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e T w n n n g P A G E 2


After a year after the release of h s

latest m xtape, Tedua s back on

the scene w th "Don't Pan c", a

mash-up of verses and choruses

that has ncreased the

ant c pat on for the next album.

Between reference to the "D v ne

Comedy" and rapper sk lls, Tedua

s aware that he has set the bar

h gh: w ll he be able to overcome

h mself aga n?

Stefan Joanne Angel na

Germanotta, known profess onally

as Lady Gaga, s one of the most

famous Amer can s ngers,

songwr ter, and actress ever. On

August 2020 she was awarded the

f rst-ever Tr con award for her

mpact and contr but ons to fash on,

mus c and act v sm. The Best Art st

of the Year was also awarded to her.

In her ent re career, Lady Gaga has

won 18 VMA's and lots of other

awards for the mpact she gave to

the world w th her mus c and words.


Selena Gomez To Star In

Psycholog cal Thr ller 'Sp ral'

Produced By Drake

Selena Gomez w ll star n

P cturestart's Sp ral, play ng a

damaged nfluencer who suffers

from a l fe-alter ng add ct on to

soc al med a. by ALARA ÖRTÜL



As t pops up near the end of The

Weeknd's moody fourth LP After

Hours, synthpop ballad "Save Your

Tears" feels perhaps the most

appropr ate to the album's t tle of

any of ts tunes. It's more

hangover than party, though ts

gorgeous, funky son cs (and

eventual robot c vocal zat ons)

create the k nd of pop turn

producer Max Mart n has made a

career out of.

It makes sense, then, for Ar ana Grande to hop on the rem x, out today (Apr l 23),

and for her contr but ons to leave the song even more dazzl ng. What's more

surpr s ng s the song's accompany ng new an mated v deo, wh ch f nds an

an mated Weeknd creat ng h s own Grande out of spare parts n an underground

la r.

Teams prepar ng the mus c news corner TEAM2 and TEAM4



‘The Queen’s Gamb t’ Scores as Netfl x

to Date

The Queen’s Gamb t” set the record as

the most-watched scr pted l m ted

ser es to date on Netfl x — w th 62

m ll on member accounts tun ng n to

the show n the f rst 28 days, accord ng

to the company.

There’s a caveat, though: The way Netfl x

reports v ew ng s based on the number

of v ewers who have watched at least

two m nutes of a p ece of content, wh ch

s very d fferent from how the TV ndustry measures aud ence. And the streamer

cherry-p cks wh ch or g nals t dec des to tout w th the propr etary metr c.

Netfl x boasted about the success of “The Queen’s Gamb t,” say ng that the show

made the Top 10 n 92 countr es and ranked No. 1 n 63 countr es, nclud ng the

U.K., Argent na, Israel and South Afr ca. by ALARA ÖRTÜL

Most-Watched Scr pted L m ted Ser es

By Mar an G org a

P rates of the Car bbean s a ser es of

fantasy swashbuckler f lms. Hande Akçasu

Hande Akçasu

M E D I A A W A R E N E S S N E W S P A P E R M a y 2 0 2 1

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