Revista SABIR 2021

Revista de l'Escola Oficial d'Idiomes d'Eivissa i Formentera

Revista de l'Escola Oficial d'Idiomes d'Eivissa i Formentera


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When you're

working shifts

It was almost seven o'clock in the afternoon

and I was in a hurry because my

English class was going to start in less

than fifteen minutes and I was on my

the way to take my car and get to the

EOI building. Once in my car I drove carefully

to school as there was a weird dark

orange sky with many black clouds and

I wasn't sure if it was going to rain, as I

saw some lightning.

By the time I got to the school car park a

shiver went across my body. It was completely

empty of cars and full of cats, a

big variety of them: some were furry,

some bald, others scruffy, with just one

eye or one ear, some of them without a

tail or with just a piece of it...cats everywhere.

However, I decided to get out of

my car and headed for the school building

through a way surrounded by cats.

Some of them were looking at me, others

were just standing around, others just

cleaning themselves, a couple of them

were fighting for a piece of food and the

biggest one was playing with a dead rat

at the main door. All of it was terrifying

and disappointing at the same time.

When I finally got into the main hall of

the building I realised that there was nobody

in the courtyard, which is always a

lively and noisy place where people run

into each other and talk. It was almost

half past seven and I was so late that I

didn't realise that there were no lights

in the whole corridor. When I got to

my classroom the door was locked and

that is when I thought to myself: “it's

really creepy not to find anybody here,

and outside the building it is full of cats

and the atmosphere is dark and silent”.

Suddenly, someone shouted at me with

a deep voice: Boy! What are you doing

here! Quickly, I got out of my thoughts

and saw a big shape walking towards me,

which became bigger as it was closer. I

couldn't see him clearly until he was just

in front of me and he was definitely big.

I can certainly say that I was petrified at

that moment and he became aware that

he had frightened me as he softened his

tone. Then he explained carefully that I

wasn't allowed to be there for two reasons:

the first one was because he was

disinfecting the area due to the covid

and the second one was... IT WAS SAT-


When I heard those words I felt completely

mortified and blushed and as

soon as I was able to walk, I returned to

my car staggering and went back home.

Francisco Ríos Rodríguez

B2.2 E

Les parades del mercat

del B2 de català



Once the summer ended in Ibiza, my boyfriend

and I decided to go to the beach, we

always work a lot and we don't have enough

time to be together, so we had a nice picnic

prepared, with everything we needed to

enjoy ourselves and disconnect. . . . . . Suddenly,

he received a call, he is a Chef and

works as a consultant. After the call he told

me: “We're going to Egypt; I have to go to

work but you are invited”. I was furious that

he hadn't turned off his phone, but I immediately

forgot and jumped for joy.

Five days later, we travelled to the land of

the pharaohs, the journey took us a couple

of days, and many planes to get to Luxor, to

start our cruise on the Nile.

We arrived at the boats and didn't have time

to rest, because he had to start working immediately,

so I took the opportunity to meet

the group and met very interesting people.

The wonderful landscape and the peace

of the Nile connects you with Egypt in a

more spiritual way. Everyone in the crew

was very kind, we had yoga classes every

morning or went for a walk. The times when

he was not working, we visited the temples

and enjoyed each other's company. The

food was organic and delicious, almost too

good! We definitely gained a few kilos, Lol...

The weather made each day so special with

the sunrise and sunset, all very magical.

We stayed for ten days. Finally, they surprised

us with a special farewell party with

local musicians and a barbecue. It was the

only day we ate meat in the whole trip so

we really enjoyed it, we didn't stop laughing

and dancing all night, it was so much fun....

We are very grateful for the experience

that we had and we can't wait to go back!


Romina Ferreyra


Firenze, capitale della regione Toscana,

culla del Rinascimento e della lingua italiana.

Durante il Medioevo fu un importante

centro culturale, commerciale, politico,

economico e finanziario.

Più tardi, nell’Età Moderna, ricoprì il ruolo

di capitale del Gran Ducato di Toscana, governando

le famiglie dei Medici e dei Lorena.

Finalmente fu proclamata capitale del

Regno d’Italia nel 1865 (dopo Torino), fino

al 1871, anno in cui finì il Risorgimento.

Inoltre, è una delle più belle città del mondo

grazie ai suoi numerosi monumenti e musei.

Tra l’altro, possiamo visitare il Duomo, Santa

Croce, Ponte Vecchio, Palazzo Pitti, ecc. È

trovare l’essenza di geni nel passato come:

Boccaccio, Brunelleschi, Michelangelo, Leonardo

da Vinci, Dante Alighieri ed altri.

Aggiungiamo anche la sua cucina, semplice

dai sapori genuini e i suoi vini del Chianti.

L’antipasto più tipico sono i crostini ai fegatini,

le sue zuppe calde e la specialità è

la bistecca alla Fiorentina. Invece, per gli

appassionati del pesce si può assaggiare il

caciucco e come dolci la schiacciata alla Fiorentina.

Che delizia!

Isabel Sánchez Amado

Italiano B2.1 Ampliació Formentera

34 · SABIR

SABIR · 35

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