Revista Sabir 2020

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NÚMERO 15 - MAIG DE 2020

1er premi concurs fotografia 2020: Romina Chandra Alumna d'A2 d'anglès (Extensió Sant Antoni de Portmany)


è la città della luce e dei fiori, situata a sudest

della penisola iberica con 2.531 milioni

di abitanti in tutta la provincia. La città si trova sulle rive del fiume Turia ed è bagnata

dal mare Mediterraneo, il che rende il clima piacevole e molto soleggiato, che la

rende una città molto turistica per le sue lunghe spiagge.

Valenza è stata dichiarata la capitale nel secolo scorso, vicino alle città di Castellón e

Alicante, formando così La Comunità Valenziana.

Fu fondata dai romani e la chiamarono Valentia, diversi secoli dopo dai musulmani, e

in seguito fu riconquistata dal re Jaime I.

La leggenda narra di questo re, che passò per il mio paese molto vicino a Valenza,

e che con il caldo addosso, una contadina gli ha offerto una bibita fresca, e lui

aveva detto: "aço es or xata", che vuole dire "questo è oro bella",e di qua il nome

dell'orxata (latte di mandorla, tipico di qua), fatto con la chufa che viene coltivata

nell' Alboraya.

Valenza ha un centro storico molto grande con un patrimonio storico e monumentale

enorme e vari spazi scenici e culturali . Trai i suoi monumenti più famosi si trova

il Miguelete, la Cattedrale, le Torri di Serranos e _Quart, la Lonja ( il mercato del

pesce)della Seta, il museo di Belle Arti, anche il Museo d'Arte Moderno (L'IVAM).

A una decina di chilometri a sud della città si trova L'Albufera, che è uno dei laghi più

grandi della Spagna, dedicata alla coltivazione del riso.

Per il suo valore culturale, storico ed ecologico, questo sito naturale è stato il primo

parco naturale nazionale . La parte più moderna è adesso più conosciuta come la

città dell'Arte e delle Scienze, con l'Oceanografico, l'Auditorium e il Palazzo della


Per non parlare del fatto che Valenza è anche conosciuta per la sua vasta gastronomia.

La paella e non solo, anche i dolci conosciuti e quindi esportati come il torrone, tra

gli altri prodotti.

Per finire Valenza è conosciuta a livello internazionale per le sue feste in generale,

come la Tomatina de Buñol, i Mori e i Cristiani di Alcoi, ecc... Ma ce n'è una che attira

migliaia di turisti nel mese di marzo , ed è Las Fallas, i suoi monumenti di cartone che

vengono successivamente bruciati nell'ultima notte, La Ofrenda, la offerta dei fiori

alla Vergine, la musica sempre per le strade, i castelli dei fuochi d'artificio, insomma

tutto un piacere per i sensi.


B1 italià - EOI Formentera



There is a period in everyone’s childhood

in which the difference between reality

and fantasy is almost imperceptible. A

time full of coloured daydreams and unexpected


At the age of six, just after my parent’s

divorce, I experienced an unbelievable

meeting. It happened one stormy night. I

can still hear the rain, pouring outside…

In the early 80’s we used to travel towards

the northern coast of the island.

That year we spent the whole holidays in

our mobile home at an amazing campsite

by the sea.

One week before the end of the season

the weather changed and the beginning

of the autumn started to show up.

I can’t remember why, but that night my

mother went out to have dinner with

some friends and my brothers were

meant to keep an eye on me.

I was pleasantly sleeping when a thunder

crashed into the sky. Searching for some

help I realized that my brothers had just

left the room.

Suddenly a noise appeared under my bed.

It seemed to be a whispering voice, and

completely frightened, I decided to see

with my own eyes what the hell it was.

A creature with burning red eyes was glaring

at me when, all of a sudden, I started

to scream terrified.

Luckily, in the end my mother arrived and

woke me up from that terrible nightmare.

I don’t know why but sometimes, I can

still feel those eyes, staring at me… under

my bed.

Jorge Vila

B2.1 anglès - EOI ext Formentera

Dear Editor,

Fifteen years ago, I was with my wife in Ibiza,

enjoying a beautiful beach, when it occurred to

me to rent a kayak in order to explore an islet

that was not far from the shore. It was our first

experience paddling and we managed it quite

well, so we returned to the beach excited and

strongly convinced of having our own boat.

The next months we were training so enthusiastically that we took the challenge to

circumnavigate the island. The idea was to make it in seven days, starting and arriving

at the same point, sleeping on the beach, fishing if necessary and of course

exploring the maximum of the small islands and caves that surrounded Ibiza’s shore.

We managed to do it and the experience was amazing. We made an average of

fourteen nautical miles in our double kayak, loaded with a tent, food and other

supplies. The caves we got into were spectacular, the islets, full of endemic lizards,

and the small bays where we spent the nights, more than breathtaking.

We had never seen the island from the sea before and the fact of being paddling

in this beautiful sea for so many days filled us with an immense joy. The delightful

peace we felt living that way changed my life forever. From that very moment I

decided to turn over a new leaf, and devote my life to become a skipper. I happily

started from scratch to study and practice very hard, and nowadays I can proudly

say that I am a professional captain.

Yours faithfully,

My favourite


This is one of my favourite photos, I’ll

never forget that day. My family and I

were on holiday in Cantabria. One day,

we went to the funicular Fuente De,

in the middle of the Picos de Europa

National Park, when we arrived at the

top of the mountain, at 3000 meters

high, the views were wonderful and

the weather was quite good. We went

walking and suddenly met with a

shepherd dog, it was very friendly, so

we sat down to rest.

Here, my husband was playing with the

dog, my daughter was learning how to

use the camera, the dog on his back

was enjoying our company and I was

taking photos with my phone. One hour

later, when we decided to come back to

the funicular, we couldn’t see the way

back, we were surrounded by a dense

fog. As you can see, we were wearing

summer clothes, because we were in

July, but it was starting to get cold, it was

getting late and our phones were dead.

I like this photo because although

we were scared, it was a story with a

happy ending, and now it reminds us

a very important lesson; we need to be

more careful in the mountain.

José Ma. Krauel

C1.2 B Advanced English

Silvia Navarro

A2 group A

Un libro

da ricordare

Passo tutto il giorno a lavorare ma

quando ho l’opportunità di leggere, il

mio piccolo mondo ritorna tranquillo.

Non mi piace leggere libri di autoaiuto

o psicologia, preferisco un romanzo o

un racconto di storie. Dove? Leggo

quando sto solo, davanti al mare o sul

letto. Siccome mi piace scrivere, la lettura

mi aiuta perché la mente si apra.

Non ho un libro preferito, penso che

non c’è il romanzo perfetto, dipende

delle persone e quando lo leggeno.

Eppure, saranno 2 anni più o meno

che ho letto un libro che mi è piaciuto:

L’abraçada necessària. Un romanzo

che tratta di un ragazzo di Castellón

che va a Formentera a lavorare come

insegnante. Il tema principale è la

morte improvvisa dei genitori.

È una bella storia, però, perché mi

piace particolarmente? Per un aneddoto

importante per me. Questo libro

è stato scritto in un dialetto del catalano

che si usa a Betxí, un paesino di

Castellón. Mi ha fatto ricordare la mia

ultima coppia. Mi piaceva la sua maniera

di parlare con paroline bellissime.

Sempre avrò un bel ricordo di lei.


B1 italià - EOI ext Formentera



Ctra. Eivissa-Sant Antoni Km 1,2. 07800 Eivissa

Telf. 971314622. Fax 971194243. secretaria@eoi-eivissa.com


C/ De La Estrella, 17, 07820 Sant Antoni de Portmany

Telf.: 971314622 Fax: 971194243. secretaria@eoi-eivissa.com


Avda. 8 d’Agost, nº 90, 07860 Sant Francesc

Telf.: 971323401. Fax: 971323378. aeoi.formentera@gmail.com

Aquesta revista s’ha fet a partir de les col·laboracions de l’alumnat i del professorat

del centre, sota la coordinació del següent equip de treball:

Departament d’alemany: Marion Wendt

Departament d’anglès: Luis Suárez

Departament de català: Sandra Carrillo

Departament d’espanyol: Luis Domingo

Departament de francès: Carmen Ferrando

Departament d’italià: Patrizia Paratore

Coordinadores generals: Maria Prats, Sonia Navarro i Marta Martínez

Disseny i maquetació: Surumbam Producciones S.L.

Edita: Escola Oficial d’Idiomes d’Eivissa i Formentera

Impressió: Artes Gráficas de Ibiza S.L. (AGI)

Dipòsit legal: DL I 169-2019


New york è la città più popolata degli

Stati Uniti, si trova sull’oceano Atlantico

alla foce del fiume Hudson. È divisa in

cinque distretti o comuni: Bronx, Queens,

Brooklyn, Staten Island e Manhattan.

New York ha la popolazione più diversificata

al mondo. Questa è composta da

afroamericani, ebrei, italiani, cinesi, ecc.

Un dato curioso è che il 30% dei newyorkesi

è nato all’estero. Quando parliamo

di New York sembra che tutti la conoscono,

poiché è lo scenario di molti film. È

per questo motivo che i tour della città

fanno sempre riferimento ad alcuni film

molto famosi. Tutti riconosciamo l’edificio

Empire State, il ponte di Brooklyn, il

One World Center, Central Park, Times

Square, Broadway…, e inoltre la Skyline

di New York è riconosciuta universalmente,

soprattutto per i suoi grattacieli e

per la Statua della libertà.

L’ultimo viaggio che ho fatto è stato proprio

a New York. Volevo fare questo

viaggio da molto tempo, perché volevo

vedere i grattacieli, salire sui punti di

osservazione, godermi qualche opera

musicale,…Insomma, per farla breve,

conoscere New York. Purtroppo non tutto

è meraviglioso in questa città: è troppo

rumorosa e abbastanza sporca. Ma

nonostante ciò, vi consiglio di visitarla.

Secondo me, ne vale la pena.


B1 italià - Eoi Eivissa

En aquesta publicació han col·laborat diferents membres de la comunitat educativa,

la qual cosa fa que es trobi molta varietat i diversitat, tant d’estils, com de

continguts. Els treballs s’han editat talment com els han presentats els seus autors

i, per tant, pot haver-hi errors lèxics o ortogràfics. Amb això es pretén reflectir el

nivell assolit pels alumnes a l’idioma objecte d’estudi.

L’EOI d’Eivissa i Formentera no es fa responsable de les opinions expressades pels

col·laboradors de la revista així com de les imatges que l’alumnat ha triat per a

il·lustrar els seus treballs.



Amb l’arribada del bon temps i com sempre fidels a la nostra cita

amb vosaltres, us presentem el número 15 de la revista Sabir de

l’Escola Oficial d’Idiomes d’Eivissa i Formentera.

En primer lloc volem donar-vos les gràcies tant al professorat per

la vostra implicació, com a l’alumnat per la vostra participació. I

com no, als nostres col·laboradors. Sense el compromís de tots

vosaltres l’edició d’aquesta revista no seria possible.

Cada any l’editem amb molta il·lusió per mostrar a la comunitat

educativa i a la societat pitiüsa tot el que passa en l’escola.

Aquesta revista també ens serveix d‘arxiu de memòria per tenir

present tot allò que s’ha anat fent al llarg dels anys i com hem

anat canviat i evolucionant. A les pàgines 9 i 10 trobareu un recull

històric de fotos des de la creació de l’escola fins al moment


Com sempre hi trobareu passatemps, articles, entrevistes,

reportatges, poesies, experiències de classe i personals. En

definitiva, tot allò que heu volgut presentar en aquestes pàgines.

Us demanem que valoreu el resultat, però també l’esforç de

tothom que ha col·laborat per expressar-se en una llengua que

no és la pròpia i que està aprenent.

Per la nostra part incloem un espai per al mercat solidari de

Nadal, un altre per la jornada de donació de sang i un tercer per

a les activitats de formació del professorat que s’han dut a terme


Amb aquest número també volem celebrar el 25 aniversari de

la creació de l’Escola Oficial d’Idiomes d’Eivissa i el 20 aniversari

de l’Extensió a l’illa de Formentera. Durant aquests anys hem

experimentat molts de canvis. D’ubicació, des de les primeres

classes a l’IES Santa Maria a Vila a la nostra actual seu a l’IES Sa

Blanca Dona, sense oblidar l’extensió a Formentera i la creació a

l’any 2013 de l’Ampliació de l’EOI a Sant Antoni de Portmany, per

tal de donar resposta a la demanda de classes d’idiomes en horari

de matí.

I ara que estem parlant d’ubicacions, no volem deixar passar

aquesta oportunitat per tornar a reivindicar la necessitat de

disposar d’un centre propi. Ja a l’any 2009 un titular de premsa

comunicava que l’antic recinte militar de Sa Coma havia d’acollir

un nou campus universitari per a Eivissa i que albergaria la nova

seu de l’Escola Oficial d’Idiomes. Després de més de 10 anys,

quatre legislatures de diferents colors polítics i molt bones

intencions però cap fet tangible, l’escola es troba més que mai

amb la necessitat de tenir un edifici propi i sembla que aquesta

reivindicació encara tardarà en materialitzar-se.

També no volem deixar de comentar els múltiples canvis

normatius de plans d’estudis que s’han produït en els darrer anys.

Aquest curs escolar s’implanta definitivament el nou pla d’estudis

que modifica substancialment l’anterior. A la pàgina 4 trobareu

un article on s’expliquen més detalladament els canvis de nivells,

avaluació, promoció i certificació, etc.

Dit tot açò, només ens resta desitjar-vos molt d’èxit en els

exàmens finals i animar-vos a què continueu aprenent idiomes

amb nosaltres. Volem que l’escola sigui una porta oberta al món

per on entrar i viure una cultura i una llengua amb tota plenitud.

L’equip directiu de l’EOI d’Eivissa i Formentera





Enguany és d’obligat compliment informar-vos sobre els canvis que s’han

produït en els estudis d’idiomes en les EOI i que ens afecten a tots d’una

manera directa.

Des de temps enrere s’està treballant en canviar de manera substancial l’ensenyament

d’idiomes en les escoles oficials, i això és ja una realitat.

En primer lloc, el Reial Decret 1041/2017, fixa les exigències mínimes del nivell

bàsic a efectes de certificació, i estableix el currículum bàsic dels nivells

Intermedi B1, Intermedi B2, Avançat C1, i Avançat C2, dels ensenyaments de

idiomes de règim especial.

En segon lloc, el Reial Decret 1/2019 estableix els principis bàsics comuns

d’avaluació aplicables a les proves de certificació oficial dels nivells Intermedi

B1, Intermedi B2, Avançat C1, i Avançat C2.

En l’àmbit autonòmic, el curs passat es va considerar oportú optar per una aplicació

progressiva dels principis establerts a l’esmentat decret referent a l’estructura

de les proves i els percentatges mínims exigits per a la superació de cada

part de la prova i en la globalitat. Es volia, d’aquesta manera, establir un període

transitori, que respectant la norma, facilités la transició entre els models anteriors

i els fixats en el Reial Decret 1/2019. Aquest curs però, ja s’aplicarà plenament

el nou decret. A continuació, us expliquem els canvis més importants.

Auf der Internetseit der Deutschen Welle https://www.dw.com/de/deutsch-lernen/das-portr%C3%A4t/s-30546

stellen sich allwöchentlich Deutschlerner aus der ganzen Welt vor. Das selbe haben nun Schüler aus den

B1-Gruppen gemacht. Sie wollen den anderen Sprachschülern so wie allen Sabir-Lesenden ihr Interesse

für Deutsch bekunden und kurz über sich selbst sprechen. Wir haben alle Antworten zu den Fragen


WIR SIND: Bartolo, Francisco, Jaume, Joan, Joana, Mónica, Sara, und Toni


Canvis en l’examen i l’avaluació

Convocatòria de setembre

En el nou pla d’estudis es continuen mantenint la convocatòria de juny i de setembre.

Com ja deveu saber si cap vegada us heu presentat als exàmens de l’escola, per obtenir

la qualificació global d’apte calia superar cada part de la prova amb una puntuació

mínima del 60%, i igualment, la globalitat de la prova també s’havia de superar amb

un 60% de la puntuació total. A partir d’enguany, aquest percentatge canvia i en

aquest sentit és molt important diferenciar entre promoció i certificació.

La promoció fa referència a passar de curs. Aquest cas es dona tant en els cursos

d’avaluació contínua A1, B2.1 i C1.1 com en els de certificació A2, B1, B2.2, C1.2 i C2.

Per passar de curs en qualsevol d’aquests cursos és necessari treure una nota final

igual o superior a 5 (50%) com a resultat de fer la mitjana entre les 5 activitats de

llengua de què consta la prova.

Les activitats de llengua (parts de què consta l’examen) són:

· Comprensió de textos escrits (CTE)

· Comprensió de textos orals (CTO)

· Producció i coproducció de textos escrits (PCTE)

· Producció i coproducció de textos orals (PCTO)

· Mediació oral i escrita (MO, ME)

Cada part té un valor del 20%, de manera que les 5 parts sumen 100%.

D’altra banda la certificació només és possible en els cursos amb prova oficial, és a

dir l’A2, B1, B2.2, C1.2 i C2. Per poder obtenir un certificat oficial és necessari obtenir

un 6,5 (65%) de nota mitjana de les 5 activitats de llengua sempre que la nota en cadascuna

de les activitats hagi arribat al 5 (50%). L’examen es considera no apte quan

una o més activitats de llengua està per davall del 5.

Si el vostre curs és l’A1, B2.1 o C1.1 podeu presentar-vos a la convocatòria del mes de

setembre i examinar-vos d’aquelles parts no superades al juny amb una nota inferior

a 5.

Si el vostre curs és l’A2, B1, B2.2, C1.2 o C2, també podeu presentar-vos a les activitats

de llengua amb nota inferior al 5 al juny. També podeu presentar-vos, però, a les

parts aprovades, perquè penseu que presentar-vos us pot ajudar a arribar a la mitjana

de 6,5 necessària per obtenir el certificat.

En el cas que us presenteu a parts que ja estan superades, la nota que preval serà la

més alta d’entre les convocatòries de juny i setembre.

Més novetats: La mediació

Una altra novetat és la introducció d’una nova

activitat de llengua: la mediació.

Segurament tots vosaltres ja us heu enfrontat a

classe a activitats tant de mediació oral com de

mediació escrita.

Encara que sembli una cosa molt nova que fins

ara no s’havia fet, us hem de tranquil·litzar, doncs mediació a classe sempre n’hem

fet, el que passa és que no li havíem posat nom i tampoc es feia d’una manera formal.

Perquè, penseu un moment... ¿qui no ha resumit, parafrasejat, explicat un text a un

company per tal de traslladar així la informació rellevant? ¿Qui no ha extret la informació

important d’un gràfic i l’ha posat en paraules? Doncs tot això es considera mediació,

emmarcada en un context comunicatiu concret.


entre els


d’idiomes de

regim especial

regulats en

diversos plans

d’estudis i els

del Reial Decret




Ich Punkte für meine Arbeit brauche, also

für Aufstiegsmöglichkeiten, zum Arbeiten

als Kellner oder Ober oder auch im

Hotelgewerbe, es ein schönes Hobbby

ist, es viel Technik gibt, manchmal alte

Technik, z.B. recycling von alten Maschinen,

s.Schrottplatzfunde https://www.


um deutsche

Fernsehserien zu verstehen, um auf

Deutsch zu lesen, ich als Kind deutsche

Nachbarn hatte und neugierig war, ich als

Kind Deutsch konnte und es jetzt will verbessern

will, es mir sehr viel Spaß macht,

ich im Studium angefangen habe Deutsch

zu lernen und es besser können möchte.



schrecklich, ich hatte Angst, weil ich

ganz allein war, ich war sehr müde, weil

ich aus Barcelona mit dem Bus gefahren

bin und die Nacht im Bus verbracht

hatte. Ich war am Bodensee in Radolfzell

und machte einen Deutschkurs und

ein bisschen Urlaub in München

und Konstanz. Ich war in Berlin

im September 2017, furchtbar,

es war um 4 Uhr kalt und schon

dunkel, grau und sehr bewölkt,

ich kam vom Himmel in einem




Weißbier, Glühwein, Brezeln,

Wurst, Oktoberfest, Bayern München,

gute Autos, Volkswagen,

Automobilindustrie, ALDI, Hofbräuhaus,

Schlösser, kostenloses

Studium an den Universitäten,

Pünklichkeit, Aufmerksamkeit,

Deutsche packen beim Reisen

immer Kalzium –und Magnesiumtabletten

ein, Russ (Biermischgetränk),

Sandalen mit

weißen Socken, 1 Maß Bier, Sankt Martins-Umzug,





Kneipen, Filme werden synchronisiert,

Kebabs, Pizza, EURO, NATO, Fußball,

Coronavirus, beide lieben Strand und

Natur, Wochenende und Sonnenschein,

reichliches Essen, gleiche Zeitzone (dieselbe




In München, weil ich schon zweimal dort

war und es sehr schön ist, es war wunderbar

und es gibt eine gute Atmosphäre.

Köln, weil die Architektur sehr beeindruckend

ist, z.B. der Kölner Dom, dort

ist auch der berühmte Karneval.

Hamburg, weil es viele Geschäfte und

ein großes Kulturangebot gibt, z.B. die


Berlin, weil sie eine kosmopolitische

Stadt, mit viel Kunst, Kultur und Geschichte

ist. Es ist immer etwas los, alles neu, viele

Neubauten, es gibt immer Baustellen.




Deklination und Konjugation, Artikelverwendung,

Komposita und nicht alle sind

im Wörterbuch, das Wort “indem”, wann

ist ein Wort maskulin, feminin oder neutrum,

Englische Wörter im Deutschen

finde ich nicht gut.



Tannenbaum, weil er immer grün ist

Kraftwerk, weil es eine bekannte Gruppe

ist (mit elektronischer Musik) und es

viele Kraftwerke von Siemens und AEG

in Katalonien gibt

Überraschung, die Betonung gefällt mir

groß, blau und rosa, so wie in meiner


Leckerschmecker, Schlumpfimumpf




25 und 52, die Zahlen, die Präfixe an oder

ab, in, an, auf

Verben wie ausziehen, anziehen, einziehen,


Vergleichen und Unterschied, Gesicht und

Geschichte, Kunde und Kunst, vier und fünf




Dass dich der Teufel hole

Die dümmsten Bauern haben die dicksten


Es ist noch kein Meister vom Himmel gefallen

Ohne Fleiß kein Preis

Probieren geht über studieren

Das kommt nicht infrage!!!

Das Geld muss aus dem Fenster, damit

es durch die Türwieder rein kommt.




Den Kurs bestehen, nach Deutschland

reisen, eine feste Arbeitsstelle und Gesundheit,

glücklich und zufrieden sein,

richtig Deutsch sprechen, Adjketivdeklinationfehler

freisprechen können.



Viel Geduld, viel deutsches Fernsehen

sehen, viele Übungen machen, mehr im

Kopf und weniger Wörterbuch, mit Deutschen

sprechen, ein bisschen deutsche

Kultur lernen, immer mit der Ruhe lernen,

Zeit und Geduld, Musik hören.





Wie funktionieren die Bundesländer, wie

ist der deutsche Arbeitsmarkt und was

ist anders als in Spanien, wie ist das typische

Essen, wo kannst du gut Urlaub

machen, warum seid ihr so aufmerksam,

warum mögt ihr Ibiza, was macht ihr am

liebsten in Spanien???

Februar 2020

L’equip directiu



Meine Traumwohnung

Ich möchte auf dem Land leben. Meine

Traumwohnung ist ein Haus auf dem

Land. Es hat fünf oder sechs Zimmer:

zwei Schlafzimmer, zwei Kinderzimmer,

ein Arbeitszimmer, ein Wohnzimmer

(wo essen wir auch), zwei Badezimmer,

eine Küche, eine Terrasse mit Garten,

und eine Garage.

Ich mag mein Arbeitszimmer für meine

Musikinstrumente spielen. Jeden Kinderzimmer

ist sehr groß und hell und hat

einen Balkon und ein Fenster. Die Küche

ist ziemlich groß für mich. Das Wohnzimmer

ist das Esszimmer auch, und das ist

gemütlich. Hier gibt es zwei Fenster.

In die Garage sind mein Auto, mein

Fahrrad und mein Motorrad. Hier ist

auch die zweite Bad.

Quico Martínez

Bàsic 1, grup B

Extensió CEPA Sant Antoni




Pour moi il est très beau,

Pour vous je ne sais pas,

Mais pour moi il est mignon

Et je vais toujours penser comme ça.

A mon avis il est agile,

Gracieux et parfois difficile,

Mais moi comme sa mère

Je ne peux pas être plus fière

De mon fils qui est un ange

Qui est venu du ciel,

Qui devient aussi un diable

Si les choses ne vont pas de sa manière

Il est intelligent,

Il aime beaucoup les livres

Et il ressemble à son père

Quand je le vois de profil.

Poésie libre

Alors, qu'est-ce que je peux vous dire,

J'assume que vous avez déjà tout compris

Que mon fils pour moi est le mieux

Qui pouvait m'arriver dans la vie.

Meine Traumwohnung ist ein Einfamilienhaus.

Ich möchte ein Haus

gern auf dem Land aber in der Nähe

von Stadt. Das Haus hat fünf Zimmer,

drei Schlafzimmer, ein Arbeitszimmer

und ein Wohnzimmer. Auch eine Küche,

zwei Bad, ein Balkon, eine Terrasse,

ein Garten und die Garage.

Die Schlafzimmer sind groß und hell

und ein Schlafzimmer hat ein Balkon.

Das Arbeitszimmer ist hell aber klein,

und das Wohnzimmer ist zu groß und

zu hell und mit eine Terrasse. Die Küche

ist sehr groß und gibt es ein Esszimmer

– eine Wohnküche und hat 24

qm. Der Garten ist sehr groß.

Elena Riveres

Bàsic 1, grup B

Extensió CEPA Sant Antoni


Ma boule de poils

Ses yeux me regardent

sa bouche me caresse.

Quand je ne le vois pas

je pense que il me blesse

Je l'aime quand il est obèse,

mais aussi quand il est maigre.

C'est pour ça que je lui bise sa face,

mon chat encore quand il est mince


Cette petite sorcière

La main droite dans sa poche

L'autre dans ses courses.

Maigre comme un clou,

Elle n'a pas de l'allure.

Du loin, une femme âgée de petite stature.

Du front, le pire de nos horreurs !

Si on voit son nez,

on pense à un crochet.

Tu l'as vu?

