4 years ago

PELONEWS Feb/March 2020 with focus on MSCs

  • Text
  • Mscs
  • Mesenchymal
  • Pelonews
  • Imaging
  • Pelobiotech
  • Products
  • Membrane
  • Coating
  • Signals
  • Workflow

PELONews New Products

PELONews New Products Features SHG-specific dye No fluorescence signal. Enables multimodal imaging by using Ap3 and other fluorescent dyes simultaneously. Photo-stable Low photo-toxicity Membrane potential sensitive MORE References: Nuriya, M., et al., Nat. Commun., 7, 11557 (2016). Multimodal two-photon imaging using a second harmonic generation-specific dye New Membrane potential-sensitive Ap3: Non-fluorescent SHG-Imaging dye Second harmonic generation (SHG) is a nonlinear optical process, the interaction of two photons ong>withong> a nonlinear material generates photons ong>withong> twice the energy. SHG imaging is a powerful tool to visualize cell / tissue structure and function. For example, SHG imaging enables to measure membrane potential of axon or spine of neuron. However, dyes which have been used so far emit strong fluorescence signals as well as SHG signals, and this fluorescence disturbs multimodal imaging ong>withong> SHG signal. Our Ap3 overcomes this disadvantage, and enables true SHG signals in multimodal imaging by no interference of signals from other fluorescent molecules. Fig. 1 and 2: Nuriya, M., et al., Nat. Commun., 7, 11557 (2016). Pic.: Funakoshi Multiple staining of Ap3 ong>withong> other marker Blue : Ap3 (Cell membrane) Green : Endosome marker Red : ER marker Required system SHG detection system Laser illumination : 950 nm Simultaneous imaging of membrane potential and intracellular calcium dynamics in cortical neurons. Dynamics of membrane potential and calcium concentration can be measured at the same time. SHG signal detection: 465~485 nm The detection system is required to set on the opposite side of the objective lens. Besides, the installation of photomultiplier tube (PMT) is preferable on Fig.2 Membrane potential changes by SHG imaging in brain slices A: Membrane potential sensitivity of SHG signals from Ap3 assessed by voltage-clamp. B: SHG signal changes upon action potential in neurons. SHG signals were monitored by a pointscan protocol at the soma of patch-clamped neurons in brain slices.

Our New Workflow Simply the greatest Overview of your Research Workflow You know how to do your Cell Culture, you know how to passage your cells or do your read-out. But… Somehow you go the feeling that some important is missing, that somehow you missed a point or you should change something to jump from doing great to become outstanding. Download or order now your personal hardcopy of THE PELOBiotech ROADMAP TO BETTER CELL CULTURE PERFORMANCE ORDER HERE So you know exactly where you stand and which screws to turn. Just call us and what innovative ways are available for your project today. And of course we can use the workflow for discussing it. Please write an email to ong>withong> subject line „Workflow“ and please leave your name and full address in this email so we can mail it to you properly. Or click here to leave the infos by filling out the online-form https:// pelobiotech.activehoste Papers, Papers, Papers Do you publish? You could do us a big favor—and your fellow scientists— if you would send us a link or the entire paper, when you have used some of our great PELOproducts Cellovations. Want to know what Cellovations products we have? Please check out here for example our very popular Basal media for Endothelial Cells. As a big thank you you receive a 50 Euro Voucher for your next purchase. To be even more happy ong>withong> us.

Mscs Mesenchymal Pelonews Imaging Pelobiotech Products Membrane Coating Signals Workflow