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e T w n n n g P A G E 4

The box off ce bus ness can be cutthroat,

and that was part cularly true for 007 when

another contender wanted to enter the

market w th a non-off c al James Bond

mov e. In fact, th s r val f lm was scheduled

to be released just months after the proper

007 entry of the year had already taken

fl ght. It’s exactly the scenar o that

happened n 1983, as Roger Moore was on

the b g screen w th Octopussy n the

summer and Sean Connery learned to

Never Say Never Aga n n the fall. But wh ch

was the super or Bond of 1983?

Sude Naz HBAL



That’s exactly what we’re about to d scuss

here today, as we’ll be look ng at the

h story of both James Bond f lms, and

crown ng one a w nner overall. But th s sn’t

go ng to just be a contest of numbers, as

th s argument s go ng to be we ghed the

same way that saw us evaluate T mothy

Dalton’s duology of Bond mov es. Let’s

jump back to the t me when two t tans of

esp onage went head to head, and see

wh ch James Bond comes out on top.

James Bond In 1983: By The Numbers

Look ng at sheer box off ce numbers,

Octopussy and Never Say Never Aga n

enjoyed nd v dual success rather n cely.

Prem er ng on June 6, 1983, Roger Moore’s

s xth James Bond adventure raked n $187.5

m ll on on a $27.5 m ll on budget. Look ng

back on ts rev ews upon n t al release,

Rotten Tomatoes has the f lm logged at a

42% freshness rat ng, w th the consensus

stat ng that wh le the act on was fun, the

rest of the Bond formula felt l ke t had run

ts course. Wh ch s funny, cons der ng the

ped gree of the compet t on. Rana YAL



as t approaches ts late 2021 release, but here’s one new p ece of nformat on we’re more

ncl ned to bel eve s happen ng. Jon Favreau s reportedly repr s ng Happy Hogan n the

upcom ng Sp der-Man f lm. Murphy’s Mult verse shared that t can “conf rm” the fan-favor te w ll

return to h s role that began n Iron Man for the Phase Four release. The actor/f lmmaker has

jo ned Tom Holland on every one of h s solo adventures so far, why wouldn’t he come back?

When last we caught up w th Happy Hogan n Sp der-Man: Far From Home, he was develop ng

feel ngs for Mar sa Tome ’s Aunt May. At the end of the 2019 mov e, the pa r sat down w th Tom

Holland’s Peter Parker to tell h m about the r relat onsh p, but there was a m scommun cat on.

Aunt May thought t was a “summer fl ng” wh lst Happy was ready to go all n. It left th ngs

pretty awkward for Happy, but there’s def n tely some room here for the character to cont nue,

espec ally s nce he’s no longer ass st ng the now late Iron Man.

There are a lot of rumors

Sp der-Man: Far From Home followed Peter Parker as he met a foe n Jake Gyllenhaal’s

Myster o, whom he defeated, but then Quent n Beck outed h s name as Sp der-Man. Now that

everyone knows the h gh schooler s an Avenger, so who knows how h s l fe w ll change. He

could certa nly use some ass stance from Happy Hogan, who helped Robert Downey Jr’s Tony

Stark nav gate fame after he outed h mself at the end of the f rst Iron Man mov e.

float ng around about who

could be jo n ng Tom

Holland and Zendaya on

the MCU’s th rd

standalone Sp dey f lm,

whether t be the return of

Tobey Magu re and

Andrew Garf eld’s vers ons

of the hero and other

mult verse ant cs. There’s a

lot of secrecy surround ng

Sp der-Man: No Way Home

Before we reach Sp der-Man: No Way Home, there are a lot of Marvel storyl nes to see f rst. We

st ll have one more ep sode of Falcon and the W nter Sold er, before Black W dow and Lok enter

the m x n July, and then Shang-Ch and the Legend of the Ten R ngs and Eternals h t theaters

th s fall. No Way Home s set to be released on December 17, and t w ll lead nto Doctor Strange

In The Mult verse Of Madness, wh ch comes n early 2022. Check out the full Marvel mov es

l neup here on C nemaBlend

Rana YAL


Your m ss on, should you choose to

accept t, s to keep follow ng along

w th the M ss on: Imposs ble f lm

ser es. 25 years after the f rst M ss on:

Imposs ble mov e’s release, we’re

gear ng up to reun te w th Tom

Cru se’s Ethan Hunt for M ss on:

Imposs ble 7 n summer 2022.

Oftent mes the longer a franch se

goes, the less enjoyable t becomes,

but t’s qu te the oppos te n M ss on: Imposs ble’s case. Th s s a c nemat c saga that’s only

gotten better w th age. No plot deta ls for M ss on: Imposs ble 7 have been revealed yet,

although g ven that t’s shoot ng back-to-back w th M ss on: Imposs ble 8, one can surm se that

the two stor es w ll be closely ntertw ned. But what we lack n narrat ve nformat on we make

up for n cast ng knowledge, as M ss on: Imposs ble 7 has assembled an mpress ve l neup of

actors. Let’s go over who’s tak ng part n th s latest round of esp onage ant cs, start ng w th the

man at the front and center of th s f lm ser es.

Tom Cru se

Ser ously, t wouldn’t be a M ss on: Imposs ble mov e w thout Tom Cru se appear ng as Ethan

Hunt. Ok, maybe there w ll come a day where the franch se dec des to focus on a new

protagon st, but for now, Ethan rema ns the IMF agent w th the best track record for sav ng the

world. When we left off w th Ethan at the end of Fallout, he was recover ng from h s f ght w th

Henry Cav ll’s August Walker and b d one last goodbye to h s ex-w fe, Jul a Meade. It’s unclear

how much t me w ll have passed between Fallout and M ss on: Imposs ble 7, but clearly Ethan’s

healthy enough to be back out n the f eld. Needless to say Ethan’s been n a lot of dangerous

s tuat ons over the years, so t’ll be nterest ng to see how M ss on: Imposs ble 7 compares to h s

prev ous adventures.

Rana YAL

Popa Mate , H gh School of Arts V ctor G uleanu

Mumba Pol ce takes on fake news w th Avengers: Inf n ty War meme

Anyone who spends even a l ttle t me onl ne knows that Mumba Pol ce uses the r soc al

med a handles for shar ng v tal nformat on and adv sor es but n the most qu rky way

poss ble. In the r latest post they take on fake news. In an appeal to people to refra n from

shar ng unver f ed forwards that can alarm or harm others, the handle shared some adv ce.

But of course, they d d t n the r un que style. About an hour ago, the Mumba Pol ce used

an Avengers: Inf n ty War meme to dr ve home the message. “When asked to forward an

unver f ed message,” they tweeted. Accompany ng the post s a GIF from the f lm that shows

Black Panther say ng, “We don’t do that here.”

M E D I A A W A R E N E S S N E W S P A P E R M a y 2 0 2 1

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