À sa fin on trouve une grande verrue.

Avec des grosses hanches,

son sourire est comme un clavier,

mais avec plus de touches noires

que de blanches

Du profil, on pense à un hameçon,

Mais faites attention !!

Elle porte les ingrédients nécessaires pour te mettre à

son chaudron !!

Mein Traumhaus ist ein Landhaus

mit ein großer Gemüsegarten

und viele Obstbäume und ein schönes

Holz. Mein Traumhaus ist heiß und hell,

hat eine große Küche wo ich koche und

esse, das Wohnzimmer mit großen Bücherschänken,

einem alten Ofen und

großen Fenstern, von denen Sie den

Wald sehen können. Es gibt ein kleines

Schlafzimmer mit einer Terrasse mit

Meerblick und ein gemütliches Badezimmer

mit einer japanischen Badewanne.

Ich denke, diese ist das einladenste

Haus der Welt und ich träume davon,

eines Tages mit meiner Hündin Anita

und viele anderen Tieren dort zu leben

die frei durch den Wald laufen.

Noemi Terrazzano

Bàsic 1, grup B

Extensió CEPA Sant Antoni



La figure musclé, se présentait bronzé. La

face élégante avec une figure géante.

Il avait de la corpulence et une grande apparence.

Il prenait l'allure d'un homme pas dodu.

Finalement, il était l'homme qui tout le monde attendait.



Petit grain de rien

devenu en fleur. Bien

je m’en souviens,

quand t'avais pas de la couleur.

Ta tige grande et forte,

que bien te tiens et soutiens,

laisse voir tes couvertures,

toujours avec allure.

Cette douce parfum

que dans atmosphère tu lances

nous entoure avec ton élégance

Si belle et jolie,

c'est la fleur que j'ai choisi

seulement pour toi ma chérie

Un viaggio con

i miei amici

Io farei volentieri un viaggio con i miei

amici Paula e Luca. Paula è una ragazza

coraggiosa, intelligente, ambiziosa, passionale

e amante degli animali. Penso

che insieme potremmo fare un safari in

Kenya. Siccome Paula è una fotografa,

avremmo il vantaggio di avere meravigliose

fotografie del viaggio. Tuttavia,

penso che la sua natura un po’ irritabile e

nervosa sarebbe uno svantaggio dovendo

passare diversi giorni insieme.

D’altra parte, Luca è un ragazzo simpatico,

socievole, ottimista e aventuroso.

Con lui le attività e il divertimento sarebbero

assicurati. Però, è anche abbastanza

testardo e questo potrebbe, forse,

essere uno svantaggio.

Nonostante tutto, ci conosciamo da molti

anni e, con un po’ di volontà, sarebbe

un viaggio meraviglioso.

Paquita Serra

A2 italià - EOI ext. Formentera

On n’est pas

de poè tes

Ma poubelle et moi

Elle est belle comme une poubelle

mais je ne peux pas vivre sans elle

avec sa tignasse couleur de paille

après un incendie vorace.

Ses yeux sortant des orbites oculaires,

l'un qui regarde la lune

et l'autre la terre.

Ses dents comme des dentelles

pleines des trous partout.

Et ses jambes de bretelles et de clous

Elle n'est pas une asperge

mais plutôt, un artichaut après une grande


Elle est corpulente, grassouillette, grosse,



difforme mais conforme.

Mais, je l'aime.

Je ne pourrais vivre sans elle

parce qu'elle est belle comme une poubelle


Sabem que malgrat la situació extraordinària i difícil en la

qual ens trobàvem el dia 17 de març, alguns de vosaltres

vàreu anar a donar sang a la Seu del Banc de Sang i Teixits a

l'antic hospital de Can Misses. Per raons logístiques finalment

la jornada de donació no va ser possible, però no volíem

deixar d'agrair a tota la comunitat educativa de l'EOI i sobretot

a vosaltres, els donants, la vostra solidaritat i el suport que heu

demostrat en tot moment.

Moltes gràcies de

tot cor.

L'equip directiu

Un incontro importante

Il giorno in cui l’ho conosciuto, almeno venticinque anni fa ho avuto un colpo a vederlo.

Io ero un po' triste, mi stavo riprendendo da una rottura sentimentale, quindi alla mia

amica è venuta l'idea di fare un viaggio sulla neve. A lei piace molto sciare. Siamo andati

a vedere due amici, che venivano all'aeroporto di Malpensa e ci portavano a Livigno

un paesino di montagna bellissimo al confine con la Svizzera, semplice ma come una

cartolina di natale, tutto pieno di neve. Era per il mese di febbraio quando siamo arrivati.

Direi che dopo tanto tempo ancora mi rimane in mente quando ci siamo conosciuti.

Come dicevo, eravamo nel villaggio, cercando il bar perché era l'ora dell’ aperitivo, a

un certo punto quando lo abbiamo trovato, abbiamo visto tutto il balcone pieno di bicchieri

di colore rosso, avevamo sete, e abbiamo preso uno con la speranza di essere

qualcosa di buono, alla fragola, ma non era cosi. Cavolo che schifo!!! Ancora noi non conoscevamo

il Campari, ci siamo messe a ridere: “Ci hanno fregato, questo è amaro!!!”.

Una volta presa un'altra bibita, ci siamo sistemate in una zona di poltrone, dove c'era un

tavolo da biliardo e altri giochi. In quel preciso momento abbiamo deciso di giocare al

biliardo quando entrano quattro ragazzi italiani. Insomma ci hanno sentito parlare fra

noi in spagnolo, e subito ci hanno offerto di fare una gara alle freccette fra la Spagna e

l'Italia...È stato in quel momento in cui i nostri sguardi si sono incontrati, subito ho capito

che c'era qualcosa di speciale, mi è venuto un brivido cosi per il corpo, c’era chimica!!!

Dopo aver giocato un po’ abbiamo fissato appuntamento per andare nella discoteca

che era attaccata al'albergo. Ancora mi ricordo come si chiamava: "Luna Piena". La mia

amica e io ballavamo sulla pista, lui subito mi ha visto e tutto il tempo mi guardava ballare

girando attorno a me. Tutti e due guardandoci nel occhi, come se il mondo si fosse

fermato! C’era molta gente intorno, ma solo esistevamo noi due... meravigliosi momenti

che sembrava che non c'era nemmeno un'anima. È passata almeno un'ora così, fino a

che , lui mi ha fatto segno con la mano di andare con lui sul balcone. Siamo restati lì fino

a che hanno chiuso il locale, parlando di noi. Lui partiva il giorno dopo, non avevamo

dormito, nessun bacio, solo parlare e ridere. Forse è così come si può trovare a un anima

gemella? Sembrava un sogno , però era vero. Alla mattina seguente, i miei amici sono

andati a sciare, invece io sono andata a trovarlo, non potevo lasciarlo andare cosi. L’ho

trovato che quasi partiva con la macchina, giusto per dargli il mio numero di cellulare,

se per caso voleva chiamarmi qualche giorno che ne aveva bisogno...

Se non lo trovavo, avrei perso un amico. Invece ho fatto bene. Infatti mi ha chiamato

qulache tempo dopo e per questo siamo diventati amici del cuore.

Adesso quando gli chiedo:”Quando vieni a trovarmi?” mi risponde: “Quando andrò in



B1 italià - EOI ext Formentera

Alumnes del nivell B2.2, Francès


25anys en fotos

Com ja s’avançava en l’editorial, hem volgut fer un

recorregut fotogràfic amb motiu del 25 aniversari

de la creació de l’escola. Sou molts els alumnes,

professors i personal no docent que heu passat pel

nostre centre. De ben segur que ens deixem a molts

de vosaltres pel camí, però ha estat una tasca ben difícil

trobar fotografies on estiguéssiu tots. Perdoneu si no us hi

trobeu. Us podem assegurar que us tenim a tots vosaltres

sense cap excepció en el nostre cor i us agraïm el treball i la

il·lusió posades durant el vostre temps en l’escola.

Moltes gràcies i per molts anys!



XI Concurs de Narrativa Breu de l’EOI d’Eivissa i Formentera

Amors folls

Despuntava el dia i els raigs d'un sol incipient guaitaven porucs darrere la El poc seny que encara li quedava abans que, cap al tard, sucumbís del tot als

serralada esperant, en pocs minuts, poder-se escampar amb les seves habituals efluvis etílics, li havien fet prendre la decisió (“-Per si de cas!”, s’havia dit) de

tonalitats daurades, per turons, prats, masies, pallers i sembrats veïns, fins a posar en hora un vell despertador que no havia emprat mai, que havia estat

arribar puntualment, com cada dia a trenc d’alba, a la casa de pagès de damunt d’una àvia seva mig boja i sorda com una perola, i que seria capaç, sens dubte,

del pujol, la de parets blanques immaculades i teulada roja puntejada, en el seu de reviscolar un mort. Gràcies a aquella precaució, l’espantós so, produït per la

costat més ombrívol, de taques verdes de molsa.

maleïda andròmina, el despertà irremeiablement. Això sí, en un estat d’allò més

deplorable: més aviat semblava que li haguessin trepitjat el cap una manada de

El gall llançà el seu cant a l’aire eixorivint tota cuca viva, menys l’amo del mas, que nyus salvatges en plena migració anual pel Serengueti.

continuava dormit com un soc. Hom podria donar fe, que era la primera vegada

en sa vida, que el pagès no s’alçava amb el so d’aquell despertador natural de El sol entrava ja per les escletxes dels finestrons i, l’homenet pàl·lid i escanyolit,

què gaudeix la gent de camp, però la molt mala nit passada justificava, de ben de nas aguilenc i rostre solcat fins a l’infinit, amb prou feines es va poder alçar

segur, el seu estat catatònic. Portava setmanes sense dormir gens, rondinant i de damunt la catifa on s’havia quedat esmorteït la nit abans. Maleïa l’hora en

donant-li voltes al cap amb aquell assumpte que no el deixava viure. Es deia a si què decidí “atacar” aquella última ampolla de Gin Bombay Sapphire East. Amb

mateix cada dia, que no podia deixar passar més temps, que havia de vèncer la les dues anteriors de Magno Gran Reserva, n’hi hauria hagut prou per revifar

seva covardia habitual i proveir-se del valor necessari per afrontar aquell repte. qualsevol ànima afeblida, i per transmutar un insignificant cagacalces en el més

Tanmateix, el valor s’esvaïa sempre en l’últim minut, de la mateixa manera que agosarat, intrèpid i coratjós dels mortals de la terra. Ara mateix, però, era palès

a vegades se li escapolia el dit gros del peu pels forats d’algun dels seus mitjons que el seu lamentable estat no era el més adient per encarar aquelles cuites que


li pertocava resoldre ja, com més aviat millor. Calia asserenar-se, aclarir la ment,

pensar en una estratègia per quan la tingués al davant.

El dia abans, d’afegitó, per acabar-ho d’adobar i, a fi d’armar-se de valor, va estar

abusant un xic massa de la seva col·lecció d’esperitosos, que havia estat un llegat Primer de tot, es digué, havia de menester un bon estimulant per sortir d’aquell

de l’oncle Evarist (aquell germà de sa mare curt de gambals que havia marxat al estat de total ensopiment. Així doncs, tot seguit, s’adreçà a empentes i rodolons

més recondit de l’Àfrica negra a viure amb els pigmeus bambuti i de qui mai més cap a la cuina, buscà una cadira que l’ajudés a enfilar-se per abastar la cafetera i,

no es tornà a saber res), i que emmagatzemava amb zel al celler per a alguna amb prou feines, prengué la Bialetti del segon prestatge, que deposità toscament

ocasió especial.

damunt la taula, i la ben atapeí amb una barreja d’Aràbica, Kona Coffee i Blue

Mountain, a bastament per mantenir en vetlla i corrent per les estepes tot un

batalló de cosacs un mes seguit. Posà la cafetera al foc, la qual xiulà als pocs

minuts anunciant que la poció era a punt i, després d’empassar-se cinc tasses

d’aquell beuratge negre com el quitrà, l’home ho tingué tot més clar. Aquesta

vegada estava decidit, no deixaria passar més temps. Havia de dir-li la veritat,

clar i net. Encara que al principi li fes mal... Són coses que passen... Segur que

més endavant, passat un temps, li agrairia que hagués estat sincer amb ella.

Resolt, en un tancar d’ulls, anà a l’habitació i es disposà a fer les maletes.

D’aleshores ençà ja no hi hauria volta enrere possible. Ja havia passat per aquell

tràngol infinitat de vegades, però sense haver gosat mai finalitzar la tasca. Ara sí,

però, enllestí l’equipatge amb ple convenciment de poder portar a terme la seva

fugida. S’ho havia estat rumiant durant temps, i ho tenia tot preparat des del dia

anterior, i ara, no podia defallir, només calia trobar una mica de valor.

Sortí de casa ferm i animós. Era l’hora de munyir les vaques i l’Assumpta estaria

com sempre a l’estable. L'empenta inicial, però, s’esvaí en el moment en què es va

trobar davant la porta de l’establia. Li trontollaven les cames, la suor li regalimava

pel seu front arrugat i les gotes brillaven a la llum d’aquell sol primerenc. Mentre,

comprovava esgarrifat que la seva mà tremolosa desobeïa amb total desdeny

la seva voluntat d’aixecar el forrellat del pany. Horroritzat, es veié de bell nou

incapaç de concloure aquella empresa: com explicar-li a la que havia estat la seva

companya de mitja vida que ja no sentia el mateix per ella, que ja no l'estimava?

Escorcollant al seu interior a la recerca d’una fracció d’esma suficient per encarar

aquell afer, va aconseguir finalment sobreposar-se: entraria allí i li ho confessaria

tot, fil per randa, i passés el que passés. Li diria que sentia un gran afecte i

estimació per ella, que la respectava molt i no volia fer-li mal, però que s’havia

enamorat d’una altra. Que vivia en un constant delit i, alhora, amb un ennuec

al coll que no el deixava respirar, que, d’ençà que havia conegut aquella rossa

estrangera que li havia robat el cor, i volia anar-se-n’hi a viure.

Al capdavall aconseguí obrir la porta. La veié al fons del recinte, a l’indret dels

animals, fent les seves coses, entre la banqueta de munyir i la galleda encara

buida. Ben segur que ella l’havia sentit entrar, però indiferent ni tan sols es va

girar. Això no obstant, l’home començà la seva lletania quasi apresa de memòria,

com un escolanet voluntariós.

Després d’uns minuts, seguia exposant les seves raons, mentre ella continuava

impertèrrita donant-li l’esquena. Davant tanta indolència, l’home, una mica ferit

en el seu orgull, va pensar que tal vegada ella ja s’ho esperava i que potser no li

importava. Qui sap si també n’estava cansada i igualment l’havia deixat d’estimar!

Aquest oportú pensament, va servir per alleugerir-li una mica el sentit de culpa.

Quan va resoldre que ja havia dit tot el que pertocava i que ja no calia més que

marxar, sortí del cobert de bursada i es disposà a fer camí cap a la pick-up blanca

Mitsubishi L200 que tenia aparcada a la quinta forca (al costat de la paret on

s’amuntegaven els fems prestos per a ser convenientment escampats arreu dels

camps), i dins la qual, abans d’ anar a parlar amb l’Assumpta, ja hi havia deixat

les maletes. En arribar a la furgoneta, sense badar boca, esbossà un somriure

còmplice, que evidenciava la satisfacció per la feina ben feta, vers la passatgera

que es trobava a bord.

Estès a la part del darrere del vehicle sobre una manta, lluint al sol una esplèndida

i jovenívola pell groguenca amb clapes blanques, jeia satisfet un magnífic

exemplar femella de raça frisona. Només arrancar el motor, la bèstia esverada

emeté un mugit i, des del fons de l’establia, la indiferència que de bell antuvi

havia mostrat l'Assumpta, es transmutà en sentir aquell so familiar i s’afanyà,

cortès, a contestar: muuuuuu!!!

Finalment, després de vèncer tots els obstacles, la pick-up s’allunyava amb el

granger i la seva deessa nòrdica, rumb cap al que, sens dubte, havia de ser

un venturós futur i l’assoliment amb escreix d’una merescuda felicitat. Mentre,

l’Assumpta tombava la banqueta amb la pota i movia atribolada la cua, amb les

mamelles adolorides, empipada perquè encara ningú, fins llavors, no l’havia

vingut a munyir.

Joan Antoni Ramis Roig, alumne de C2 de català


Salamanca è la città universitaria più importante

della Spagna. Comunque, non

è la più antica della Spagna neanche del

mondo. Tra il 1208 e il 1264, l’università

di Palencia è stata la prima, ma è sparita

senza il supporto del Papa e neanche del

re. Infatti, Salamanca è stata riconosciuta

il 1218 dal re Alfonso IX di León, quindi

sono più di otto secoli che esiste.

Salamanca ha una popolazione di

333.649 abitanti, cioè, la terza città più

popolata di “Castilla y León”, dopo “Valladolid”

e “Burgos”.

I vettoni vivevano in questa provincia, a

Ledesma, chiamata “Bletisama”: “prato

su mola”. Dopo, Viriato ha lottato insieme

ai lusitani contro i romani. Poi Salamanca

è diventata romana e quasi distrutta dagli

arabi ed i cristiani.

Nel X secolo, la ripopolazione è cominciata

con emigranti di León e nel XI sono

arrivati i franchi, i castellani, i toresi (di

“Toro”, “Zamora”), i mozarabi, i portoghesi

ed i serrani.

Salamanca è conosciuta anche perché è

stata la città in cui hanno organizzato il

viaggio di Colombo in America, con il

supporto dell’astronomo Abraham Zacut.

In questa città è stata stampata la prima

Grammatica spagnola da Antonio de Nebrija.

Ha avuto addirittura la prima studentessa

al mondo, Beatriz Galindo “La

Latina” e la prima professoressa universitaria,

Luisa de Medrano. Inoltre, Hernán

Cortésha insegnato in quella università

D’altra parte, Salamanca è stata la patria

del senzatetto “Lazarillo di Tormes” e anche

dei personaggi come Calixto e Melibea,

che si incontravano in giardino con

l’aiuto di Celestina.

Nel XX secolo, Unamuno, scrittore e filosofo,

deve coabitare con i franchisti

quando si alzano nel 1936 e come rettore

dell’Università proclama il suo “Vincereste

ma non convincereste” nel Paraninfo,

dove ormai si presentano le tesi di dottorato.

Purtroppo, non è stato il primo professore

perseguitato. Nel Medioevo, il Frate Luis

de León è andato in prigione per criticare

la “Vulgata”, senza chiedere il permesso

all’Università. Quattro anni dopo, è tornato

all’università e la sua prima lezione l’ha

cominciata così: “Dicevamo ieri…”.

Salamanca ha due duomi, che sono uniti

tra loro, per l’aumento della popolazione.

La torre è pendente per il terremoto

di Lisbona nel 1755. Inoltre, ha anche il

“Museo-Casa Lis”, d’ “Art Nouveau e

Deco”, e l’Archivio di Salamanca, dove

rimanevano le lettere delle vittime franchiste

(trasferite in Catalogna nel 2006,

alle 3 dinotte, essendo io testimone singolare

perché i camion attraversavano la

via dove c’era il collegio in cui abitavo).

Il sindaco dell’epoca ha pure cambiato il

nome della via: da “Via Gibraltar” a “Via

della Spolazione”.

Oggigiorno, Salamanca è molto cara, ha

meno studenti, ma continua ad avere molti

studenti stranieri che vogliono imparare

lo spagnolo. Infine, Salamanca è una

città molto importante ed è stata dichiarata

Patrimonio dell’Umanità nel 1988.


B1 italià - EOI Eivissa

10 · SABIR

SABIR · 11

Rincón del haiku

alumnos de español, básico A2



Il giorno in cui l’ho conosciuta

el alba pura

una taza de café

y tu sonrisa

Natalia Szpunar

Los brutos de veras

nunca amarán a los otros.

Días tras de días.

El viento baila

Y las hierbas cantan

Y yo respiro

Silvestre Fonseca

Chloé Valérie

“Solo con el corazón se puede ver bien;

lo esencial es invisible a los ojos”

Si eres como el sol

no puedo dejar de mirarte,

hijo mío.

en la finca

bonita dos corazones

ven la luna llena

Paola di Pietro

Klaus Panitz

Son fuertes las olas,

las rocas nunca se mueven:

esa es mi fuerza.

Chayanun Swangwanna



Firenze è una città che si trova nel

nord d’ Italia ed è il capoluogo della

regione della Toscana. Nel 2017, gli

abitanti di Firenze erano 382.258.

Questo è l’ultimo dato che si conosce.

D’altra parte, la bandiera e lo scudo

di Firenze è un fiore di giglio rosso

su sfondo bianco. Per quanto riguarda,

il clima di Firenze è continentale

temperato. D’estate è più secco e caldo,

invece d’inverno è più freddo. In

passato, c’erano molte popolazioni

diverse come i romani o il governo

lombardo. Rispetto al centro storico,

c’è da dire che è stato dichiarato Patrimonio

dell’Umanità dall’UNESCO

nel 1982. In questa città possiamo

trovare anche molte attrazioni turistiche

come la Piazza della Repubblica,

la Piazza del Duomo, la Piazza della

Signoria, ilPonteVecchio, la Galleria

dell’Accademia, ecc.


B1 italià - EOI Eivissa

La città di “Córdoba” è la seconda città

più grande dell’ Argentina , si trova

nelle regione centrale del paese. È

stata fondata nel 1576 da “Jeronimo Luis

de Cabrera”.

È attraversata da un torrente chiamato

“La Cañada” che sfocia nel fiume

“Suquia” che attraversa anche la città.

Il clima di questa città è secco e mite.

In estate, le persone trascorrono il

loro tempo libero nei borghi chiamati

“Sierras Chicas”, dove ci sono piccole

montagne , bellissimi fiumi e molta

natura. “Córdoba” è caratterizzata

dal“mangio” e beviamo il “mate”. I fine

settimana ci riuniamo per mangiare

l'arrosto di carne , beviamo il “fernet”

con “coca-cola” e se piove e non possiamo

mangiare all’aria aperta, allora

si mangia la pasta in un posto chiuso.

“Las empanadas”, chiamati in italiano

“i panzerotti” sono tipici e si mangiano

come antipasto. Noi i cordobesi adoriamo

il dolce di latte e gli “alfajori”.


B1 italià - EOI Eivissa

En el aire fresco,

entre las hierbas esperando,

mi gata con su caza.

en la puesta de sol

no hay estrellas en el cielo

la bahía sobre el mar

la primavera viene

a cada momento las criaturas

son una esperanza

Antoine de Saint-Exupéry

Ouassima Beruhu

Najat Rahmouni

Le mie ferie

da bambina

Petra Plelli

Quando ero bambina andavo di solito

al mare in vacanze perché avevamo

una piccola casa sulla costa. Mio padre

andava ogni mattina a pescare, invece

mio fratello ed io andavamo con mia

madre in spiaggia, dove ci divertivamo

molto. Più tardi, nel pomeriggio,

uscivamo a mangiare un gelato e la sera,

dopo cena, giocavamo a giochi di tavolo

tutti insieme.

Però, un anno sono andata in montagna

dai nonni. A me non piaceva molto…

Per fortuna, anche i miei cugini erano

lì in vacanza, avevamo più o meno la

stessa età ed insieme vivevamo molte

avventure. Ci piaceva correre attraverso

la montagna con Bruno, il cane dei

nonni. Una volta siamo andati in una

foresta vicina e ci perdemmo, ma Bruno

ci guidò a casa dei nonni che erano

molto preoccupati. È stata un’estate

indimenticabile per tutti.

Paquita Serra

A2 italià - EOI ext. Formentera

No estamos seguros

de que estemos en otoño.

Noche del desierto.

Bouchra Louah

Noche profunda.

La madre mira a su bebé

en su camita.

(El bebé está sonriendo

a través del sueño)

Iryna Mysyuga


Ibiza è una città bellissima. È molto conosciuta

per le discoteche e la vita notturna,

però ci sono anche delle belle spiagge

ed è un bel posto per viaggiare in famiglia.

Il centro storico è conosciuto come

“Dalt Vila”. La città storica è circondata

dalle mura, che risalgono al XVI secolo.

Inoltre, Ibiza è una città turistica. È il capoluogo

dell’isola di Ibiza.

La Piazza principale si trova molto vicina

al porto e a Dalt Vila e ha anche un Monumento

di un generale che gli ha dato il

nome: “Vara de Rey”. Il porto vecchio è

un’attrazione turistica per i suoi ristoranti

e I locali di moda come “Adlib”,un abbigliamento

tipico ispirato nello stile di vita

ibizenco. Nei suoi ristoranti la gastronomia

si basa sulla dieta mediterranea. Si

mangia molto la “paella”, e poi è molto tradizionale

mangiare un tipo di bruschetta:

il pane con pomodoro e “ l’alioli”. Gli ibizenchi

festeggiano l’otto di agosto, che è il

giorno di “San Ciriac”.Si tratta di una festa

molto importante per la città.

Romina, Miriam, Marilí e Lali

B1 italià - EOI Eivissa

What drives some humans to leave their cave, their house, their land, their country and start

walking towards a new destination? Is it the reflection of the first humanoids fleeing from

some predator? Is the reason a war, a natural disaster? Is it an economic reason? Trading

with other towns? Maybe the motivation is in ambition? In increasing power over others?

Conquer new lands? Or could it be the simple pleasure of discovering a more beautiful site?

A greener valley, a mightier river? Climb the mountain just to enjoy the view of the valley?

Is it perhaps impossible in our time to be Ulysses, Alejandro Magno, Marco Polo, Cristobal

Colon, Francisco de Orellana, Magallanes, Livingstone, Admundsen? A pioneer in the American

West? A sailor in the South Seas?

Is that same momentum what makes millions of people visit other countries today? Maybe

the tourist of our day means evolution, and this is the consequence of those travellers?

I do not know, but tourism has become a very important reality nowadays, which influences

the economy, sociology, and transforms life forever, and the landscape of thousands of

tourist destinations around the world.

So, can we say that tourism is positive for those who practice it and for those who receive

it? Or on the contrary, is it a plague that destroys the diversity of customs, traditional local

architecture, landscape and natural resources of these destinations? We will try to analyse

the positive and negative aspects of tourism.

On the one hand, the first and perhaps most important thing is the positive personal experience,

for anyone, of knowing other cultures, other customs, other races, other landscapes.

That mixture of different people is always enriching.

In addition, tourism provides knowledge, financial resources and jobs. It allows for economic

development and improves the living conditions of the inhabitants of tourist destinations.

