5 years ago

PeloNews Feb/March2019

  • Text
  • Synbbb
  • Analysis
  • Interactions
  • Detection
  • Tissue
  • Tumor
  • Pelonews
  • Chimerism
  • Models
  • Genomic


PELONEWS WITH FOCUS ON 3D INNVOATIONS PELOBiotech Newsletter March 2019 “Vita brevis, ars longa.“ (Seize the day.) Dear Scientist, Dear Scientist, The UK is due to leave the European Union on Friday 29th March 2019, after the UK voted to leave in the 2016 referendum. Understandably you will be considering the changes it may have on your supply deliveries. PELOBiotech GmbH as your trusted distributor has prepared for all potential Brexit outcomes and is committed to supporting you during Brexit and to manage the supply chain risks in these challenging conditions. We have made extensive preparations to ensure continuity of service during and post-Brexit. Our core capability is clarifying and optimising global supply chains across international borders and managing regulatory complexity. Any new regulatory requirements will be integrated into our “ready to send” process so we can minimizedthe risk of customs delays at the border due to paperwork discrepancies. We will continue to keep you updated as appropriate. In the meantime, to discuss how we can support your Brexit preparations, please contact us anytime. Cheers. Best regards, Christiane Büchsel Editor in Chief PELONews Hippokrates, Founder of Medicine as Science- Content PELOAcademy: Learn from the best Thank you alll Meet us at… Paper Altert Featured Fields &Products 3D BBB Cancer Chimerism Assay Microfluidic Chambers You like what you see? Sign up for PELONews now at or just fill out the following form here.

Synbbb Analysis Interactions Detection Tissue Tumor Pelonews Chimerism Models Genomic