Oxford Programming by Theme

Oxford University Press is proud to publish musical works by some of the most significant composers of the 20th and 21st centuries, with a catalogue that includes a broad range of choral, orchestral and chamber music.


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2 years ago

Bob Chilcott - Birdland

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  • Birdland
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Vocal score A musical drama for soloists, unison voices, SATB chorus, and instrumental ensemble. This engaging musical drama follows the quest of Pip the Sparrow to be accepted into the Dawn Chorus. Along the way Pip meets characters like the Doc Rock Peacocks, who promise to transform the sparrow into a star, and the troubled residents of The Bewilderness. With the help of two friendly owls, Pip meets singing sensation Shamira the Golden Nightingale and discovers a great secret, causing the sparrow to at last understand the power of having a song that is completely their own. As well as the rich variety of solo roles, which feature spoken narration, the work provides great dramatic potential for the unison and mixed choruses, who play an integral role in the storytelling. The memorable, eminently singable melodies are complimented by a characterful orchestration, for 10-part instrumental ensemble, with Chilcott drawing on a broad range of musical styles. Exploring themes of identity, inclusivity, and self-belief, this heart-warming work is a testament to the unifying, healing power of music.

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