For this Review Edition of Vinexpo Daily, wetook a quick tour of some of the stands at theshow to ask what the exhibitors thought of thefirst edition of Vinexpo Paris...SEEN @ VINEXPNino MchedlishviliMarketing Manager,National Wine Agency, GeorgiaIsabella AntolliniDirector, AurianAURIANWe liked the quality of the visitors, the stand and the organisation.The space in Be Spirits was nicely designed and it was a very goodconcept. It gave equal area for everyone to showcase their productswithout any particular brand having an enormous, lavish stand.Everybody got a bit of the spotlight. This was the first time that we tookpart in Vinexpo and it was a positive experience. The quality of thevisitors was higher than we've experienced elsewhere.NATIONAL WINE AGENCY,GEORGIAThere were many visitors from different kinds of companies. Wehad eight Georgian vineyards here and they liked the expo. The visitorswho came here were really interested in the products. The vineyardshad negotiations and talked about future cooperation, so the show wasuseful for the future plans of each of the wineries. It was a nice andcomfortable place to have meetings.Johann GendronSales Export Manager, Beaumont desCrayères Champagne and Vincent d'AstréeChampagneBEAUMONT DES CRAYERES CHAMPAGNEAND VINCENT D'ASTREE CHAMPAGNEThe organisation of the show was good and we made some very good contacts,so it was very positive in that way. It was also positive because we could visit someof our customers as well. Some of them will probably not visit the other shows, butthey decided to come to Vinexpo Paris. We had good discussions with them. Itreminded me very much of Vinexpo Bordeaux, which is a good thing. Overall it wasa good opportunity to review our business.Andrew ThomasInternational CommercialManager, Borie ManouxBORIE MANOUXThe business took part in Vinexpo for the first time lastyear and found it beneficial, so we wanted to come back thisyear. It was great to be part of Vinexpo. I think Vinexpo is oneof those shows where people are there to do business. I runthe UK business and we wanted to be part of it. The showparticularly highlighted the French side of the industry. Wehad a few customers who could come for the day. They couldcatch the early train here and take the late train back. Thatwas the really positive thing about the Paris show.10 • VINEXPO DAILY • THURSDAY 20 TH FEBRUARY
O PARIS 2020Judith BaratCommunications assistant,Château FonroqueCHÂTEAU FONROQUEThe WOW! (World of Organic Wines) area was a good idea - a placeto gather all of the organic and biodynamic estates together. Peoplewere quite happy because they knew what they would get when theycame to the WOW! area. We made some good contacts at the show thisyear. We had some buyers and some retailers speaking to us and thequality of the contacts that we had this year was good.Matthieu VerhaegheOwner, Château Forge CelesteCHATEAU FORGE CELESTEFor me the concept of the WOW! (World of OrganicWines) area was a good thing. It was professional and for asmall winemaker, it was an easy and familiar atmosphere.We're trying to have a new system of distribution, so for methis show was a good solution. We had good contacts withagents and buyers. The quality of the people who came herwas high - there were retailers, big companies and the press.A large number of journalists came and spoke to me afterseeing me in the Vinexpo Daily.Eugenie LeongTrade Marketing Manager,Maison VillevertMAISON VILLEVERTThis was our first experience here. For many years wedidn't participate in any professional shows. We decided toexhibit at Vinexpo because a lot of our customers and contactswere coming to visit. Our contact at the show organisers, eachtime we had any issue, she provided me with answers. Wewere surprised at the number of people coming to us andasking questions, people who were very curious and wantedto know what we did. The Be Spirits area was a good idea.Bryan FurlongPresident, FurlongFURLONGThis was our first show. We are a new distillery in Quebec. Welaunched a year ago and we've only been in Canada until now, but wewant to expand. We have a maple whiskey that caters to Europeans.Everybody really liked it at the show and it was a surprise for them. It'sa new type of whiskey. People are used to Scotch and Americanwhiskey, but there are not too many Canadian whiskies. We made goodcontacts and the number of buyers at the show was high. Overall it wasa great experience.VINEXPO DAILY • THURSDAY 20 TH FEBRUARY 2020 • 11