Lion, Å¡tevilka 13, maj 2007 - Lions Distrikt 129

Lion, Å¡tevilka 13, maj 2007 - Lions Distrikt 129

Lion, Å¡tevilka 13, maj 2007 - Lions Distrikt 129

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STRAN / PAGE18Otroci se igrajo, da se naučijo stvari, ki jim bodopomagale v nadaljnjem življenju. Igro potrebujejoprav vsi otroci – tudi invalidni, slepiin slabovidni. Za te je najslabše poskrbljeno, sajigrišča in parki zanje niso posebej prilagojeni.Zavod za slepo in slabovidno mladino načrtujeizgradnjo prvega slovenskega parka za slepein slabovidne otroke, ki bo prilagojen prav mladim,ki živijo v temi in so najbolj zapostavljeni.ITF – Za svet brez minZa vojno na Balkanu se zdi, da je že davnokončana, a pozabljena ne bo nikoli. Njeneposledice prebivalci občutijo še danes, več kotdesetletje po podpisu Daytonskega mirovnegasporazuma. Na področju jugovzhodne Evropeostaja minsko onesnaženje pereč problem,ki ga pomaga reševati Mednarodni sklad zarazminiranje in pomoč žrtvam min (ITF).Leo nacionalna konvecija1822Kids play in order to learn things which they willneed in their life. All children need to play – thedisabled, blind and weak-sighted are no exceptionto the rule. Playgrounds and parks haverarely been suited for them, therefore, the Slovenianinstitution for the blind and weak-sightedyouth has been planning the construction of thefirst special park in the country, designed especiallyfor the deprived youth living in the dark.ITF – For a mine-free worldIt seems like the Balkans war ended ages ago, eventhough it will never be forgotten. A decade afterthe Dayton peace treaty was signed, its consequencesare still very much a part of the people’slives. In the south-eastern Europe, mine pollutioncontinues to be a burning problem. The InternationalTrust Fund For Demining and Mine VictimsAssistance (ITF) helps solving it.Leo national convention2730Vsako leto se srečamo na nacionalni konvencijiz namenom, da se spoznamo, poglobimo medklubskevezi, utrjujemo leoizem v slovenskemprostoru, sklepamo nova znanstva in prijateljstvater da pomagamo pomoči potrebnim, karje naše osnovno vodilo in poslanstvo.Klubsko ogledalo• Dobrodelni bovling v Ljubljani• Reli po sledeh soške fronte• Koncert za FilipaMednarodna obzorja:<strong>Lion</strong>i v MakedonijiZadnja besedaPeter RibičAktiven leo je pred štirimi leti postal ustanovnipredsednik Leo kluba Domžale. Zadnjetedne večino časa porabi za realizacijoprojekta Učna pot za slepe in slabovidne naVrtnarski šoli v Celju, ki ga bodo slavnostnopredali namenu 19. junija.252830Each year we meet to get to know each other better,to deepen the inter-club ties and strengthenthe idea of lionism in Slovenia. We make new acquaintancesand new friends and fulfill our basicguidance and mission – to offer help to those whomight need it.Club’s Mirror• Humanitarian bowling event in Ljubljana• Rally on the Soča front tracks• Filip’s concertInternational activities:<strong>Lion</strong>s in FYR MacedoniaThe Last WordPeter RibičAn active leo who became the founding presidentof the Domžale club four years ago. In recentweeks, most of his time is spent on Educationalpath for the blind and weak-sighted project at theCelje horticultural school. It shall be officially inauguratedon June, 19 th .LION 3

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