On the other hand, maybe the widespread growth of this phenomenon nullifies the advantages

that travel has and has had for Humanity.

What is more, tourism has been for many tourist destinations a plague that has devastated

their beautiful landscape. Horrible buildings have been built along the coast. Hotels,

apartments, shopping areas, bars, souvenir shops have appeared that have turned out to be

negative and forever, and which until recently were small villages, full of natural charm and

traditional architecture.

Furthermore, another negative consequence, especially at the moment, is the environmental

deterioration that tourism causes. Natural resources are consumed. Pollution, dirt, noise,

garbage ... are the dark face of tourism.

In conclusion, tourism has more disadvantages than benefits. Yes, it is true that it originally

contributed to the development of many peoples, but with the current mass of this phenomenon,

I believe that its negative aspects outweigh the benefits.

Unfortunately, it is too late to go back and change the rules that move it and there are many

economic interests involved.

But we can try to change the mentality of the tourists. Recover for them the emotion that

those first travellers felt, the happiness of discovering other places and keeping them so

that those who came behind could also enjoy them.

"Traveling / Sailing is necessary. Living, not" Pompeyo

Manuel Gallo Bueno

B2.1, group B

Mein Aufenthalt auf Ibiza

Ich heiße Lea, komme aus Wien, Österreich

und lebe jetzt seit fast fünf

Monaten auf Ibiza. Mittlerweile fühle

ich mich sehr angekommen und zu

Hause an diesem wirklich wunderschönen

Ort. Ich bin als Sprachassistentin

sowohl an der EOI, als auch der

IES-Algarb eingesetzt, wobei sich die

Tätigkeiten an den beiden Orten sehr

unterschiedlich gestaltet. Da mir beides

viel Spaß macht, bin ich sehr froh

über die Abwechslung. Ich mag die

Arbeit mit Jugendlichen gerne, aber

auch mit Erwachsenen, noch dazu mit

so liebenswerten, zu arbeiten ist eine

großartige Erfahrung.

Ich würde auch sagen, die Insel macht

es einem generell leicht sich wohl zu

fühlen, die Sonne, die Nähe zum Meer,

Lei, la ragazza di cui vi parlerò, l’ho conosciuta quattordici anni fa, grazie a un

amico comune che si chiama Pau, un giorno che siamo andati in gita da Barcellona

a Montserrat. L’escursione era molto lunga, credo che cinquantaquattro chilometri,

cominciava alle cinque del pomeriggio e finiva più o meno alle sette o otto del

mattino, quindi abbiamo dovuto camminare tutta la notte senza dormire.

Pau era il mio collega dell’università e qualche giorno prima dell’escursione mi

aveva chiesto se c’era qualche problema se veniva il suo migliore amico del paesino

e io gli ho detto che non c’era nessun problema a invitare il suo amico e che era

un’ottima idea.

Poi, il giorno della camminata, subito prima di cominciare a camminare, ho scoperto

che il suo amico non veniva da solo, ma con la sua coppia...e lei era la ragazza in

questione. Questa ragazza mi è piaciuta fin dall’inizio, dal momento in cui Pau ci

ha presentati, perché era bella, simpatica e sorridente, però sfortunatamente era la

coppia del migliore amico di Pau…

All’inizio la camminata è stata un po’ difficile, ma non solamente perché c’era una

montagna che dovevamo salire, ma anche perché non riuscivo a parlare con lei

e solamente potevo osservarla e pensare tutto quello che volevo chiederle per

conoscerla meglio. In realtà sì che potevo parlare con lei qualcuna volta, ma sempre

insieme con la sua coppia e Pau, mai da soli, e questo non era sufficiente per me, io

volevo un po’ d’intimità.

La notte si stava avvicinando e tutto continuava come all’inizio tranne quando tutti

ci siamo fermati per mangiare un po’, nel momento in cui Pau e il suo amico sono

andati a cercare qualcosa da bere, e noi abbiamo avuto due o tre minuti da soli. In

quei pochi minuti ho cercato di ricordare tutte le cose che prima avevo pensato di

chiederle, ma non sono riuscito a fare nessuna domanda interessante e solamente le

ho chiesto se le piaceva l’escursione. Un’opportunità perduta.

Camminare tutta la notte senza dormire è molto faticoso e noioso, primadi tutto

perché hai sonno, epoi perché non si vede niente perché è tutto buio e infine perché

sono tutti stanchi e non ce la fa nessuno a parlare.

Finalmente, quando siamo riusciti ad arrivare al monastero di Montserrat eravamo

morti di stanchezza, con le gambe doloranti e ogni passo era come se migliaia

di aghi ti si conficcano nei piedi. Non ce la facevamo neanche a parlare e io non

riuscivo nemmeno a pensare lei, solamente potevo pensare addi arrivare a casa e

dormire ventiquattro ore consecutive.

Ma prima di prendere l’autobus di ritorno a casa ho detto agli altri che volevo andare

a vedere la Vergine di Montserrat e all’improvviso ascolto la sua voce che dice:

“Anch’io voglio vederla”. Non potevo crederci, era lei chi che lo aveva detto e cosí ho

avuto un’ultima opportunità per attaccare bottone...il meglio doveva ancora arrivare

e quando finalmente siamo arrivati tutti e due, fianco a fianco di fronte alla Vergine...

ma questo non ve lo racconto.

die unzähligen Strände, Klippen, Buchten

und nicht zuletzt die freundlichen

Menschen, die hier leben. Die Offenheit

und Toleranz der Leute und die

Selbstverständlichkeit, mit der sehr

unterschiedliche Menschen hier zusammenleben,

beeindrucken mich

sehr. Natürlich bekommt man auch mit,

dass es Probleme gibt, man hört viel

darüber wie anstrengend und überfüllt

alles im Sommer ist, wie schwierig

die Wohnungssituation etc. und

trotz alldem scheinen die Menschen

insgesamt sehr tolerant und entspannt

- besonders vielleicht in der Winterzeit.

Spannend war für mich auch, die

so verschiedenen Seiten dieses Ortes

kennen zu lernen: zu Beginn meiner

Zeit auf Ibiza das Ende des vollen, lebendigen,

verrückten Party-Sommers

im Gegensatz

zu der ruhigen, wunderschönen

Insel im Winter,

die mir persönlich noch

besser gefällt.

Die Möglichkeit hier das

ganze Jahr über viel Zeit

im Freien zu verbringen

ist für mich etwas ganz

besonders Schönes. So

gehe ich viel wandern und

besonders gerne klettern,

was mit Aussicht auf das

Meer eine ganz neue und

spezielle Erfahrung für

mich war. Jedenfalls bin ich sehr glücklich

acht Monate hier verbringen zu



B1 italià - EOI ext Formentera

Lea Baumgartner

Lectora d’alemany

12 · SABIR

SABIR · 13


was living in the countryside and it

I was Christmas morning. My huge

black retriever which, despite his size,

was very young (only ten months), was

keeping me company. I usually kept

him inside the fence, but this day I was

working at the field and I had him with


I was working very hard and concentrated.

In the meantime, the dog was

playing with some sticks. After a while,

all was quiet and silent and I noticed

that the dog had disappeared. At first,

I began to search all over the property.

But he wasn’t there. After that, I went

further with the car, I asked the neighbours

and looked for him, at least, for

two hours.

During the Christmas dinner, all the

family felt really upset and sad and we

imagined the worst situation. In the

afternoon, we were searching again

when we saw some people far away,

who had some pets with them. I really

hoped that they had seen our dog!

When I was going towards them, I observed

that there was a black dog. It

was a big surprise to see him again!

He had joined them for a hike in the

mountains and had been running and

playing all day.

Claudia Costa

B2.1 A

One day, exactly on the 20th of December,

my mother had flown to

Madrid because she had to work the

next day. She had an important meeting

in which she had to give a presentation

about a Project, which had taken

her a lot of time to prepare.

When she arrived at Madrid, she started

to walk around the airport. Suddenly,

she realized that she had forgotten

her laptop in the plane. She was angry

and very nervous because without this

laptop she couldn’t give that presentation.

She ran to the plane but it had already

left. However, there was a nice flight

attendant that helped my mother. The

flight attendant told her that she had

to go to the information office and

they would tell her how she could find

that lost object.

My mother was scared because she

thought that she would lose her job.

She had been thinking that cancelling

the meeting was the best option

because, this way, she had more time

to find the laptop or prepare another


Finally, she was lucky and found her

missing device, she had worked a lot

and everybody was happy with her job.

Besides, she learnt something from

this incident: “if we have something

important to do, we need to relax and

organize everything in time”.

Idaira Sánchez

B2.1 A

can’t believe it!” Ana said to me

“I while coming into the hotel room.

I asked her what was going on…“The

group is gone!” Nobody has waited

for us! They left us alone in Rome!”,

“Whaaat?” I screamed.

“Okay, we have to calm down in such

a crazy situation. Seeing that our teachers

and classmates have left us to our

fate in the hotel, let’s look on the bright

side and take advantage of this day…”.

It was then when we took our backpacks

determined to know Rome on

our own, without tour guides.

Twenty years ago mobile phones did

not exist like today, so we had to orient

ourselves with a map and asking people

about interesting sites in Rome to

visit. And so we did, we toured practically

all of Rome in one day, visited the

most emblematic places such as: La

Fontana di Trevi, La Bocca della Verità,

La Piazza Venezia… art in pure state at

every step of this beautiful city.

I suddenly realized it was too late and

we had to go back to the hotel, before

the group arrived.

How is it possible that neither of us remembered

the name of the hotel? Opposite

to what the saying says: “all roads

lead to Rome”, we were in Rome, lost!

Finally, and at random, we got on a bus

that, coincidentally, passed by the side

of our hotel, which we immediately


It was either luck or someone up there

who really loved us!

Carolina Beltrán


It was a dark night despite having a full

moon. The sky was covered with clouds

but in the blink of an eye the heavens

opened and a ray of moonlight illuminated

the living room window, and there it

was ... I couldn't believe it, it was him and

he was here, in the living room, he was

back. Just as I was expecting...

It was a scorching summer day in August

and my two dogs, and two of my three

cats were all inside the house enjoying

the air conditioning. He was the only one

missing. Once again, he didn't want to

join his new siblings. It turns out that the

socialization process is more complicated

for cats than for dogs, and Neo, ceased to

be the same since Snow and Arya had arrived.

He almost didn't show up at home

and his mood was getting increasingly


One-night Neo didn’t come home to

sleep. I didn't worry because it wasn't

the first time. He always appeared after

a couple of days out there, scratching and

knocking on the living room window for

me to open. So, I didn't give it importance.

But the days passed, and Neo did not appear

and then I began to worry.

In the meantime, I placed posters around

the neighborhood and published his loss

on social networks so that if anyone saw

it, they would call me.

After some time, I lost hope. I didn't know

what could have happened to him.

I used to think that he had gone on an

excursion and had found a better family

to stay with, however, I was still sad and

hoping to see him again.

Finally, two years passed and although

we had already assumed that Neo was

not coming back, we never stopped thinking

about him.

So, imagine my surprise on that full moon

night, when, suddenly, I saw a shadow in

the window of the room, even though it

was dark and I could barely see, I felt it, I

knew it was him ... he had returned home;

Neo had returned home.

Erika Lisbona

B2.1 A

The wedding

Under my bed

Once open a time, a beautiful girl landed

on one of the best islands in the world,

Ibiza. She was shy, nice and she had clear

ideas. Her dream was to work as a teacher

of secondary school and she wanted to

study hard to pass the public exams.

She used to walk every afternoon to the

beach, after lunch time, and there she

saw a handsome man, tall and strong.

They both looked at each other and they

felt something in their stomach.

Next day, she did the same things as

every day, but for three consecutive

days she did not see him. She started to

worry about him and she thought that

maybe she could get his number.

How about starting in social media? She

could do a selection of the locality and

take time to looking for him.

After two days looking for his nickname

in social media and having not found

anything, suddenly he sent her a friend


- I can’t believe it- she shouted.

They started to speak by Instagram and

instantly, two weeks later, they had their

first date. In a few seconds they felt a lot

of love and directly they fell in love.

They had a big love and they spent a lot

of time together. They went to Paris and

he asked her to marry him. She said “Yes”

and in summer time they got married.

At the present time, they have two

wonderful girls and they want to her to

be pregnant again because they want to

have a boy!

Isabel Farelo


It happened when I was 10 years old. I

remember that I was playing with my

ball in my grandma’s garden. I kicked

the ball strong enough to stuck the

ball in a tree. When I climbed to catch

it I found an egg in a nest, its mum

was dead. So I decided to take it in

order to hide it under my bed and

give it a warmer temperature. So this

is what I did.

Next day, when I woke up, I looked

under my bed and I saw something

really strange: blue long hair, 3 legs, 2

arms and hands with 3 finger in each,

2 big eyes and a very big mouth. My

mind said to me it was impossible, but

I was watching a monster!!

At the beginning, I was afraid of it but

I realized that it looked more afraid of

me than me of it. So I decided to give

it the cookies I hadn't eaten the day

before. He loved them! So I decided

to take it to the kitchen where we

were eating a lot of chocolates and

different kinds of cookies. Everything

was really confusing, I don't know

what happened, but the next thing I

remember was that I woke up in my

bed with no rests of the monster,

although I still had blue hair in my


Aleixandra Sanchis


14 · SABIR



erzlich Willkommen auf Ibiza, der

“Isla Blanca”, auf gut Deutsch der

weißen Insel. Ibiza ist die größte der

Pityuseninseln und außerdem eine der

schönsten Inseln des Mittelmeers. Weiße

Häuser zwischen Pinienwäldern und

paradiesischen Stränden können Sie

auf dieser 570 km2 großen Insel finden.

Die Insel zählt gut 144.659

Einwohner, aber im Sommer

gibt es mehr als eine

Million Touristen.

Hier einige Tipps, um den

Urlaub auf der Insel zu genießen:

Laufen Sie durch die Straßen

der mittelalterlichen

Stadt, die zum Unesco-

Weltkulturerbe zählt.

Besichtigen Sie die Flohmärkte,

zum Beispiel Las

Dalias oder den Markt in

Punta Arabi.

Gehen Sie zu Mittag in die kleinen malerischen

Dörfer und kosten Sie ein

typisches Essen. Gute Beispiele sind

Montaditos in Ca N’Anneta (Sant Carles),

Brötchen in der Bar Costa (Santa Gertru-


Due uomini si sono persi nel deserto.

Mentre camminano, uno dice all’altro:

-Ti devo dare due notizie: una buona e

l’altra cattiva. Quale vuoi per prima?

- La cattiva –dice l’amico

- anche oggi mangeremo solo la


- E quella buona?

- Guarda quante ce n’è!

La moglie chiede al marito: “perché il

gatto sembra ubriaco?” e lui risponde:

“perché mi hai detto di dargli il

whisky”. Allora la moglie si mette a

urlare e dice: “whiskas luigi, ho detto



dis) oder Bullit de Peix am Port de Sant


Verbringen Sie einen Strandtag an der

Cala Salada, Ses Salines oder Aigües

Blanques, wo man im erfrischenden hellen

Wasser schwimmen kann. Dieses

fantastische Wasser ist dank der Posidonia-Wiesen

immer sauber.

Sie können auch Wassersport treiben.

Tauchen, Segeln, Kajakfahren, Stehpaddeln

sind auf der Insel möglich.

Auch empfehlenswert sind kleine Ausflüge,

zum Beispiel nach Formentera

oder auf die Felseninsel Es Vedrà oder

nach S’Espalmador.


m Abend kann man unglaubliche

Sonnenuntergänge von Cala Conta

oder Es Vedrà aus sehen. Außerdem

können Sie auch am Strand Benirràs die

Trommelmusik der Hippies aus der Gegend



Un francese, un tedesco e un italiano

fanno una gara a chi resiste di più in

una stanza piena di mosche. Parte il

francese, che dopo un quarto d’ora

viene fuori. Poi va il tedesco, che esce

dopo un’ora. Infine entra l’italiano che

viene fuori dopo cinque ore.

Il francese: “Ma come hai fatto?”

L’italiano: “Ne ho uccisa una”

Il tedesco: “E allora?”

L’italiano: “E allora erano tutte

impegnate per il funerale!”

Il maestro dice a Pierino: “esistono

mammiferi senza denti?” e Pierino

risponde: “sì, mia nonna”.

Un bambino dice alla mamma:

-“Ehi mamma, dov’è Philadelphia?”

-“Nel frigo tesoro”.

Studenti d’italiano (EOI Eivissa)


nd Es ist auch klar, dass

Ibiza sehr bekannt für sein

Nachtleben ist. Die berühmtesten

DJs der Welt wie David

Ghetta oder Martin Garrix legen

in den zahlreichen Diskos,

Nightclubs und Beachclubs die

beste Tanzmusik auf.

Wenn Sie aber kein Partylöwe

sind, können Sie am Hafen auf

einer der Terrassen einen Cocktail trinken,

spazieren gehen und sich die Luxusjachten



uf Ibiza gibt es 24 Stunden am Tag

etwas zu tun! Genießen Sie die Zeit

auf der Insel!

Jose A. Campillo, Ana Ferrer, Nerea Torres, Vicent Torres, Raquel Yern

B2.1 Alemany



2. Fet d’introduir paperetes de forma

fraudulenta dins d’una urna.

9. ........ política. Grup minoritari que

manté una posició política dominant en

una societat.

10. .........política. Ruptura d’un partit

polític per posicions enfrontades.

11. Eleccions polítiques

13. ........ universal. Dret a votar.

15. Acord comú.

Des que no hi ha



1. Concessions i afalagaments per

aconseguir el poder.

3. Fer que algú actuï a favor

d’interessos que no són seus.

4. Recompte de vots.

5. Afavoriment de persones o grups

com a compensació del seu suport polític.

6. Pertinença a un grup.

7. Participant actiu en un moviment,

especialment polític o sindical.

8. Ciència política que estudia els

partits polítics.

12. Frase curta i fàcil de recordar

usada a les campanyes electorals.

14. Partit..... Partit minoritari, entre uns

altres dos, que dona suport al partit















9.- ELIT





Mots encreuats sobre lèxic d’àmbit polític creat per l’alumnat del C2 de català


According to the statistics, Spain is the second country in the world in number of

tourists. That is why in our country, mainly on our island, tourism is an essential

part of the economy. The weather, the quality and the beauty of the beaches

makes Ibiza one of the most attractive places to go on holiday. But, is the current

model of tourism the best we can have?

On the one hand, tourism is the most important source of income. People’s jobs are

directly or indirectly related to tourism, and salaries of many families on the island

depend on it. Secondly, the touristic eco-tax is invested in improving infrastructures,

for instance: public transport, roads maintenance or beaches cleaning, which also

benefits environmental sustainability and the local population. In addition, tourism

can promote cross-cultural understanding regarding traditional food, customs or


On the other hand, overtourism causes several problems, such as excessive consumption

of basic resources, filth on the beaches or an increase in pollution. In

places like San Antonio, low quality tourism can be a problem, causing coexistence

issues with the neighbourhood related to rubbish on the streets and noisy pubs and


All in all, we should try to get a balance between the quality and quantity of tourism

we receive, taking care of and keeping current jobs, avoiding difficult tourism, promoting

high quality service and environmental sustainability.

is negatively affecting the environment

and local communities

Vicente Ballester Pau

B2.1 A

We have to start questioning whether the kind of tourism coming to the island

is beneficial or, on the contrary, harmful to the environment and the

local population.

The biggest drawback would be related to the size of the island and the number of

people coming on holiday during the season. Too many tourists can have a negative

impact on the quality of life of the local people. Part of this tourism turns out to be

disrespectful and uncivil to the rules of coexistence, as well as to the care of resources

and the environment. They believe that Ibiza is only about partying, drinking alcohol,

taking drugs and that everything is allowed.

Fortunately, not all tourists behave negatively. On the contrary, there are people who

have come repeatedly and love the island. It must also be admitted that tourism is the

most important economic activity and thanks to it, we can boast about the quality of

life offered on the island. Jobs are constantly created and the economy is growing. In

addition, each tourist has to pay a fee (Ecotax) which is intended to improve facilities

and resources to protect the local environment.

In a nutshell, the institutions must regenerate the tourism model in order to capture

the greatest number of quality tourists and to enable us all to live together in peace

and harmony, as always, and to protect our environment to the maximum.

Carolina Beltrán


Le mie vacanze da bambino

Ricordo la mia vita per Natale perché quando ero piccolo (sette o otto anni) lo

passavamo a Formentera con la mia famiglia. I giorni di festa come la Vigilia di

Natale, il giorno di Natale, la Vigilia di Capodanno e il Capodanno li passavamo

a casa con i miei fratelli e i miei genitori e qualche volta con i miei cugini.

Però ricordo un avvenimento particolare quando avevo dieci anni e siamo andati

al villaggio di mio padre, che si trova nella regione di Cuenca, in Castiglia la

Mancia. Il villaggio è piccolo (circa 900 abitanti), si chiama Santa María del

Campo Rus e mi piaceva tantissimo visitare i miei nonni (Encarna e Valeriano) e

la sorella di mia nonna che si chiamava Godofreda.

We live in a paradisiac island in the Mediterranean Sea and enjoy the wonderful

things that the island has to offer but many other people want to enjoy them, too.

That fact turns our island into a tourist attraction that we have to share and this

poses a dilemma: is tourism negatively affecting the environment and local communities?

The answer is affirmative, but there are also a lot of positive effects, as we will see below.

On the negative side, we could say that most English tourists in the Sant Antoni area are

very disrespectful with the local people and the infrastructure of the village. For example,

they usually throw their garbage on the beaches and, at night, they usually pee in every

street close to the bars area, so there is a very disgusting smell when you walk around.

Secondly, they usually have lunch at fast food restaurants instead of going to the local

restaurants to taste our gastronomy. And finally, they rent too many cars and motorbikes

to move around the island, contributing to contaminate the air.

On the positive side, they are not the only kind of tourists that we usually receive. There

is a kind of tourism that is more familiar and respectful, who come every year to visit the

island and honour our traditions as well as being very interested in our language and gastronomy.

Besides, thanks to the tourism and the eco-tax, we earn money to improve our

infrastructures. People from many countries come to visit our paradise and that is a great

opportunity for us to meet new people from around the world. Finally, the tourism industry

is good for our economy as there are a lot of jobs available for us.

So, to sum up I would restate that tourism has a few negative effects but more positive

ones, so I’m grateful of living in a touristic island as Ibiza, and benefit from the opportunities

that this sector provides, despite the environmental issues.

Erika Lisbona

B2.1 A

Each day there are a lot of people travelling around the world. We know that in

the past there were fewer flights and common people didn’t travel for pleasure,

only the people who had a lot of money. Nowadays, travelling is typical.

Everybody wants to travel at least once a year. And this tendency has both

negative and positive effects.

On the negative side, we know that tourism has a lot of negative effects, for example,

when there are a lot of tourists in an area, we can find more vehicles than usually. This

point is very negative because there is more noise and pollution in the place. Also,

many people say that it is very difficult for the animals because they can lose their

habitats when hotels are built in their areas.

On the other hand, the tourism is very positive for the economic growth of a region

as there may be more work available in different businesses. Furthermore, tourism is

very important to learn about another culture, language and other traditions.

To sum up, tourism can be negative and positive for the environment and local communities.

However, I think that it is more positive than negative because without tourism

we might lose our jobs. Besides, if people decided that tourism is negative we

could not travel around the world and this would be horrible. Maybe, it all depends

on each person and each one must be aware and do everything possible to make the

world better every day.

Idaira Sánchez

B2.1 A

A casa dei miei nonni stavamo sempre dentro perché era una casa ottima (circa

400 metri quadri). Per questo motivo giocavamo sempre all’interno e inoltre

perché fuori faceva molto freddo

I Re Magi ci avevano portato dei regali e a me hanno portato un fucile che sparava

tappi si sughero, ma mio fratello maggiore (Lluís) mi gettò il giocatolo nel cesso e

io mi sono arrabbiato moltissimo con lui perché mi piaceva tantissimo.

Pep Campillo

A2 italià - EOI ext. Formentera

16 · SABIR

SABIR · 17

The role

of music

and the

status of


in our


An essay about two texts read in class

Life on a desert


Have you ever been on a desert island?

Have you think about it? Could you survive

without WIFI or without anybody?

Living on a desert island is a big experience

that everyone has to live.

I am a person who spends a lot of time

with my family and friends and for

this reason it is not good to spend two

months on a desert island. I love going

shopping, I love drinking beer with my

best friends and I love taking care of

my nephews. Every weekend I go with

them to the park and they, Marta and

Pau, can spend hours playing on the

toboggan. Why am I telling you all of

this? Because when I was on the desert

island I missed my nephews a lot.

One thing to consider is that if you are

a very sociable person it will be more

difficult to live on an island. I missed

my friends a lot and also talking to

someone. Humans need to speak and

be in contact with each other to be happy.

Science says that if you talk with a

friend for 15 minutes per day your happiness

increases. This is the reason

why I spent no good time on the island.

I was alone and I could communicate

with nobody.

Personally, I believe that all people have

to live this experience to be conscious

of all the things we have around us and

the importance of the small things.

Isabel Farelo

B2.2 anglès - EOI ext. Formentera

Ibiza è

50.000 abitanti. È il capoluogo dell’isola di

Ibiza. Il centro è pedonale. Ci puoi trovare

piccoli negozi turistici, ma anche diversi

negozi d’abbigliamento che non esistevano

dieci anni fa. Inoltre, c’è un lungomare

che era molto sporco, ma ormai è molto

pulito. La città ha tante attrazioni: le mura

medioevale che circondano la città, il cimitero

punico, l’antico ed il nuovo museo

archeologico, il museo d’arte contemporanea,

il museo islamico, il museo Colon, il

monumento del Marinaio o l’obelisco dei

Corsari. Non ci sono molti ristoranti, ma

questi sono tanto affollati. La città è divisa

in quartieri: il quartiere degli elettrodomestici,

il Mercato Nuovo, il quartiere dei

negozi di abbigliamento per adulti; quello

dell’abbigliamento per i giovani; quello

dei ristoranti; il Porto; il Porto Nuovo; il

Lungomare; il centro città; l’alta città ed i

quartieri della periferia, dove si trovano i

licei, il cinema, il commissariato di polizia

ed i centri commerciali. Anche c’è una parte

umida che si chiama “Ses Feixes”, che

si vuole recuperare ma è molto difficile

perché ci sono molti interessi urbanistici.

