Download - Svetlin Nakov

Download - Svetlin Nakov

Download - Svetlin Nakov


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}<br />

PublicKey publicKey = aCertificate.getPublicKey();<br />

boolean valid = verifyDocumentSignature(aDocument, publicKey, aSignature);<br />

return valid;<br />

/**<br />

* Verifies a certificate. Checks its validity period and tries to find a<br />

* trusted certificate from given list of trusted certificates that is directly<br />

* signed given certificate. The certificate is valid if no exception is thrown.<br />

*<br />

* @param aCertificate the certificate to be verified.<br />

* @param aTrustedCertificates a list of trusted certificates to be used in<br />

* the verification process.<br />

*<br />

* @throws CertificateExpiredException if the certificate validity period is<br />

* expired.<br />

* @throws CertificateNotYetValidException if the certificate validity period is<br />

* not yet started.<br />

* @throws CertificateValidationException if the certificate is invalid (can not<br />

* be validated using the given set of trusted certificates.<br />

*/<br />

public static void verifyCertificate(X509Certificate aCertificate,<br />

X509Certificate[] aTrustedCertificates)<br />

throws GeneralSecurityException {<br />

// First check certificate validity period<br />

aCertificate.checkValidity();<br />

// Check if the certificate is signed by some of the given trusted certs<br />

for (int i=0; i it is invalid<br />

throw new CertificateValidationException(<br />

"Can not find trusted parent certificate.");<br />

/**<br />

* Verifies certification chain using "PKIX" algorithm, defined in RFC-3280.<br />

* It is considered that the given certification chain start with the target<br />

* certificate and finish with some root CA certificate. The certification<br />

* chain is valid if no exception is thrown.<br />

*<br />

* @param aCertChain the certification chain to be verified.<br />

* @param aTrustedCACertificates a list of most trusted root CA certificates.<br />

* @throws CertPathValidatorException if the certification chain is invalid.<br />

*/<br />

public static void verifyCertificationChain(CertPath aCertChain,<br />

X509Certificate[] aTrustedCACertificates)<br />

throws GeneralSecurityException {<br />

int chainLength = aCertChain.getCertificates().size();<br />

if (chainLength < 2) {<br />

throw new CertPathValidatorException("The certification chain is too " +<br />

"short. It should consist of at least 2 certiicates.");<br />

}<br />


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