The Rotaract 2020-21 Dönemi 3. Sayı

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Overseas is a good option for the American investor. Despite being risky, gold will

continue to be an alternative in the upcoming period. In this environment, it is possible

to correct the jumps in other investment instruments such as Bitcoin due to interest. “In

our country, we see that prices and interest rates have increased with inflation in the

light of the radical changes in duty at the beginning of November. With the rise in

interest rates, the dollar also declined, and at the same time, it is seen that the criterion

of Turkeys riskiness also declined. While normally stocks tend to fall when interest rates

rise, it should be underlined that stocks have increased interestingly during this period.

While this is the table, I foresee that inflation will be critical in 2021. Another important

data for our country is that residents are in dollar position; Turkish investors view Dollar

assets as long-term real estate investments and there is no clear reduction in these

positions. In this period when the BIST100 index increased its gains, it may be possible

for stocks to promise good returns in dollar terms if the global conjuncture goes well

and reasonable policies are applied. " Halim Çun shared his notes on investment

management with the participants in the last part of his presentation titled On

Investment Management. “If there are friends among us who have lost money in the

field of investment, I suggest them not to be too sad. Investment management has no

direct connection with intelligence, guys, during the collapse of the South Sea

Company, which was established to borrow Britain in the 1720s, in the stock market,

Newton lost $ 3 million in today's value. Similarly, the hedge fund named LTCM,

which was founded in the mid-1990s by a team of Nobel laureate economists and stars

such as former FED aide, went bankrupt in the first years when it was caught

unprepared by the Russian crisis, which exploded in 1998, despite the incredible

returns.“A good investor; I think they should know the theory, history, psychology and

practice of investment. Likewise, giving the necessary importance to risk management,

which remains in the background even though the focus is on return in money

management, being able to distinguish signal and noise in such periods when

information is easier to access and differences arise in the interpretation phase, and not

forgetting that failures can also stem from the luck factor are among the factors that

make the investor strong. “People may not be able to make the right decisions in many

places; If you are in an emerging market in recent years, you may think that this will

continue for a lifetime, but life is not like that. With the gathering of people on various

platforms, the shares of the old model GameStop, which became a branch in the field

of video rental, increased from 3 Dollars to 373 Dollars, and then fell back to around 40

Dollars, and small investors faced serious losses. In the long run, the law of gravity and

basic ratios are working, it is necessary to be careful in such investments. "

“Finally, in the world of investment, you will come across many contradictory proposals

and they are all true. In contrasts such as follow the train / be an opposing investor,

choose companies that give good dividends / choose growth companies, the critical

point is when the parties are right, and what separates the real investor from the

standard investor is the correct timing.

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