Pre-industrial dredging Rosmolens en krabbelaars: baggeren ... - Vssd

Pre-industrial dredging Rosmolens en krabbelaars: baggeren ... - Vssd

Pre-industrial dredging Rosmolens en krabbelaars: baggeren ... - Vssd


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22 Het grote baggermol<strong>en</strong>boek<br />

3 Baggerbeugel.<br />

Dredge bag or hand drag, a leather or wov<strong>en</strong> bag on a long pole<br />

4 Beugelaar<br />

The Dredger; the man who worked with the dredge bag<br />

The Netherlands’ main port in the early Middle<br />

Ages was Dorestad, some 100 miles up the river<br />

Rhine (now Lek) from the sea. While shipbuilding<br />

techniques evolved and ships’ sizes increased,<br />

from, say, the 50 tons flatbottomed clinker built<br />

cog to the 150 tons keel ships of the 16th c<strong>en</strong>tury,<br />

mariners choose deeper ports closer to the sea,<br />

which in the 17th c<strong>en</strong>tury made Amsterdam the<br />

Dutch main port, with Rotterdam and Dordrecht<br />

as runners up. Moving further to seaward was<br />

unpractical, but silting became an ever bigger<br />

problem while ships’ sizes continued to increase.<br />

Logical therefore that the 16th c<strong>en</strong>tury saw the<br />

introduction of more sophisticated <strong>dredging</strong><br />

equipm<strong>en</strong>t than the hitherto predominant dredge<br />

bag (fig. 3 and 4) (Dutch ‘baggerbeugel’: a leather<br />

bag on a long pole), which ev<strong>en</strong> in the 20th c<strong>en</strong>tury<br />

was still widely used, for instance for relieve work<br />

during the 1930s Great Depression, wh<strong>en</strong> many<br />

unemployed people worked for their dole through<br />

maint<strong>en</strong>ance work of canals.<br />

A number of improved dredge bags were<br />

pat<strong>en</strong>ted, such as the haalschouw by famous

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