Storicamente a “Ses Feixes” si produceva

la frutta e la verdura della città. C’era un

sistema d’irrigazione molto originale che è

unico al mondo. Molto vicino ad Ibiza c’è

“Playa d’en Bossa”, dove si trovano i locali

notturni. È una zona frequentata dai giovani

per bere e ballare. Questa zona è aperta

soltanto d’estate, quindi in inverno rimane

tutto chiuso. Questa spiaggia è la più lunga


Josep, Jorge e Sonia

B1 italià - EOI Eivissa

una città piccola di


di “Santa


“Santa Eulària” è un piccolo paese che

si trova a nord-ovest dell'isola di Ibiza.

È vicino al mare,perciò c’è un porto e

un lungomare. A “Santa Eulària” c’è

una chiesa su una piccola collina, che

si chiama “Puig de Missa”. Nel lungomare

ci sono molti ristoranti, in alcuni si

può mangiare il cibo locale come il pesce

fresco e la paella. “Santa Eulària”

è un paese tranquillo e il turismo che

viene qui è un turismo soprattutto familiare.

A “Santa Eulària” c’è anche un

cinema che si trova nella strada principale.

Anche è il capoluogo del comune.

In questo paesino c’è un grande ospedale,

dove può andare se hai qualche

emergenza. Anche c’è uno stadio di

calcio e una squadra di calcio molto

buona, una delle migliori dell’isola. Prima

di arrivare allo stadio,c’è un commissariato

di polizia. “Santa Eulària” è

l’unico paese delle Isole Baleari in cui

troviamo un fiume. Purtroppo non c’è

molta acqua, ma ci sono le anatre.

Fina, Marta e Paula

B1 italià - EOI Eivissa



“Santa Eulària des Riu” è un paese né

grande né piccolo. Se lo guardiamo, si

vede una collina con una chiesa sopra

e una fortificazione rinascimentale accanto

alla chiesa. A “Santa Eulària des

Riu”possiamo individuare un fiume che

serpenteggia sotto tre ponti. La costa del

villaggio, è delimitata da un lungomare e

finisce in un porto sportivo. Nel centro del

villaggio si trova il comune, che è un palazzo

storico, con una piazza che arriva al

lungomare, dove si trova un pozzo. Prima

di avere l’acqua corrente nelle case, i cittadini

la prendevano dal pozzo e la usavano

per le loro necessità quotidiane. Santa

Eulària è un comune che comprende

“Sant Carles”, “Santa Gertrudis”, “Jesús”

e “Puig d’en Valls”. Troviamo anche a

“Santa Eulària des Riu”, la zona turistica di

“Es Canar”. Questo posto è molto dedicato

all’arte: c’è il Festival Internazionale di

pianoforte d’Ibiza che si organizza a Sant

Carles e l’Ibicine organizzato tra “Jesús”

e “Santa Eulària”. Perciò tantissimi tedeschi

hanno deciso di vivere lì. Anche nella

villa si trova il museo etnologico, in cui si

possono vedere i gioielli, vestiti e come

vivevano gli abitanti. Se quello che vuoi è

mangiare bene, c’è la strada di “Sant Vicent”

dove possiamo scegliere fra molti e

diversi ristoranti di qualità. Se invece vuoi

vedere una mostra, c’è un piccolo e carino

museo con quadri di un pittore impressionista,

Lureà Barrau, che ha abitato qui.

Josep, Jorge e Sonia

B1 italià -EOI Eivissa

Crucigrama animal


1. Se pone en la parte de delante del cuerpo para llevar a los bebés.

2. Un gran mamífero depredador de la familia de los gatos.

3. Produce cera y miel.

4. El masculino de vaca.


5. Animal ágil para saltar y subir por las montañas, cuernos vueltos

hacia atrás y cola muy corta.

6. Animal que vive en sitios fríos y que suele jugar con una pelota en

la nariz.

7. Animal que vemos en el zoo, muy parecido al hombre.

8. Gran depredador atigrado asiático, de la familia de los felinos.

9. Animal doméstico muy ágil.

10. Animal que vuela y puede vivir en una casa.

11. Mamífero doméstico, es inteligente y muy leal a su dueño.

12. Animal que temprano suena así: “ki-ki-ri-kiiiiiiiiiii”.





recollits per l’alumnat de

l’A1 de català

-Saps per què es va suïcidar el llibre

de matemàtiques?

-Perquè tenia molts de problemes!

Això era un home que va anar a la

peixeteria a comprar gerret. I, com

ja sabeu, antigament el peix es posava

dins d’una paperina de paper

(quan el va comprar es va posar la

paperina dins els calçons). De camí

a casa va fer un vinet i li varen entrar

ganes d’orinar. Quan va anar a

orinar, es va equivocar i va agafar un

peix i va dir:

- “Ai carai, amb es anys que fa que

ens coneixem i encara no t’havia

vist es ulls”.

No és el mateix fer un vestit negre

que veure-se-les negres per fer-se

un vestit

Un senyor entra en una botiga i diu:

-Bon dia! Que teniu olives negres?

-Sí que en tenim.

-Però d’aquelles negres, negres..

-Sí, negres!

-Voleu dir que són negres talment?

-Sí, totes negres.

-Idò no en vull, que em fan por.



Dear Sir/Madam,

Three years ago I was studying and working at the same

time. My partner was also in a similar situation. We were

quite weary and we felt like turning over a new leaf would

be the best option for us. What really turned our lives

around was a conversation with one of our friends. We

learnt from him about New Zealand’s Working Holiday Visa and as we wanted to do

something memorable, we applied for it and we embarked on this new adventure.

One year after graduating from University we were granted the New Zealand’s

Working Holiday Visa. We quit our jobs and we bought two one-way tickets to New

Zealand. Starting over abroad was really challenging: we had to set a bank account,

buy a vehicle and find somewhere to live during the working period. Once we had

all of this, we finally started to work on a kiwi fruit pack house and on the orchards

doing the pruning, something totally different to anything we had worked before.

We met a lot of people from the nearby islands such as Tonga, Samoa, Fiji…and we

learnt a lot from their cultures. The best part of our experience was the one in which

we could explore the country. We lived in a self-contained van for almost six months

travelling all around this breathtaking place. We woke up every day without knowing

where we were heading to. We enjoyed every single landscape and hikes that

New Zealand has to offer, such as the Tongariro Alpine Crossing. We have seen a

lot of animals, like whales, elephant seals, penguins, the kiwi bird, the albatross… It

wasn’t easy; despite this, we truly appreciated being overseas for almost two years

working and travelling in this amazing country.

Now that we are back home, starting from scratch elsewhere was the best decision

we could have ever made to change our lives. We have realized what we really want

to do and especially we have learnt to enjoy every moment in any situation.

Yours faithfully,

Mar Barceló

C1.2 A

9.- gato

10.- pájaro

11.- perro

12.- gallo


5.- cabra

6.- foca

7.- mono

8.- tigre

Io mi chiamo Isabel , sono una persona

all'inizio timida, ma quando mi dai fiducia

mi apro e sono simpatica e socievole.

Inoltre ho alcuni hobby come: leggere

libri (sopratutto di storia), anche

girare in bicicletta, viaggiare quando

posso, fare pilates, andare al cinema,

anche vedere le puntate delle serie in

televisione. Quest' ultima cosa è un po'

perché nel mio in passato ho lavorato

in un studio di registrazione : io facevo

la produzione di doppiaggio per cui

sono interessata sempre al mondo

audiovisuale. Per cui il migliore amico

mio l' ho conosciuto nel lavoro, si chiama

Carles, e fa l'attore fra tante altre

cose. È un tipo molto socievole, simpatico,

aperto, estroverso e sopratutto


1.- canguro

2.- león

3.- abeja

4.- toro

Un po'di me

Anna Dobrogowska

Español básico A1

comico come si può immaginare dalla

sua professione

Lui è polifacetico perché fa tante cose,

fa anche dipinti , e pure lo scultore.

Ci siamo conosciuti tanti anni fa, ma

anche se non lo vedo a spesso, la nostra

amicizia è una di quelle che perdurano

nel tempo.

Comunque quando lavora a Madrid,

cerco di andare a vederlo sempre che


Lui lavora con una compagnia di teatro

e a volte fanno spettacoli d'improvvisazione,

mi piace il teatro!

E beh ! Cosi finisco questo pezzo su di me.


B1 italià - EOI ext. Formentera

Un jutge li diu a una dona:

- Per què et vols separar?

- Perquè el meu home em tracta

com un ca.

- Què vols dir? Et pega? Et maltracta?

- No, vol que li sigui fidel.

Per què els cocodrils són verds,

grossos i amb dents punxegudes?

Perquè si fossin petits, rodons, i

vermells serien tomàtigues.

Això és un home i la seva dona que

van pel carrer i l'home es troba un

amic seu:

- Home, Josep! Com anam! Per cert,

com va aquell problema que tenies


- Ei, perfecte, ja estic més que curat.

Vaig anar a un doctor collonut.

- Sí? Com es deia?

- Mmm.. Osti, com es diu aquella estatueta

morena, que és a la muntanya,

que és una verge...

- Montserrat?

- Això! Montse! Com es diu el doctor

on vaig anar?

20 · SABIR

SABIR · 21

Sopa de casa

Busca en esta sopa de letras 12 palabras relacionadas con la casa

Sopa de lletres

Trobau 16 plats tradicionals


1.- naranja

2.- uva

3.- pera

4.- melón

5.- banana

6.- mandarina


7.- granada

8.- arándanos

9.- piña

10.- aguacate

11.- lima

12.- mango




The example of the “Maiden”

Sopa de letras a colores

Busca quince nombres de colores

Thomas Williams

Español Básico A1

alumnat del B2 de català

Sopa de prendas de vestir

Tienes que encontrar 13 palabras que son piezas de ropa


Abrigo, vaqueros,

chaqueta, guantes,

calcetines, suéter,

zapatos, pijama, falda,



Bufanda, vestido, botas



















Dear Jimmy,

It’s a great idea to go on this round-the-world hike and I’m sure you will succeed in it.

I have just watched a film about Tracy Edwards, the skipper of the first all-female

crew participating in the Whitbread Round the World race.

It can’t have been easy for them to deal with everybody’s scepticism - actually

their male peers never thought they could finish the race. But when the Maiden,

which is the name of the ship, finished the race, its skipper, Tracy Edwards, was

named skipper of the year, and those who had scorned them had to take back

everything they had said.

Why don’t you try to follow the crew’s example? I have always taken you for a

brave and determined person, so don’t say you are not brave enough to go on

this round-the-world hike. Think about your game plan and your intended actions

in order to achieve that goal and go for it! Don’t let anybody bring you down.

Keep in mind Tracy Edwards’ story, then you’ll realise that anything you want to

do, you can do.

Of course, it’s up to you what you do in the end, but I’ll be waiting for your news,

hopefully from somewhere remote in the world.

All the best,

Teresa Campillo Torres

C1.2 A



man an das Präfix “Lieblings-“ ein beliebiges Substantiv an, kann

man damit ausdrücken was man besonders gern mag oder hat.

Gemäß dem Duden gehört dieses Wort zum Wortschatz des Goethe

Zertifikats B1.

Crucigrama de frutas

Polly Fey

Español Básico A1


Yulia Romanova

Español Básico A1


1. Fruto de color entre amarillo y rojo; la pulpa y el zumo a

menudo se beben para desayunar.

2. Fruta pequeña redonda y jugosa que forma racimos.

3. Fruto que tiene una forma como una lágrima.

4. Fruta con forma de elipse y es originaria de Oriente.

5. Fruto amarillo, variedad de plátano.

6. Fruta como la naranja, que se distingue por ser pequeña.


7. Fruto de forma de globo, de unos diez centímetros.

8. Baya pequeña roja o blanca.

9. Fruto tropical con la carne amarilla.

10. Fruto con la piel de color marrón oscura y un hueso


11. Fruta cítrica con sabor algo dulce.

12. Fruto dulce y carnoso, del tamaño de una manzana.

Hannah Lederer

Español básico A1




Amarillo, naranja, azul,

rojo, plateado, gris,



Verde, morado, marrón,

lila, rosa, violeta


Negro, dorado




Viga, escalera, reja,

techo, vestidor


Entrada, ventana, suelo,

tejado, salón


Comedor, mesa


✓ Meine Lieblingsmarke ist Apple, weil sie Qualität bieten. Ich finde Apple praktischer,

aber es ist ein bisschen teuer. Ich sehe Fernsehserien an auf meinem I-Pod und ich

höre Musik auf meinem I-Phone und studiere natürlich auch Deutsch.

✓ Mein Lieblingsberuf ist Ärztin, denn ich kann Menschen helfen.

✓ Mein Lieblingsbuch ist V for Vendetta, weil ich es inspirierend finde, auch mein

Lieblingsschriftsteller ist Alain Moore, denn ich finde ihn sehr intelligent.

✓ Mein Lieblingsfußballteam ist der Bayern München, weil ich den super finde und

mein Lieblingshandy ist Xiomi, weil ich das billig und schön finde.

✓ Mein Lieblingssportler ist Eliod Kipchoge, weil er sehr schnell ist und mein

Lieblingstier ist das Pferd, denn ich mag große Tiere.

✓ Meine Lieblingssprache ist Italienisch, weil ich die Intonation mag.

✓ Meine Lieblingsfarbe ist blau, weil ich das Meer mag und mein Lieblingshobby ist

reisen, weil ich Leute treffe.

✓ Meine Lieblingsjahreszeit ist Dezember, weil ich Weihnachten liebe. Es ist kalt,

aber es ist eine schöne Zeit. Die Kinder sind zufrieden, weil sie viel Freizeit haben und

sie können mit ihrer Familie sein.

Álvaro, Edgar, Iris, Julia, Marta, Martin, Nazareth, Toni

A1B, Alemany

✓ Meine Lieblingsserie ist die Sopranos, weil die Serie sehr gut und lustig ist.

Und meine ist ist Juego de tronos, weil die Serie sehr spannend und interessant ist.

✓ Mein Lieblingsgetränk ist das Bier, denn das Bier ist kalt.

Und meins ist Cola, weil das sehr erfrischend ist.

✓ Mein Lieblingsessen ist die “Paella, weil sie gut schmeckt und aus Spanien kommt.

✓ Mein Lieblingsfach ist Filosofie, weil es sehr interessant ist.

✓ Mein Lieblingsthema ist Kunstgeschichte, weil es sehr interessant ist und du kannst

viele Maler, Kunstwerke, Musikstücke und vieles mehr lernen.

✓ Mein Lieblingsfilm ist Herois, weil der Film sehr emotionell und realistisch ist.

✓ Meine Lieblingsstadt ist Bern, weil sie sehr schön und ruhig ist.

Und meineist Madrid, weil sie sehr gross, schön und kosmopolitisch ist.

Und meineist Palma de Mallorca, weil sie sehr gemütlich und hell ist. Palma hat auch


✓ Mein Lieblingsbuch ist Diez Negritos, weil es sehr spannend ist.

Und meins ist La conjura de los necios, weil es sehr lustig und interessant ist.

✓ Mein Lieblingssport ist Kampfkunst, weil er gesund ist und meine Lieblingstiere

sind die Katzen, denn sie sind schön und liebevoll.

África, Fiona, Germán, Javier, Miguel Ángel, Montserrat, Nathaly, Patricia,

Reinhard, Romina, Sandra, Sara, Verónica, und Viviane

A1A, Alemany

22 · SABIR

SABIR · 23

Fridolins Weltreise

Ich liebe es zu reisen und möchte

meine Erfahrungen mit Ihnen


Viele Länder besuche ich, aber meine

„Top 3“ schönsten sind:

1. Berlin: Im Januar war ich in Berlin

wenn Sie nicht kalt mögen, ist es besser

ins nächste Land zu gehen.

2. Paris: Es ist eine erstaunliche Stadt,

zu cool und modisch. Ich war nur für

wenige Tage, aber für mich war es genug

und die besten Orte zu besuchen.

3. USA: Ich denke, die beste Zeit, um

diese verrückt Stadt zu besuchen ist

im Frühling. Alles ist blüht und das

Wetter ist warm

Mmm... das ist nicht alles, weil meine Freizeit

ist im Urlaub zu wichtig. So die erste

Wochenende habe ich in Berlin getanzt.

Es gibt zu viele schöne Discos. Paris ist

anders und romantischer. Dort habe ich

in Le Moulin Rouge zu Abend gegessen

und dann den Eiffelturm besucht.

Schließlich war ich in den USA, der beste

Ort und Leute kennenlernen, weil sie

so nett sind wenn man die Stadt besucht

und sehr freundlich!

Wir sehen uns auf meinen nächsten Reise.


Flavia Ayala

Curs Bàsic 2A d’alemany

Guten Tag, liebe Followers,

Fridolin hier,

vielen haben mich gefragt, was ich habe

gemacht. Ich habe viele Länder besucht,

Spanien, Portugal, die Schweiz und die

Niederlande. Alle finde ich sehr schön,

aber das schönste für mich ist Spanien.

Jetzt bin ich in Brasilien. Ich bleibe hier

für zwei Wochen mehr, insgesamt fünf


Bis jetzt habe ich viel Glück mit dem

Wetter, es ist sehr heiß.

Hier gehen die Leute in ihrer Freizeit

zum Strand, nehmen die Sonne, schwimmen

und machen viel Wassersports. Und

nachts tanzen sie viel in Disco.

Ich komme in zwei Wochen zurück, mein

Rückflug ist via London, und von da nach

Frankfurt, nach Hause.

Liebe Grüße meine Followers.

Bis nächstes Mal mit mehr zu erzählen.



Deanna Bailey

Curs Bàsic 2A d’alemany

Heute von meinem Garten erzähle ich

Ihnen eine großartige Geschichte. Eines

Tages entschied ich mich, dass ich

neue Abenteuer haben wollte. Ich war so

lange in einem Garten und ich war sehr


Alles begann in Salvador Bahía, Brasilien.

Für der Karneval des Februar, es

war heiß und feucht. Dann ging ich zum

Strand. Dort traf ich ein paar Mädchen

und wir haben Freunden gefunden. Und

sie haben mich zu tanzen gebracht. Es

hat viel Spaß gemacht!!

Die Stadt war voller Menschen und hörte auf

allen Seiten Musik. Die Leute waren immer

glücklich. Die Rückreise war etwas lang, ich

bin als Polizon auf einem Schiff gefahren.

Die Reise hat mir am besten gefallen.

Ich bereite ein neues Abenteuer vor. Ich

werde es euch sagen.

Bis bald!!


Liebe Leute,

Ana Leticia Moreyra

Curs Bàsic 2A d’alemany

diese letzten Monate war ich in verschiedenen

Ländern. Zuerst war ich in Rom.

Ich denke, dass einer der Orte mit mehr

Kultur ist, weil es voller historischer

Denkmäler ist. Dann habe ich Paris,

Russland Paris besucht und jetzt bin ich

in London für eine Woche.

Das Wetter ist gut, es ist nicht so warm

wie in den anderen Orten. Ich freue mich

darauf, den Tamesis River und das London

Eye zu besuchen.

In meiner Freizeit versuche ich, alle typischen

Gerichte zu probieren und bei den

Gruppenreisen versuche ich Gespräche

beginnen mit alle Menschen.

Diese Reise ist unglaublich, wir sehen

uns in ein paar Wochen.

Liebe Grüße,


Jenilyn Rogales

Curs Bàsic 2A d’alemany

In Februar hat ich Rom besucht,

und für mir das ist am schönsten

Stadt. Es hat sehr Kunst und ist multikulti.

Ich bin 4 Tage da geblieben. Ich übernachte

im Hotel in Historische Zentrum

von Rom, in Piazza di Popolo.

Das Wetter war sehr schön und war ich

spazieren gehen.

Die Vatikanische Museum und Kolosseum

habe ich besucht. Und ich habe Tiber

Fluss gesehen, das ist sehr lang und teilt

die Stadt in Bezirke.

Ich habe viele Leute kennengelernt, weil

sie sehr freundlich sind.

Am Wochenende bin ich nach Ibiza zurückgekommen.

Olga Sukhánova

Curs Bàsic 2A d’alemany

Liebe Freunde,

ich werde meine Erfahrungen in Rom


Ich war in Rom zwei Tage in einem italienischen

Garten. Danach war ich in Paris,

London und Paris, drei Tage besuche ich

die verschiedenen Gärten.

Meine Lieblingsstadt ist Paris. Sie können

der Eiffelturm und das Louvre besuchen.

Jetzt bin ich in Madrid in einem spanischen

Garten. Madrid ist eine schöne

Stadt wo Sie können El Museo del Prado,

Gran Vía und viele weitere Orte besuchen.

Ich bin 5 Tage in Madrid. Das Wetter

ist gut, es ist sonnig.

Ich komme von Madrid in zwei Tagen.

Wie auf der Hinreise werde ich mit dem

Zug zurückfahren.

Liebe Grüße

Hallo Leute!

Lucas Torres

Curs Bàsic 2A d’alemany

Ich habe viele Länder besucht und meine

Liebling Land ist Argentinien. Ich bin

jetzt in Buenos Aires und ich bleibe hier

vier Tage. Danach ich fahre mit dem Bus

zu anderes Städte und Dörfer in Argentinien.

Das ist eine große Länder. De Leute hier

trinken Mate und tanzen Tango. Hier in

Argentinien ist Frühling und das Wetter

ist gut. Aber in Süden von Argentinien, ins

Calafate Dorf ist kalt, und in Bergen mehr

kalt und ich anziehen eine heiße Mantel,

Stiefel, Handschuhe und eine Schal.

Ich bin in Argentinien für drei Woche

und dann komme ich zurück.

Liebe Grüße

Sopa de Verduras

José Mercadal

Curs Bàsic 2B d’alemany

En esta Sopa de Letras busca 10 verduras

Ti presento Úbeda

Ciao, Paolo:

Sono Raquel e ti voglioparlare della

mia città d’origine, Ubeda.

Ubeda è una piccola città, quasi un

paesino. Questa piccola città si trova

a Jaén una provincia al nord-est

dell’ Andalusia. L’ Andalusia è molto

conosciuta per la sua cultura propria

(una bella fusione) e le sue tradizioni.

L’arte predomina nella comunità;

la pittura di Velázquez, Murillo e Picasso,

la musica di Camarón de la isla

o Manuel de Falla, l’architettura dei

suoi monumenti come l’Alhambra, la

Moschea di Córdoba o la Giralda, o

i suoi scrittori come Lorca, Góngora,

Bécquer ecc. A Úbeda predominano

anche l’arte e le tradizioni. L’architettura

dei suoi edifici belli e bene conservati

del Rinascimento andaluso,

hanno permesso, che sia dichiarata

Patrimonio Culturale dell’umanità

dall’ Unesco, nel 2003. La vita culturale

si può vedere dalle belle strade

con il nome di scrittori o artisti in generale

che sono stati o vengono da

Úbeda (Sabina, Machado, Lope de

Vega, Vandelvira ecc).La qualità della

vita è buona perchè la città è circondata

dalle montagne e ha università,

ospedale, musei ecc. La città vive di

ristorazione e turismo ma sopratutto,

della campagna. Qui si fa il miglior

olio del mondo. Mi piacerebbe invitarti

nella mia città perché credo che

sia il mix perfetto tra campagna e

città. E così capirai perché mi manca

così tanto da quando mi sono trasferita

fuori per studiare. Scrivimi di te ,

del posto dove vivi e mandami qualche

foto. Mi piacerà sapere più cose

di te e della tua vita e magari vederci

nelle prossime vacanze.




B1 italià - EOI ext Formentera


Calabaza, judía,




lechuga, brócoli,

zanahoria, maíz,




Jakub Michalczyk

Español, Básico A1


L’escriptora Iolanda

Bonet ens ensenya

curiositats històriques

de l’illa d’Eivissa

Amb motiu de l’activitat cultural organitzada pel Departament

de Català de l’EOI el passat 13 de desembre, na Iolanda Bonet,

autora del llibre 6 plau, ens va visitar per mostrar-nos una altra

manera de conèixer la cultura eivissenca.

El passat divendres, 13 de desembre, a la classe d'A1 de català de l'EOI ens va

visitar na Iolanda Bonet, una escriptora eivissenca (que també va ser professora

de català), per fer una gimcana cultural amb mitjans virtuals com fotografies

i mapes a l´ordinador. Les imatges van ser interessants i prou peculiars i

vam aprendre dades curioses sobre l'illa d'Eivissa. El motiu de la visita va ser

perquè l'alumnat d'A1 va triar com a la seva primera lectura del curs el llibre

de na Iolanda titulat 6 plau.

L’escriptora ens va ensenya curiositats històriques de l’illa d’Eivissa amb motiu

de l’activitat cultural. La seva visita ens va endinsar en la història i mitologia

del poble eivissenc. Vam conèixer l’existència de déus i guerrers d’una gran

transcendència a l’illa. Un d’ells va ser el déu Bes que, tot i ser poc agraciat,

es va convertir en un dels més importants protectors de les llars eivissenques,

fins al punt de ser l’origen del nom d’Eivissa. Una altra deessa important va ser

Tanit, deessa de l’amor, la fertilitat, la vida i la prosperitat. D’altra banda, com

a fet històric rellevant, na Iolanda ens va contar que existeix la sospita que el

valerós general Anníbal Barça va néixer a sa Conillera, una petita illa propera

a Eivissa.

L'activitat va ser molt didàctica i entretinguda, el temps va passar ràpidament

per a l'alumnat, de fet van divertir-se mentre coneixien dades poc conegudes

a través de pràctiques dinàmiques i cooperatives.

My favourite day of the week is

Friday because it's the last day

of the week and my free day.

I get up early during all week, so on

Friday I usually get up late, and always

stay in bed until about 10:00. Then I

have breakfast and I do my homework.

After that I usually go shopping with

my friends.

I often have lunch at home with my

boyfriend and his family. We usually

eat paella this day. After lunch I love

taking a nap from 16:00 to 18:00.

In the evening I always meet my friends

and we go to drink beer. After that we

go to have pizza or hamburger. I never

go to bed before 12.00 or sometimes I

watch TV until late.

Jesús Morillas

A1A, Extensió Formentera

Alumnat d'A1 de Català de l’EOI d’Eivissa

My favourite day is Sunday because

it is family day.

We wake up in the morning and we

have breakfast together. Then we go

to play in the park from 11am to 12pm.

Then we go to my mother-in-law’s

house and we cook lunch for the

family. After that we leave.

On the beach, we take a walk with my

husband and my children, I talk to my

sister by video call, I see my niece and

then we go back home.

