pandemic 2

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a university symposium I was to participate in has just

been postponed to September. The catch is that, even if life

does eventually return to some semblance of normality,

it will not be the same normal as the one we experienced

before the outbreak. Things we were used to as part of

our daily life will no longer be taken for granted, we will

have to learn to live a much more fragile life with constant

threats. We will have to change our entire stance to

life, to our existence as living beings among other forms

of life. In other words, if we understand “philosophy” as

the name for our basic orientation in life, we will have to

experience a true philosophical revolution.

To make this point clearer, let me quote a popular

definition: viruses are “any of various infectious agents,

usually ultramicroscopic, that consist of nucleic acid,

either RNA or DNA, within a case of protein: they infect

animals, plants, and bacteria and reproduce only within

living cells: viruses are considered as being non-living

chemical units or sometimes as living organisms.” This

oscillation between life and death is crucial: viruses are

neither alive nor dead in the usual sense of these terms,

they are a kind of living dead. A virus is alive in its drive

to replicate, but it is a kind of zero-level life, a biological

caricature not so much of death-drive as of life at its most


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