Sugrįžimai 2003. Bukletas - Lmrf.lt

Sugrįžimai 2003. Bukletas - Lmrf.lt

Sugrįžimai 2003. Bukletas - Lmrf.lt


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M uzikosF estivalis 2003Dþiaugiuosi galëdama pasveikinti „Sugráþimø” festivalio dalyvius ir rengëjus, jaupenktàjá kartà dovanojanèius mums prasmingø áspûdþiø puokðtæ. Tai kartu yra ir þavusLietuvos dialogas su pasauliu, kurio dalimi esame, trokðdami, kad visø kartø menininkairastø bendrà kalbà ir bûtø suprasti visur, o tuo paèiu padëtø atverti kelius á mûsø svetingàjàðalá.Didþiuokimës mûsø laisvës vaisiais ir mûsø jaunosios kartos muzikiniais pasiekimais.Didþiulës sëkmës visiems „Sugráþimø” dalyviams, o klausytojams – paèiø graþiausiømeniniø áspûdþiø!I am happy to wellcome the participants and organisers of the „Returns” Festival whofor the fifth time grant us with the bunch of meaningful impressions. This is also a beautifuldialogue with the world, part of which we are, willing that the artists of all generations wouldfind a common language and be understood everywhere and at the same time would help toopen the ways to our hospitable country.Let‘s be proud of the resu<strong>lt</strong>s of our freedom and of our young generation musicalachievements.Great fortune to all the participants of the „Returns”, and to the audience – the mostbeautiful artistic impressions!Uþsienio reikalø ministerija sveikina „Sugráþimø” festivalá, kaip nacionalinæ vertybæir su nuoðirdþia pagarba þavisi jo nepraeinanèiu polëkiu ir harmonija. Pasaulio ðedevrølobyno garsais muzikai kalbës apie visø mûsø dþiaugsmus, lûkesèius, abejones, rezignacijà irtikëjimà, kad bendros pastangos, paþenklintos demokratijos plëtra ir artimo meile, niekadanebuvo ir nebus bevaisës. O Lietuvai ástojus á Europos Sàjungà, Europos muzika ir ku<strong>lt</strong>ûraneabejotinai praturtës.The Ministry of Foreign Affairs is greeting the „Returns” Festival as a national valuableevent and is sincerely fond of its energy and harmony. Our joy, dreams, doubts, resignationand belief that the ideas of democracy and love will for shure be fruitful will be expressed withthe help of the sounds of music from all over the world. When Lithuania enters the EuropeanUnion, the music and European cu<strong>lt</strong>ure will be undoubtfully enriched.Antanas VALIONISLietuvos Respublikos Uþsienio reikalø ministrasMinister of Ministry of Foreign AffairsAlma ADAMKIENË23

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