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Let me begin with a personal confession: I like the idea

of being confined to one’s apartment, with all the

time needed to read and work. Even when I travel, I prefer

to stay in a nice hotel room and ignore all the attractions

of the place I’m visiting. A good essay on a famous painting

means much more to me than seeing this painting in a

crowded museum. But I’ve noticed this makes now being

obliged to confine myself more difficult. To help explain

this let me recount, not for the first time, the famous joke

from Ernst Lubitsch’s Ninotchka: “‘Waiter! A cup of coffee

without cream, please!’ ‘I’m sorry, sir, we have no cream,

only milk, so can it be a coffee without milk?’” At the

factual level, the coffee remains the same, what changes

is making the coffee without cream into coffee without

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