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food Marketing - Technology 4/2023

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food Marketing & Technology is the international magazine for executives and specialists in the food industry.

Processing 25 Years of

Processing 25 Years of NETZSCH: Interview with Felix Kleinert After a quarter of a century as CEO of Waldkraiburg-based NETZSCH Pumpen & Systeme GmbH, Felix Kleinert looks back on the highs and lows of his time at NETZSCH ahead of his well-deserved retirement at the end of the fiscal year on June 30, 2023. Before leaving the company, Mr. Kleinert reviewed his time at the global specialist for handling complex media and reported on both good and difficult moments. In the interview, he talks about the past years since he started in 1999, the future of NETZSCH, and his personal retirement plans. FMT: Thinking back to your first day, could you have imagined staying with NETZSCH for so long? Felix Kleinert: I still remember when Thomas Netzsch and I signed the contract in Selb, and he predicted a long cooperation time. I had already been with my previous employer for nine years and, therefore, couldn’t imagine staying with one company for much longer. At that time, I felt a managing director should change at least every ten years – but I was proven wrong. I have broadened my knowledge over the years, and it was great. How has the company developed since you started? The business unit Pumps & Systems faced difficult times when I joined in 1999. At that time, we employed around 1,000 people in ten sales companies. Today, there are about 2,500 in almost 30 sales companies worldwide. In addition, we increased the turnover from 70 million Euros worldwide and a zero result to no less than 400 million Euros with an excellent result. In cooperation with our licensee Heishin in Japan, we also increased our world market share in the progressing cavity pump sector from 20 to over 40 percent. This was only possible thanks to the employee’s and management’s joint solid effort. We can all be proud of this. What do you remember most about the past 25 years? I always like to think back to Thomas Netzsch, who passed away much too soon. When I approached him and presented a larger project, he would ask about the costs, the value for the company and how long it would take first. After my answers, he would usually agree with me, adding that it could be done a little faster. Who has influenced you the most during your time at NETZSCH? During our time together, I was mainly influenced by Thomas Netzsch, with his winning personality and Prof. Michael Gaitanides, with his comprehensive knowledge as our mutual friend. What distinguishes NETZSCH from other comparable companies? It’s the long-term vision of the company. At NETZSCH, it’s not just about short-term incoming orders, sales and earnings but also long-term strategic orientation. In this regard, people at NETZSCH have more endurance. That’s important because only a few things always work out as quickly as you thought they would in the original planning. 30 food Marketing & Technology • August 2023

Processing NETZSCH has undoubtedly grown on you over the years. What do you wish the company for the future? We have increased our world market share in the progressing cavity pump sector to over 40 percent. We may reach 50 percent someday, but certainly only a little more. With about 100 competitors worldwide, every percentage point of market share gain is becoming more complex. Therefore, a new business model has been developed. We aim to become the global expert in conveying complex fluids, offering various technological solutions and services to the world market. With this strategy, we will further expand and still have enough space to grow. Even though this path will be challenging, I am confident that my successor, Andreas Denker, can provide significant impulses with his diverse experience, especially in marketing and sales. Together with the global pump management team, he will lead the globally active business unit Pumps & Systems to further success. What are you looking forward to in the future? I look forward to more time with my wife, our children and grandchildren, more time for the house, the farm and the dog, and to private trips without time pressure because of a business trip. But I am also looking forward to further professional challenges as a member of the supervisory and advisory boards of currently three respectable industrial companies. In addition, a fourth mandate is just on the horizon. According to the plan, my future will be a mixture of professional activities and more time for private things, especially with my wife and people close to me - I am already looking forward to the future! CEO Felix Kleinert started at NETZSCH Pumps & Systems back in 1999. “We can all be proud of this” Pumps & Systems. The company has developed, produced and distributed customized and sophisticated pump solutions for over seven decades. With their NEMO® progressing cavity pumps, TORNADO® rotary lobe pumps, NOTOS® multiscrew pumps, PERIPRO® peristaltic pumps, grinders, dosing technology and accessories, innovative solutions are offered on a global scale, from the smallest dosing pump for the industry to large pumps for the oil and gas sector or mining. Even the most demanding media pose no problems for the product portfolio. With over 2,500 employees, NETZSCH Pumps & Systems is the largest business unit of the NETZSCH Group, along with NETZSCH Analyzing & Testing and NETZSCH Grinding & Dispersing. Performance standards are high. NETZSCH promises their customers Proven Excellence – exceptional performance in everything we do, proven time and again since 1873. fmt Memories from almost 25 years of NETZSCH Pumps & Systems Felix Kleinert: "It's not just about short-term incoming orders, sales and earnings" We wish you all the best for these future plans, with all the strength and health you need for them. And thank you for what you have given this industry over such a long time. NETZSCH Group: The company As a global specialist in complex fluid management, customer satisfaction is the top priority at NETZSCH food Marketing & Technology • August 2023 31

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