Mirella Hinostroza

A1A, Extensió Formentera

Aquí teniu les preguntes que ens va fer na Iolanda

al llarg de la gimcana. A veure si les endevinau!

1. Trobau milers de campanes que

no sonen

2. Crèiem que era eivissenc,

n’havíem fet molta publicitat. Fins i tot

els turistes i visitants ho creien i se’n

delien. I resulta que era alemany!

3. Amagat, observa adolorit a

tothom que visita ca seua.

4. El misteri del tercer: illa des

Penjats, llegenda escrita per


5. Sense fer cap tipus d’esport ni

gimnàstica, aguanten el que calgui.

Han demostrat que són les més


6. Diuen que va néixer a Eivissa,

però aquí no hi ha elefants, animals

que l’han fet famós per la seua feta.

Deu ser el domador d’un circ? Deu

ser un biòleg prestigiós? Deu ser...?


6. Anníbal, el general cartaginès

que diuen que va néixer a sa


7. Narcís Puget, museu dels pintors

Puget, can Llaudis (can Comasema).

8. Deessa Tanit.

9. Baladre

10. Déu Bes, a qui va dedicat el nom

de la nostra illa Eivissa (Yabisah)

11. Les torres de la bandera que

simbolitzen els set baluards de les


My favourite day

My favourite day of the week is

Sunday because I always stay in

bed until about 10.00.

Then I usually make breakfast for my

husband. After that I have a shower and

go for a walk and to the beach.

Very often we have lunch at a friends’

house, as during the week I prepare

the food.

After lunch we sometimes read a book

and later we go to church from about

5.00 to 7.00.

In the evening, we often go to the bar

and then we have a pizza and an ice

cream. We never go to bed before

10.00 or sometimes later.

Yusmeli Bencomo

A1A, Extensió Formentera

7. Ara té una casa per sempre. L’ha

esperat durant molts anys. Tothom

hi pot anar. Segur que us hi deixen

entrar. És una formosa casa antiga

on vivia n’Elisabet de les visites


8. La més bella. La més femenina.

La més amorosa d’entre les


9. Nascut dins els torrents, ara es

veu tancat entre el fum dels tubs

d’escapament de cotxes.

10 És petit i rabassut, orelles

grosses, cames curtes i fortes,

sovent fa propaganda de la seua

sexualitat. Amant de la festa, les

bromes... No, no és en Carnestoltes,

ni el que va disfressat d’àrab, ni es

un barruguet.

11 Les 7 protectores nostres.

1. Les estatuetes de ceràmica

campaniforme des Culleram.

2. Flaó, segons en Jaume Fàbregas,

el seu nom ve de fle, que significa

formatge en germànic antic.

3. L’home boig de l’església de


4. Illa des Penjats, llegenda escrita

per Villangómez.

5. Fragments de dues murades, un

element de la fortificació posterior

a l’època islàmica i un tram de

murada medieval que queda sota la


My favourite day of the week is

Sunday because it’s the only day

of the week that I can rest.

I work from early Monday to Saturday.

On Saturday night I party and I’m late,

so on Sunday I always get up at 1 pm.

Then I go out to eat at the restaurant

because I don’t like cooking very much.

Sometimes I have lunch with friends

because I don’t like eating alone and I

enjoy their company. Then we have a

good coffee and after that I go home.

After lunch I sometimes study from

about 4pm to 6pm, especially if I have


After studying I watch TV. After that I go

to bed, but not after 12am, because the

next day I work early.

Esther Diaz

A1A, Extensió Formentera

24 · SABIR

SABIR · 25

Ibiza’s child art

and music festival





The Ibiza art and music festival

for children

The first Art and Music Festival for Children has been held in Ibiza. The event took

place from Friday 22th to Sunday 24th of November and the venue chosen for the

festival, which had been organized by the Ibiza Council, was the Exhibition Centre.

The Art and Music Festival, whose entry was free, hosted a wide range of music

bands which played songs of the children’s most beloved cartoons and singers, such

as Peppa Pig, Dora the Explorer, Ariadna Grande, and Hannah Montana. Brilliant

performances of magicians, gymnastics, and dances of different disciplines in which

children could participate, were offered as well. Additionally, a multimedia area to

play and learn with computers was enabled, and another one with several workshops,

where the little ones were able to learn pottery and painting, among other crafts.

The festival has been the first one of its kind in Ibiza and the public attendance exceeded

all expectations. The shows and activities delighted the children and the organisation

was excellent. The only negative issue to be taken into consideration for next year's

event is the unhealthy food and drink sold in the premises, which consisted mostly of

junk food and sugar-sweetened soft drinks. All in all, I am of the opinion that the first Art

and Music Festival for Children was very entertaining and didactic, not only for children

but also for adults, and I would profusely recommend attending it next year.

Das bin ich (Vorstellung)

Hallo! Mein Name ist Elena, ich bin

dreiunddreißig Jahre alt, ich komme

aus Valencia, das liegt im Süden

von Castellón, im Norden von Alicante

und im Westen vom Mittelmeer. Ich

wohne in Eivissa seit 2016, drei Jahre

lang und ich liebe es!

Ich bin nicht verheiratet aber ich habe

einen Freund. Wir haben keine Kinder.

Ich arbeite in der Gastfreundschaft mit

Gourmetprodukten und mit fremde

Kunden oder von hier. Ich habe studiert

Tourismus und ich liebe arbeiten

mit Menschen.

Meine Muttersprache ist Spanisch und

ich spreche Englisch und Italienisch,

und ich lerne Deutsch.

Meine bevorzugt Getränke sind Kaffee

und Kakao, aber ich liebe Cappuccino,

ohne Zucker! Ich gehe gern zum

Strand und nehme Sonnenbaden, deshalb

ich liebe Ibiza! Aber auch ich gern

reisen in andere Länder.

Clara Martín

C1.2 A

Mein Name ist Noemi und ich

komme aus Italien aber seit einigen

Jahren ich wohne in Spanien. Ich

bin 45 Jahre alt, ledig und ich habe keine

Kinder. Aber ich habe eine Hündin.

Ich bin Windsurflehrerin und jedes

Sommer arbeite ich an einem anderen

Ort. Im letzten Sommer habe ich auf

Menorca gearbeitet.

Meine Muttersprache ist Italienisch

aber ich spreche auch Englisch und

Spanisch und ein bisschen Katalanisch

und Französisch. Von ein paar Monaten

lerne ich Deutsch aber ich kann

nicht sagen dass ich Deutsch spreche!

Ich Wein gern (aber nur zum Abendessen).

Am liebsten fahre ich nach Pou

des Lleó. Seit 7 Jahren wohne ich in Eivissa.

Noemi Terrazzano

Bàsic 1, grup B,

Extensió CEPA Sant Antoni

While other festivals are happy with

a couple of tents and a main stage, Ibiza’s

child art and music festival goes the

whole hog and transforms the island of

Ibiza into an entire town just for a weekend.

Our island, just a small patch of land

in the Mediterranean Sea off the coast of

Spain, with rich landscape promising adventure,

fun, relaxation and with mild climate

throughout the year, is the perfect

place to deal with such type of events

with plenty of child-friendly party action


Normally, I do not like festivals but this

one was so much talked about that I had

to attend it last September. This revolutionary

event was held not only in the

“Recinto Ferial” public hall, where we

could find the main highlights, but also

around the old town of Ibiza, where different

acts and attractions took place in

small venues, all of them with their intimate

atmosphere, cleverly designed and

well-equipped. Furthermore, it was one

of the few music fests specialized in dub,

ska and reggae, with a fair-sized dose of

swing, punk and rockabilly. In addition to

all this, we must not forget that for those

outdoor special events the main square

and seafront areas were perfectly suited

to place a dizzying number of stages to

make this exhibition a unique opportunity

to enjoy an unforgettable occasion.

I would highly recommend this festival to

anyone interested in having a superb experience

impossible to forget, because

our island can offer the visitors the very

best leisure activities in order to create

memories that will last a lifetime.

Raquel Verea

C1.2 A

Mein Name ist Francisco José

Martínez Florencio, kurz Kiko.

Ich bin fünfunddreißig Jahre alt. Ich

komme aus Alcoi. Das liegt im Süden

von Valencia, nördlich von Alicante.

Aber wohne ich jetzt in Eivissa, denn

arbeite ich hier seit acht Jahren.

Ich bin verheiratet und habe ein Sohn.

Meine Frau heißt Bárbara, und Xicu

heißt mein Sohn. Er ist zweieinhalb

Jahre alt jetzt.

Ich bin Musiker von Beruf, und spiele

das Horn. Auch arbeite als Musiklehrer

in der Musikschule von Santa Eulària.

Ich spreche gut drei Sprachen: Katalanisch,

das ist meine Muttersprache,

Spanisch und Englisch. Auch spreche

ich ein bisschen Russisch, Arabisch

und Deutsch, denn ich lerne sehr gern

andere Sprachen.

Am liebsten fahre ich mein Motorrad,

und dann trinke ein kaltes Bier im Wochenende.



Intouchables is a film directed by Oliver

Nakache and Eric Toledona. A comedy-drama,

set in a rich neighbourhood

in Paris, based on a true story.

The main characters of this movie are

Philippe and Dris. Philippe, played by

François Cluzet, is a rich and sarcastic

man who became quadriplegic due to

a paragliding accident. He was looking

for a steady and gentle assistant,

refusing all kindness and sympathy.

Dris, played by Omar Psy, a quite laidback

young man from the suburbs, applied

for this job without interest. Yet,

Philippe felt something special on him,

so he decided to employ Dris.

Despite the beginning was so hard,

Dris finally gets used to the job with

good skills. However, the best part of

the story was the loyal and funny relation

which both built up during that

time. As a result, more than employer

and employee, they became “untouchable”.

The great strength of this film is the

real friendship between the main characters.

Two different worlds crashed

in order to understand and help each

other. Moreover, not only is this a funny

and human film, it also tackles real

problems in society, such as the value

of not judging anyone by physical appearance.

For all comedy and drama

lovers “Intouchables” is a must.

Clara Almiñana Iznardo

C1.1, Extensió Formentera



Duelo de Titanes (Remember the Titans)es

una película dirigida por Boaz

Yakin en Estados Unidos en el año

2000. El historia estábasadasobre hechos

reales de fútbol americano, con

un reparto ilustre como Denzel Washington

(Coach Herman Boone), Will

Patton (Coach Bill Yoast ) y Wood Harris

(Julius Campbell). La historia trata

de un entrenador afro-mericano que

se convierte en el entrenador principalde

un instituto en el sur deVirginia

(Estados Unidos) en los años 70, tiempos

donde había segregación de gente

de color. Por la nueva ley están obligados

a integrarlos. A través de la historia,

los jugadores -que tienen un buen

fondo- aprendena cómo jugar juntos,

confiar en los otros y estar unidos dentro

y fuera del campo.

Es una película que recomendaría a

todas las audiencias, la joven y la mayor,

porque toca todos nuestros sentimientos.

Es una película de risa y de

tristeza, y que también te inspira. Nos

ayuda a aprender una lección: la de ser

ser respetuoso los unos con los otros

en un mundo de gente diferente, justo

como hay aquí, en Ibiza. Espero que un

día podamos llegar a ser más abiertos

y conscientes del valor de lasdiversas


Jamie Pointer

Español, Intermedio B1




Hasta el último hombre es una película

dramática y bélica de Estados Unidos,

de 2016, dirigida por Mel Gibson y

escrita por Andrew Kinghty Robert

Schenkkan, y protagonizada por

Andrew Garfied. Es unahistoria real

porque la película está basada en la

historia real del soldado del ejército

de EE.UU llamado Desmond Doss, un

hombre en contra de la violencia, y

que fue condecorado con la Medalla

de honor por el presidente Harry

S.Truman, por haber salvado la vida

a más de setenta y cinco hombres

bajo el constante fuego enemigo en el

acantilado de Maeda, durante la brutal

batalla de Okinawa, en la Segunda

Guerra Mundial.

Es una película maravillosa, que cuenta

la historia de un hombre que se alista en

el ejército para servir como médico de

guerra.Desmonddemuestra su valor

salvando la vida de muchos hombres

heridos consiguiendo así el respeto de

los soldados. Sin embargo, al principio

nadie le acepta su actitud y intentan

rechazarlo y echarlo fuera del ejército,

porque nadie acepta la idea de que

alguien entre a una guerra sin armas.

Eso es un “milagro”. Pero Desmond

tiene otro punto de vista. Por esto,

Hasta el último hombrees una película

extraordinaria que te conmueve y que

te golpea con fuerza.

Sanaa Akdi

Español Intermedio B1

Vivir dos veces:

entre el dolor y la


Dirección: María Ripoll

Reparto: Óscar Martínez, Inma Cuesta, Mafalda

Carbonell, Nacho López, Aina Clotet

Título en V.O.: Vivir dos veces

País: España Año: 2019 Fecha de estreno:

06-09-2019 Género: Drama/Comedia

Guión: María Mínguez Fotografía:

Núria Roldos Música: Arnau Bataller

Vivir dos veces, una película dirigida por

María Ripoll y protagonizada por Óscar

Martínez e Inma Cuesta, habla de la dura

realidad del Alzheimer y de la busca incesante

de un amor de juventud.

Emilio, un professor universitario de matemáticas,

que dedicó gran parte de su vida

a los estudios y a la academia (a punto de

descobrir un número primo), es acometido

por el mal de Alzheimer. El personaje

tiene una personalidad fuerte, objetiva,

solitaria, -quizás insensible- pero al ser

acometido por esta enfermedad, empieza

poco a poco a darse cuenta de su pequeñez

delante de la vida y de que ha perdido

la oportunidad de vivir un gran amor.

Frente al temor de perder la memoria y

olvidar a su amada se pone en marcha en

busca del amor de su juventud. Para esto

cuenta con la ayuda de su hija Julia (Inma

Cuesta), que tiene una familia llena de

problemes, un espejo de la sociedad actual:

un matrimonio fracasado sostenido

en nombre de las aparencias, una niña

influenciada por las redes sociales sin ningún

límite, el distanciamento del padre.

La gran lección de la película consiste

en demostrar la importancia de actuar

cuando la vida exige una actuación y de

no acomodarse delante de las cosas que

necesitan ser cambiadas. La enfermedad

sirve como punto de partida para

que cada uno de los personajes haga en

su vida lo que necesitaba hacer, es decir,

cada uno de los involucrados en la trama

tiene una segunda oportunidad de

enfrentar las mentiras sobre las que han

construido su vida.

Vivir dos veces enseña, a traves de problemas

cotidianos, a tener esperanza en

medio del dolor y del sufrimiento; enseña,

además, el poder de la unión de

una família. El film muestra que si la vida

te da la oportunidad de amar, no la debes

dejar escapar. No esperes por una

segunda oportunidad, coge la primera,

que el amor hay que vivirlo. No vivas un

amor en la memoria, vive en acto, vive

ahora. Y que esto sirva para cualquier

cosa en la vida, no solo en el amor.

Elena Riveres

Bàsic 1, grup B

Extensió CEPA Sant Antoni.

Quico Martínez

Bàsic 1, grup B

Extensió CEPA Sant Antoni.

Uisla Fernandes

Español Intermedio B1

26 · SABIR

SABIR · 27




In Olympus there were a lot of gods each

one with their own power..

Zeus guarded the gods and controlled

them with his ray. Poseidon was the god

of the sea with his trident and Hades

ruled the underworld. They were the

bosses of the gods and then there were

the others like Hermes, the most mischievous

god of all Olympus.

Hermes went flying everywhere because

he had wings. He wore a helmet

with wings, shoes with wings and also

had wings on his heels. He flew very

fast and the other gods couldn't get him

when he got mad, and that happened

many times because Hermes always did

some mischief.

One day Hermes was walking along the

beach when he met a turtle that had died

because he was very old. He was over

two hundred years old. Hermes saw that

only the shell was left and that the turtle

had gone to heaven, so he took the shell

and thought what he could do with it.

He thought it would be a good idea to put

some strings through the shell and when

he played the strings, music began to

play. He played a very beautiful melody

with the strings that people and gods


However, Apollo was very envious of

Hermes and wanted the musical turtle

so he took advantage of one of Hermes'

antics to get the lyre.

Once Hermes stole all Apollo’s sheep,

well, it was a joke! Hermes made them

invisible and Apollo was three days

looking for the sheep. Apollo screamed

and kicked because he knew it had been

Hermes' thing, until Zeus had to bring order

and told Hermes that he had to return

the sheep and also compensate Apollo in

some way. Hermes delivered Apollo the

lyre which he had created with a turtle


SIlvia Martin Corrionero



There was a time when the name for each

continent wasn’t decided yet.

In the case of Europe, Greek mythology

tells us that while Zeus was watching

the world from Olympus, he saw a

Phoenician princess called Europa on

the beach with her friends. He fell in love

with her and decided to seduce her, but

he knew people were afraid of gods, so

he went to the beach as a beautiful, white

and quiet bull. When Europa saw him,

she got closer and climbed on top of him

and then, the bull went into the sea and

swam until they arrived at the magical

island of Crete, , the same island where

the Daedalus labyrinth was, and she decided

to stay there.

Her family travelled half the world looking

for her, including Italy, Spain, Portugal,

France and Holland … At every

place they arrived they asked the same

question: have you seen Europa? However,

nobody had seen her and the people

started to ask for Europa too and they

mentioned her so many times that every

place where the family had looked for

her become known as Europa.

Why didn’t they find her? Well, because

at that time a bronze giant called Talos

didn't let anyone enter the island of

Crete, so Europa’s family could never

find her. But that’s another story ...

Ainhoa Córcoles




In the past there were many Greek heroes.

History says that there was one who was

the strongest of all, Perseus. This man was

famous because he fought

against gorgon Medusa.

She was a bad woman, she

turned people who looked at

her into rocks. She also wore

many snakes on her head.

One day Perseo decided

to fight against Medusa. He

asked other Greek heroes for

help so each hero gave him

something for his fight. Perseo

picked up all the things

and went to look for Medusa.

She was turning people into

rocks and when she was tired

she sat on a rock. Perseo took

advantage of this moment to

attack her and cut her head.

History says that from Medusa’s blood

Pegasus was born. Pegasus was a powerful

hores. He could fly over the clouds

because he had wings. Perseo used him

to go back home.



Lydia Rodenas


Iris is one of the most fascinating goddesses

of all Olympus.

Her mission is to carry messages for Zeus

on rainy days to gods and the human beings

everywhere in heaven or on earth.

She draws a bow in the sky and paints it

with colored pencils. Each colour means

a different recipient.

The blue colour is a message for Poseidon

from Zeus and it means: "stop your anger

with the sea".

The green colour is a message for Mother

Nature and it means: "take care of yourself".

The yellow colour is a message

for the Sun and it means: "don't shine so

much, because you can burn the people".

However, when she paints the bow with

all the colours, that is a message for human

beings meaning a sad, cloudy and

gray day is over.

Isabel Cabello




In Africa, there is a tribe, where instead

of considering the date of birth, as the

day a child is born, it is considered as the

day that child was thought by his mother.

When a woman decides to have a child,

she goes under a tree and concentrates

until she hears the song of the child she

wants to be born. Later, she shows it to

his future son’s father and they sing it together.

This is when they decide to have

the child. The townspeople also learn

the song, and it is the mother of the future

baby who teaches it. When the baby is

born, the old women and all the people

sing the song to welcome him.

When the child grows up and does

something good, to reward him, the

people of the tribe sing his song. On the

other hand, if the child does something

wrong, they call him to the center of the

town and people get around him and

sing his song to him. For this tribe, the

way to solve a behaviour is through love,

and not through punishment. If a couple

joins, they sing their songs and if a person

dies, they also sing it, to say goodbye

and to honour that person.

Marina Santos Gutiérrez




In ancient times, the Greek gods used to

have children with people who weren't

their partners.

One day,the king of the gods, Zeus, fell in

love with a mortal woman and they had

a son,the most famous and strong of all


Hercules had lots of problems from the

day of his birth, because Hera, Zeus's

wife, was very angry with Zeus because

he had a son with another woman.

When Hercules was born, all gods were

very happy because they knew he would

be a wonderful hero, but one day, Hera

went down from Olympus and she put two

snakes in Hercules's bed to kill him but

it was Hercules with his strong arms who

killed the snakes, and he was just a baby.

From that moment, he was loved by all

the gods and they tried to protect him

from Hera.

One day, god Hermes tried to leave the

baby on Hera's chest because if the baby

drank Hera's milk he would be immortal

but she saw the baby and she hit him

and pushed him away. Her milk was spilt

on the sky and became stars like a cotton

rainbow that we can see in summer

nights. This is The Via Lactea.

Juan Miguel Martín Requena



Arachne was bor in Lydia. She was very

skilled with the loom and a lot of merchants

from the region used to go to her

house to buy her creations.

However, Arachne was a bit vain and

she was very proud of her creations. She

thought that she was better than Athena,

the goddess of crafts. This reached Athena’s

ears and, of course, she got angry

and she decided to get off to Olympus.

Athena talked to Arachne and they challenged

for a competition. They were

several days without eating or sleeping,

only working at the loom. When their

creations were finished, Arachne was

the best but Athena didn’t want to recognise

it and nobody wanted to contradict

her because she was the goddess.

Athena was so angry that turned Arachne

into a hairy spider. The mearchants

were frightened of her and asked Athena

to soften the punishment. In the end, the

goddess decided that from that moment

spiders would always be weaving.

Juana Belotto





The Trojan War finished and Ulysses, on

his way back home, Ithaca, found sirens

and some magic beings, and it took him

a long time to get back.

Penelope, his wife, was waiting for him

while a lot of suitors from Ithaca, their

country, were insisting on marrying her.

The suitors went to her palace every

day because they wanted Penelope to

choose another husband, but she wanted

to wait for Ulysses because she really

loved him.

She had a good idea

to distract her suitors.

She said to them that

when she finished

weaving a blanket, she

would choose a new

husband, and they

accepted her offer.

She was sure Ulysses

would come back

home, she only had to

be patient.

During the day Penelope

weaved the blanket,

but at nights

she unweaved

what she had done, so she was

able to gain time.

Penelope had her reward for

waiting for Ulysses because he

came back to the palace and he

chased out all her suitors.

Marina Roldán Ortiz




Creta is a Greek island that has always had

many charms among their visitors.Like

other islands, it has its own history also.

Many years ago, Zeus, a Greek god, hid

his lover Europa in this place, because

he didn’t want anyone to meet her. For

this reason Zeus put Talos on watch so

that nobody could approach the island.

Talos was a bronze giant that has icor instead

of blood, a green liquid that heated

him up. When sailors approached

Crete he began to run to greet him. A

lot of them got scared while others who

arrived to the shore got scorched when

Talos gave them his burning hug.

One day, Jason the hero and Medea the

sorcerer went to Crete. Talos went to

greet them and Jason was terrified, but

the smart woman Medea with her spells

put Talos to sleep and they had the opportunity

to take out the green liquid and

kill him.

This is the reason why Crete is still covered

with this liquid and receives so

many visits.

Marta Martin





There was a Greek god, his name was

Poseidon. He reigned over all the seas,

He always preferred to be at the bottom

of the sea with his sea creatures, octopuses,

whales, dolphins and colorful fish

rather than to be on the surface. There

was a time when he came out from the

bottom of the sea more often.

One day, Poseidon climbed to the surface,

walked for a while on the beach and saw

a family enjoying their meal at the beach.

The bad thing came later when the family

finished their meal and they left many

things on the sand. Poseidon got angry.

He got on his seahorse and went back to

his underwater home. There he took his

trident and began to stir the wàters as if

he were stirring soup. The sea got rough,

the waves were really high and a great

storm began. That made all the people to

have to run away and go home because

the place was very dangerous.

Sometimes, Poseidon shows his dissatisfaction

with the people of the planet and

he stirs the water of the sea with his trident.

These are the days when you’d better

not go to the beach or the sea.

Ainhoa González Núñez



A long, long time ago, the Troyan war

started when Helen was caught by the

king of the Troyans. Helen was the most

beautiful woman in the world and she

was married to Menelaus, who was the

king of Sparta.

For a long time the Troyans fought but

couldn’t win the war, until one day when

the Greekd decided to hide near Troya

because they wanted everybody to think

that they had got back home. However,

everything was a lie.

They wanted Troya, but they didn’t know

how to get in. Although it was so difficult,

finally, Ulyses had an idea, a smart trick,

to build a wooden horse as a present and

fill it with Greeks to try to get into Troya

and so rescue Helen. And so they did.

The Troyans thought the huge horse was

a gift, for this reason they decided to let

it enter the city. They didn’t imagine that

everything was a trick. Then, at night,

the Troyans celebrated a party and they

drank and ate and danced for hours.

Suddenly, the best Greek fighters started

to get out from the stomach of the horse.

They opened the doors of Troya. They

killed the king and burned the city. They

won the war and also they found Helen.

Sometimes things are not what they

seem to be. However, true and honest

love can move mountains.

Mayra Montero




The story of Ulysses and the Sirens

is an ancient Greek story

that tells the journey and the adventures

that happened on Ulysses'

boat when he was going

back home to his family after 10

years of war.

On this return journey, which

was very long, they had many

dangers, but the worst danger

was passing by the island of the

Sirens in the Mediterranean Sea.

Ulysses, who was very brave,

was really scared this time. He

had heard stories about the sirens causing

the boats to hit rocks with their songs

and he had to avoid it. However, he was

very curious and wanted to hear them,

so he had an idea and ordered his crew

to cover their ears and tie him to the

ship’s strongest mast. When the sirens

saw the ship they began to call Ulysses

by his name with a wonderful song and

although Ulysses tried to untie himself,

he couldn’t. That’s what saved them.

Therefore, in the end, he could hear the

sirens, avoid hitting the rocks and go

back home to his beloved wife Penelope.

Toñi Díaz Marí




On one of his travels, when Ulysses and

his sailors were returning home, after

the Trojan war, they landed on the island

of the Cyclops. They didn’t know that

they existed, so they entered the island

without fear, looking for food. They found

some huge pieces of cheese in a cave

and they started to eat.

Suddenly, the ground began to shake,

and dozens of sheep entered. Behind

them a gigantic, ugly and filthy being

with a single eye appeared. He was a

Cyclop called Polyphemus, who, with

an enormous force, closed the entrance

with an immense rock. When the Cyclop

discovered Ulysses and his sailors,

he got very angry. Ulysses, who feared

problems, told him that his name was


The giant ate two of his men and Ulysses

attempted to calm him down by offering

wine. He liked it so much that he drank

and drank, until he got drunk and fell

asleep. Ulysses and his men took advantage

of this and stuck a spear in his eye.

