Office of the Chief Agriculture Officer Budgam

Office of the Chief Agriculture Officer Budgam

Office of the Chief Agriculture Officer Budgam

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693 809 Zaiba D/O: Rehman Kumar MagriPora 1 ---- 01694 810 Mushtaq Ahmad Shams-u-din MagriPora 1 --- 01695 811 Ab Rehim Sonaullah Bhat MagriPora 1 --- 01696 812 Saleema D/O; Bashir Ah.Magray MagriPora 1 --- 01697 813 Gh Mohd Wani Gh Ahmad Wani MagriPora 1 --- 01698 814 Gh Mohd Bhat Ab Gani Bhat MagriPora 1 --- 01699 815 Ama Karim Mir MagriPora 1 --- 01700 816 Mohd Maqbool Rehman Mir MagriPora 1 --- 01701 817 Nazir Ahmad Mohd Sidiq Bhat MagriPora 1 --- 01702 818 Farooq Ahmad Assadullah Dar MagriPora 1 ---- 01703 819 Samad Lassa Kumar MagriPora 1 --- 01704 820 Gh Rasool Sidiq Magray MagriPora 1 --- 01705 821 Mohd Ramzan Mir Satar Mir MagriPora 1 --- 01706 822 Mohd Yousuf Gani Bhat MagriPora 1 --- 01707 825 Fayaz Ahmad Gh Mohd Mir MagriPora 1 --- 01708 826 Bilal Ah.Malik Mehmooda MagriPora 1 --- 01709 827 Mohd Yousuf Ab Samad Magray MagriPora 1 --- 01710 828 Mohd Shafi Ab Samad Magray MagriPora 1 --- 01711 829 Ab Majeed Ab Samad Dar MagriPora 1 --- 01712 830 Mohd Ramzan Gh Qadir Ganie MagriPora 1 --- 01713 831 Gh Mohammad Wali Magray MagriPora 1 -- 01714 833 Mohd Yousuf Lassa Mir MagriPora 1 -- 01715 834 Mohd Maqbool Lassa Mir MagriPora 1 -- 01716 835 Gh Mohd Bhat Ab Rehman Bhat MagriPora 1 -- 01717 836 Manzoor Ahmad Mohd Sidiq Bhat MagriPora 1 -- 01718 837 Rehti W/O; Mohd Rajab MagriPora 1 -- 01719 838 Gh Nabi Ganie Zaina MagriPora 1 -- 01720 839 Rayees Ahmad Ganie Gh Hassan MagriPora 1 -- 01721 840 Mohd Maqbool Ab Gani Bhat MagriPora 1 -- 01722 841 Nazir Ah.Dar Mohd Abdullah MagriPora 1 -- 01723 842 Bashir Ah.Wani Hassan Wani MagriPora 1 -- 01724 843 Mohammad Mir Ab Rehman Mir MagriPora 1 -- 01725 844 Taja W/O: Gh Mohd Mir MagriPora 1 --- 01726 845 Ab Rashid Ali Kumar MagriPora 1 -- 01727 847 Rajab Magray Gani Magray MagriPora 1 ---- 01728 850 Mohd Ibrahim Mohd Ramzan Bhat Sanzipora 1 --- 01729 851 Kulsuma W/O: Hassan Bhat Sanzipora 1 --- 01730 852 Mohd Safder Gh Hassan Mir Sanzipora 1 --- 01731 853 Gh Hassan S<strong>of</strong>i Gh Rasool S<strong>of</strong>i Sanzipora 1 ---- 01732 863 Mst Hajra D/O:Haider Nengroo Sanzipora 1 --- 01733 864 Ab Rashid Ahanger Mohd Abdullah Magraypora 1 --- 01734 867 Ammena W/O: Ali Mohd Mir Khanda 1 ---- \01735 869 Wahab Malik Qadir Malik Wagoora 1 --- 01736 870 Mohd Maqbool Malik Razak Malik Wagoora 1 --- 01737 871 Mohd Ramzan Malik Qadir Malik Wagoora 1 --- 01738 872 Ahad Malik Qadir Malik Wagoora 1 --- 01739 873 Hassan Malik Qadir Malik Wagoora 1 --- 01740 874 Ab Hameed Mohd Ganie Wagoora 1 --- 01741 875 Gh Mohd Mohada Ganie Wagoora 1 --- 01742 876 Gula Ali Mohd Wagoora 1 --- 01743 877 Mohd Ramzan Ali Mohd Wagoora 1 --- 01744 878 Khursheed Ahmad Ab Gaffar Suthsoo 1 --- 01745 879 Mohd Amin Haji Ab Gaffar Suthsoo 1 --- 01746 881 Ab Hafiz Malik Mohd Ramzan Wagoora 1 -- 0117

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