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e T w n n n g P A G E 6



The ser es w ll feature the Un ted States,

Portugal, Jama ca and N ger a as the f nal

nternat onal games for the USWNT before

the nam ng of the 18-player Olymp c team.

Due to a change n the nternat onal match

w ndow by FIFA, the matches w ll be

treated as fr endl es.

The U.S. s the only one of the four teams to

have qual f ed for the Olymp cs. The match

aga nst N ger a w ll mark the f rst t me the

USWNT has faced the team outs de of a

world champ onsh p and w ll be the th rdever

fr endly aga nst an Afr can country,

w th the USWNT’s prev ous two games

com ng aga nst South Afr ca. Portugal s

one of many European teams mak ng b g

str des n the women’s game, wh le

Jama ca qual f ed for ts f rst Women’s

World Cup n 2019 after Cedella Marley

brought the team back from ext nct on.

The f rst f ve games of the ser es w ll take

place at BBVA Stad um n Houston. The

f nal game between the U.S. and N ger a

w ll be played at Q2 Stad um n Aust n.

It w ll be the f rst soccer game at the brand

new stad um, home of Major League

Soccer’s newest club, Aust n FC. It w ll also

be the f rst t me a U.S. Soccer sen or

nat onal team has ever made an

appearance n the c ty of Aust n.




Women’s rugby s

who s now a Gu nness brand ambassador, and

her peers have been part of an all-out

revolut on. There were fewer than 100 n the

crowd when Waterman played her f rst game,

and became England’s youngest player,

aga nst Ireland n 2003. But t mes have

def n tely changed: the prof le and

profess onal sm of the game has ncreased

s gn f cantly.

It’s easy to forget that the women’s game has

ex sted almost as long as the men’s. Em ly

Valent ne who was born n Enn sk llen, n what

s now Northern Ireland, has long held the

honour of be ng rugby’s f rst known female

player. (1887)

In the same year n Hull there was a game w th

two teams of women play ng rugby football

aga nst each other, but the game wasn’t very

well rece ved, there was a p tch nvas on and

the players were carr ed off before t could be


It was the 1991 Rugby World Cup that changed

women’s rugby forever. Gr ff n, Dorr ngton and

fellow players Al ce Cooper and Mary Forsyth

s ngle-handedly organ sed a tournament that

redef ned the sport. For decades, women have

dr ven the r own game forward, pushed for t to

be taken ser ously and p oneered new roles.

Waterman bel eves that although the prof le

and profess onal sm of the sport has never

been h gher, there’s st ll plenty more to do. “It’s

only the last few years we’ve seen an

accelerat on of the support, the fac l t es, the

med a opportun t es, that’s br ng ng the sport

n l ne w th where t needs to be.” she says.



f nally gett ng the

recogn t on t

deserves, but

"There’s more to

be done.", says

legendary player

Dan elle




Slav a Prague defender Ondřej Kúdela has been handed a 10-game ban by UEFA for

rac ally abus ng a Glasgow Rangers player dur ng a Europa League match.

Kúdela was found to have rac ally abused Rangers m df elder Glen Kamara on March 18.

The ban means he w ll m ss the rest of Slav a's Europa League campa gn and the Czech

Republ c's games at the European Champ onsh p. The Czechs beg n the r Euro 2020

program n June aga nst Scotland n Glasgow.

It's cla med Kúdela made rac st comments n Kamara's ear dur ng the Europa League

game at Ibrox Stad um last month. He acknowledged swear ng at Kamara but den ed

us ng rac st language that another Rangers player also cla med to have heard.

Kamara reacted angr ly to the remarks and was banned for three matches for assault ng



Austral a, Ind a, New Zealand,

Pak stan and South Afr ca have

qual f ed for the 2022

Commonwealth Games n

B rm ngham.

A country from the West Ind es w ll also

compete n the women's Twenty20

tournament alongs de England, who

qual fy automat cally as hosts.

The teams were dec ded by the latest Internat onal Cr cket Counc l (ICC) rank ngs. The e ghth and

f nal place w ll go to the w nner of a qual f er.

The Games are due to beg n on 26 July and w ll be broadcast l ve on the BBC.

A West Ind es team cannot enter the Games as athletes from the Car bbean reg on w ll be

represent ng the r nd v dual nat ons.

Cr cket s the f rst sports d sc pl ne at the Games to announce ts qual fy ng teams.

"We are ncred bly proud and exc ted to be part of B rm ngham 2022 and t s a fantast c

opportun ty for us to cont nue to grow the women's game globally," sa d ICC act ng ch ef

execut ve Geoff Allard ce.

England capta n Heather Kn ght added: "It's go ng to be a fantast c compet t on, a real chance to

showcase the women's game to a huge aud ence and t's one we're thr lled to be tak ng part n."

The event w ll be only the second t me cr cket has featured at the Games, after a men's 50-over

compet t on - won by South Afr ca - was ncluded at Kuala Lumpur n 1998. Gonca Göker Kıvrakdal


World 100m champ on Chr st an Coleman has had h s two-year ban for m ss ng three drug tests reduced by s x months

follow ng an appeal to the Court of Arb trat on for Sport (Cas).

The 25-year-old Amer can w ll st ll m ss the Tokyo Olymp cs start ng n July as the ban runs unt l 14 November.

He can, however, defend h s world ndoor and outdoor t tles next year. Cas "part ally upheld" the Athlet cs Integr ty

Un t's (AIU) rul ng but found h s "degree of negl gence to be lower". Coleman, who won 100m gold at the World

Champ onsh ps n Doha n 2019, was f rst prov s onally suspended n June 2020 after m ss ng a th rd test n December

2019. The ndoor 60m world record holder d d not contest h s f rst m ssed test on 16 January 2019 but d sputed h s f l ng

fa lure on 26 Apr l 2019 and whereabouts fa lure on 9 December. The AIU nvest gat on nto h s rule v olat ons sa d there

was no suggest on he had ever taken a banned substance. However, Coleman's att tude towards h s ant -dop ng

obl gat ons was descr bed as "ent rely careless, perhaps even reckless" by the AIU n October. Accord ng to the AIU's

out-of-compet t on test ng gu del nes, athletes are accountable for m ssed tests f they are not at the r spec f ed

locat on for the one-hour per od they have stated. The tester must wa t for the full 60 m nutes before leav ng. Coleman

sa d he was Chr stmas shopp ng "f ve m nutes away" from home, and that the tester made no effort to contact h m

dur ng h s th rd whereabouts fa lure. Cas sa d Coleman "should have been on 'h gh alert' on that day" cons der ng h s

prev ous whereabouts fa lures, but dec ded "he would have been able to return" n t me to do a test f contacted.

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