The Cyclop opened the cave and came

out asking for help from his brothers, but

as he told them that ‘Nobody’ had hurt

him, they ignored him. Ulysses and his

men were able to escape from the cave

and return to their ship to continue their

journey and their adventures.

Pilar Torres Costa


28 · SABIR

SABIR · 29

A day of fury

Written mediation task: a letter to the editor of a newspaper.

Texts inspired by a photograph taken by Pablo Cobos during

a military offensive in the Iraqi city of Mosul (2014).

Photograph reproduced courtesy of Pablo Cobos (originally

published in “Un día de furia en Mosul”, El Mundo, 22/03/2017).

Dear Sir/Madam,

I am writing to express my sincere

admiration for the job carried out by

photojournalist Pablo Cobos and published

in the news report “A day of fury

in Mosul”, written by Manuel Maltés. I

want to mention especially the photograph

of the old lady abandoned on a

wheelchair due to the impossibility of

being carried by her family once they

reached a destroyed bridge.

I felt a deep sadness and sorrow when I

observed the expression of resignation

on the old lady’s face. At the very first

moment I was blind with fury against

the politicians and soldiers whose decisions

provoked this scenario. Innocent

people such as this poor woman

are usually the victims of the bad decisions

taken by the statesmen who are

supposed to help the population.

Had I been the reporter, I would have

had the impulse to help the old lady to

get to a safe place. But I must admit that

it is more valuable for humanity to have

this document of the consequences of

war. Nevertheless, I think I wouldn’t

have been able to sleep that night.

This is the main reason why I want to

express my acknowledgement of Pablo

Cobos’ work. Were war photojournalists

to disappear, we would lack the terrible

evidence that their images show.

This feeling of dejection encourages

the citizens of the world to put pressure

on our politicians, in order to prevent

countries from getting involved in war


Yours faithfully,

Toni Matutes Pascual


Dear Sir/Madam,

I am writing this letter after reading the

shocking news about the war in Mosul,

Iraq. I felt absolutely devastated after

seeing the picture of the old woman on

the wheelchair and terribly sad to think

about what happens not only to her, but

to all civilians in war zones. Should I

ever find myself in the same situation, I

will honestly not know what to do.

War only brings destruction in all

senses. Hatred, dread, sorrow… are

the feelings that come into my mind

when I think about it. But is this what

we really want? Do we want to live in a

world were rage, fear, fights and death

predominate? Or either in a peaceful

world were compassion, happiness

and peace take place? I honestly hope

that the news and photographs like the

ones in this newspaper make people

think and reflect about what is happening

worldwide and about the inner values

we need for a harmonious world.

I truly think war journalists and photographers

carry out very sensitive

jobs. They are putting their lives in

danger to inform and show the world

what is happening in other parts of the

planet. In fact, were war correspondents

to disappear, we would never

know about the consequences brought

by conflicts. They are undoubtedly doing

an invaluable work.

However, were this battle to happen in

a lesser-known conflict, it would never

receive such an extensive coverage.

This is the reason why I believe

we should not only inform about wellknown

conflict areas but also lesser-known

battle areas too in order to

raise awareness globally.

Yours faithfully,

Dear Sir/Madam,

I am writing to acknowledge the journalists'

work reflecting the cruel consequences

of war. Whilst reading your

newspaper, I came across the news report

“A day of fury in Mosul”, a story of

a military offensive in this Iraqi city. I

felt overwhelmed by the shocking image

of the disabled lady abandoned by

her family on the other side of the river.

The picture of the old lady sitting on

her wheelchair and left alone amid the

attack shocked me deeply. It made me

turn away with revulsion instinctively.

Not only must that woman have felt a lot

of anger towards her family for having

abandoned her, but she must also have

experienced a deep sadness. However,

her eyes in that picture during the

offensive just express resignation. Had

her family not been caught in a war,

they would not have had to take such a

painful decision.

The news report about the battle in

Mosul shook me to my core. I was

blind with fury when I read about the

incident. Were war correspondents to

disappear, and therefore their work,

we would never know the cruel consequences

brought by conflicts. The

sheer thought of what happens to civilians

in war zones fills me with deep

loathing and I wholeheartedly want to

convey how invaluable your work is.

The photograph is certainly an awe-inspiring

account of the impact of war on

civilians. Congratulations on your remarkable


Yours faithfully,

Carme Roca Fusalba


Dear Sir/Madam,

I am writing to you regarding a picture

of an old lady that was published in

your newspaper last week. When I saw

that picture, I turned away in revulsion

instinctively. How can humans cause

that hopelessness to other humans? I

have no words.

First and foremost, seeing this lady so

defeated made me think about how she

could have been saved. For example,

had her family not been caught in a war,

they would not have left her behind.

How could a family make a decision

like that? Because personally, should I

ever find myself in the same situation, I

will honestly not know what to do. What

a horrible decision to make!

Our elders have done everything for

us, so shouldn’t they be saved in situations

like this one? I think about my

grandmother and my heart breaks into

pieces just thinking I could be in the

situation of doing that to her.

After all the sorrow I felt, the only thing

I have left to say is that we don’t really

appreciate the journalists’ invaluable

work. Were war correspondents

to disappear, we would never know

about the consequences brought by

conflicts. And I believe it is important

to acknowledge the mistakes humanity

is doing in order not to repeat them.

Yours faithfully,

Ester Burguera Miñana


Dear Sir/Madam,

Having just read the piece of news

about Mosul published in last Saturday’s

edition, I am writing to express

how devastated I feel by the details

of the massive bombing and mostly

by the images of civilians whose lives

have suffered such a dramatic impact.

I also would like to highlight the importance

of the work done by war correspondents,

often risking their lives.

I was blind with fury when I read the

news report. When I saw the photograph

that shows an elderly disabled

woman left behind by her relatives

amidst the confusion, I turned away in

revulsion instinctively. If I had been that

woman, I would have probably been

filled with dread, but she just looks

sad and resigned. Had this woman not

been disabled, she would have been

able to cross the river on foot. But most

of all, had her family not been caught in

a war, they would not have had to take

such a painful decision.

The sheer thought of what happens

to civilians in war zones fills me with

deep loathing. Were this battle to happen

in a lesser-known conflict, it would

never receive such an extensive coverage.

Nevertheless, we have to recognize

the value of war journalists and

photographers. Were war correspondents

to disappear, we would never

know about the consequences brought

by conflicts.

Yours faithfully,


Imagine for a moment: would you be able

to bring three children up, get a full time

job and do the daily domestic chores

without any help? My mother could do all

that and even more.

I have this childhood memory: when I got

up in the mornings with my two sisters,

my mother had already prepared the

breakfast, also our sandwiches to take to

school and even the lunch for the whole

family! Then, she drove her small car to

take us to school, where she worked as

a teacher. As I was a child, I lived those

routines like a normal thing, but, when

I grew up, I started to realize that my

mother was the closest thing to a superwoman.

As her three children were maturing,

my mom found the way to educate us in

equality and respect, but always with

affection and love. She also gradually

taught us how to do housework, from

cooking to ironing. That way, as time

passed, the three of us were aware of

how hard her life was, and started to do

everything we could to help her as much

as possible.

My opinion, everybody considers their

mothers as the best ones in the world,

but I'm absolutely convinced that if all of

them just seemed like mine, the world

would be a little better place.

Vicente Ballester

B2.1 A

Lost & Found

It was Sunday morning; as usual I woke

up, opened my window widely and took

a deep breath. Some mist was left over

the fields and a soft wind was blowing.

Autumn had arrived in all its beauty. I

knew right away, I had to go for a hike!

It would be me surrounded by peaceful

autumn sensations!

I enjoyed hiking for hours, nature nourishing

me and breathing pure air. By the

time I saw the little village I was heading

to, I was already tired but incredibly happy!

I was almost getting there and recklessly

carried on, as all of a sudden… the

forest had swallowed the path.

Had I missed the proper route? No way

out. I was getting deeper and deeper

into the forest. I’d got lost! I teared up,

feeling scared and lonely. The forest was

dipping steeply in front of me, the soil

was covered in leaves. I slowly started

sliding down on my bottom… terrified I

closed my eyes…

Hours later, completely covered in dirt

and rotten leaves, with badly scratched

arms and legs, I found myself back on

the main trail. When I eventually got to

the small village, the noon bus had left

long ago and the next one was yet to

come. Would I ever get home? What unexpected

autumn sensations!


In my last holiday, on Christmas, I travelled with my husband, my daughter and my two

dogs on a ship to my native land, Murcia. We stayed in my parent’s home for seventeen

days and I enjoyed it very much because staying there remained me of my childhood.

The first day I took my daughter to her old school because she wanted to give a surprise

to her classmates, so when we arrived, all of them run to hug her very happily.

We were able to visit a lot of friends and relatives and it was very nice because they all

wanted to see us and spend time with us.

The weather was great, so we went to walk every day across the city, we loved seeing

all the places decorated with Christmas lights, and we had a good time although all

the streets were crowded.

We went out for lunch or dinner to our favourite places, we ate ‘churros’ with hot chocolate

and my daughter enjoyed herself very much in the Christmas fair. We took our daughter to

the children’s theatre too, when we lived in Murcia, it was one of our favourite weekend plans.

We wanted to do something new too, so we went to play to a escape room with my

cousins, and it was so much fun and very exiting!!

We also went to see the three kings Cavalcade and my daughter was crazy and exited!!

We really enjoyed our holidays, although it wasn’t a relaxing time.

Silvia Navarro

A2 A


“Los Angeles” è la città più popolata

dello stato della California, ha 3.792.671

abitanti ed è la seconda città più popolata

degli Stati Uniti dopo New York.

Per molti secoli è stata abitata dai popoli

“amerindios”, ma nel 1542 ci sono arrivati

i primi europei. Oggi la popolazione è

cambiata parecchio: ci sono bianchi, afroamericani,

asiatici, latini e armeni. E inoltre,

è la seconda città con più popolazione

messicana al mondo. D’altra parte, si dice

che il clima di“Los Angeles” è ideale perché

ha una temperatura mite tutto l’anno.

“Los Angeles” è una città globale con una

grande influenza su diversi settori come:

quello degli affari, del commercio internazionale,

dell’intrattenimento, della cultura,

della moda e della teconologia. È il cuore

dell’industria televisiva e cinematografica.

Infine, questa città offre molte attrazioni

turistiche e molti luoghi da visitare. La

costa di “Los Angeles”, con 120 chilometri

di lunghezza, ospita le migliori spiagge

della California meridionale che vanno

da “Malibú” a “Long Beach”.


B1 italià - EOI Eivissa


Lubiana è la capitale della Slovenia, dunque

la città più grande del paese. Ha una

popolazione approssimativa di duecentronovantatrémila

abitanti e le popolazioni

che l’hanno abitata in passato sono

stati i romani, i franchi, i tedeschi e gli

slavi. Il clima di Lubiana è continentale,

cioè, molto freddo d’inverno e molto caldo


Inoltre, Lubiana è una città universitaria

e costituisce il cuore culturale, scientifico,

economico, politico ed amministrativo

della Slovenia. La concentrazione di

industrie, i collegamenti viari, e gli istituti

di ricerca scientifica contribuiscono

alla sua situazione economica. Nel 2016

ha vinto il Premio Capitale verde Europea

di quell'anno.

Infine, le attrazioni turistiche più rappresentative

di Lubiana sono il centro storico,

i parchi, il fiume “Ljubljanica”, la cattedrale,

il castello, la chiesa francescana

dell'annunciazione, il Ponte dei Draghi,

i diversi musei e la Galleria Nazionale

della Slovenia.


B1 italià - EOI Eivissa

Virginia Medina Torre


Catalina Marí Planells


Carolina Bracher

B2.1, group B

30 · SABIR

SABIR · 31

One of our B2.2 groups had a discussion on the

importance of leading a healthy lifestyle, and some

students wrote articles about the main traits of a healthy

lifestyle. Check if you already follow these guidelines or

if you may need to take up some new healthy habits!


Live longer and


How long do you think you will live?

Much, right? You’d better start living a

healthy lifestyle to manage this. There

are a lot of scientific studies that prove

life expectancy is absolutely related to

healthy lifestyle habits.

The New Year could be a good opportunity

to change your lifestyle, why

don’t you try? It’s easy. The main components

of a healthy lifestyle are only

five: sleep more, keep calm, eat well,

be active and be happy.

First of all, you need to sleep six to

eight hours to have a restful sleep. Forget

to live stressed, stress is your worst

enemy. Moreover, keep calm and try to

prioritize your tasks by the importance

they have.

Secondly, you should eat more vegetables

and fruit in order to include fibre,

vitamins and minerals to your diet. Try

to avoid fast food and packaged food,

and keep under control the number of

calories you eat.

In addition, it’s really necessary to have

an active life, doing active sports or relaxing

activities like yoga. It’s essential

to have time for yourself, to take care

of yourself.

Finally, never forget to be happy! Happiness

is composed by the beautiful

moments that you share with your family

and friends. Disconnect from your

daily problems and enjoy your free


So now, what do you think about your

lifestyle? Is it healthy enough? Cheer

up! It’s time to change your lifestyle

habits; it’s time to live longer and better.

By Bárbara Revert

B2.2 B anglès

Avoid chronic


Nowadays, nutrition and sports are the

basis for having a healthy lifestyle and

avoiding dangerous chronic diseases,

which 70% of the population suffer.

First, you have to know which these diseases

that you could have under control

with a healthy lifestyle are. These

diseases are suffered by a large part

of the population and they can be hypertension,

diabetes, high cholesterol,

asthma and heart problems, among


Secondly, if you want to get better from

these diseases, you should start to cut

out sugar and salt. You could substitute

them for saccharine or different spices

like pepper, oregano, etc.

You should also have a balanced diet,

the recommended amount is 30% of

fats, 50-55% of carbohydrates and 10-

15% of proteins, of course vitamins and

minerals too. To have this balanced

diet you should eat fresh fish, welldone

meat, fruit and vegetables. In addition,

you need to drink a litre and a

half of water daily.

Only this? No! Besides, at least you

must walk thirty minutes a day or do

other kinds of sport like cycling, swimming,

pilates, etc.

To sum up, you must have a balanced

diet with healthy food, so you have to

avoid takeaway, fried and highly processed

food. You also need to do sport

daily and you shouldn’t drink alcohol

or smoke. Can you do it?

By Teresa de Juan

B2.2 B anglès

Happier and


If you are one of those people who

cares about their health, here you will

find some advice which could be helpful

for you.

First of all, you should pay attention to

your diet. Try to avoid sugar, refined

flours and highly processed food as

much as possible. Change it for whole

flours and cereals, and homemade

food. It’s also important to increase the

intake of fruit and vegetables.

Another thing to take into consideration

is unhealthy habits, like alcohol and tobacco.

If you are a smoker, or maybe

you drink more than you should, it’s

time to give it up.

Moreover, if you want to have a healthy

lifestyle, you should work out, go to the

gym or do some sport. Or if you don’t

like it, why don’t you try walking? It’s

one of the best exercise you can do.

And, last but not least, take care of

your mind. Stress is not good for your

health. Nowadays, it is very difficult not

to be stressed with the fast pace of life

to which we are used to (house, children,

work…). Try to find a moment

during the week to do what you really

like. Yoga or mindfulness would be

very helpful to get a bit more relaxed.

Take care of your body and your mind,

you will feel much better and you will

not regret it.

By Cristina Yern

B2.2 B anglès

Simple advice for

health hunters

In order to lead a healthy lifestyle it is

not just important what you eat, also

many other aspects. Let’s see...

The main point and the first thing that

pops into your mind when somebody

talks about a healthy way of life is diet.

Having a proper diet, adequate for

your age or for some type of illenesses

is probably the base. The principal

traits of a balanced diet are eating fruit

and vegetables and, if possible, choosing

the most ecological ones, harvested

as near as possible and without any

pesticides or other chemical products.

Another good piece of advice could be

to cut down the intake of highly processed

food as much as possible and

to avoid drinking alcohol.

Another thing to consider is how sedentary

you are. It is very important to

do some type of exercise to be healthy.

In addition, you have to pay attention to

the quality of your sleep, not just how

many hours, but also the quality of it.

One isssue that many people don’t really

take into account is the importance

of having a few minutes to relax every

day. Try taking a walk, reading a book

or anyother activity which helps you

relax. Besides, avoiding mental illnesses

and emotional problems is one of

the keystones of your health.

All in all, each one of these points is

important in order to avoid chronical

diseases such as diabetes, high blood

pressure and coronary heart diseases.

Have you ever wondered how your life

will end? Living longer and better is up to

you. Let’s start doing our best right now!

By María Ribas

B2.2 B anglès


We had been sailing along the river for

two hours when we finally arrived at Tortuguero

in the afternoon. There was a lot

of humidity because it had been pouring

with rain, but the sun was beating down

on us again.

At midnight we met with Carlos, our

guide. After a while, we were walking

along the beach in silence, watching

the sea with the only help of a lantern. It

wasn’t until much later that Carlos made

us a signal. Suddenly, I felt an adrenalin

rush. We run quickly towards Carlos and

finally we saw it... An enormous turtle

was in front of us laying tens of eggs in a

hole in the sand! Carlos told us that turtles

can be carefully observed in those

moments because they are like hypnotized.

He also explained that hundreds

of turtles arrived there every night and

many of them were born every sunrise,

but it was quite difficult to see them.

We took up de challenge and next day

we got up at 4:00 AM to embark on the

adventure. After two boring hours walking

sleepy along the seashore, we were

thinking of giving up, when we saw

something moving on the sand. There it

was! A tiny turtle was struggling to reach

the sea I had never seen anything like

this in my life. Definitely, it was much better

than television nature documentaries!

Vicente Ballester Pau

B2.1 A

Descrizione di


Ibiza città ha 65.000 abitanti. In estate

è una città un po´ caotica perché c’è

troppa gente e troppo traffico. Anche

ci sono tantissimi turisti. Nella parte

storica della città ci sono molti negozi,

bar e ristoranti. Ci sono anche alcuni

musei come il Museo contemporaneo

e il Museo archeologico. In questa

città c’è molto inquinamento per il

traffico che c’è soprattutto d’estate.

Anche ci sono molti alberghi, dove i

turisti possono restare in estate per

dopo andare ai locali e in discoteca per

divertirsi. Ibiza è conosciuta perché

la gente viene a spassarsela nelle

discoteche più grandi e spettacolari

di Europa. La gente ci va a ballare e

a cantare tutta la notte. Invece Ibiza

in inverno è più tranquilla e non ci

sono tante feste, soltanto restiamo

qui i residenti. La città storica si

chiama “Dalt vila” e ci sono le mura

e un castello. Dalle mura si può

vedere il mare e l’isola di Formentera.

Nella parte nuova della città abita

soprattutto la gente locale e quelli

che ci arrivano per lavorare. In questa

parte i palazzi sono più moderni, ma

non sono molto belli e non hanno

nessun fascino.

Fina, Marta e Paula

B1 italià - EOI Eivissa

La magia dei libri

Ho scoperto molto tardi il piacere di leggere.

I libri sempre fanno una grande

compagnia, leggendo un buon libro puoi

viaggiare senza lasciare il posto, infatti

puoi imparare molte cose del mondo.

Quando ero piccola appena leggevo,

non avevo l'abitudine. Ma mentre studiavo

all'università ho conosciuto diversi

libri e autori, è questo quello mi ha fatto

scoprire la lettura. Ho imparato molte

cose nuove e ho aperto la mia mente. Ho

letto diverse cose, ma quello che mi piace

molto è leggere fumetti di illustratrici

come Flavita Banana e i suoi libri come,

"Archivos cósmicos". Questa autrice fa

che i problemi quotidiani sembrino un

scherzo. Inoltre la combinazione di disegno

e testo è fantastica. Leggere fa

emozionarmi. Ricordo una volta che andavo

in treno al lavoro e stavo leggendo

un libro molto triste, parlava della seconda

guerra mondiale e di come due bambini

fanno amicizia attraverso un recinto

di un campo di concentramento.. Ho inizato

a piangere di fronte alle persone.

Questa per me è la magia dei libri quando

ti toccano il cuore e ti fanno sentire

viva e profonda.


B1 italià - EOI ext Formentera

32 · SABIR

SABIR · 33




What do you expect from life? Those

who invest in the heart will say: a

family, health, love. Those who like

material things will opt for: money,

fame, power. But what happens if

you leave your life behind to chase

your dream? In my personal opinion,

this is worthy of admiration and


There are many things we would

like to do, but that we don’t do because

the fear of failing or losing

everything is too big. However,

there are people like Dean Schneider,

a young Swiss, who dared to

abandon a life full of comforts in order

to achieve his dreams. He sold

everything and moved to Africa to

take care of rescued animals.

Who really inspires me is the famous

Turkish model. He had a

bright professional future but one

day he faced a reality that would

change his life. He saw a group of

abandoned dogs which were in deplorable

conditions, and he decided

to dedicate his life to help them. He

bought land where he built shelters

and, nowadays, he already lives

with more than 500 animals.

Some consider them heroes, others

strange beings. Who is able to refuse

so much for the love of animals?

I hope that with this article more

people open their hearts to animals

and I wish we all had that courage.

The world would be a better place.

Yolanda Lorenzo

Anglès, B2.1


DE Nadal

A small

piece of


An air crash of a Nazi aircraft by the end of

the II World War. The shipwreck of a particular

boat used to smuggle in the 1940’s.

Or when FC Barcelona tried to sign a local

goalkeeper to replace to the legendary

Antoni Ramallets. Yes, you are right:

everything happened in Formentera.

These are some of the eighteen short

personal stories, about people who

lived in the island during the last century,

that you will find in the book “Formentera. Una mirada

enrere”, published in April 2019 and read for more than six hundred people until now.

I am not the writer of the book but the publisher. The writer is Josep Rubio, better

known as “Pepo” Rubio and also well known since he is in charge of “De Far a Far”

from 2006, a magazine which is broadcasted live from Monday to Friday by Radio Illa.

About me, I became a publisher one year ago when Pepo suggested it to me.

It was a cold January morning in Sant Francesc, I arranged to meet Pepo Rubio on a

cafe terrace because he likes to smoke a cigarette while we chat. He had two news for

me. “One is good and the other one is bad”, he said.

The bad news was that he wanted to stop the collaboration we both had started two

years ago. We had been posting a weekly article (on our blog www.proximoferry.com/

blog) since January 2017. In these articles he wrote, he told stories about the island,

people, traditions, history, etc. In general, readers loved them since they were read by

around one thousand people every week, sometimes two thousand and sometimes

four. We may say that it was a pleasant success.

“What if we publish some of these articles in a book?” he asked me. And that was

the good news. I said “yes” immediately, without any reflection, without a second

thought... Later, I asked myself several questions: How could it be done? How much

would it cost? And mainly, who was I to do this?

If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together.

I had never done something like that before. I am an acoustics engineer and I have been

recently involved in a company called Proximo Ferry that is totally unrelated to publish

a book. I learnt by doing, thanks to a great team, because if I wanted to publish a book,

I had to consider several things: I didn’t know how to tell a story like Pepo does; I didn’t

know how to draw and design the cover, like Patri does; and I didn’t know how to lay the

book out like Clara does. I only knew a very little how to manage this thing.

We are so glad with it that we are going to translate it into five languages: English,

French, German, Italian and Spanish versions will be available very soon, in conjunction

with the Catalan original version.

But, be that as it may, the final result is a wonderful book you can find in any bookstore

in Formentera and in Llibreria Mediterrània, in Eivissa. Honestly, it is a fantastic

way to have a small piece of Formentera in your bookcase.

Toni Roig

B2.1 Anglès, Extensió Formentera

Un po’ di me

Mi chiamo Jordi e sono un tipo un po' timido, ma solamente all'inizio... poi dopo che ho

già conosciuto la persona, divento socievole. Sono anche riflessivo e discreto ma ho

sempre voglia di fare qualcosa di nuovo. Per esempio, un giorno io e un compagno di

lavoro siamo andati a un corso per imparare a produrre birra e adesso è il mio passatempo

preferito: produrre, assaggiare e bere birra.

Ma siccome sono troppo riflessivo e perfezionista, poche volte mi piace la birra che ho

prodotto. Invece siccome sono tenace e il mio migliore amico dice che la mia birra è

la più buona che lui abbia mai bevuto, io continuo a farla.

Questo amico si chiama Edu e ci siamo conosciuti trentatrè anni fa, quando avevamo

solamente tre anni. Lui è molto estroverso, ha spirito competitivo e gli piace molto fare

sport, ma sopratutto andare in moto, che è il suo hobby. Invece non sa perdere ed è

un po' testardo e un po' vanitoso, ma di solito andiamo d'accordo. Eccetto quando uno

di noi vince l' altro in qualcosa senza pietà e qualche volta siamo stati qualche giorno

senza parlarci.


B1 italià - EOI ext. Formentera

Die mediterrane

Diät für eine



Die mediterrane Diät ist die Grundlage

für eine gesunde und ausgewogene

Ernährung. Man muss fünfmal pro Tag

essen. Die Basis dieser Diät sind das Getreide,

Gemüse, Obst und die Milchprodukte,

sowie der Verzehr von Olivenöl,

dessen Fett gesund und ungesättigt ist.

Die Produkte, die Teil dieser Basis sind,

müssen täglich konsumiert werden und

sie sollten vorzugsweise gekocht, gegrillt

oder roh verzehrt werden. Mit diesen

Produkten erhält man einen guten

Teil der Vitamine, Mineralstoffe und Ballaststoffe,

die der Körper braucht.

Eine Stufe darüber befinden sich die

Produkte, die nur ein paar Mal pro Woche

konsumiert werden sollten. In dieser

Gruppe findet man Geflügel, Fisch und

Eier, die uns große Dosen Eiweiß geben.

Auch in dieser Gruppe sind Kartoffeln,

Oliven und Hülsenfrüchte.

An der Spitze der Pyramide befinden

sich die Produkte, die nur gelegentlich,

maximal ein oder zweimal im Monat,

verzehrt werden sollten. Diese sind die

Süßigkeiten und das rote Fleisch.

Schließlich sollte man regelmäßig Sport

treiben und täglich 2 bis 3 Liter Wasser


Marilina Tur

B2.1 Aleman

SABIR · 35

La colla del B1 ens

sorprèn el Nadal

Una colla d’alumnes del B1 de català de

l’EOI es varen ajuntar per cantar una nadala

i el resultat va ser molt sorprenent

per a tots els assistents al concert.

El passat 19 de desembre, a l’aula 11 de

l’EOI, va tenir lloc el gran concert de Nadal.

