critical Medicine<br />

Publishing Editore, 2005:129-148.<br />

2. Pantoni L, Inzitari D. Demenza vascolare. In: Gambina G, Pasetti C. Introduzione alla<br />

malattia di Alzheimer e alle altre demenze. Dalla clinica alla bioetica. Verona, Edizioni<br />

Libreria Cortina 2008: 203-210.

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