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drinkworld Technology + Marketing 3/2021

  • Text
  • Harnischcom
  • Drinkworld
  • Brewery
  • Krombacher
  • Cider
  • Products
  • Motor
  • Beverage
  • Consumers
  • Marketing
  • September
  • Packaging
drinkworld Technology + Marketing is the leading magazine for the entire drinks industry worldwide. Feature articles and short communications cover the whole spectrum of processing, bottling, raw materials, logistics, packaging and marketing of beverages.

Packaging Just a glance

Packaging Just a glance at the brand portfolio shows that Krombacher was quick to make the move from brewery to beverage supplier. This is underscored in particular by the takeovers and the acquisition of certain brand rights, especially in the non-alcoholic soft drinks sector. Project kick-off: the high volume of empties demands a conversion of the plant engineering As more and more packs of returnables are individually designed, this leading to a high level of mixing, the time had come A wide mat belt gently moves the stacked boxes into the buffer. to act. At Krombacher, the filling capacity with the sorting lines A, B and C is 60,000 bottles respectively. It was, however, becoming more and more difficult to manage the situation in the empties stream. For Rainer Bub, Plant Engineering project manager at Krombacher, the situation was as follows: “Our sorting plants A, B and C each supply a 60.000 bottle filling line. But it was proving more and more difficult to supply the required number of empties due to the constant increase in the mixing level, and despite a threeshift operation.“ Oliver Mette, Head of the Plant Development Department at Krombacher, adds: “These plants were built in 2004 and had already reached an advanced age, so it was time to act.“ An this is exactly where the expertise of BMS Maschinenfabrik comes in. First it was discussed whether the new plans were going to maintain the automated sorting of plant A. Due to the high proportion of manual sorting, the constant increase in maintenance work as well as staff requirements (an additional machine operator), the idea came up to turn the system, together with plants B and C, into a purely manual sorting system designed according to new criteria. It was possible to create more sorting positions (= higher hourly output). Project objective: to provide the filling and sorting with a buffer and make them independent Having planned the above described modification for capacity reasons alone, the issue of introducing a timing buffer had also to be addressed. The aim was to design the filling system without waiting time, and separate the filling line and manual sorting more systematically. The challenge was to create more space for manual sorting and incorporate many more buffers in between, while keeping to the same amount of hall space. Oliver Mette sums up the situation at the time: “We then checked out the market to see how it would be possible to design such a buffer. As we had already successfully completed several projects with BMS it went without saying for us to contact them. The concept they presented us was a completely new approach. And we liked it right from the start.“ The approach in detail: • Sorted crates are automatically buffered and then fed to the stream of empties as required • The buffer is positioned downstream of the sorting, and this gives the system “breathing space“ • BMS designs the magazine based on the adaptation of a solution specially tailored to the conditions at the Krombacher Brewery 30

Packaging • Buffer capacity required by the customer: 30 minutes • Maximum capacity: 420/840 crates Additional key data on the BMS solution in the halls of the Krombacher Brewery Once the technical details had been clarified, the next step was to address specific issues concerning the conveyor system. Are the stacked empty crates really sufficiently stable? And are the dimensions of the system appropriately designed to permit trouble-free stacking and retrieval? These aspects had to be clarified, and not only with regard to the 11-bottle crate (base: 200 x 300 mm). The fact is: for more than a year of operation no crates have fallen over in any of the magazines to date. This proves that also compact systems can be designed to meet all the relevant criteria. More project details: • Used hardware: Unipal 108 columntype palletizer (as loader and unloader) • Max. intermediate storage: 20 rows, seven stackable crate levels (= 21 or respectively 42 crates in the buffer), resulting in a total number of 420 or 840 crates • Technical inspection: Light barriers check the actual state of the sorting system, which permits the feeding of the filling line from two sources (sorting system, magazine) The magazine buffers already sorted empties. This is first stacked into blocks by a column palletizer. • In-house acceptance through BMS, i.e. basic tests are carried out in advance (among other things using the BMS simulation tool Virtual Commissioning) The result: a greater output capacity, increased buffer level and a simplified job and logistics organization. CSG-2 series OILFREE.AIR – Dependable and efficient • Powerful: flow rates up to 13.5 m³/min • Super Premium Efficiency: energy-saving IE4 motors • Industrie 4.0-ready: SIGMA CONTROL 2 controller • Innovative: i.HOC rotation dryer (optional) for pressure dew points down to -30 °C drinkworld Technology + Marketing · September 2021 31

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