L’anomenada colla del B1 (integrada

per en Fabián García, guitarrista, en Juan

Antonio Chacón, percusionista i n’Ana

Amor, cantant) va ser protagonista de la

darrera tarda de classe abans de les vacances

de Nadal.

El concert, que havia de ser interpretat

per tota la Colla al complet, va ser,

finalment, protagonitzat (a causa d’un

problema d’incompatibilitat laboral del

percusionista) pel duet de Fabián García,

excel·lent guitarrista i Ana Amor, de melodiosa


Quan el duet va sortir a l’escenari i va començar

a interpretar la cançó Un camell

d’Orient, el públic es va desfer en aplaudiments

i van demanar reiteradament

una altra cançó. Després de la nadala, en

Fabián i n’Ana, van regalar als seus companys

de classe una versió d’una altra

cançó del grup Manel: Ai, Dolors! L’alta

aptitud musical dels dos intèrprets va

ser coronada per uns versos impro-visats

al final de la cançó en què es feia referència

a l’examen final del B1 i al desig

que tenien tots els integrants del curs


Tot el públic de l’aula 11 es va emocionar

per la qualitat interpretativa d’ambdós

músics i van sol·licitar a la Colla que repetissin

l’experiència en properes ocasions.

Gràcies, Colla del B1!

Our Buxom


It’s not very glamorous to refer to

Penélope Cruz as “buxom”, but I didn´t

want to miss the opportunity to make a

reference to the movie “Jamón, Jamón”

which the actress starred in 1992.

Married to actor Javier Bardem, with

whom she has two children, “Pe”, as she

likes to be called, is the most internationally

recognized Spanish actress who has

reached a point of stability and continuity

in Hollywood.

As an actress, throughout her career,

she has often played the role of struggling

women who overcome difficulties:

as one would say, “women who are required

to have some balls”. Therefore,

we can understand, why she has starred

more drama films than comedies. “Pe”

recognizes that she loves dramatic films

because they involve the interpretation

of difficult characters, who demand a lot.

For her, they are a gift, a challenge that

requires a lot of commitment from the


Matthew McConaughey and Tom Cruise,

among others, are part of her great sentimental

life. She is part of the Olympus

of Hollywood Stars, and has been considered

the sexiest woman “alive” in the

world by the magazine “Esquire”. But

her humility prevents her from believing

it too much and allows her to have her

feet on the ground.

I personally consider Penélope Cruz to

be an inspiration for many Spanish actors

and actresses, and why not, for people

in general. Dreams, with perseverance

and work, can be achieved!

Carolina Beltrán


36 · SABIR

SABIR · 37




Mi chiamo Marina del Carmen Mayans

Parra e io ho ventun anni. Io sono

spagnola e abito a Sant Francesc,

Formentera. Io parlo lo spagnolo, il

catalano, l’inglese e un po’ di italiano.

Io lavoro come babysitter e insegnante

di catalano di una ragazza cinese a Es

Pujols. Studio l’italiano perché voglio

conoscere nuove lingue e cercare un

altro lavoro.

Marina Mayans Parra

A1 italià - EOI ext Formentera

Al ristorante

Cameriere (Ca): Buongiorno,

Ristorante la Griglia.

Cliente (Cl): Buongiorno, voglio

prenotare un tavolo per due


Ca: Va bene, a che ora?

Cl: Per le 15.

Ca: Il suo nome?

Cl: Signora Martini.

(alle 15)

Cl: Ciao!

Ca: Ciao! Signora, vuole il menù?

Cl: No, grazie. Vogliamo solo un

secondo e un dessert. Che cosa

avete oggi?

Ca: Pesce alla griglia, petto di pollo

al limone, scalopine di vitello. Come

contorno insalata o patatine fritte.

Cl: Per me pesce alla griglia con


Ca: E per il bambino?

Bambino: Vorrei il pollo con le

patatine fritte.

Ca: E da bere?

Cl: Un bicchiere di vino.

Ba: Per me un’aranciata.

Ca: Va bene, e come dessert

abbiamo caffè, gelato di fragole e


CL: Per me un caffè e per mio figlio

i cannoli.

Ca: Grazie!

Cl: Grazie a Lei!

Pep Serra

A1 italià - EOI ext. Formentera



Il mio nome è Ana Pérez, ho quarantadue

anni, sono spagnola di Mallorca. Io

non lavoro, faccio la casalinga. Abito a

Formentera con la mia famiglia, ho due

figli. Parlo il catalano, lo spagnolo e un

po’ di inglese. Mi piace studiare l’italiano

per motivi personali, non lo studio per

lavoro. Se vuoi chiamarmi, il mio numero

di telefono è XXXXXXXXXX.


Ana Pérez

A1 italià - EOI ext. Formentera

Cala Vadella un

indret natural


Cala Vadella es tracta d'un lloc natural

situat al nord-est de l'illa d'Eivissa, a prop

del municipi de Sant Josep de sa Talaia,

podríem diferenciar entre la part alta és

a dir, la muntanya o serra també anomenada

Cala Vadella encara que, de cala té

ben poc i d'altra banda es troba la cala on

es pot gaudir d'una platja increïble.

En primer lloc, descriuré la part alta de

muntanya que es troba passat el poble

anteriorment anomenat, s'ha de tenir

cura amb la carretera ja que està plena

de curves i és un poc estreta no hi ha vo-




ravies i molta gent sobretot a l'estiu va

fent senderisme, quan arribes a la fi de la

carretera trobes una petita pedania anomenada

Club Robinson on està situat un

antic edifici reconstruït, antigament era

un castell en els anys en que Eivissa era

colònia germànica de fet tota la pedania

constituïda per quatre carrer avui es

considera zona privada. L'edifici té unes

característiques bastant peculiars a banda

del seu disseny, el qual consisteix en

parets de pedra, a l'interior hi ha un pati

d'origen andalús que no té res a veure

amb la resta d'elements de l'edifici, les

façanes interiors estan plenes de testos

amb tot tipus de cactus. Seguint al

pati en la part més moderna de l'edifici

troben una piscina enorme però d'aigua

salada amb una decoració motivada amb

ambient muntanyer en lloc de marítim.

Ara bé el més curiós de tot el complex

turístic el toben a la part de dalt és a dir

en les terrasses i es tracta d'unes metralletes

que abans els feien servir per a defensar

el castell.

Baixant del castell ens troben les cales,

concretament dues, una totalment natural

malauradament no es pot accedir

caminant solament en vaixell ja que és

molt rocosa i l'altra té una bellesa impressionant,

l'aigua de color verdós per

l'acció de la posidònia és sempre tebia,

la seua arena de color mel és molt fina i

suau fins i tot a un costat de la cala hi ha

unes quantes palmeres assemblant-se

a una platja caribenya. A l'estiu com a

qualsevol indret turístic i hi ha massa

gent però a l'hivern a l'horabaixa pots

gaudir d'un lloc de pau i tranquil·litat


Israel Angioli Ruiz

C1, català

La platja de Cala Jondal és sens dubte la

millor per pasar-hi l’estiu. Situada en un

entorn verge de pins i penya-segats, és

visitada per persones i per iots de tota

mena: eivissencs, turistes nacionals,

gent famosa o important, …

En només dos-cents metres de platja,

podem trobar diferents restaurants,

clubs i quioscos que ofereixen variats

tipus de cuina: mediterrànea, típica

eivissenca, entrepans, etc. Per aquest

motiu, és idònia per tot tipus de butxaques,

ja que per dinar pots triar des d’un

restaurant d’alt nivel fins un quiosc més

aviat auster.

Aquesta platja de còdols disposa de

zones d’ombra sota els pins. Molts establiments

han creat zones de sorra i

han aixecat petits ponts per facilitar-hi

s’accès al mar. Pocs metres dins de s’aigua

es fons marí és sorrenc, així que

banyar-se dins ses seues aigües cristal·

lines és una meravella.

Antònia Colomar Juan

C1, català

Olor a sal

Ses Salines és per a mi la millor població

d’Eivissa per tot el que ella inclou: flora,

fauna, mar, sal…

Però dins de Ses Salines hi ha un barri

petit anomenat Sa Canal que és el meu

racó favorit d’Eivissa.

Filla i néta de saliners, als anys noranta

quan arribava l’estiu hi llogàvem una casa.

Situada a sobre del ja desconegut “Café”

un bar de molt d’èxit per als turistes

i molt pràctic per la gent que vivía allí.

Una casa amb unes vistes espectaculars.

A les 7 del matí sonava la botzina que

alertava als saliners que era l’hora de

començar a fer feina i començava l’acció

també per a mi.

Apuntada a la balconada fent una vista

panoràmica podíem apreciar com:

Cap avall desfilaven els treballadors de

la salinera amb els camions, els tractors,

les excavadores.

Al capdavant la platja de Ses Salines,

completament deserta…l’únic que es

veia era el tractor llaurant la sorra.

Ala dreta podíem contemplar el que per

als habitants del barri ha sigut sempre es

“guafe” una espècie de moll on els grans

vaixells carregàven i que actualment segueixen

carregant tones de sal.

Darrere del moll,si el temps acompanyava,

s'apreciava l'illa de Formentera.

A simple vista era una línia recta. De fet,

molts cops, els turistes preguntàven que

on podien agafar l'autocar per anar a


Girant encara més el cap a la dreta, apreciàvem

el final, la no sortida del barri, les

cases de pescadors. N'hi havia i segueix

havent-hi moltes casetes. Podies observar

als pescadors arreglant les xarxes,

posant les canyes o els fils a punt. No

era una pesca professional el que feien,

s'agafava peix per fer sopa amb brou de

peix, un bullit...

Els dies de boira s'escoltaven les trompetes

sonar per fer-se sentir, ja que no es veien.

Al final de les casetes de pescadors hi ha

un camí que porta a una platja que gairebé

ningú coneix anomenada “Es Canal

de S'olla”, ja que has de caminar un bon

troç per arribar-hi. Una platja quasi verge,

de pedres petites, preciosa.

Gairebé tota la gent que vivia en aquella

època eren treballadors de la Salinera.

Però el que més m'agradava era l'olor

que desprenien aquells estius a aquella

casa, una olor que nomès he tingut allà.

Una barreja entre sol, arena, sal i aigüa

que de vegades torno a olorar ,em transporta

a tots els llocs que us he contat i em

recorda tot el que hi veia.

Laura Marí

C1, català

Des de fa poc més de cinc anys visc a aquesta illa tan meravellosa, i com m'és complicat

triar només un lloc per descriure, ja que n'hi ha molts extraordinaris, he decidit

descriure el meu poble, Sant Mateu d'Albarca.

Sant Mateu és un petit poble amb encant, d'uns quatre-cents habitants, que es troba

al nord-est de l'illa i pertany al municipi de Sant Antoni de Portmany.

N'està compost d'unes poques cases al voltant d'una bonica església blanca, típica de

l'arquitectura tan peculiar de tota l'illa. Altres poques cases estan al costat del pla del

poble i els seus voltants.

Cal destacar el seu entorn natural, especialment la zona de cultius coneguda com “El

Pla de Sant Mateu”, que és una preciosa àrea amb diferents arbres fruiters com oliveres,

vinyes, ametllers, garrofers, així com alguns horts. A més, és freqüent contemplar

ramats de cabres i ovelles travessant els camins. El pla es pot vorejar en cotxe o a peu.

Sant Mateu és un dels llocs preferits de molts eivissencs i visitants per practicar el

senderisme. Es poden fer magnífiques excursions com a Cala d'Albarca o al jaciment

arqueològic de Ses Torres d'en Lluc.

Si visites el meu poble, possiblement no trobaràs grans monuments ni grans centres

culturals, però a Sant Mateu podràs gaudir de la tranquil·litat i la senzillesa d'un encantador

poblet rural de l'interior de l'illa.

Andrea Brasa Rodríguez

C1, català


Al mig d’una talaia i grans penya-segats, envoltant de naturalesa viva, on es pot

respirar vida i tranquil·litat. Neix amb força i poder, de les profundes aigües, per

acaparar tota l’admiració, aquesta polida catedral. Envejosos estan tots els altres,

quan saben, que a la seva bellesa, mai podran arribar.

Simbologia de l’illa d’Eivissa, punt que tothom ha de visitar. Si algun dia es té l’oportunitat

d’anar-hi, és un lloc que us recomanaran, sobretot s’ha d’anar a veure el bell

paisatge que ofereix, quan al capvespre amb el sol, surten a passejar. Una bonica

estampa que de record s’emportaran.

Els curiosos quan van, no s’imaginen el que es van a trobar. Primerament un camí

empedrat pel qual no és fàcil caminar. Però, quan arriben al destí a més d’un la bava

se l’han hagut de netejar.

M’oblidava, oi! El més important que no s’ha mencionat. El nom d’aquest magnífic,

plàcid i encantador paratge és “Es Vedrà”.

Marta Martín Corrales

C1, català

Sa Caleta,

platja i cala


Sa Caleta, també anomenada Es Bou Nou, pertany al municipi de Sant Josep i està

situada a prop de l’aeroport a la costa sud de l’illa.

És una petita cala envoltada per penya-segats atoranjats amb roques argiloses. Sobre

els penya-segats es troben ruïnes d’un poblat fenici del segle VII a.C, declarades Patrimoni

de la Humanitat a 1999. La cala està rodejada per un bosc de pins , els quals

donen ombra a moltes famílies que van a passar la jornada d’estiu a la platja . No hi ha

construccions perquè és una zona protegida. Particularment , la platja està composta

per còdols i sorra fina, amb aigües clares i tranquil.les, poc profundes, també és considera

un bon lloc per bussejar i practicar esnorquél (immersió lleugera). El seu fons

marí és rocós amb abundants praderes de posidònia, això fa que hi hagi una abundant

fauna marina.

Sandra Almeida

C1, català

38 · SABIR



Año: 2005

País: Estados Unidos

Dirección: Shonda Rhimes (Creator), Rob Corn, Chandra Wilson, Tony Phelan,

Kevin McKidd, Denzel Washington

Guion: Shonda Rhimes, Stacy McKee, Krista Vernoff, William Harper, Joan

Rater, Debora Cahn,

Reparto: Ellen Pompeo, Patrick Dempsey, Katherine Heigl, Sandra Oh, James

Pickens Jr., Chandra Wilson, T.R. Knight, Isaiah Washington, Justin Chambers,

Jeffrey Dean Morgan, Kate Taylor, Janina Gavankar, Abigail Spencer, Geena


Género: Serie de TV. Drama. Romance | Medicina

Temporadas: 12 (hasta al momento)

Argumento: Serie de TV (2005-Actualidad). El famoso Hospital Seattle Grace

es el escenario en el que se desarrolla la vida de cinco jóvenes que, tras

licenciarse en medicina, empiezan allí un duro periodo de pruebas. La serie

ha sido definida como una mezcla entre Urgenciasy Sexo en Nueva York, por el

interés tanto de las intrigas amorosas como de los casos médicos. La frenética

actividad del equipo de cirujanos consigue transmitir el stress al que se ven

sometidos los personajes.

Le mie ferie da bambino

Dai 5 ai 15 anni sono sempre stato in vacanza sulla neve in Camprodón. È un luogo

montagnoso e rustico. Lì ho amici e mi piace molto quel luogo perché mi trovo come

a casa. Da piccolo mi piaceva molto buttarmi in slitta nella neve, fare battaglie di palle

di neve e sciare. I miei amici vendevano salumi fatti in casa ed era spettacolarmente

buono. Facevamo dei percorsi gastronomici dopo lo sci. Un anno abbiamo cambiato

Campordón per il Messico, lì abbiamo visitate molte rovine Maya, abbiamo mangiato

un sacco di tacos e siamo andati spesso in spiaggia. Questa non ha niente a che vedere

con quelle di Formentera.

Carlos Marí Mayans

A2 italià - EOI ext. Formentera

En mi opinión esta es una de las mejores series que hay de este género. El

primer episodio me fascinó y no pude dejarlo hasta que no acabé de ver todas

las temporadas. En principio esta serie nos muestra la vida de unos adolescentes

recién salidos de la escuela como residentes y todas las problemas con que

se enfrentan. El personaje principal, Meredith, se enamora de su doctor y se

cuenta la extraña historia de amor entre ellos. Como son muchas temporadas,

pasan muchas cosas, muchas personajes se van y aparecen otros.

¿Qué me gusta mucho a mi, aparte de la historia entre los personajes? El

tema médico. No sé si hay alguna emisión de medicina en tv, perocreo que

no hay nada que te muestre tan bien una operación. En cada episodio hay

unas cuantas operaciones, y al final de cada temporada hay algo grande que

pasa, como por ejemplo, un incendio en el hospital, un accidente grande, una

explosión,etc.donde resultan muchos heridos. Y lo más interesante es ver cómo

los personajes saben controlar una situación de urgencia.

Aparte de esto que me gusta mucho, en Anatomía de Greypuedes aprender

muchas cosas sobre la vida y sobre cómo puedes resolver unos problemas que

pensarías que no hay manera de arreglar. También está muy bien evidenciado

el tema de no al racismo: hay personajes de todas las partes del mundo y nadie

les trata mal. En definitiva, recomiendo esta serie a todo el mundo, porque creo

que puedes aprender muchas cosas.

Andreea Tausan

Español Intermedio B1

40 · SABIR

Eivissa amb el cor


Si viatjau a Eivissa en temporada baixa,

us aconsello anar a veure els ametllers

florits al pla de Sant Mateu per descobrir

la cara més autèntica de l’illa.

Febrer és el mes ideal per veure l’autèntic

espectacle natural dels ametllers

en floració; els camps de tota l’illa es

tenyeixen de flors blanques i rosàcies.

Llavors, és un moment màgic perquè

els residents, allunyats dels ritmes de

l’estiu, gaudeixen amb les seves famílies,

a peu o en bicicleta, d’aquest esdeveniment

natural envoltat de ramats

de cabres i ovelles pasturant, d’oliveres

centenàries i les vistes a la mar de

les illes Margalides.

Ana Amor

alumna B1 de català

L’Eivissa del meu

cor és al passat

L’Eivissa del meu cor

cendíem per la muntanya fins a la platja,

plena de roques i pedres i, asseguts

a un mur, ens assèiem a veure com el

sol es ponia i arribava el vespre.

Abans era un lloc en el qual no hi havia

més que un bar on et podies prendre

uns cafès i veure el capvespre en silenci;

ara s'ha tornat molt turístic, només

en alguns dies de tardor i hivern

encara li queda l'essència del passat

i només escoltes el silenci de les aus

i potser amb molta sort podràs veure

volar un falcó reial.

Luís Abuja

alumne del B1 de català

Eivissa és al meu

cor per tradicions

com la dels


El fameliar és un petit homenet que

ajuda a fer les feines més feixugues

de la casa. És incansable. L' energia

del fameliar només es pot vèncer manat-li

una feina impossible, com és ara

buidar un safareig o una sènia amb un


La manera com es creu que es podia

tenir un fameliar era anant davall el

pont Vell de Santa Eulària i a punt de

mitjanit de la nit de Sant Joan, neix una

floreta que s'ha d'introduir dins una

ampolla fosca i tapar-la bé; aquesta floreta

es converteix en un homenet que,

quan surt de l'ampolla, sempre demana

feina o menjar, i hom li ha de donar

una de les dues coses.

May Ruiz

alumne del B1 de català

La pedrera de Cala

d’Hort és l’Eivissa

del meu cor

És una antiga pedrera de marès, d´on

treien les pedres per fer les construccions

a Vila, aquest fet ha donat unes

formes molt boniques a les roques i

Quan vaig arribar a Eivissa, solia anar

a Cap des Falcó a mirar la posta de sol

dels dissabte i els diumenges amb les

meves gossetes Tana i Lua (dues schnauzer

gegants) i passàvem tot el dia

caminat per ses Salines i, a la fi del

dia, acabàvem a Cap des Falco, un penya-segat

del sud de l'illa d'Eivissa; en

direcció a Sant Francesc de s'Estany.

És un lloc que m’evoca el passat i els

moments grats de quan vaig arribar

a l’illa. Quan arribava al lloc, com jo,

molts pujàvem per la muntanya, alguns

es quedaven a peu de camí; ja que a

mesura que vas pujant la muntanya es

fa més costeruda i la ruta és més difícil

de caminar. Als meus gossos no els importava

en absolut, així que continuàvem

la pujada, i quan arribaves al cim;

t'adonaves que havia valgut la pena

l'esforç, en veure tanta bellesa des del

penya-segat. Després d'un temps, desha

creat unes piscines naturals meravelloses.

La gent ha fet dibuixos i

escultures tallades a la mateixa pedra,

cosa que li dona un aspecte molt

místic, pareix que som en un altre

planeta, per això li han posat el nom

popular d´Atlantis. Tot el lloc està

envoltat d´un ambient de pau que et

permet relaxar-te i gaudir d’una zona


A mi m’agrada anar-hi només a relaxar-me

mirant les formes que tenen els

murs de pedra o ficar-me en una de les

piscines naturals que es varen formar

en extreure la pedra i gaudir de la seva

aigua cristal·lina.

Miguel Reyes

alumne del B1 de català

L’Eivissa del meu

cor té unes vistes

que alimenten


Quan vaig arribar a Eivissa a viure,

vaig quedar atònit en veure tanta bellesa

natural al meu voltant, la idea

errònia d'una illa creada només per a

l'oci nocturn s’ensorrà per complet en

veure paisatges i platges de somni. Un

dels meus llocs preferits és el far de


És el far més alt d'Eivissa, té un aspecte

molt singular, decorat amb

una espiral negra i situat a les rodalies

de Portinatx. El sender que

hi condueix surt de l'aparcament de

la caleta des Portitxol de Portinatx.

Després d'un agradable passeig,

s'arriba al far. Jo, personalment, sol

anar-hi, com a mínim un cop a l'any,

les vistes dels penya-segats són

impressionants i respirar l'aire pur

m'alimenta l'ànima. Us anim a anarhi

i esper que us agradi!

Fran Naranjo

alumne del B1 de català

Un tresor a l’Eivissa

del meu cor

Si teniu la sort de viure a Eivissa tot

l’any, us recomano visitar les seves

platges i cales a l’hivern. La meva preferida,

és, sense dubte, les platges de

Comte. Té dues parts ben diferenciades.

A l’esquerra, una platja baix d’un

penya-segat i a la dreta una platja extensa

d’arena grossa. Si teniu paciència

i us agrada buscar tresors, agafant

l’arena amb les mans, podeu trobar

pedres de Santa Llúcia, també anomenades

ulls de Shiva. A casa en tenim un

got de vidre que anem omplint amb

aquestes peces tan especials.

Llavors, podeu seure enfront de la mar

i observar el magnífic treball que fa la

nostra pradera de posidònia netejant

l’aigua i aconseguint que quedi d’aquest

color turquesa tan característic.

Pilar Morante

alumna B1 de català

Punta Galera al cor

Si us agraden els llocs tranquils, la natura

i el sol, us recomano un racó d’Eivissa

que, malgrat que ha esdevingut

un lloc molt conegut, encara conserva

molt encant i, a la temporada baixa, s’hi

pot anar sense aglomeracions. Es tracta

de Punta Galera.

La barreja de les seves aigües turqueses

amb les roques estratificades

formen un paisatge molt polit i també

atípic. Les roques formen uns espais

plans on us podreu ajeure i gaudir del

paisatge i també podreu botar des

d’algunes roques a l’aigua. De fet, és

gairebé l’única manera de ficar-se a

l’aigua. I encara falta el millor, la posta

de sol és de les millors de l’illa. Agafau

una cervesa i a gaudir! Si us oblidau

el banyador, no passarà res, no sereu

els únics!

Fabián García

alumne del B1 de català



but you



Es verano en una isla mediterránea. Una

pareja de recién casados, desayunando

juntos en su nueva casa, por primera

vez. Aire fresco, café con leche y pan

con queso, tomate y aceite de oliva. Son

recuerdos bonitos.

Para ella era todo diferente, hasta el pan

mismo era diferente. En Ibiza todo es

verde, con los pinos. Ella no estaba acostumbrada

a vivir en una casa de campo

donde no hay tiendas, ni gente ni vecinos.

Pero al final no le ha parecido mal venir

aquí, porque por lo menos ha encontrado

la tranquilidad en su nueva vida.


Wassima Beruhu

Español Básico A2

Voy a presentar a Jonathan: no es una

persona, sino un coche muy bonito, es

un Volkswagen Beetle descapotable,

rojo. Para mí es una alegría grande utilizar

a Jonathan cada día. Jonathan encaja

perfectamente con la isla bonita.

Pero hay una razón por la cual él no es

perfecto: Jonathan es un coche diésel.

Los activistas por el clima dicen que los

coches son malos para el clima, en general,

y específicamente los coches con un

motor diésel. Por eso he decidido utilizar

a Jonathan menos, caminar más y utilizar

el bus. ¿Qué pensáis?

Klaus Panitz

Español Básico A2


Soy una persona con suerte. Puedo

nombrar algunos hechos para eso: una

infancia con seis hombres, mi madre

y yo. Aprendí muchas cosas buenas (y

malas también). Hoy he aprendido que

no hay nada bueno (por ejemplo, sabiduría,

empatía y lealtad) si no se ha sembrado

antes, y se ha cultivado antes. Solo

así volverá a ti. Después tantas responsabilidades:

matrimonio, hijos… Y hoy

continúo con mucha suerte. Tengo una

vida tranquila, dos clases: la de español

y la de english, que me gustan mucho.

Mi suerte son ahora mis maestros y las

personas increíbles, los mejores de Ibiza.


Zelia Pinto

Español Básico A2

Las 8:30 de la mañana. Para mí, el alba,

sentada en un bar para desayunar. Una

cosa rara. Aprovecho el sol de color naranja.

Pasa a través del cristal de la ventana

y me calienta todo el lado izquierdo:

la cara y el hombro. Me siento brillar. El

corazón se llena de sensaciones positivas:

la esperanza en el futuro. En este

momento de miedo para la humanidad.

Si ahora, todos los seres humanos pudieran

disfrutar de un solo instante de vida,

el pánico se dispersaría como nieve al

sol, el mismo sol naranja de esta mañana

de final de febrero.

Paola di Pietro

Español Básico A2

Camino mágico

What would life be if you realize that your final destination in

an extremely troubled journey is a desert island? And above

everything else, what would you miss the most?

I’m sure you will agree with my point. Some people are able to spend most of their time

alone and rely only on themselves as well, but most of us would be absolutely terrified

awaking on an empty island with no one to share the experience with.

The first thing to consider regarding myself is that I could never imagine being

involved in this situation without my significant other.

In addition to this, no one can deny that big troubles such as injuries or illnesses should

be easier to be solved with some help.

Apart from that, daily matters which involve safety, fishing, hunting and so much more

would be incredibly difficult to deal with if you only count on yourself.

Furthermore, not only this regular tasks and issues should be considered. What about

loneliness and homesickness? This emotions can increase the isolation feeling and

eventually, they could develop in crisis or even in some serious behavior disorders.

In my opinion, I could not imagine such an adventure without the love of my life. I would

be overwhelmed, and despite the fact that I am a great swimmer and my knowledge

in survival is above average, I would appreciate some help in daily labors and I would

enjoy conversation for sure.

So, you’d better start your journeys in company of your beloved ones if you want to

guarantee your survival!

Jorge Vila Valero

B2.2 anglès - EOI ext. Formentera

Este camino es donde viven las hadas.

Desde las siete hasta las diez, si tú vas a

pasear este camino sientes sobre lo que

yo escribo… Solo la gente especial tiene

este sentimiento. Da igual el tiempo que

tú andes por este sitio (mañanas, tardes o

por la noche): es siempre mágico. Posiblemente

es así porque las hadas viven aquí.

Por ejemplo, cuando la luna brilla por las

noches junto con las estrellas hay una

luz increíble… Es como un cuento de

hadas… La gente de San Rafael llama a

este camino el “camino de la cruz”, porque

la iglesia y el cementerio están muy

cerca. Yo no lo puedo explicar, pero este

pequeño camino tiene paz y una chispa

maravillosa de Dios.

Petra Plelli

Español Básico A2


De repente lo vi: con su ropa multicolor

andando con un aire presumido. Me entraron

las ganas de atraparlo. Me precipité

detrás de él, corriendo como un

loco. Yo le pillo el poncho y solamente

me quedo con un bocata de plumas.

Mi móvil

Chloé Valérie

Español Básico A2

El móvil es una cosa muy necesaria. La

privacidad, también. Pero en mi móvil,

no. […] En el whatsapp hay 30 grupos:

desde el grupo de clase de mis hijos, el

del fútbol, el de los compañeros de clase…

hasta el grupo de mis vecinos […]

En “contactos” encontrarás bastante números:

el del conductor del autobús del

cole, el del monitor de la piscina, el de las

madres de los amigos de mis hijos, el de

los profesores de repaso, el del profesor

de árabe… así que no me extraña que mi

móvil se bloquee una vez al mes. No os

sorprendáis. Es el móvil de una madre.

Bouchra Louah

Español Básico A2

Without them…

Can you


Have you ever imagined a world without

them? A world without warrior

women… Can you imagine?

I have, and it would be… terrifying, especially

for us, women.

The world would be an absolutely

bleak picture without the struggle and

effort of many women. A world with

lack of many fundamental rights for half

of the population, women.

In the first place, without the suffragettes,

today we would not have the right to

vote. They fought and literally gave their

lives to get this right. As a Spanish woman,

I have to thank Clara Campoamor for

leading this fight in our country.

Another woman to consider is Rosa

Parks who inspired the civil rights

movement in the USA as the first black

woman who got on a bus reserved only

for white people, committing an act

of civil disobedience. Thousands of

women created history and stood out in

other areas, like Marie Curie, winner

of two Nobel awards, award reserved

especially for men. Margaret Thatcher

was the first prime minister of the United

Kingdom. Mary Wollstone Craft,

Florence Nightingale, Simone de Beauvoir,

Virginia Wolf, Juan de Arco, Frida

Kahlo and so many other marked our

current destiny.

In conclusion, our rights have not fallen

from the sky, neither do they remain

in time, so we must continue with their

legacy and maintain our current rights

that may be jeopardized by the rise of

the extreme right.

As Gloria Steinem said: “a feminist is

anyone who recognizes equality and full

humanity in women and men.”

Erika Lisbon

Anglès, B2.1

42 · SABIR

SABIR · 43

In my country many tourists come to

spend their enjoyable and amazing

holidays in Ibiza, because of the bright

and clear sea.

However, most of them do not respect

the environment.

As a result, they pollute the island with

plastic and paper.

In fact, the action of the Human represents

a 35% damage of the posidonia in Ibiza.

Then, are tourists negatively affecting

the environment?

On the one hand, and according to

some statistics, tourism provides high

potential to support job creation. Many

young people come here to find a job.

Moreover, companies make job offers

for the whole year, so If I were you, I

would try to get the opportunity. For

this reason, I live in Ibiza all year round.

On the other hand, mass tourism is not

environmentally friendly. In addition,

they enjoy to rent boats for entertainment

while the burning of fossil fuels creates

gases in the atmosphere. It affects marine

life like posidonia, especially when

they use the anchors. It is said that it

takes one year to regenerate. Actually,

there are fines from 100 to 2 million euro

for all those who destroy seaweed.

To sum up, I consider tourism is undoubtedly

beneficial for the economy.

However, tourists should be green for

the new generation who will need a

healthy planet to live.

Inma Castro

B2.1, group C

Although it was beautiful, I knew I

didn't want to stay much longer. The

music was brilliant, the disc jockey

was choosing the perfect track

in every moment. The performance

was inspired in the Venice Carnival,

the dancers were wearing masques

like the people on the dance floor.

It was a stunning show but it was so

crowded. I looked around, felt that

amazing atmosphere for the last time

and I left the disco.

While I was waiting at the taxi queue

I found something under my right

shoe. It looked like trash, a piece of

paper or a piece of plastic. I tried to

take it off with the help of my other

foot but I was not able and finally I

did it with my fingers. Then, something

of that disgusting paper looked

familiar. Actually, its size, its colour

where it wasn't dirty reminded me

of money. "That can't be possible", I

thouhgt, but when I checked it, I had

in my hands a dirty, broken five hundred

euro note. I was so excited that I

dind't realise it was my turn to take a

taxi and go home.

The next morning I went to the bank,

I wanted to know if it had any value or

it was just a fake. After a few checks,

the clerk decided that it was legal

and gave me a new one of the same

value. What a lucky night!

Roberto Gálvez

B2.1, group B

Cadavre exquis (exquisite corpse)

Cadavre exquis is similar to the old parlour game consequences – in which players

write in turn on a sheet of paper, fold to conceal what they have written,

and pass it on to the next player.

The collaborative text below was written using a similar technique, and it includes

different expressions with uncountable nouns. Its authors are C2 English

students Carme Roca, Virginia Medina, Bryan S. Yuquilema, Ana Segura, Verónica

Tur, Will van Cornewal, Toni Matutes, Caty Marí and Jaume Cabalgante.

I was in bed when a ray of sunshine came in through the window and woke me up.

All of a sudden, the weather changed drastically and a rumble of thunder echoed

in my bedroom. Not only that, but also a gust of wind came in through the window.

Therefore, most of the furniture in the room was broken, but I had a stroke of luck

and the most important thing for me wasn’t destroyed: my precious clock. Sadly, the

pane of glass was broken, but luckily the rest of it was intact and I had to make sure

not a single speck of dust went through the cracks.

Finally, a state of emergency was declared in the whole town. Later on, I realised that

all the neighbourhood ended up reeling off a stream of abuse against the major

down the streets.


Los aprendizajes

Todos los aprendizajes que hacemos son útiles y tienen valores para nuestra vida.

Entre los muchos aprendizajes que yo he tenido, algunos me han ayudado a conseguir

trabajos. Gracias a la carrera en la universidad, yo obtuve la licencia de profesor

de lengua inglesa en la secundaria y en el bachillerato. Mi estudio de posgrado

me ayudó a tener un trabajo en la universidad. Aquí en España no conseguí la

homologación de mis estudios de Japón, pero mis carreras y la experiencia como

profesora me abrieron las puertas para dar clases de japonés a los españoles.

Hace siete años compré un viejo BMW y me entraron ganas de aprender mecánica

del automóvil para mantener y reparar mi BMW. Para entrar en el curso, necesitaba

sacar el título de secundaria. Así que empecé a dar clases en la escuela de adultos

para conseguir el título. Como tenía que estudiar sólo tres asignaturas, no necesitaba

ir a la escuela todas las tardes. Luego, sin embargo, en la escuela de formación profesional

diariamente tenía seis horas de clase por la tarde. Cada año estudié la mitad de

las asignaturas del curso y así lo acabé en cuatro años, en lugar de dos años.

Cuando estudiaba mecánica, aunque me gustaba mucho aprenderla, no pensaba

trabajar después de ello, porque cuando acabé el último año del curso, tenía 55

años y pensé que ya físicamente no tenía tanta fuerza como los jóvenes, y porque

ya tenía presbicia y perdía la memoria. Pero al final de las prácticas en un taller, me

ofrecieron seguir trabajando allí mismo y ahora trabajo como mecánica por la mañana

y por la tarde sigo dando las clases de japonés.

Los estudios y los aprendizajes siempre nos ayudan. No solamente los estudios sino

cualquier aprendizaje (las aficiones, por ejemplo) también nos ayudan a crecer, a

madurar y a pasarlo bien. Nos enriquecen. Hay que probar algo cuando nos interesa

de verdad. Puede que encontremos algo que no esperamos. ¿Nos lo vamos a perder?

Tratamientos ayurvédicos

Fumie Imaoka

Español, Intermedio B2

Os recomiendo hacer una cura de Ayurveda una vez. Yo hice mi primera cura cuando

tenía 35 años, y no fue la última. Ya después de una semana de tratamientos, me sentía

fenomenal. Cuando regresé a Alemania -después de tres semanas en Sri Lanka- tenía

un rostro radiante, y la gente me preguntaba qué había hecho, y me decían que

querían hacer lo mismo ;). Desde luego, parecía más joven y con mucha mejor salud.

El Ayurveda es la medicina tradicional de India y ya existe desde unos 3.000 años.

La filosofía de esta medicina es que el cuerpo, la mente y el alma tienen que estar

en equilibrio. Para conseguir este estado, se tiene que limpiar el cuerpo de todo lo

que no es bueno para nosotros. Según los doctores ayurvédicos, hay tres tipos de

constituciones diferentes (que llaman doshas): Vata, Pita y Kapha. Cada constitución

necesita una vida diferente.

Los elementos de tal cura de limpieza, llamada Panchakarma, son la nutrición, la medicina,

los tratamientos y yoga y meditación. Cada tipo recibe su propia alimentación,

y su medicina, que consiste únicamente en plantas, y se prepara para cada persona

individualmente. Los tratamientos, que son en su mayoría masajes para hacer entrar

aceites en el cuerpo, también se practican con aceites específicos para cada tipo.

Una cura de Ayurveda no es economica, pero es una buena inversión para nuestra

salud y, como dicen, ¡para una vida larga y saludable!

Barbara Altmann

Español, Intermedio B2


by David Safier

“Bad Karma” is the first novel by David

Safier, published in Germany in 2007.

This novel denotes the origin of the author

as a television screenwriter, since

both the protagonist (who is a TV presenter)

and a good part of the plot are

set in that medium.

Kim Karlsen is a successful, ambitious

and selfish television host who lives for

work. She neglects her daugther and is

unfaithful to her handsome husband.

But one day, she dies in an absurd way

and, despite the drama of the situation,

I could not help laughing, because

she reincarnates in different

ways, since she has not accumulated

enough good karma to go to Nirvana.

When she was alife, Kim had accumulated

bad karma because she was a

bad person. Once dead, she will have

time to think about the way she acted

in life, to reflect on what really matters

to her and therefore, to accumulate

good karma. Thus, according to the

good or bad karma that she accumulates,

Kim will live as several animals:

an ant in the garden of her house in

Potsdam (Germany), a guinea pig at

home as well, a cow in Yorkton (Canada),

an earthworm in Ireland, a potato

beetle in Corsica, a squirrell near the

border between Germany and Holland,

a dog back home, and, finally,

she reincarnates into a human being,

a woman who has just died of a heart


Kim will meet another reincarnated

human being: Giacomo Casanova. I

think this caracter is the best thing

about the book. The story is narrated

by Kim, but from time to time, we

will find some footnotes that are the

Memoirs of Casanova and where he

tells the story from his point of view.

I liked the book so much. It’s funny

and enjoyable and the plot is not very

complicated. The main objective of the

book is to advise the reader and make

us think about the life you lead, about

the priorities you give to things and if

you truly appreciate what you have.

I have not really liked the main character,

Kim because she is very selfish

and arrogant. Giacomo Casanova is a

better character. I recommend reading

this book next summer on the beach,

especially people who like spending a

while being entertained.

Enric Escanellas Colomar

C1.1, Extensió Formentera




Aquest curs el Departament d’Anglès, amb la col·laboració de l’equip directiu, ha

organitzat un cicle de sessions anomenat “Having tea with...”, a les quals rebem la

visita d’una persona nativa angloparlant que fa una xerrada informal amb el nostre

alumnat. Aquestes trobades, que tenen lloc a la biblioteca, es fan amb grups reduïts

d’alumnes perquè sigui més fàcil animar-se a parlar. Normalment oferim dues sessions

d’una hora cadascuna i les amenitzam amb te, cafè, refrescos, sucs i pastetes

per gaudir de la xerrada amb un aperitiu.

A causa de la cancel·lació de les classes presencials per l’emergència sanitària del

Covid-19, enguany només hem pogut gaudir de la visita d’una de les dues persones

convocades, Marilyn Winkel García. Gràcies a la seua simpatia i bona predisposició,

la sessió va ser molt interessant i engrescadora!

Na Marilyn va venir al mes de març per fer una sessió doble amb l’alumnat d'alguns

grups d'anglès Intermedi (B2.1 i B2.2) i Avançat (C1.1 i C2). Aquesta londinenca eixerida

va arribar a Eivissa el 1969, quan tenia només 17 anys, i va treballar com a

guia turística durant gairebé 50 anys.

En la seua sessió, la nostra convidada ens va explicar part de la seua trajectòria vital

i professional, centrant-se en els contrastos que va veure en arribar a l’Eivissa dels

anys seixanta des d’una gran ciutat com Londres; en els canvis que ha vist a l’illa en

tots aquests anys, i en l’evolució que ha patit el turisme a Balears durant les darreres

dècades. Na Marilyn també ens va explicar una sèrie d’anècdotes sobre els seus

primers anys treballant com a guia turística i sobre com va conèixer el que ara és el

seu marit, un eivissenc que treballava com a recepcionista a l’hotel on ella estava, i

que sabia parlar una mica d’anglès.

A més, na Marilyn ha fet classes d’anglès extraescolars a infants i és una políglota

declarada que ha estudiat diversos idiomes, entre els quals es troben el català, el

rus i el francès. Gràcies a aquest amor per les llengües, va oferir al nostre alumnat

alguns consells útils per adquirir nou vocabulari fàcilment, com ara llegir molt i intentar

construir frases amb les paraules noves que s’aprenen amb la lectura. L’alumnat

es va animar a fer-li preguntes sobre la seua visió de l’illa, del turisme i d’altres

temes d’interès.

Actualment, na Marilyn està retirada i reparteix el seu temps entre la família, els viatges

i la cuina. De fet, ens va portar un deliciós pastís amb melmelada (crab apple

jelly) del qual no van quedar ni les engrunes!

Esperam poder gaudir de moltes més sessions com aquesta el curs vinent, i així

poder oferir al nostre alumnat l’opció de participar en situacions de contacte real

amb la llengua anglesa.

Departament d’Anglès de l’EOI d’Eivissa i Formentera

Una storia improvvisata

L’amore non sempre avvisa quando appare

di fronte a te. Non ricordo il giorno

esatto in cui si fermò davanti ai miei

occhi, non ricordo quello che stavamo

facendo né ricordo le prime parole che

ci siamo scambiati. La sua figura si mimetizzava

tra quelle facce sconosciute

di un nuovo anno accademico.

Ma l’ho conosciuta poco a poco grazie

alla stessa strada per tornare a casa

dopo il lavoro. Quei momenti sono serviti

a spiegare chi eravamo e da dove

venivamo. Dopo cene improvvisate,

conversazioni con il cellulare e dato che

c’eravamo, anche pranzi improvvisati.

Tra tanti tratti, i suoi sorrisi mi hanno

alla fine affascinato e una fiamma nel

mio cuore si accese.

Un mercoledì, lasciammo il lavoro e improvvisammo

un’altra cena. Un piano

fantastico nel mezzo della settimana: sushi

e un film. Quando è arrivato l’unico

taglio pubblicitario, abbastanza lungo,

le ho detto:

- Sai? In questi giorni ho scritto una piccola

storia, è molto breve. Ti piacerebbe

leggerla? Non l’ho ancora mostrata a

nessuno. La porto nello zaino.

- Certo sì, che illusione – mi disse lei.

Mi sono avvicinato allo zaino da lì ho

El polifacètic Toni Manonelles visita l' EOI

Toni Manonelles realitza

una conferència sobre plats

i costums

de la



Eivissa, 24-02-2020

preso una piega di fogli pinzati.

- La potrai leggere molto velocemente.

Spero ti piaccia.

Seduta accanto a me sul divano, ha letto

quella storia di 3 pagine mentre guardavo

gli spot televisivi, nervoso dentro.

Quando girò l’ultimo foglio e lesse un

frammento, una risata le sfuggì. Cercavo

un respiro che calmasse il mio interno

senza togliere lo sguardo dallo schermo.

Finì di leggere con un lieve sorriso.

Allora mi sono girato verso di lei e quando

ho visto la sua faccia ho chiesto:

- L’hai capito?

- Sì!

- E cosa rispondi?

...un piccolo silenzio...

- Certo sì.

Lei avvicinò il viso e... ci siamo dati il

primo bacio.

Quella cena improvvisata in fondo in

fondo non era mai stata così improvvisata

come sembrava. Sul tavolo c’era quel

libro fatto a mano che nascondeva un finale

con una domanda:

Ti piacerebbe uscire con me?

Òscar Mayans


B1 italià - EOI Formentera

El dimecres, 18 de desembre de 2019,

l’alumnat del B2 de català de l’EOI, va

organitzar un acte, emmarcat dins

un projecte cooperatiu del curs, en

què els assistents van poder tastar-hi

plats típics de l’illa elaborats pels


L’esdeveniment, realitzat a l’aula 11 de

l’EOI, va consistir en una conferència i

un berenar. Per a la conferència, la professora

del B2, coneguda per impartir

les classes d'una manera creativa i motivadora,

va convidar en Toni Manonelles

(apassionat de la cultura popular i tradicional

pitiüsa) a parlar de les tradicions

i la gastronomia tradicional. Els alumnes,

al seu torn, van fer la presentació

d'un treball sobre receptes i plats típics

eivissencs, durant la qual es va dur a

terme una degustació de plats típics

eivissencs com la salsa de Nadal, bescuit,

orelletes, bunyols, coca pujada,

cocarrois, panellets i pa amb sobrassada,

tot això regat amb un bon vi pagès

dels Amunts.

Els assistents (alumnes d’altres nivells de

català, membres de l’equip directiu i alguns

convidats) varen gaudir de les diferents

explicacions i anècdotes del conegut

escriptor durant una hora que es va

fer curta i profitosa. Manonelles va contar

que, antigament, en Setmana Santa

a cada casa eivissenca es feia un flaó per

a cada membre de la família i cadascú es

menjava el seu. Ningú no compartia el

seu flaó amb la resta de la família.

Durant la degustació, els assistents varen

poder gaudir de l’explicació per part

dels alumnes de les receptes dels diferents

plats, la seva elaboració, l’origen i

tradició. Cal mencionar la forta acollida

per part dels assistents i la bona disposició

del convidat a l’acte per a pròxims


Alumnat del B2 de català

44 · SABIR

SABIR · 45

This happened a few years ago.I

was finishing my studies and my

family and I were informed that

in Barcelona there was a university fair

where the different universities around

Spain had come. They had to explain us

what kind of studies we could choose.

As I didn’t want to miss classes we went

at the weekend.

The first part of the journey was

fantastic. We arrived at Barcelona

airport without any problems. We took

a bus to the city center and we got off

the bus. After a while, we realized

that our hotel was so far from us. So

we had to walk a lot to arrive at our

hotel. Besides, the following days it was

raining a lot.

It was an awful journey because in

the end I didn’t find any career that

interested me and I think the journey

was worthless. But it was a special

moment that we spent together.


Marina Mayans Parra


This happened a few years ago,

when I was in Italy. I was doing

my Erasmus in Catania, Sicily,

and my friends and I wanted to do a

journey around the east coast of the

island by car because we loved the idea

of discovering our area.

The first part of the journey was very

good and funny, we visited many little

cities as Siracusa, Augusta, Modica,

Ragusa, etc. But during the way to

Caltagirone one tire of the car went

flat. We didn’t know how to change it

and furthermore we didn’t have the

necessary instruments to do it.

After that, we tried to stop some

driver for half an hour, but no one

stopped to help us. Suddenly, a red

car stopped and the man asked us if

we needed help and we answered him

with an enormous YES. We were very

lucky because he was a mechanic and

he helped us.

In the end, as we were very grateful

to him, we invited him to eat out for

dinner. It was a very funny journey and

we could visit more cities in Sicily, in

spite of that awful situation.

José Antonio Mulet Ferrer


This happened a few months

ago. I live in Formentera, in

the Balearic Islands, and my

boyfriend and I had booked a flight

and a hotel in Oporto for a few days in

December to escape from the routine

before Christmas holidays.

The first part of the trip was fine. We

arrived in Madrid and we had to make

a stop there to take another flight

towards Oporto. We were walking to

the boarding gate when suddenly my

boyfriend realized that he had left his

wallet into the previous flight.

After speaking to the workers of Iberia

for a while, they told us that we couldn’t

take that flight. As soon as we could,

we went to recover the wallet and

immediately we went to Iberia office to

try to take the next flight next morning.

We had to sleep in a hostel near the

airport because the flight departure

was at 7 am.

In the end we were lucky and we could

take the flight. We arrived at 8 am

because there they have one less hour

and we could enjoy the whole day.

Luckily, although the beginning was

horrible, we had fantastic holidays.

Anna Roselló




Have you ever met a person who inspired

you? I have to tell you that two years ago

I found the person who inspires me, the

person who teaches me how beautiful

the world is. He is my life partner.

I will never forget the first time he told

me “What a lovely light there is on this

island” (he was born in the north of

Spain). I stared at the sky and I thought

“Wow, that’s true”. People are so used

to the things they have that they don’t

see beyond.

Have you ever stopped to analyse,

when you listen to a song, how the bass

player or the drummer or the pianist

sound individually? Even the one who

plays the triangle? These little things

are what I’m talking about.

He showed me that every moment is important

and we have to be aware of it.

The people that make you grow are important,

the love you give and the one

you receive is important.

It´s absolutely wonderful to be able

to perceive more sensations, smells,

sounds, flavours, colours, sounds… that

I previously ignored. Life is short and

you can change it from now, as well. So

not only look, you have to see, not only

hear, you have to listen. The world is under

your feet!

Maite Contreras

B2.1 A


d’où viennent

les crêpes?

A1, francès

Il était une fois en 1912, au milieu de la mer, le Titanic

naviguait en route aux États Unis.

Dans la partie qui hébergeait les passagers pauvres, il

y avait un jeune homme qui s’appellait Bartolo et qui avait

très faim. Il n’avait que des oeufs, de la farine, du lait et du

beurre. Il a tout mélangé et il a essayé de manger la pâte crue cependant il l’a trouvée

dégoûtante. Après y avoir réfléchi un petit moment, il a décidé de la faire cuire dans

une poêle. L’odeur était si bonne que les passagers riches ont commencé à suivre

l’arôme sans se rendre compte qu’ils s’amoncelaient sur le même côté du bateau. Tout

à coup, ils ont ouvert la porte et ils ont aperçu Bartolo qui était en train de préparer ses

crêpes ( il avait décidé de les appeler comme ça en hommage à sa mère qui s’appelait

Marie Crêpière). Immédiatement, toute la foule est entrée dans la cabine pour goûter

les crêpes. Mais,zut alors !!!!!! Le bateau a commencé à saborder sur ce côté là. Bref,

il a coulé mais pas à cause d’un iceberg comme dit l’histoire.

Finalement, Bartolo a réussi à se sauver. Et la recette des crêpes avec lui!!!!!!!!

Un po’ di me

Le mie ferie da


Quando ero piccola andavo con i miei

genitori e i miei fratelli a Barcellona

per trascorrere le vacanze di Natale

nella casa dei miei zii. La loro casa non

era molto grande, però avevamo posto

pe tutti. Io dormivo con mia cugina.

I miei genitori mettevano il letto nel

salotto e i miei fratelli dormivano con

mio cugino. Sembrava così divertente,

tutto era pieno di letto. Mangiavamo

dolci natalizi, una volta ho mangiato

carbone dolce.

La Vigilia dei Rei Magi mettevamo

tutte le nostre scarpe sul pavimento,

una volta ho messo anche i calzini.

Eravamo molto nervosi e la zia ci

diceva di mettere un po’ di latte per i

Re. La mattina dopo ci svegliavamo

prestissimo, era tutto il salotto pieno

di giocattoli. È stato magico! Una volta

mi hanno portato una bambola di

colore. Sento molta felicità ricordando

quel Natale.

Consuelo Jimenez

A2 italià - EOI ext. Formentera

Mi chiamo Raquel e sono una persona

avventurosa, mi piace scoprire posti

nuovi e conoscere gente nuova, mi considero

socievole e amichevole, anche se

a volte dipende dalla situazione sono

un po’ timida. Questo mi fa sembrare

un po’ taciturna e distante. Il mio passatempo

preferito è dipingere. Mi considero

una persona creativa, mi pìace

molto l'arte. Quando dipingo o creo

qualcosa sono perfezionista. Questo mi

irrita perché sono incapace di fermarmi

fino a che non faccio bene una cosa.

La mia migliore amica si chiama Silvia,

anche lei è artista. Noi ci siamo conosciute

quando abbiamo fatto un master

d'arte a Valencia. Lei è sensibile, empatica

e sempre mi ascolta. È molto tranquilla

e distratta anche se, un po’ disordinata.

Il suo hobby è uguale al mio, le piace

l'arte ed è anche una persona molto creativa.

Noi due abbiamo vissuto molte

avventure insieme. Un anno siamo andate

in Francia e non abbiamo calcolato

bene i soldi. Abbiamo dovuto mangiare

formaggio e pane ogni giorno.

La mia amica è la mia famiglia, mi sento

molto fortunata perché fa parte della

mia vita.


B1 italià - EOI ext. Formentera

46 · SABIR





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